Philosphy of Language
Recent papers in Philosphy of Language
Ione. Il passaggio dalla cultura orale alla cultura scritta stravolge la struttura del sapere e introduce più esplicitamente alla distinzione tra forma e contenuto. Socrate trae le somme di questa trasformazione
Témou príspevku je jednak analýza Heglovej koncepcie ideovej („obsahovej“) roviny umeleckého diela, a zároveň polemika o životaschopnost i Heglovej umeleckej estetiky. Prácou usilujem najmä o zodpovedanie otázky, či Heglovo myslenie... more
The faculty of uttering words represents the most characteristic bio-cognitive activity of the human being. The uniquely human ability to learn how to speak and understand verbal language is deeply rooted in the physical structure of our... more
These are, or were thought to be, the foundation voices of our cultures. As such, I would have expected that we have developed what they taught, not just ignored or overthrown it. Great Souls is an attempt to uncover the voices of Jesus,... more
In this paper, I try to answer the following questions: what are objects in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus? What function does a name perform in a sentence according to Wittgenstein? What is the Bedeutung of a name? I argue... more
This article aims to deepen our understanding of Nicolas Beauzée's (1717–1789) attempt to establish a science of grammar modeled upon natural philosophy. At this endeavor’s heart stood Beauzee's analysis of grammatical time. Beauzée's... more
My book, "Deflationism & Semantic Theories of Truth", is available as a paperback via Amazon: To say that the sentence “snow is white” is true, is to... more
Filosofía del lenguaje : horizontes y territorios I Bily López (coordinador) .-Ciudad de México: Colofón, 2018 ISBN: 9786078563401 345 p.
Las aproximaciones conceptuales a la actividad interpretativa son tan variables como variables son los objetos que se ofrecen a la interpretación, desde el mundo físico considerado qua mundo fí- sico, hasta las múltiples manifestaciones... more
Partout où nous affirmons quelque chose, nous devons être capables, au moins en principe, de dire comment la vérité de notre affirmation peut être testée, sans quoi nous ne savons pas de quoi nous parlons 1. Pour Dieu, dire, c'est faire :... more
This paper explains Wittgenstein’s understanding of the ‘grammar’ of our (or any) language, tracing its origins in the Tractatus’s concept of logical syntax, and then examining the senses in which Wittgenstein, in his later work, viewed... more
Its a very handy paper which can be very useful for law students, where they can find all the punishments very easily.
Tous les juristes connaissent la distinction entre les décisions administratives et les actes administratifs non décisoires. Cette distinction détermine, en principe, la recevabilité du recours contentieux. Elle a fait l'objet de nombreux... more
¿Qué lleva a que concibamos el mundo del modo en que lo hacemos? ¿Por qué distintas culturas lo imaginan y piensan conforme a sus peculiares maneras de hacerlo? En este singular ensayo, desarrollado con admirable precisión, Andrés Claro... more
In “On Denoting” Bertrand Russell uses the phrase “the present King of France” as an example of a denoting phrase that does not actually refer to an existent object. This is opposed to phrases that denote to existent objects, such as “the... more
a cura di Adriano Bertollini e Roberto Finelli - Soglie del linguaggio compie una ricognizione e una messa in comunicazione delle molteplici anime che nel Dipartimento di Filosofia, Comunicazione e Spettacolo lavorano, da prospettive... more
Zbornik izlazi svake druge godine i donosi radove koje su autori na temelju referata izloženih na međunarodnoj naučnoj konferenciji "Sarajevski filološki susreti" pripremili za objavljivanje.
Occasione, direzione e struttura dell’indagine Senza vita la forma non si salva, ma senza forma è la vita a non salvarsi. L’incipit allude al risultato atteso di una indagine in corso di svolgimento,... more
This paper attempts to explain the problem of trying to obtain a prescriptive definition from a descriptive source by mathematical comparatives. New Atheists seemingly often fallaciously attempt to use general parlance sources, such as... more
Every writer knows putting words on paper is a difficult task. Sometimes the difficulties become insurmountable. He got himself into a state of frustration in writing when the flow of ideas stopped. A writer got stuck and banged his head... more
This paper, written in fulfillment of my Concepts of Modernity graduate seminar, explores the relationship (barring the explicit cultural divergence) between prominent 20th century cultural theorist, Walter Benjamin, and Continental,... more
Professor Noam Chomsky recently gave a youtube interview, at age 91, mentioning how, when asked, he does not have the time to meditate. The irony of his life as longevity and his lack of time presented itself as proof of what he called... more
il s'agit du point irréductible extrême où le geste est un corps, un espace, une figure. l'extrême irréductible de tel point est son obscénité: ce point-là n'est ni physique ni géométrique; il est la mémoire de ce qu'est le mouvement dans... more
If there should be a general prohibition on paying for sex, it has recently been argued, an exception should be made for those with disabilities. In this chapter, adapted from a longer journal article, I argue that defining disability in... more
Here, I want to discuss Wittgenstein and psychology. The stance taken in this paper is that central to an understanding of anything psychological is an understanding of the role of language in human affairs. But what is the part it plays?... more
In this introductory video I would like to explain what knowledge representation is, how to build and apply them. There are basically three phases involved in the process of building a knowledge representation. Acquisition of data (which... more
The topic of the paper is an inquiry about Carlo Michelstaedter's reference to the Kabbalah, and the relationship existing between his attention for Jewish mystic and his reference to Spinoza's philosophy. In a letter sent to his friend... more
Education is a life-long process of learning. Its aim is to develop a particular country as a whole by imparting knowledge, skills, and values to its citizens using the world latest technology. Education is meant to produce individuals... more
Korstanje M 2015 "Reviwing the Concept of Hospitality in a Contemporary World". Int. Journal of Safety and Security in Tourism. Edition. 10 pp. 21-33
Edward Witherspoon distinguishes Wittgenstein’s conception of nonsense from Rudolf Carnap’s. The latter does not fully take into account the fact that, if something really is nonsense, it has no more meaning than ‘Ab sur ah’ and... more
This paper suggests that reference to phenomenal qualities is best understood as involving iconicity, that is, a passage from sign-vehicle to object that exploits a similarity between the two. This contrasts with a version of the... more
This is a reference to the scriptural verse from the Quran 2:31, which states that God revealed language as names (asmāʾ) to Adam: "And He taught Adam all the names (asmāʾ), then showed them to the angels, saying: inform me of the names... more
„Zeichensetzer – Schriftsteller: Kierkegaard – Adorno“, in: Helga Lutz, Nils Plath u. Dietmar Schmidt (hgg.): Satzzeichen. Szenen der Schrift, Berlin (Kadmos) 2017, S. 196–202 On punctuation in Soren Kierkegaard and Theodor W. Adorno,... more
В статье рассматривается различение понятий «термин» и «имя» в философии имени П.А. Флоренского в сопоставлении, с одной стороны, с идеей «генезиса научной терминологии» (В.П. Зубов), а с другой – с концепцией «судьбы имени» (А.Ф.... more
You will definitely understand about what Takwil exactly means. furthermore, the text is not merely may be perceived physically, since there are a lot more metaphysics meanings that were concealed.
Final dissertation - Durham University (2016-2017)
En 1677 parut à Amsterdam le Compendium grammatices linguae Hebraeae de Baruch Spinoza, dans la collection de ses OEuvres posthumes. De tous ses ouvrages, la Grammaire de la langue hébraïque, inachevée, est la moins connue et étudiée.... more
RESUMEN: El presente ensayo se ocupa de la novela de Adolfo Bioy Casares La invención de Morel (1940) novela fundacional de la literatura de anticipación, en la que a través de la ficción científica, policíaca y amatoria, concurren los... more
O discurso do ódio (hate speech) é um dos mais tormentosos casos difíceis do Direito nos dias atuais. De um lado, se posicionam os defensores da liberdade de expressão irrestrita e da livre exposição das ideias. Do outro, se colocam... more
In the following paper, I will attempt to analyze our usage of language and subsequently rethink the ontology of it by utilizing H. P. Grice’s work on conversational implicature and Martin Heidegger’s famous tool-analysis. Specifically, I... more
Pada dasarnya, bahasa Melayu merupakan bahasa rasmi dan bahasa kebangsaan di Malaysia seperti yang dinyatakan dalam perkara 152 Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Namun begitu, sejak kebelakangan ini, bahasa Melayu menghadapi masalah yang sengit,... more
Teasing out fault-lines, inconsistencies, and latent issues of power in the biblical text brings new insights & by doing so serves to privilege the unsung and the powerless.
Descartes’ substance dualism can be plausibly seen as an ontological solution to epistemic puzzles surrounding the seemingly privileged, first-person access we have to our own minds. His is an attempt to answer the question: What must (or... more