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This paper reflects on the potential value of art photography as a means of critically interrogating the relationship between organisation and abjection. Inspired by understanding of art as a non-conceptual mode of communication and... more
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      SemioticsAestheticsGender and WorkJudith Butler
The aim of this work is to discuss the literature written by women in a decentralized way to what is culturally attributed to the feminine and the very notion of woman, which also compulsorily supposes heterosexuality. The critical... more
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      Gender StudiesJudith ButlerPierre BourdieuFeminismo
For more than a decade, criticisms levied against Muslims and Islam in Western European countries such as France and the Netherlands have been shielded under the auspices of a call for increased security and a desire to protect liberal... more
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      Critical TheoryFeminist TheoryLiterary CriticismJudith Butler
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsCultural StudiesSocial Change
La categoría "madre" en el discurso de las Madres de Plaza de Mayo y su repercusión en la esfera de lo político UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE VILLA MARÍA De la cocina a la plaza: la categoría "madre" en el discurso de las Madres de Plaza de... more
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      Judith ButlerAnálisis del DiscursoDerechos HumanosMadres De Plaza De Mayo
Im Jahr 2017 äußerte sich die antirassistische muslimische Aktivistin Linda Sarsour zum Antisemitismus in den USA wie folgt: "While anti-Semitism is something that impacts Jewish Americans, it's different than anti-black racism or... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesRace and RacismAntisemitism (Prejudice)Postmodernism
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionHistoryGender Studies
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      Judith ButlerEthnomethodologyErving GoffmanGender Performance
Volume I Praca doktorska napisana pod kierunkiem Prof. UAM dr. hab. Arkadiusza Marciniaka Poznań 2015 2
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      Classical ArchaeologyGender StudiesHistory of ReligionReligion and Politics
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      Continental PhilosophyJudith Butler
Wayne Vucinic Book Prize 2007, "for the most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences." Endorsement by Slavoj Zizek: "Alexei Yurchak's Everything... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsCultural StudiesSocial Change
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesQueer TheoryJudith Butler
Les efforts pour dénoncer les mécanismes par lesquels le pouvoir hégémonique se reproduit et se perpétue produisent parfois une banalisation du concept de violence. Le choix systématique du terme violence pour décrire des formes subtiles... more
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      ViolenceJudith ButlerConceptual analysisPhysical Violence
Este trabalho se propõe a uma problematização de como se dá a deslegitimação de determinados modos de existência e as formas como certas identidades e orientações sexuais se tornam ilegítimas, inviabilizando, inclusive, a vida de... more
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      Michel FoucaultJudith ButlerButlerEstudios de Género
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      French LiteratureCultural TheoryRace and EthnicityFrancophone Literature
This paper explores how Frida Kahlo and Cindy Sherman's works attempt to rescind the male gaze. The focal point of this paper's theoretical background is Judith Butler's queer theory. By studying Butler's texts, the author of this paper... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryGenderJudith Butler
In the paper I seek to investigate the marked degree of visibility of the individual that we see in todays society. To illuminate the subject, I have been looking at societal as well as individual perspectives from two very different... more
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      Identity (Culture)PerformativityModernityJudith Butler
El presente ensayo desea mostrar en qué sentido podemos hablar de Baudelaire como de un ontólogo del presente, apoyados en las observaciones de Foucault de que encontramos manifiesta en la vida y en la obra del artista la divisa moderna... more
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      AestheticsSelf and IdentityArt TheoryPhilosophy of Art
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      Judith ButlerProphetsAnti-SemitismKarl Marx
This essay analyzes the origin of sexuality and its relationship with the institution. The issue is addressed from the perspective of psychoanalysis (Freud, Lacan), anthropology (Claude Lévi-Strauss) and philosophy (Foucault, Butler,... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophySex and GenderSexuality
Algunas narraciones de excombatientes del conflicto armado colombiano revelan la precariedad como causa para alistarse en los grupos armados y los obstáculos para reintegrarse a la vida civil. Reconocer esta vulnerabilidad... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesWar StudiesJudith ButlerVulnerability
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      Sex and GenderGender and SexualityHistory of SexualityFeminism
The purpose of this profile is to address the Spanish 15M movement from a gender perspective, focusing, on the one hand, on the role played by feminist demands within it and, on the other, on how feminism may have contributed to the... more
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      Social MovementsGender StudiesSpanish HistoryFeminism
This paper takes up Judith Butler’s calls to suspend the desire to completely know the other, and discusses these in relation to the pedagogic relationship in the classroom. It draws upon existing accounts of performative reinscription as... more
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      Sociology of EducationJudith ButlerPsychosocial StudiesPrimary Education
Coautoria: Cristiane Terra e Vitor Lages. Nunca se falou tanto sobre inclusão LGBT e compliance em proteção de dados. Porém, há um longo caminho para a transformação cultural que possibilite sua efetiva inclusão nas empresas,... more
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      Judith ButlerHeteronormativityDireito ConstitucionalPolíticas Públicas
The literary rant is a unique mode of expression employed by dispossessed subjects to performatively highlight the mechanisms of their oppression and to create a rhetorical and political subject position from which to speak. The rant... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiterary TheoryJudith ButlerPrecarity
“‘To queer or not to queer,’ he [Grimwood] wonders as he considers language as a source of existential crisis. [...] In his Butlerian discussion of the LGBT community and sexual subjectivity, he takes an autobiographical approach to... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryLGBT IssuesJudith Butler
This article aims to explore the contribution that a dialogue between Pierre Bourdieu and Michel Foucault could make to the literature on the “force of words”. Firstly, it addresses Bourdieu’s critique of the linguistic reductionism,... more
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      Political PhilosophySocial PhilosophyMichel FoucaultJudith Butler
Site Sain t-Ch arle s, rue du Prof esse ur-H enri-Ser re 340 90 Mon tpel lier, stat ion de tram way L1 et L4 Plac e Albe rt I er Affiche conçue et réalisée par Marie-P ierre Boyer, Presses universi taires de la Méditer ranée, www.PU LM.fr.
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      PhilosophyEthicsEpistemologyLanguages and Linguistics
In the contemporary political sphere, the need to address the complex interactions between colonial pasts, present day violence, and audio-visual representation has never appeared more urgent. This is particularly true of France’s... more
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      Film StudiesPostcolonial StudiesAlgerian warMemory Studies
"Começo esta resenha do livro de Carla Rodrigues pelo fim. Não pretendo com isso nem adiantar as suas conclusões, nem expor a delicadeza com que a autora nos envolve nessa trama tecida entre vida, morte, amor, filosofia e política e que... more
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    • Judith Butler
Recenze knihy Judith Butler, The Force of Nonviolence. An Ethico-Political Bind (London: Verso 2020).
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      Political PhilosophyEthicsViolenceNonviolence
Paidós, 2017, 255 pp.
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      Feminist TheoryPublic SphereJudith ButlerPrecarity
In der vorliegenden Abhandlung skizzieren wir die groben Konturen eines philosophischen und interdisziplinär-kulturwissenschaftlichen Forschungsprogramms, mit dem wir das Ziel verfolgen, Affektivität als ein konstitutiv relationales und... more
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      Cultural StudiesEmotionPhilosophy of MindPhilosophical Psychology
Corpos que pesam: sobre os limites discursivos do "sexo".
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      Art HistoryJudith ButlerHistory of ArtFilosophy
Srdjan Karanović's Virgina (Virdžina, 1992) and Želimir Žilnik's Marble Ass (Dupe od mramora, 1994) are both Yugoslav films whose main characters are transvestites. Set in the mythic past, Virgina is about a sworn virgin (virdžina,... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityGay And Lesbian StudiesGender
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      PsychoanalysisSex and GenderGenderTheories of Gender and Transgender
The care sector in Denmark is undergoing rapid change and facing severe challenges due to the increasing number of elders and cuts in social welfare. The political response is welfare technology aiming on efficiency and replacement of... more
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      Gender StudiesDementiaMichel FoucaultJudith Butler
Ciclo di seminari con professori, giovani ricercatori e studenti con l'obiettivo di esaminare, tramite l'incrocio transdisciplinare di filosofia, storia della scienza e etnosemiotica, lo statuto teoretico, etico e epistemologico del... more
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      Gilbert SimondonGilles DeleuzeJacques LacanMaurice Merleau-Ponty
Musical Trouble: after Butler... International Conference, Lisbon 2015
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      SociologySociology of CultureMusicMusicology
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      PhilosophyHuman-Animal RelationsQueer TheoryPosthumanism
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      Feminist TheoryQueer TheorySexualityDeconstruction
Tattooing is a form of radical feminist identification. Jaylin, a Suicide Girl, is a part of an alternative genre of feminist actors who perform the pain of beauty in order to upset beauty’s hegemonic control on women’s bodies. The... more
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      Feminist TheoryMonster TheoryJudith ButlerBeauty
במאמר מוצג המושג "כללי המשחק" בהקשריו הפוליטיים, מתוך כוונה להתמודד בעזרתו עם השאלה האם וכיצד שינוי בשדה הפוליטי הוא מן האפשר. בְּעולם משולל עוגנים טרנסצנדנטיים. החשיבה על המשחק (game/play) מסייעת לי להציג מודל שבו שלושה טיפוסי משַחקים... more
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      PlayPerformativityJudith ButlerWittgenstein
This article interprets critiques of secularity and the related concept of history as progress in the work of Dipesh Chakrabarty and Judith Butler. At the same time, it defends their approach against the criticism voiced by Gregor... more
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      Social MovementsJudith ButlerDipesh ChakrabartyChurch Sanctuary/Asylum
PT: A teoria queer é apresentada neste artigo como um conjunto de encontros entre pensamentos em constante reinvenção. Derivam desses diálogos tessituras de conceitos e operações analíticas com disposição política, cujas forças residem em... more
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      Queer TheoryMichel FoucaultJudith ButlerLiterature Review
Reimaginar una comunidad sobre la base de la vulnerabilidad implica reconocer nuestra responsabilidad para con aquéllos que prosperan y aquéllos que no logran persistir porque son abandonados o eliminados. El reconocimiento de nuestra... more
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      ViolenceJudith ButlerVulnerabilitySocial vulnerability
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesQueer TheoryPerformativity
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguagePerformance StudiesPerformativity
Apuntes para una
teoría performativa de la asamblea
Notes toward a Performative Theory of Assembly
Harvard University Press, 2015
Judith Butler
Publicado en Revista Caja Muda Nº9:
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      Performance StudiesJudith ButlerTranslationASSEMBLY LANGUAGES