Papers by Kris H Oliveira
Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, 2024
In this article, I use a socio-anthropological perspective to analyze the configurations and deve... more In this article, I use a socio-anthropological perspective to analyze the configurations and developments of the first five cases of an HIV "cure" or "long-term remission". These unprecedented results in the history of medicine were achieved through experimental stem cell transplants, whose donors had a rare genetic mutation called CCR5Δ32/Δ32, which confers a "natural resistance" to HIV infection. More specifically, I seek to explore the role of hope in these assemblages, that is, how it is manifest in narratives and composes situated practices. To do so, I collected and analyzed the content of scientific, journalistic, and biographical documents in a cartographic exercise (2008-2023). I observed that the first "success stories" in curative therapies for HIV can be seen as events in the trajectory of the HIV/AIDS pandemic that promoted short-circuits in the status quo and sparked new techno-scientific controversies. In this context, hope reveals complex and fluid connections, mobilizes desires, creates possibilities, attracts investments, and fosters discourses about the supposed "end" of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Finally, I suggest that this reflection is situated within a broader technobiopolitical network, which I call the "political economy of the HIV cure".
Vivência - Revista de Antropologia, 2022
PT: Neste artigo, desenvolvo uma abordagem socioantropológica junto às terapias experimentais com... more PT: Neste artigo, desenvolvo uma abordagem socioantropológica junto às terapias experimentais com células-tronco para a cura da infecção por HIV. Busco discutir como diferentes agentes, agenciamentos e devires se emaranham e transbordam às práticas médico-científicas. Para tanto, em um exercício cartográfico, recupero diferentes materiais sobre cinco casos de cura – textos jornalísticos, cartas, entrevistas concedidas e artigos científicos. Pretendo, sobretudo, perseguir o seguinte problema: como as curas da infecção por HIV adquirem materialidade e são performadas nestes casos experimentais? Observo que para garantir a sua inteligibilidade e legitimidade, as intervenções terapêuticas mobilizam uma extensa cadeia de corpos, afetos e políticas. Dessa forma, nos colocam diante dos caminhos percorridos pela biopolítica contemporânea, voltada para a gestão das esperanças e da própria vitalidade humana mediadas por biotecnologias. Por fim, sugiro a “quimera” como figura de ficção especulativa e fato científico que melhor encarne os processos, problemas e soluções das terapias experimentais com células-tronco para a cura do HIV.
EN: In this paper I develop a socio-anthropological approach to experimental stem cell therapies for the cure of HIV infection. The aim is to explore how different agents, assemblages, and becomings compose the medical-scientific practices. Through a cartographic exercise, I use materials about five cases of cure – journalistic texts, letters, interviews, and scientific articles. I follow the problem: how do the cures for HIV infection acquire materiality and are performed in these experimental cases? I observe that to ensure their intelligibility and legitimacy, therapeutic interventions mobilize an extensive network of bodies, affects, and politics. Thus, place us in front of the paths traversed by contemporary biopolitics, focused on the government of hopes and human vitality mediated by biotechnologies. Finally, I suggest the “chimera” as a figure of speculative fiction and scientific fact that best embodies the processes, problems, and solutions of experimental therapies with stem cells for the cure of HIV.
Revista Estudos Feministas, 2021
PT: A teoria queer é apresentada neste artigo como um conjunto de encontros entre pensamentos em ... more PT: A teoria queer é apresentada neste artigo como um conjunto de encontros entre pensamentos em constante reinvenção. Derivam desses diálogos tessituras de conceitos e operações analíticas com disposição política, cujas forças residem em suas habilidades de afrouxar ou até mesmo desatar os nós de verdades cis-heterocentradas, especialmente, no que diz respeito a corpos, gêneros e sexualidades. Nesse sentido, realizo uma revisão das ideias principais em três obras consideradas centrais à epistemologia queer: História da sexualidade 1: a vontade de saber, de Michel Foucault; Problemas de gênero: feminismo e subversão da identidade, de Judith Butler; e Testo yonqui, de Paul B. Preciado. No tocar dessas movimentações, menciono as aproximações e os distanciamentos entre as propostas, bem como os seus efeitos em leituras brasileiras.
EN: This article presents the Queer Theory as encounters between thoughts in constant reinvention. Germinate of these dialogues weavings of concepts and analytical operations with political disposition, whose forces resides in their abilities to loosen or even untie the nodes of cis-heterocentered truths, especially, with regard to bodies, genders and sexualities. In this sense, I review three works considered central to queer epistemology: The history of sexuality 1: the will to knowledge, by Michel Foucault; Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity, by Judith Butler; and Testo junkie: sex, drugs, and biopolitics in the pharmacopornographic era, by Paul B. Preciado. In these movements, I mention the approaches and distances between the proposals, as well as mentioning their effects in Brazilian readings.
Temáticas, 2020
PT: As contribuições das Ciências Sociais diante da epidemia de HIV/aids têm sido pouco examinada... more PT: As contribuições das Ciências Sociais diante da epidemia de HIV/aids têm sido pouco examinadas no Brasil em termos quantitativos e qualitativos. Para experimentar aproximações junto ao “estado da arte” deste campo de pesquisas, o presente trabalho pretendeu mapear e analisar as teses e dissertações brasileiras em HIV/aids na área de Ciências Sociais. Através do levantamento bibliográfico no Catálogo de Teses e Dissertações da CAPES foram identificadas 111 dissertações e 48 teses, abrangendo o período de 1990 a 2018. Análises de estatística descritiva e de conteúdo foram empregadas e discutidas acerca do volume, área do conhecimento, período, instituição, região, gênero, temas e metodologias. Dentre os resultados, destacam-se: o crescimento expressivo de estudos e o processo de diversificação do material empírico ao longo dos anos; as mulheres como as principais interlocutoras; práticas terapêuticas e de cuidado como temas menos frequentes; a carência de estudos junto à população negra, aos indígenas e às expressões de gênero e sexualidade em sua pluralidade; as instituições públicas de saúde, empresas e laboratórios como contextos pouco ou ainda não explorados. Ademais, o artigo atenta para as possibilidades de expansão de pesquisas com as novas biotecnologias e mídias digitais.
EN: The contributions of Social Sciences to the HIV/AIDS epidemic has been insufficiently examined in Brazilian investigations. In order to experience approximations with the “state of the art” of this field of research, the present work intended to map and analyze the Brazilian theses and dissertations on HIV/AIDS in the area of Social Sciences. Through the bibliographical survey in the CAPES Thesis and Dissertations Catalog, 111 dissertations and 48 theses were identified, covering the period from 1990 to 2018. The descriptive statistics and content analysis were used and discussed according to volume, area of knowledge, period, institution, region, gender, themes and research methodologies. Among the results obtained, include: the expressive growth of studies and the process of diversification of empirical material over the years; women as the main interlocutors; therapeutic and care practices as less frequent themes; the gap of studies with the black people, the indigenous people and the expressions of gender and sexuality; public health institutions, companies and laboratories as contexts under or not explored. Furthermore, the article looks at the possibilities for expanding research with new biotechnologies and digital media.
ES: Las contribuciones de las Ciencias Sociales a la epidemia de VIH/SIDA han sido poco examinadas en Brasil en términos cuantitativos y cualitativos. Con el fin de experimentar aproximaciones con el “estado del arte” de este campo de investigación, el presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo mapear y analizar las tesis y disertaciones brasileñas en VIH/SIDA en el área de las Ciencias Sociales. Mediante la encuesta bibliográfica en el Catálogo de Tesis y Disertaciones de CAPES, se identificaron 111 disertaciones y 48 tesis, que abarcan el período de 1990 a 2018. Se utilizaron análisis de estadísticas descriptivas y contenido y se discutieron sobre el volumen, área de conocimiento, período, institución, región, género, temas y metodologías. Entre los resultados, destacan los siguientes: el crecimiento expresivo de los estudios y el proceso de diversificación del material empírico a lo largo de los años; las mujeres como principales interlocutores; prácticas terapéuticas y asistenciales como temas menos frecuentes; la falta de estudios con la población negra, los pueblos indígenas y las expresiones de género y sexualidad en su pluralidad; instituciones de salud pública, empresas y laboratorios como contextos poco o aún no explorados. Además, el artículo analiza las posibilidades de ampliar la investigación con nuevas biotecnologías y medios digitales.
Revista Pensamento & Realidade, 2014
PT: A identidade masculina é entendida como o autoconceito que uma pessoa tem sobre ser masculina... more PT: A identidade masculina é entendida como o autoconceito que uma pessoa tem sobre ser masculina, de acordo com os significados de gênero socialmente construídos. Este estudo objetivou analisar, sob a perspectiva dramatúrgica de Erving Goffman, como são representadas as identidades masculinas de diretores homens num ambiente de trabalho com predominância numérica de mulheres, em um campo onde elas são historicamente sub-representadas: a pesquisa agrícola. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter exploratório-descritivo, desenvolvida nos moldes de uma metáfora teatral. Foram realizadas quatro entrevistas semiestruturadas com homens que ocupam o cargo de diretor numa única organização. A análise comparativa dos dados evidenciou que características naturalizadas como femininas, principalmente as que fazem referência ao estilo suportivo (maternal), são rejeitadas na construção das personagens. As características consideradas naturalmente masculinas foram apresentadas como as mais positivas para o desempenho do papel. Palavras chave: identidade, masculinidade, metáfora teatral
EN: The male identity is understood as the self-concept that a person has about being male, accordingly to the social construction of gender. This study aimed to analyze, under the dramaturgical perspective of Erving Goffman, how are performed the male identities of male directors in a work environment with a numerical predominance of women, in a field where they are historically underrepresented: the agricultural research. This is a qualitative, exploratory-descriptive study, developed in the shape of a theatrical metaphor. It was realized four semi-structured interviews with male directors in one single organization. The comparative analysis of the data indicated that characteristics naturalized as feminine, such as those that make reference to supportive (maternal style), are rejected in the construction of the characters. The characteristics understood as masculine were presented as the most positive for the performance of the role.
Este artigo olha para mulheres de diferentes tempos e a conquista por espaços na ciência agropecu... more Este artigo olha para mulheres de diferentes tempos e a conquista por espaços na ciência agropecuária paulista. Neste sentido, tem como objetivo principal verificar a relação entre atributos sociodemográficos e o desenvolvimento da carreira de pesquisadoras lotadas em instituições públicas de pesquisa paulistas, no contexto do agronegócio. Para tanto, fez-se uso do aporte teórico-metodológico da demografia organizacional e dos estudos de gênero e geração nas ciências. O banco de dados sociodemográfico foi concedido pela unidade gestora das instituições e a produção bibliográfica extraída dos currículos cadastrados na Plataforma Lattes (CNPq). Em seguida, a partir de uma abordagem quantitativo-descritiva, foram realizadas análises estatísticas uni e multivariadas. Os resultados permitiram descrever a participação, contribuição e inserção feminina no contexto investigado. A partir disso, observou-se a complexidade do fenômeno, no qual a tríplice linha argumentativa qualificação-maternidade-produtividade mostrou-se insuficiente para explicar a baixa penetração feminina nos mais altos cargos de direção.
Este estudo buscou verificar a relação entre atributos sociodemográficos e o desenvolvimento da c... more Este estudo buscou verificar a relação entre atributos sociodemográficos e o desenvolvimento da carreira de pesquisadoras em instituições públicas de pesquisa paulistas, no contexto do agronegócio. Para tanto, fez-se uso do aporte teórico-metodológico da demografia organizacional e dos estudos de gênero e geração nas ciências. O banco de dados sociodemográfico foi concedido pela unidade gestora das instituições e a produção bibliográfica extraída dos currículos cadastrados na Plataforma Lattes (CNPq). Em seguida, a partir de uma abordagem quantitativo-descritiva, foram realizadas análises estatísticas uni e multivariadas. Os resultados permitiram descortinar a real participação, contribuição e inserção feminina na ciência agropecuária paulista. Ademais, a tríplice linha argumentativa qualificação-maternidade-produtividade mostrou-se insuficiente para explicar o fenômeno da baixa penetração feminina nos mais altos cargos de direção.
Esta pesquisa objetivou descrever o perfil demográfico dos pesquisadores científicos de 6 institu... more Esta pesquisa objetivou descrever o perfil demográfico dos pesquisadores científicos de 6 institutos e 15 polos de pesquisa científica e tecnológica (setor do agronegócio) do estado de São Paulo, comparando distintas variáveis (como idade, nível de escolaridade, fecundidade, nupcialidade, ano de admissão, nível do cargo e ocupação de cargo de direção) com os grupos de homens e mulheres. O método empregado foi quantitativo-descritivo e o tratamento dos dados ocorreu por meio de técnicas estatísticas descritivas e multivariadas. Os dados de 712 profissionais da pesquisa científica foram obtidos através do centro de recursos humanos da unidade gestora das instituições de pesquisa. Resultados apontaram para a alta qualificação da população, uma idade média dos pesquisadores de 50,55 anos e um alto envelhecimento. As mulheres são mais qualificadas que os homens, mais jovens e a minoria atuando nos mais altos cargos. Ademais, representou-se graficamente o processo de feminilização da profissão nas instituições. Por fim, na análise multivariada observou-se que o sexo, entre as variáveis estudadas, é uma variável importante para determinar a ocupação dos altos cargos de direção. Esses achados colaboram para a suposição da existência do teto de vidro nas instituições investigadas e confirmam características da masculinidade normativa encontrada em outros estudos de gênero em organizações.
Thesis Chapters by Kris H Oliveira
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2023
PT: No curso dos últimos quinze anos, médicos e cientistas anunciaram os primeiros casos de "cura... more PT: No curso dos últimos quinze anos, médicos e cientistas anunciaram os primeiros casos de "cura" ou "remissão de longo prazo" do HIV por meio de transplantes experimentais de células-tronco com a mutação genética CCR5?32/?32, que confere resistência à infecção pelo vírus. A presente tese de doutorado tem como objetivo central desenvolver uma cartografia dessas experimentações tecnobiocientíficas com células-tronco para a cura do HIV, a partir de uma perspectiva socioantropológica. De forma mais específica, busca-se compreender como a cura é performada nesses contextos, isto é, de que modo materialidades são forjadas através de narrativas e práticas que constituem realidades múltiplas. Nesse movimento, localiza os agentes, agenciamentos e devires que se emaranham e transbordam às terapias experimentais. Atenção especial é dedicada ao corpo e aos seus desdobramentos. Para tanto, documentos heteróclitos, constituídos por materiais científicos, jornalísticos e biográficos, foram coletados e analisados criticamente por meio de um processo de "desarquivamento". Desse modo, a pesquisa percorre diferentes paisagens biotecnológicas que figuram a tecnobiopolítica contemporânea, oferecendo um testemunho modesto das continuidades e rupturas em relação ao "paradigma da incurabilidade" do HIV. Observa-se que os primeiros casos de cura podem ser apreendidos como acontecimentos na trajetória da pandemia de HIV/aids, promovendo curtos-circuitos em estados de coisas e suscitando o despertar de novas controvérsias no cenário tecnobiocientífico. Apesar da esperança gerada, os transplantes de células-tronco com a mutação genética não apresentam a solução definitiva para o problema, mas sim uma possibilidade, um caminho porvir. Os corpos, nesse contexto, são lidos como aberturas para processos de reconfiguração ontológica e conexões singulares, estabelecendo, inclusive, novas formas de parentesco mediadas pelas experimentações terapêuticas. Assim, a tese explora a complexidade da "economia política da cura do HIV", que entrelaça o passado, o presente e o futuro da pandemia em um cenário cada vez mais vez mais molecular e individualizado.
EN: Over the last fifteen years, doctors and scientists have announced the first cases of "cure" or "long-term remission" of HIV through experimental transplants of stem cells with the genetic mutation CCR5?32/?32, which confers resistance to virus infection. The main objective of this doctoral dissertation is to develop a cartography of these technobioscientific experiments with stem cells for the HIV cure, from a socio-anthropological perspective. More specifically, the aim is to understand how cure is enacted in these contexts, in other words, how materialities are formed through narratives and practices that constitute multiple realities. In this process, the thesis identifies the agents, assemblages, and becomings that intertwine and surpass experimental therapies. Special attention is given to the body and its advancements. To achieve this, a diverse range of documents, including scientific, journalistic, and biographical materials, were collected, and critically analyzed through an "unarchiving" process. Thus, the research delves into various biotechnological landscapes that shape contemporary technobiopolitics, providing a modest witness of the continuities and ruptures in relation to the "paradigm of incurability" of HIV. It is observed that the initial cases of cure can be regarded as significant events in the trajectory of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, causing disruptions in established circumstances and sparking new controversies in the technobioscientific scenario. Despite the hope generated, stem cell transplants with the genetic mutation do not offer a definitive solution to the problem but rather represent a possibility, a path for the future. In this context, bodies are understood as gateways for ontological reconfiguration processes and unique connections, even establishing novel forms of kinship mediated by therapeutic technologies. Thus, the thesis explores the complexity of the "political economy of the HIV cure", which intertwines the past, present, and future of the pandemic in an increasingly molecular and individualized scenario.
Dissertação de Mestrado, 2019
PT: Nesta pesquisa, percorro os processos de subjetivação e sujeição que compõem as sexualidades ... more PT: Nesta pesquisa, percorro os processos de subjetivação e sujeição que compõem as sexualidades na atualidade, bem como as suas possibilidades de expressão. O objetivo central é cartografar as enunciações das sexualidades em narrativas biográficas. De modo mais específico, a partir dos eixos experiência, estética e poética, busco reunir um conjunto de grafias -- bordados, desenhos, pinturas, textos, filmes, entre outras -- para a sua composição. Em meio às experimentações teórico-metodológicas, aliadas aos encontros com Tim Ingold, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, Paul B. Preciado e José Leonilson, entreteço as linhas da malha da sexualidade. Então, nas relações entre narrativas biográficas, teoria queer e cartografia, os resultados destes fluxos de construção e transformação do conhecimento com as sexualidades se apresentam em três "diários de grafias": Encontros, Verdades e Afetos.
EN: In this research, I explore the processes of subjectivation and subjection that compose the sexualities in the everyday life, as well as their modes of expression. The aim is to map the enunciations of sexualities in biographical narratives. More specifically, from the experience, aesthetic and poetic axes, I seek to gather a set of graphies -- embroidery, drawings, paintings, texts, films, among others -- to its composition. In the midst of the theoretical-methodological experiments, allied to the encounters with Tim Ingold, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, Paul B. Preciado and José Leonilson, I interweave the lines of the meshwork of the sexuality. Then, with the biographical narratives, queer theory and cartography, the results of these flows of construction and transformation of the knowledge about sexualities are presented in three "diaries of graphies": Encounters, Truths and Affects.
Papers by Kris H Oliveira
EN: In this paper I develop a socio-anthropological approach to experimental stem cell therapies for the cure of HIV infection. The aim is to explore how different agents, assemblages, and becomings compose the medical-scientific practices. Through a cartographic exercise, I use materials about five cases of cure – journalistic texts, letters, interviews, and scientific articles. I follow the problem: how do the cures for HIV infection acquire materiality and are performed in these experimental cases? I observe that to ensure their intelligibility and legitimacy, therapeutic interventions mobilize an extensive network of bodies, affects, and politics. Thus, place us in front of the paths traversed by contemporary biopolitics, focused on the government of hopes and human vitality mediated by biotechnologies. Finally, I suggest the “chimera” as a figure of speculative fiction and scientific fact that best embodies the processes, problems, and solutions of experimental therapies with stem cells for the cure of HIV.
EN: This article presents the Queer Theory as encounters between thoughts in constant reinvention. Germinate of these dialogues weavings of concepts and analytical operations with political disposition, whose forces resides in their abilities to loosen or even untie the nodes of cis-heterocentered truths, especially, with regard to bodies, genders and sexualities. In this sense, I review three works considered central to queer epistemology: The history of sexuality 1: the will to knowledge, by Michel Foucault; Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity, by Judith Butler; and Testo junkie: sex, drugs, and biopolitics in the pharmacopornographic era, by Paul B. Preciado. In these movements, I mention the approaches and distances between the proposals, as well as mentioning their effects in Brazilian readings.
EN: The contributions of Social Sciences to the HIV/AIDS epidemic has been insufficiently examined in Brazilian investigations. In order to experience approximations with the “state of the art” of this field of research, the present work intended to map and analyze the Brazilian theses and dissertations on HIV/AIDS in the area of Social Sciences. Through the bibliographical survey in the CAPES Thesis and Dissertations Catalog, 111 dissertations and 48 theses were identified, covering the period from 1990 to 2018. The descriptive statistics and content analysis were used and discussed according to volume, area of knowledge, period, institution, region, gender, themes and research methodologies. Among the results obtained, include: the expressive growth of studies and the process of diversification of empirical material over the years; women as the main interlocutors; therapeutic and care practices as less frequent themes; the gap of studies with the black people, the indigenous people and the expressions of gender and sexuality; public health institutions, companies and laboratories as contexts under or not explored. Furthermore, the article looks at the possibilities for expanding research with new biotechnologies and digital media.
ES: Las contribuciones de las Ciencias Sociales a la epidemia de VIH/SIDA han sido poco examinadas en Brasil en términos cuantitativos y cualitativos. Con el fin de experimentar aproximaciones con el “estado del arte” de este campo de investigación, el presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo mapear y analizar las tesis y disertaciones brasileñas en VIH/SIDA en el área de las Ciencias Sociales. Mediante la encuesta bibliográfica en el Catálogo de Tesis y Disertaciones de CAPES, se identificaron 111 disertaciones y 48 tesis, que abarcan el período de 1990 a 2018. Se utilizaron análisis de estadísticas descriptivas y contenido y se discutieron sobre el volumen, área de conocimiento, período, institución, región, género, temas y metodologías. Entre los resultados, destacan los siguientes: el crecimiento expresivo de los estudios y el proceso de diversificación del material empírico a lo largo de los años; las mujeres como principales interlocutores; prácticas terapéuticas y asistenciales como temas menos frecuentes; la falta de estudios con la población negra, los pueblos indígenas y las expresiones de género y sexualidad en su pluralidad; instituciones de salud pública, empresas y laboratorios como contextos poco o aún no explorados. Además, el artículo analiza las posibilidades de ampliar la investigación con nuevas biotecnologías y medios digitales.
EN: The male identity is understood as the self-concept that a person has about being male, accordingly to the social construction of gender. This study aimed to analyze, under the dramaturgical perspective of Erving Goffman, how are performed the male identities of male directors in a work environment with a numerical predominance of women, in a field where they are historically underrepresented: the agricultural research. This is a qualitative, exploratory-descriptive study, developed in the shape of a theatrical metaphor. It was realized four semi-structured interviews with male directors in one single organization. The comparative analysis of the data indicated that characteristics naturalized as feminine, such as those that make reference to supportive (maternal style), are rejected in the construction of the characters. The characteristics understood as masculine were presented as the most positive for the performance of the role.
Thesis Chapters by Kris H Oliveira
EN: Over the last fifteen years, doctors and scientists have announced the first cases of "cure" or "long-term remission" of HIV through experimental transplants of stem cells with the genetic mutation CCR5?32/?32, which confers resistance to virus infection. The main objective of this doctoral dissertation is to develop a cartography of these technobioscientific experiments with stem cells for the HIV cure, from a socio-anthropological perspective. More specifically, the aim is to understand how cure is enacted in these contexts, in other words, how materialities are formed through narratives and practices that constitute multiple realities. In this process, the thesis identifies the agents, assemblages, and becomings that intertwine and surpass experimental therapies. Special attention is given to the body and its advancements. To achieve this, a diverse range of documents, including scientific, journalistic, and biographical materials, were collected, and critically analyzed through an "unarchiving" process. Thus, the research delves into various biotechnological landscapes that shape contemporary technobiopolitics, providing a modest witness of the continuities and ruptures in relation to the "paradigm of incurability" of HIV. It is observed that the initial cases of cure can be regarded as significant events in the trajectory of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, causing disruptions in established circumstances and sparking new controversies in the technobioscientific scenario. Despite the hope generated, stem cell transplants with the genetic mutation do not offer a definitive solution to the problem but rather represent a possibility, a path for the future. In this context, bodies are understood as gateways for ontological reconfiguration processes and unique connections, even establishing novel forms of kinship mediated by therapeutic technologies. Thus, the thesis explores the complexity of the "political economy of the HIV cure", which intertwines the past, present, and future of the pandemic in an increasingly molecular and individualized scenario.
EN: In this research, I explore the processes of subjectivation and subjection that compose the sexualities in the everyday life, as well as their modes of expression. The aim is to map the enunciations of sexualities in biographical narratives. More specifically, from the experience, aesthetic and poetic axes, I seek to gather a set of graphies -- embroidery, drawings, paintings, texts, films, among others -- to its composition. In the midst of the theoretical-methodological experiments, allied to the encounters with Tim Ingold, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, Paul B. Preciado and José Leonilson, I interweave the lines of the meshwork of the sexuality. Then, with the biographical narratives, queer theory and cartography, the results of these flows of construction and transformation of the knowledge about sexualities are presented in three "diaries of graphies": Encounters, Truths and Affects.
EN: In this paper I develop a socio-anthropological approach to experimental stem cell therapies for the cure of HIV infection. The aim is to explore how different agents, assemblages, and becomings compose the medical-scientific practices. Through a cartographic exercise, I use materials about five cases of cure – journalistic texts, letters, interviews, and scientific articles. I follow the problem: how do the cures for HIV infection acquire materiality and are performed in these experimental cases? I observe that to ensure their intelligibility and legitimacy, therapeutic interventions mobilize an extensive network of bodies, affects, and politics. Thus, place us in front of the paths traversed by contemporary biopolitics, focused on the government of hopes and human vitality mediated by biotechnologies. Finally, I suggest the “chimera” as a figure of speculative fiction and scientific fact that best embodies the processes, problems, and solutions of experimental therapies with stem cells for the cure of HIV.
EN: This article presents the Queer Theory as encounters between thoughts in constant reinvention. Germinate of these dialogues weavings of concepts and analytical operations with political disposition, whose forces resides in their abilities to loosen or even untie the nodes of cis-heterocentered truths, especially, with regard to bodies, genders and sexualities. In this sense, I review three works considered central to queer epistemology: The history of sexuality 1: the will to knowledge, by Michel Foucault; Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity, by Judith Butler; and Testo junkie: sex, drugs, and biopolitics in the pharmacopornographic era, by Paul B. Preciado. In these movements, I mention the approaches and distances between the proposals, as well as mentioning their effects in Brazilian readings.
EN: The contributions of Social Sciences to the HIV/AIDS epidemic has been insufficiently examined in Brazilian investigations. In order to experience approximations with the “state of the art” of this field of research, the present work intended to map and analyze the Brazilian theses and dissertations on HIV/AIDS in the area of Social Sciences. Through the bibliographical survey in the CAPES Thesis and Dissertations Catalog, 111 dissertations and 48 theses were identified, covering the period from 1990 to 2018. The descriptive statistics and content analysis were used and discussed according to volume, area of knowledge, period, institution, region, gender, themes and research methodologies. Among the results obtained, include: the expressive growth of studies and the process of diversification of empirical material over the years; women as the main interlocutors; therapeutic and care practices as less frequent themes; the gap of studies with the black people, the indigenous people and the expressions of gender and sexuality; public health institutions, companies and laboratories as contexts under or not explored. Furthermore, the article looks at the possibilities for expanding research with new biotechnologies and digital media.
ES: Las contribuciones de las Ciencias Sociales a la epidemia de VIH/SIDA han sido poco examinadas en Brasil en términos cuantitativos y cualitativos. Con el fin de experimentar aproximaciones con el “estado del arte” de este campo de investigación, el presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo mapear y analizar las tesis y disertaciones brasileñas en VIH/SIDA en el área de las Ciencias Sociales. Mediante la encuesta bibliográfica en el Catálogo de Tesis y Disertaciones de CAPES, se identificaron 111 disertaciones y 48 tesis, que abarcan el período de 1990 a 2018. Se utilizaron análisis de estadísticas descriptivas y contenido y se discutieron sobre el volumen, área de conocimiento, período, institución, región, género, temas y metodologías. Entre los resultados, destacan los siguientes: el crecimiento expresivo de los estudios y el proceso de diversificación del material empírico a lo largo de los años; las mujeres como principales interlocutores; prácticas terapéuticas y asistenciales como temas menos frecuentes; la falta de estudios con la población negra, los pueblos indígenas y las expresiones de género y sexualidad en su pluralidad; instituciones de salud pública, empresas y laboratorios como contextos poco o aún no explorados. Además, el artículo analiza las posibilidades de ampliar la investigación con nuevas biotecnologías y medios digitales.
EN: The male identity is understood as the self-concept that a person has about being male, accordingly to the social construction of gender. This study aimed to analyze, under the dramaturgical perspective of Erving Goffman, how are performed the male identities of male directors in a work environment with a numerical predominance of women, in a field where they are historically underrepresented: the agricultural research. This is a qualitative, exploratory-descriptive study, developed in the shape of a theatrical metaphor. It was realized four semi-structured interviews with male directors in one single organization. The comparative analysis of the data indicated that characteristics naturalized as feminine, such as those that make reference to supportive (maternal style), are rejected in the construction of the characters. The characteristics understood as masculine were presented as the most positive for the performance of the role.
EN: Over the last fifteen years, doctors and scientists have announced the first cases of "cure" or "long-term remission" of HIV through experimental transplants of stem cells with the genetic mutation CCR5?32/?32, which confers resistance to virus infection. The main objective of this doctoral dissertation is to develop a cartography of these technobioscientific experiments with stem cells for the HIV cure, from a socio-anthropological perspective. More specifically, the aim is to understand how cure is enacted in these contexts, in other words, how materialities are formed through narratives and practices that constitute multiple realities. In this process, the thesis identifies the agents, assemblages, and becomings that intertwine and surpass experimental therapies. Special attention is given to the body and its advancements. To achieve this, a diverse range of documents, including scientific, journalistic, and biographical materials, were collected, and critically analyzed through an "unarchiving" process. Thus, the research delves into various biotechnological landscapes that shape contemporary technobiopolitics, providing a modest witness of the continuities and ruptures in relation to the "paradigm of incurability" of HIV. It is observed that the initial cases of cure can be regarded as significant events in the trajectory of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, causing disruptions in established circumstances and sparking new controversies in the technobioscientific scenario. Despite the hope generated, stem cell transplants with the genetic mutation do not offer a definitive solution to the problem but rather represent a possibility, a path for the future. In this context, bodies are understood as gateways for ontological reconfiguration processes and unique connections, even establishing novel forms of kinship mediated by therapeutic technologies. Thus, the thesis explores the complexity of the "political economy of the HIV cure", which intertwines the past, present, and future of the pandemic in an increasingly molecular and individualized scenario.
EN: In this research, I explore the processes of subjectivation and subjection that compose the sexualities in the everyday life, as well as their modes of expression. The aim is to map the enunciations of sexualities in biographical narratives. More specifically, from the experience, aesthetic and poetic axes, I seek to gather a set of graphies -- embroidery, drawings, paintings, texts, films, among others -- to its composition. In the midst of the theoretical-methodological experiments, allied to the encounters with Tim Ingold, Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari, Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, Paul B. Preciado and José Leonilson, I interweave the lines of the meshwork of the sexuality. Then, with the biographical narratives, queer theory and cartography, the results of these flows of construction and transformation of the knowledge about sexualities are presented in three "diaries of graphies": Encounters, Truths and Affects.