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This work outlines a new methodology for film analysis based on the radical materialist thought of Baruch Spinoza, re-evaluating contemporary cognitive media theory and philosophical theories on the emotional and intellectual aspects of... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryEmbodied Mind and CognitionFilm-Philosophy
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This paper is in three parts. The first part will explain what the doctrine of holenmerism is. The second part will show how a doctrine that was meant to explain how immaterial entities could have a location and extension, evolved to... more
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    • Baruch Spinoza
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      Baruch SpinozaDescartes, René
To compare Merleau-Ponty’s and Deleuze’s phenomenal bodies, I first examine how for Merleau-Ponty phenomena appear on the basis of three levels of integration: 1) between the parts of the world, 2) between the parts of the body, and 3)... more
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      CalculusPhenomenologyGilles DeleuzeMaurice Merleau-Ponty
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      Jacques LacanSigmund FreudBaruch Spinoza
“Power is war, the continuation of war by other means”: Foucault’s reversal of Clausewitz’s formula has become a staple of critical theory — but it remains highly problematic on a conceptual level. Elaborated during Foucault’s 1976... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSociologyCultural Studies
This work is concerned with some basic problems which historical criticism poses to biblical interpretation. The first chapter deals with historical criticism in relation to problems of the text’s historical distance and contemporary... more
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      HermeneuticsLiberation TheologyPaul RicoeurHistory Of The Bible/Biblical Canon
We live in an age of movement. More than at any other time in history , people and things move longer distances, more frequently, and faster than ever before. All that was solid melted into air long ago and is now in full circulation... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionHistorySocial Movements
My argument is that while the dual categories of immanence and transcendence are often used in historical scholarship today as if they were universally valid, their actual use in this form cannot be traced back further than Kant. As a... more
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      KantBaruch SpinozaTranscendenceImmanence
Cet ouvrage invite à une lecture critique de la philosophie de Gilles Deleuze en reconstituant le système perspectiviste qui le sous-tend. La thèse qui est défendue est qu'on ne peut comprendre le « perspectivisme » deleuzien qu'au regard... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeIntentionalityDeleuzeIntersubjectivity
In this paper I sketch the emergence of transcendence and immanence to the binary pair of opposites we know today. I show that such usage doesn't stretch back beyond Kant and that its real career only takes off in the 1830s. Major... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionTheologyHistory of Religion
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      MarxismIdeologyGilles DeleuzeCapitalism
Lze podrobit filozofii psychoanalýze? Je možné a dobré založit psychoanalýzu filozoficky? To jsou dvě hlavní otázky textu, který bychom snad mohli označit za jakousi metapsychofilozofii. Myšlení předložené v této knize je totiž na jednu... more
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      PsychoanalysisSigmund FreudBaruch SpinozaLou Andreas-Salome
Naar aanleiding van Thierry Baudet’s overwinningsspeech na afloop van de verkiezingen in maart 2019, probeert deze bijdrage grip te krijgen op de veelgehoorde kritiek op de populistische stijl van politiek bedrijven, aan de hand van... more
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      Mythology And FolklorePlatoPolitical SciencePopulism
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      Baruch SpinozaSpinozaFelsefe
O objetivo deste trabalho é traçar um campo problemático potencialmente colocado para a saúde que seja capaz de constituir novas potências de invenção. Parte-se do pressuposto de que há um problema do comum que não se resolve simplesmente... more
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      CommonsBaruch SpinozaFilosofíaSaúde Coletiva
Whilst the concept of the subject has been called into question by many diverse approaches within contemporary political and social theory, there remains a focus upon agency, now attributable to reformulated subjectivities or assemblages.... more
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      Political TheoryPosthumanismContinental PhilosophyStructuralism/Post-Structuralism
This is the PowerPoint I have used for a presentation on the influence of Spinoza's philosophy on J. Müller's Physiology.
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of ScienceHistory of BiologyBaruch Spinoza
The lexeme veloziferisch (velociferian) was first coined by Goethe in an unsent letter from 1825 and entered the public stage four years later with the second edition of the novel Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre, oder die Entsagenden (1829;... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyJohann Wolfgang von GoetheBaruch SpinozaPhilosophy of Nature
Naturrecht AUFSATZSAMMLUNG 19-3 Leibniz und das Naturrecht / hrsg. von Luca Basso.-Stuttgart : Steiner, 2019.-201 S. ; 24 cm.-(Studia Leibnitiana : Sonder-hefte ; 54).-ISBN 978-3-515-12288-7 : EUR 44.00 [#6467] Die Geschichte des... more
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      HobbesNatural LawBaruch SpinozaGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Baruch Spinoza (A.K.A Benedito de Espinosa or Benedict de Spinoza) was a Dutch philosopher known for his controversial ideas on the nature of God, nature, thought and the infinite. In considering Spinoza's book on metaphysics the 'Ethics,... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsTheory of MindMetaphysics of Mind
Contribution au Vocabulaire de philosophie du sport publié aux éditions L'Harmattan sous la direction de Bernard Andrieu.
Rédaction des articles Spinoza et Conatus.
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      Benedict de SpinozaBaruch SpinozaSpinozaBenedictus Spinoza
Apresentação de uma perspectiva transdisciplinar na clínica, focalizando o conceito de multiplicidade, desenvolvido por Gilles Deleuze a partir da filosofia de Spinoza. São também exploradas correspondências entre Deleuze/Spinoza e as... more
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      Clinical PsychologyBaruch SpinozaGilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
Institut d'études lévinassiennes, 2013, 253 p.
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      PlatoAristotleRenaissance StudiesÉmmanuel Lévinas
El concepto de sujeto ha sido en la historia de la filosofía occidental un concepto central, un eje medular para la configuración de diversos proyectos ético-políticos y de ontologías, un espejo en el que se ha cifrado la imagen que, en... more
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      René DescartesBaruch SpinozaEpistemologíaFilosofía de la Ciencia
Démonstration du mécanisme de la haine par une analyse d'une séquence très précise de la 25 ème heure de Spike Lee
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindBaruch SpinozaMoral Philosophy
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      PhilosophyOntologyPolitical PhilosophyEthics
In der vorliegenden Abhandlung skizzieren wir die groben Konturen eines philosophischen und interdisziplinär-kulturwissenschaftlichen Forschungsprogramms, mit dem wir das Ziel verfolgen, Affektivität als ein konstitutiv relationales und... more
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      Cultural StudiesEmotionPhilosophy of MindPhilosophical Psychology
seconda parte dell'etica di spinoza riassunto .
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      Baruch SpinozaSpinozaFilosofíaEtica
The paper examines Hegel’s claim in the Outlines of the Philosophy of Right that philosophy always comes too late to instruct us as to what the world ought to be from a dual perspective. In the first move, Hegel’s intervention in the... more
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      Political PhilosophyMarxismPerformanceG.W.F. Hegel
Since the emergence of embodied cognitive theories, there has been an ever-growing interest in the applic ation of these theories to media studies, generating a large number of analyses focusing on the affective and intellectual features... more
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      Film-PhilosophyBaruch SpinozaEnactivismEmbodied Cognition and Cinema
This paper explores Ibn Khaldun's interpretation of the history of the people of Israel through his concept of 'asabiyyah by highlighting some possible implications of it as regards the idea of the election of Israel. An emphasis is also... more
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      Jewish StudiesHebrew BibleIbn KhaldunBenedict de Spinoza
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureFantasy LiteratureBaruch SpinozaScience Fiction and Fantasy
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      Baruch SpinozaSpinozaLeibnizMalebranche
Il tema è quello del rapporto parti-tutto nella Lettera 32 di Spinoza. Dopo aver preso spunto dalle opposte traduzioni del testo per mettere in luce alcune difficoltà interpretative, delineo due possibili letture: o le cose in quanto... more
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      Philosophy17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyComplexityMereology
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    • Baruch Spinoza
La critique spinozienne des miracles est, avec le nécessitarisme et le rejet de l'autorité mosaïque du Pentateuque, une des théories qui ont le plus choqué les contemporains de Spinoza. Nous en avons une preuve dans la réaction de Henry... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern Intellectual HistoryBaruch SpinozaSpinoza
In Book I and II of his Ethics, Spinoza asserts that there is only one substance, idealized Nature, or God as well as materialized God, or Nature. That is, Spinoza equates God to Nature and Nature to God, in an attempt to maintain that... more
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      MetaphysicsEpistemologyGeorge BerkeleyBaruch Spinoza
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      Cognitive ScienceComputability TheoryEthicsEpistemology
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      Gilles DeleuzeBaruch SpinozaSpinozaSpinozism
We will concentrate on what can rightly be called the “cosmological” aspect of Spinoza’s overall concept of freedom. This means freedom related to the cosmos that Spinoza calls Nature linked to God in his famous expression Deus sive... more
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      PhilosophyBaruch SpinozaFreedom
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      Political TheoryHobbesThomas HobbesFreedom Of Expression
El hombre es un ser afectivo para Spinoza. Esos afectos no sólo son fuente de alegría o de tristeza, de sentirse y saberse existir, crecer o disminuir en nuestro ser, sino que también son medios de conocimiento y de orientación en la... more
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      Baruch SpinozaAffect/Emotion
In two different works, Spinoza argues for a version of Hobbesian social contract theory in which individuals form civil society out of the "state of nature" through transferring their natural rights to a sovereign. However, recent... more
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      Political PhilosophySocial Contract TheoryHistory of Political ThoughtBaruch Spinoza
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    • Baruch Spinoza
ENGLISH: The recent triumph of Conchita Wurst –a transgender artist who, acting as Austria’s representative, won the 2014 edition of the singing contest Eurovision –allows us to test Deleuze and Guattari’s concepts of desire as a... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderDiversitySocial Representations
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryReligion and Politics
Nel presente studio verranno indagate le matrici filosofiche della teoria del male formulata da David Foster Wallace nella sua analisi del cinema lynchiano.
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      Baruch SpinozaDavid Foster WallaceSchellingProblem of Evil
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      Environmental PhilosophyBaruch Spinoza