Recent papers in Linguistics
Some US researchers and practitioners are calling for the use of written codeswitching in mainstream college courses, despite a strong English-only sentiment among many teachers and the public. This paper describes the existing positions... more
Aim and Objectives/Purpose/Research Questions: The main goal of this study was to examine noun–adjective gender agreement in Russian by comparing bilingual children with diverse L2 backgrounds (English, Finnish, German, and Hebrew) with... more
Learning a new sound system poses challenges of a social, psychological, and cognitive nature, but the…
9 Premessa 11 Premessa alla seconda edizione LINGUA PENSIERO CANTO 17 Prima lezione. La lingua e l'informazione 18 § 1. L'essenza e l'indole 23 § 2. Il format della lingua 29 § 3. La prestanza del segno 36 § 4. L'informazione 47 Seconda... more
Previous research, in which static figures were used, showed that the ability to perceive illusory contours emerges around 7 months of age. However, recently, evidence has suggested that 2-3-month-old infants are able to perceive illusory... more
Within ESL, interest has been growing in the pedagogical implications of poststructuralist theories of identity and in the need for gay-friendly teaching practices. However, research on identity has largely neglected the domain of sexual... more
The article calls into question the understanding of the Kočevska (Gottschee) area as a “German language island”. Through examples of the use of different languages before the Second World War, it shows a different –multilingual or... more
This article describes the rise of Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) as an institutional designation within postsecondary education in the U.S. context, and outlines some of the language-based challenges U.S. Latinx students face on... more
Caledonian College of Engineering, Oman, has been encouraging its students to use monolingual dictionaries rather than bilingual or bilingualized ones in classroom and during the exams. This policy with has been received with mixed... more
Hermeneutics and historical consciousness: An appraisal of the contribution of Hans-Georg Gadamer.
This paper examines simultaneous interpreting (SI) from the viewpoint of procedural competence, whose evolution may be followed and monitored through the changes intervening within implicit and explicit tasks performed. As a goal-oriented... more
Spoken in the nineteenth century by the posteggiatori, the wandering minstrels of Naples, parlèsia is a jargon. It shares its syntax and its phonology with the Neapolitan dialect and is characterized by a special lexicon of about 200... more
Numerous studies have suggested that under certain circumstances (e.g., immersion in the second language environment) the production of the native language (L1) in adult second language learners can be influenced by features of the second... more
Abstract: The study compares the effectiveness of Focus on Form (FonF) and Focus on FormS (FonFs) approaches in learning new L2 words by 158 high-school learners of English as L2. In phase 1 of the study, the FonF group read a text... more
Wie viele Sprachen gibt es auf unserer Erde? Wie verschieden sind sie voneinander? Wie hängen sie miteinander zusammen, wie beeinflussen sie sich gegenseitig, wie sind sie miteinander verwandt -- und was heißt "verwandt" bei Sprachen... more
Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998. Note : les règles d'écriture des références bibliographiques peuvent varier... more
We all know our schools; we grew up in their classrooms and, to a large extent, are a product of them. Nevertheless, once that stage of our education is over, we are not allowed to relive it, slipping through the doorway to sit down at a... more
This publication has been typeset in the multilingual "Brill" typeface. With over 5,100 characters covering Latin, IPA, Greek, and Cyrillic, this typeface is especially suitable for use in the humanities. For more information, please see... more
Research has emphasized the importance of the relationship between family functioning and adolescent behavioral development. The present study examines family environment and social-emotional functioning of primarily minority adolescents,... more
Desde la publicación en 1975 del libro de Robin Lakoff, Language and wo m a n 's p l a c e, las inve s t i gaciones sobre lengua y género han estado principalmente orientadas al análisis del "habla de las mujeres". En una r evisión... more
Taking a dynamic, multi-competence view of bilingualism, this thesis is concerned with the outcomes of the parallel processes of first language maintenance and second language acquisition in adult bilinguals placed in a second language... more
I hereby declare that this thesis has not been and will not be, submitted in whole or in part to another university for the award of any other degree.
This table began as a comparison of Etruscan words to other Indo-European words, and it is clear that the linkage to Etruscan illuminates some new patterns in Indo-European word relationships. We added for further comparison words from... more
Tatiana BAROLIN, nata a Pinerolo nel 1979 e residente a Bobbio Pellice, ha conseguito la laurea magistrale in lingue e letterature straniere, un master in "Tutela e valorizzazione delle minoranze linguistiche del Piemonte" e una laurea... more
Jews in Mexico City have long organized themselves into ethnic sub-groups. Various labels circulate to refer to their members, including halebi (Aleppan), shami (Damascene), idish (Ashkenazi), and turco (Sephardi). Given recent... more
«petit à petit») respectent la contrainte sur les sommets vides mais ne sont pas analysables via som_plus.. . (au moins dans la formulation actuelle de cette contrainte).
The current paper examines the instructional implications of Vygotsky's (1978) seminal notion of Zone of Proximal Development, originally developed to account for the learning potential of children, and investigates ZPD applications to... more
Ingo Plag The Oxford reference guide to English morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp. 704. ISBN 978-0-19-957926-6. Ingo Plag The Oxford reference guide to English morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Pp.... more