Language Teaching
Recent papers in Language Teaching
Learning a new sound system poses challenges of a social, psychological, and cognitive nature, but the…
The practice of language teaching and learning inside the classroom is, in fact, under the circumstance of philosophical assumption or ideological framework. Teaching program and curriculum set are absolutely written on the basis of... more
Neste artigo discutimos a análise de um livro didático de ensino de Português Brasileiro para empresários estrangeiros. A análise linguístico-discursiva foi uma tentativa de descrever e desvendar as concepções de linguagem e de ensino... more
There has been a remarkable growth of interest in the theory and practice of autonomy in language teaching and learning in recent years. Focusing on work published since the turn of the 20th century, this review examines major trends in... more
ÖZ Bu çalışmada yabancı dil olarak Arapçanın öğretiminde dil yeteneği ya da dil yatkınlığı olarak bilinen olgunun, bireylerin dil edinimleri üzerindeki etkisi tartışılmaya çalışılacaktır. Kuşkusuz dilsel beceriler, tıpkı görsel, işitsel... more
This book demonstrates the positive impact of using film and audiovisual material in the language classroom. The chapters are evidence-based and address different levels and contexts of learning around the world. They demonstrate the... more
The year 2020 marked the 25th year since Bonny Norton published her influential TESOL Quarterly article, ‘Social identity, investment, and language learning’ (Norton Peirce, 1995) and the fifth year since we, Darvin and Norton (2015),... more
This is a individual lesson plan for the course that I took in 2016, Faculty of Education, Chula. Univ. This one need to be improved before using it in the classroom. I WARNED YOU!
Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E is a double-blind refereed journal that explores a variety of issues related to translation teaching and learning. We seek qualitative and quantitative research articles that are... more Lesson Plan: Meaning, Definition, Concept, Introduction, Components, Importance, Principles, Characteristics, Steps, Types, Format, Template, Examples ------ With special... more
How humans possess the language ability is a matter of long controversy among the linguists. Some of them believe that the ability of language is the result of innate knowledge. Unlike other species humans possess that innate ability... more
Le present article, consacre a la mesure de competences langagieres, met en evidence les similitudes et les differences entre tests informels (utilises en classe) et tests standardises (utilises entre autres pour la recherche). Afin de... more
தமிழ்ப்பல்கலைக்கழகம் தஞ்சாவூர் இணைய அறிமுகத்திற்குப்பின் இணையம் வழி கற்றலும் கற்பித்தலும் மிகப்பரவலாக நடந்து வருகின்றன. ஆங்கிலம் போன்ற மொழிகளுக்கான இணையம் வழி மொழி கற்பித்தல்/கற்றல் செயல்பாடுகள் மிகச்சிறப்பாக நடைபெற்று வருகின்றன. தமிழைப்... more
Play is older than culture, for culture, however inadequately defined, always presupposes human society, and animals have not waited for man to teach them their playing. We can safely assert, even, that human civilization has added no... more
In the first half of the twentieth century, English grammar disappeared from the curriculum of most schools in England, but since the 1960s it has gradually been reconceptualised, under the influence of linguistics, and now once again has... more
This article describes an extended program of research in sheltered instruction and the effects on the academic literacy development of English language learners. It also highlights the challenges of scaling up an instructional... more
Gardner's Multiple Intelligences theory is presented as a cognitive perspective on intelligence which has profound implications for education in general. More specifically, it has led to the application of eight of these frames to... more
The aim of this article is to present the result of the practice of so-called «metagraphic explanations» and the observation of how school teachers «negotiate» problem-solving in French spelling with their pupils. Conceptualised by the... more
The current study was carried out to investigate whether elaborative text modification improves reading comprehension ability of pre-intermediate male and female EFL learners. To do this, 60 preintermediate learners were chosen based on... more
En esta presentación toco los siguientes temas: El fenómeno del lenguaje y la comunicación humanos en el marco de la Teoría de los Sistemas Dinámicos Texto y contexto: Distintos tipos de contexto y su interrelación Variables en la... more
The article first introduces the special issue on the topic of Linguistic Dimensions of Inclusion in Educational and Multilingual Contexts. Key aspects of inclusive education are outlined and applied to the realm of language,... more
Glossophobia, an individual’s anxiety of public speaking, has been observed to be a common phenomenon among students. The present study explores factors associated with glossophobia among ESL students of a tertiary institution in... more
Heritage language speakers constitute a unique cultural and linguistic resource in the United States while also presenting particular challenges for language educators and language programs. This paper examines the potential of systemic... more
Le présent article est issu des résultats de la recherche en groupe franco-japonais menée sous l'égide de la Société japonaise pour la promotion des sciences (JSPS) ainsi que de l'Égide française. La recherche bénéfi cie du fonds de leur... more
The socio-cultural settings of English-language and Englishmedium classrooms are intrinsically bi/multilingual and bi/multicultural as both learners and teachers bring their multiple identities and homecommunity languages and... more
The main objective of the project was to investigate the benefits of practising AD for developing L1 skills, especially lexical and syntactic abilities, in Catalan language. Beyond L1 competence, AD practice should provide students with... more
Clickers as electronic response systems allow students to respond instantly to questions. The aim of this study is to compare the effects of using clickers on student participation during different periods of EFL courses. The intervention... more
Abstrakt Forcat e Armatosura në Republikën e Shqipërisë janë në një fazë të re të veprimtarisë së tyre. Në të gjitha strukturat e tyre po punohet intensivisht për integrimin e plotë në NATO. Kjo fazë paraqet sfida të reja që kërkojnë... more
Ponència convidada a les III Jornades GrOC. L'ensenyament de la gramàtica en contextos multilingües. Treball en què s'exposa de quina es pot orientar l'ensenyament de la gramàtica a secundària, per tal d'estimular la capacitats... more
This article documents the work of parent-driven research teams in two school boards in the Greater Toronto Area. Motivated by a desire to move beyond a school-centred/family-centred dichotomy, this parent-lead project explores a middle... more
Arsaythamby Veloo School of Education and Modern Languages, Universiti Utara Malaysia Malaysia ABSTRACT This study attempts to investigate whether MUET results can be used as a predictor of accounting and science stream students’ overall... more
This article reports on an investigation into the development of the listening proficiency and strategic behaviour of 15 lower-intermediate learners of French in England. We consider whether listeners remain in the same listening... more
ABSTRACT The Internet as a worldwide literacy practice environment has created a new situation in communication, providing a new dynamic field for research. On the basis of the two articles under discussion, this commentary develops... more
The future professional world of today's students is becoming a life-long learning process where they have to adapt to a changing market and an environment full of new opportunities and challenges. Thus, the development of a number of... more
Teaching English to young learners has gained speed in the past twenty years. Many countries in Europe are offering English at the primary level as advised by the EU. The efforts to lower the age for foreign language learning have echoed... more
This case study investigates the metacognitive reading strategies of three advanced proficient trilingual readers whose native language is Hausa. The study examines the reading strategies employed by the three readers in English, French... more
Nos últimos anos, o ensino de língua estrangeira tem sido remodelado por propostas pedagógicas de base construcionista, as quais sugerem que construir conhecimento é consequência natural da experiência de criação e experimentação.... more