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Meaning-making is at the center of all human communicative events. Communication is an exchange of meanings encoded in written or spoken words, non-verbal cues, signs, symbols, and so on. Creating, exchanging, and interpreting meaning is... more
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      PragmaticsSemanticsTheories of MeaningContext
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      PragmaticsH.P. Grice
In their recent book, Imagination and Convention, Ernie Lepore and Matthew Stone defend a radical version of conventionalism, according to which conventions determine all of the properties of a communicative act that a hearer must... more
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      CommunicationPragmaticsSemanticsTheory of Mind
Cognitive pragmatics is a mature field of research, characterized by robust theories and a growing amount of experimental work. In particular, Relevance Theory has provided a rich framework for research in the field. However, this theory... more
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      PragmaticsAssociative Learning and MemoryCognitionConsciousness
Jaka jest definicja semantyki i pragmatyki? Od kilkudziesięciu lat odpowiedź na to pytanie pozostaje źródłem licznych sporów i kontrowersji. Istnieje wiele różnych definicji obu terminów. W zależności od przyjętego wyjaśnienia, granice... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageSemanticsPhilosophy Of LawH.P. Grice
In communication, there are a set of rules applied to make a successful conversation. The rules help both the speaker and the hearer in delivering their messages and conveying the meanings of their messages. Grice (1975) introduced the... more
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      PragmaticsH.P. GriceLingusticsApplied Lingustics
""From the OUP Catalog: * Ambitious original study of a fascinating aspect of human nature * The most serious and systematic account of the notion of self-expression in thirty years * Blends approaches from experimental psychology,... more
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      PragmaticsMeaningH.P. GriceFacial expression
Quella di implicatura è una nozione chiave nella filosofia del linguaggio contemporanea; la sua precisa natura resta tuttavia controversa, e molti sono i nodi teorici irrisolti o problematici. In questo articolo vorrei segnalarne alcuni,... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePragmaticsH.P. Grice
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      Philosophy Of LanguageH.P. GriceTheory of Definite DescriptionsPaul Grice
Grice's proposals have aroused much interest in researchers during the last decade, especially since Sperber & Wilson applied those ideas to a new Principle of Relevance. Grice developed a set of conversational postulates - maxims in his... more
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      PragmaticsH.P. GriceCooperative PrincipleAlternative comics
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Describing Monty Python’s Flying Circus as a ground-breaking comedy act almost seems like an understatement. As a unit, Monty Python framed absurd situational discourses to frequently subvert the social and cultural norms that a society... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTelevision StudiesLinguistic ImpolitenessConversation Analysis
La pragmatica analizza le lingue come strumenti di comunicazione. Il punto di partenza dei ragionamenti pragmatici è che ciò che facciamo quando parliamo si può solo in parte spiegare in termini di semantica e sintassi. Per capire il... more
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      LanguagesIntercultural CommunicationTranslation StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
We lie and deceive on a regular basis. To make clear that we are so doing, though, is subject to some kind of infelicity. This paper develops a conceptual analysis of lying and deceiving in a reciprocal fashion by pointing their... more
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      Deception / Lying (Deception Lying)H.P. GriceJ. L. AustinLying, Deception, Truthfulness
Oversupply of information, irrelevance, and repetition in political and administrative text and talk have received considerable scholarly attention, but the tendency to date has been to analyse these phenomena separately. In this article,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPublic AdministrationCommunicationMedia Studies
Il comico, l’umorismo, l’ironia sono dei concetti abbastanza simili tra loro ma che sembrano sfuggire a ogni tentativo di classificazione “scientifica”. Molti autori fanno confusione, e usano questi termini, spesso impropriamente, come... more
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      SemioticsCultural SemioticsH.P. GriceLuigi Pirandello
Kapitel aus einer Einführung in die Linguistik. Hier werden in leicht verständlicher Form die Begriffe "Implikatur" und "Inferenz" beschrieben und in einer Theorie des Sprachgebrauchs und des Sprachwandels verortet.
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsRelevance TheoryH.P. Grice
Common ground is a problematic concept. It is a necessary part of any pragmatic theory because it names the context that speakers take for granted in carrying out a communicative act, or in other words the background against which a... more
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      ReferenceLanguages and LinguisticsPragmaticsSocial Interaction
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      HumorH.P. GriceHumor StudiesHumour Studies
Chapter from A.-V. Pietarinen (2006), Signs of Logic. Synthese Library 329. Dordrecht: Springer.
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      History of LinguisticsSemioticsPragmatismPragmatics
・SUMMARY In this paper, I trace the origin and historical vagaries of the term pragmatics from Morris' and Carnap's development of the notion down to its place in the work of John Austin, a leading proponent of ordinary language... more
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      H.P. GriceGilles Gaston GrangerRudolf CarnapJohn R. Searle
Intentional ambiguities are frequently used as humor by many entertainment media to maintain its serious nuance. However, since they are ambiguous, most of the humor fails to be recognized by audience. Under this circumstance, the... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesPragmaticsHumorH.P. Grice
I want to start my response paper by importance of philosophy of language in understanding the nature of meaning in natural language: “In the 20th century, logic and philosophy of language are two of the few areas of philosophy in which... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageSemanticsMeaningH.P. Grice
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      PragmaticsH.P. GricePresuppositions
How do we know when someone is being sarcastic online? And, is there a dialect when it comes to sarcasm and implicational impoliteness? This MA thesis researches the pragmatic function of sarcasm in online communities, specifically those... more
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      CommunicationLanguages and LinguisticsPragmaticsLinguistic Politeness
-F. Di Lorenzo Ajello, Mente, azione e linguaggio nel pensiero di John R. Searle, FrancoAngeli, 1998 -J. L. Austin, Come fare cose con le parole, a cura di C. Penco e M. Sbisà, Marietti, 1987 - J. Habermas, Teoria dell’agire... more
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      Jurgen HabermasWittgensteinH.P. GriceJ. L. Austin
This dissertation deals with the phenomenon of the Conversational Implicature which was highlighted by the Scientist Paul Grice. It presents this phenomenon in accordance with Grice’s interest in pragmatics studies and the process of... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsH.P. GriceLinguistics
This dissertation gives a survey of reception theory in film, followed by a detailed account of the work of Wolfgang Iser and his work on The Act of Reading, incorporating the counter-arguments of Stanley Fish. The roots of this are... more
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      Film TheoryReader ResponseH.P. GriceComics and Graphic Novels
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      Philosophy Of LanguageH.P. GricePeter StrawsonPresuppositions
Implicating, as it is conceived in recent pragmatics, amounts to conveying a (propositional) content without saying it – a content providing no contribution to the truth-conditions of the proposition expressed by the sentence uttered. In... more
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      PragmaticsH.P. Grice
This volume contains essays that explore explicit and implicit communication through linguistic research. Taking as a framework Paul Grice's theories on “what is said,” the contributors explore a number of areas, including: the boundary... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageCommunicationPragmaticsSemantics
Table of contents & preface.
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      Redundancy EliminationLegal TheoryLegislative DraftingH.P. Grice
Philosophy Bytes talk on meaning and interpretation
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      IntentionalityMeaningH.P. GriceInterpretation
Since in modern day most of the information is conveyed through written communication, and media play a significant role in the conveyance of hot issues of the day, the language of the news has attracted the attention of both media... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish LiteratureCritical Discourse StudiesTeaching English as a Second Language
Throughout its history, the study of language came up with many theories and approaches which attempted to explore the variable dimensions that control its use and structure. Conversational principles are one of these dimensions, for they... more
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      PhilosophyLanguages and LinguisticsPragmaticsArabic Language and Linguistics
Abstract: What a speaker says and thereby means, and how her words are best interpreted, can be influenced in complex ways by the conventional meanings of those words, the intentions with which she speaks, and by the conversation in which... more
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      PragmaticsSemanticsH.P. GriceJohn R. Searle
This paper argues that a language can exist and flourish in a community even if none of of the members of the community has any communication intentions; and that reference to the notion of communication intention can therefore be... more
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      CommunicationSemanticsTheories of MeaningH.P. Grice
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      Philosophy Of LanguageLogicMetaphorH.P. Grice
Abstract Grice’s theory of implicature has been considered ethnocentric, but this paper will argue that it is highly relevant to intercultural analysis. The Principle of Cooperation, and its subordinate maxims, focus on the rationality... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCommunicationIntercultural CommunicationTeaching English as a Second Language
Hatten (1994) writes that if musical passages are “inappropriate to the context of the movement . . . an ironic interpretation would be one way to reconcile that inappropriateness as a compositional effect rather than a flaw” (185). Is... more
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      Music TheoryAnalogy (Cognitive Psychology)Cognitive LinguisticsMusic Cognition
This paper tests the applicability of Brown and Levinson's concept of off-record politeness on a specific subset of patterned dialogues in Sophocles' extant tragedies, i.e., those involving the participation of female speakers. Brown and... more
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureGreek TragedyWomen's Studies
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      Philosophy Of LanguageH.P. GriceSpeech Act TheoryOrdinary Language Philosophy
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      LanguagesPsychologyCognitive PsychologyPhilosophy
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      Philosophy Of LanguageLanguages and LinguisticsH.P. GricePaul Grice
Assertion is here approached as a social practice developed through cultural evolution. This perspective will facilitate inquiry into the questions what role assertion plays in communicative life, what norms it is subject to, and whether... more
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      Semantics/PragmaticsH.P. GriceNorms of assertionJohn R. Searle
In her stylistic analysis of modern drama, Deirdre Burton (1980) argues that the linguistic frameworks used in the field of conversation analysis are suitable to be applied to dramatic texts due to the performative element that is... more
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      Theatre StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsLinguistic PolitenessStylistics
The aim of this paper is to support the position that what is implicated is not determined by speaker intention, a claim which runs counter to the widely accepted position that what is implicated is determined by speaker intention. This... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageH.P. GriceImplicature
Em "Lógica e Conversação" H. P. Grice sugere um método para a recuperação dos elementos implícitos e usos indiretos da linguagem, que são "geradores de significado" mas estão fora do alcance de qualquer análise puramente semântica ou... more
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      H.P. GriceJohn R. SearleJ. L. AustinFILOSOFIA DA LINGUAGEM
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      PragmaticsH.P. GriceCommunicative IntentionsConventional Implicature