Recent papers in Definition
The active mind:
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Les expositions universelles, une utopie touristique toujours d’actualité ? World’s Fair, The Renew of Touristic Utopia? ¿Exposiciones universales, una utopía turística siempre de actualidad? À travers les expositions universelles... more
An important strand of research that is often neglected in the field of affective computing is that of how users respond to simulated displays of emotion. We present an overview of the few studies that have explicitly investigated this... more
The creation of the definitions it is an important stage of the activity of ontologies construction, insofar as the definitions provides the understanding of the meaning of classes. However, creating definitions is a complex and tiresome... more
How to cite TSpace items Always cite the published version, so the author(s) will receive recognition through services that track citation counts, e.g. Scopus. If you need to cite the page number of the TSpace version (original manuscript... more
Background There are limited data on the epidemiology of adolescent soccer injury across all levels of play. Hypothesis Through implementation and validation of an injury surveillance system in adolescent soccer, risk factors for injury... more
Thus, each vertex of a defensive alliance can, with the aid of its neighbors in S, be defended from attack by its neighbors outside of S. An entire set S is secure if any subset X ⊆ S can be defended from an attack from outside of S,... more
Biodiversity conservation has become the stated objective of national governments, state agencies, local communities, and scientific organizations. Yet despite this attention the term biodiversity remains poorly defined. One of the... more
Timely communication of significant or unexpected findings in surgical pathology can significantly improve patient care. Although surgical pathology critical values have been published, no systematic assessment in pediatric surgical... more
This essay explores a conceptual definition of psychological processes. Previous researchers from the fields of psychology and neuroscience have noted that improving the definition of psychological processes may be extremely useful to... more
El autor analiza y critica la definición de «constitucionalismo» de Ferrajoli y su tipología de los constitucionalismos. Él afirma la oportunidad de distinguir entre constitucionalismo como teoría, como metodología y como ideología.
Occupational balance is a frequently used concept in occupational therapy, but it is complex and differences in content exist. Further knowledge would be valuable for scholars, practitioners, and measurement development. Concept analysis... more
El dominio del empirismo en la sociedad occidental alteró el significado antiguo de la medida. En el caso del estudio de la relación entre el ser humano y la computadora se considera de forma casi exclusiva parámetros físicos o... more
Students appear to have an almost insatiable appetite for receiving feedback and the scholarly literature has acknowledged its central importance for learning. And yet there is no widely accepted definition of feedback, most definitions... more
Purpose The aim of this article is to both theoretically and empirically define the concept of Library 2.0. Design/methodology/approach Written answers to question "What is Library 2.0?" given by practitioners and researchers (n=29)... more
Définir l'art numérique, c'est simple comme parler de "cinéma numérique". L'usage est exemplaire dans la caricature : le plus souvent, le critique évoque le cinéma numérique à propos de films qui substituent le support numérique au... more
Objective To determine prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) among adolescents by using definitions from the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP) and World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines and to... more
Estadística y su relación con otras ciencias Esta ciencia se relaciona con otras, por ejemplo, la Economía Política, la Planificación, la Computación, la Contabilidad, la Estadística Matemática, etc.
We report a systematic appraisal of definitions and approaches to needs assessment in palliative care. Electronic databases were searched, and relevant individuals and organizations were contacted to identify needs assessments in... more
. Second, a self-reported UI prevalence was calculated by asking respondents if they ever had urine loss. To conform to the International Continence Society standard definition, spouses were also asked to complete a general (Short... more
This is an encyclopedia entry for public relations.
A clear, concise definition of traumatic brain injury (TBI) is fundamental for reporting, comparison, and interpretation of studies on TBI. Changing epidemiologic patterns, an increasing recognition of significance of mild TBI, and a... more
The aim of this study is to introduce in detail the model of descriptive definition of Stephen C. Pepper. After an outline of his analysis of nominal definitions, Pepper’s own conception of descriptive definition is presented. Further on,... more
There is an increased awareness of the needs of vulnerable individuals and populations in the discipline of nursing. In order to meet the healthcare needs of the vulnerable, nurses need to understand the multiple implications of... more
This paper proposes a definition of the Japanese vocative. First, we consider the position that referring to words like anata, omae, and watashi as pronouns is inappropriate morphologically, functionally, semantically and lexicologically.... more
One area concerned with the impact of information technology which appears to be relatively under-developed is to do with the use of information. The concept of 'information literacy' has been suggested by some to be of some use, but its... more
Prvi pokušaj definiranja terorizma u međunarodnom pravu u vezi je sa Konvencijom za sprečavanje i kažnjavanje terorizma iz 1937. godine (1937 Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism), koja je usvojena pod okriljem... more
Background: Although the PHQ-9 is widely used in primary care, little is known about its performance in quantifying improvement. The original validation study of the PHQ-9 defined clinically significant change as a post-treatment score of... more
graduate training programs, and licensing bodies conduct assessments to certify the competence of future practitioners, discriminate among candidates for advanced training, provide motivation and direction for learning, and judge the... more
From a strict biological point of view, humans are just one species among other species, albeit one with very special capacities, characteristics, and skills. Among scientists, it is generally acknowledged that we share many features with... more
La comunicación de marketing desempeña un papel muy importante en la construcción y el mantenimiento de las relaciones con los stakeholders y en rentabilizar estas relaciones en términos de valor de marca y resultados financieros. A... more
Since Vassily V. Nalimov coined the term 'scientometrics' in the 1960s, this term has grown in popularity and is used to describe the study of science: growth, structure, interrelationships and productivity. Scientometrics is related to... more
Biodisponibilité et bioaccessibilité des métaux et metalloïdes des sols pollués pour la voie orale chez l'homme Définitions, protocoles de mesure et retour d'expérience international Résumé. Dans la gestion des sols contaminés, la notion... more
A central characteristic of the modern world consists of the growing dominance of artificial over natural problems. Human accumulation of power means that we are now capable of creating and destroying many things, including ourselves.... more
Definitions of the word "gender" were collected from 137 participants, who also completed questionnaires designed to determine aspects of the usage of the words "gender" and "sex." The majority of participants were European American... more
Definitions from an argumentative point of view can be analyzed as endoxa, namely commonly accepted propositions. Definitional endoxa represent the deepest commitments of a community, as they are the basis of the mutual understanding.... more