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Nature sports in general and hiking in particular have become, in our urban and post-industrial societies, a growing phenomenon practiced by millions of citizens. The motivations and interests of this large group are varied, but they have... more
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      MountainsWalking TourismNature TrailsHiking Tourism
This preface to the special issue “Frames on the move: Regional governance in mountain areas” has the following aims. First, it introduces governance in mountain regions as a special and instructive case of regional environmental... more
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      TransnationalismRegionalismEnvironmental SustainabilityMountains
El presente texto presenta los avances del proyecto Red de Senderos, el cual surge por iniciativa de tres actores, la comunidad de caminantes Amigos de la Montaña, la Dirección de Ambiente y Ruralidad de la Secretaría Distrital de... more
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      Mountain communitiesMountainsMountaineeringMountain Tourism
The Barkley Marathons is an infamously brutal endurance trail race, having only been completed by 15 runners in its 30-year history. It takes place in the rugged Appalachian Mountains of eastern Tennessee, is approximately 130 miles long,... more
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      Appalachian StudiesPerformance ArtSite-Specific ArtAffect (Cultural Theory)
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      Pastoralism (Social Anthropology)AgricultureAnimal EcologyMountains
Innovation is a key element in reshaping the landscape of education in the countryside; but teachers assigned in the mountains know that the hurdles of mountain life demand something more than innovating if their pupils have to learn.... more
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En este artículo se sostiene que el nombre original del Nevado de Toluca es Chicnauhtécatl, el autor lo sustenta presentado un estudio etnohistórico y arqueológico. Chicnauhtécatl, es un vocablo náhuatl que se traduce al español como... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMountain communitiesMesoamerica (Anthropology)Mesoamerica
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      19th CenturyMountainsCroatiaPhotographers
This PhD in geography seeks to understand contemporary migration trends affecting rural areas of French middle mountains in particular with examples of Diois (Drôme), Morvan (Nièvre) and Séronais (Ariège), by mobilizing the north american... more
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      MountainsAmenity MigrationLifestyle Migration
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesLandscape (Art)LandscapeEnvironmental Humanities
The famous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and the brilliant Russian painter Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947) have broadly reflected on the topic of the mountain, conceived by them as a symbolical and hermeneutical figure.... more
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      Mythology And FolklorePhilosophyPoetryFriedrich Nietzsche
i did not personally author this submission; it is but a topic of personal interest.
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This is a postface to the Slovenian edition of Pier Paolo Viazzo's classic Upland Communities (1980) which contains an analytical overview of the developments of Alpine sociocultural anthropology. (In Slovenian)
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      AnthropologyHistorical DemographyRural HistoryMigration
A list of mountain passes and similar features extracted from the gazetteer "Irish Landscape Names". Please consult the full document (also available at Mountain Views, www.mountainviews.ie | More | Resources) for the abbreviations of... more
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      Place-NamesMountainsMountaineeringPlace Names
In the vast high altitude rangelands of the Tibetan plateau, and of the surrounding mountain regions of Central Asia – from Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan in the far west, to Mongolia and Bhutan in the east – yak husbandry has for millennia... more
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      High altitude environmentsChinaCooperativesCentral Asia
Nicola Masciandaro, Interview on Bergmetal, with Tristan Vivian Adams, Notes from the Vomitorium
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      MountainsRock ClimbingHeavy Metal MusicBergmetal
En México, las cimas nevadas son excepcionales. En el Altiplano Central no hay más de tres montañas con hielos perennes y en invierno apenas una docena más se cubre por nevadas ocasionales; este paisaje fue sacralizado desde tiempos... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMountain communitiesSacred mountainsArqueología
À la Renaissance, les Alpes occidentales sont un lieu « de nulle part », un espace à la fois rêvé et vécu par les hommes. De nombreuses sources renseignent sur les différents discours portant sur la montagne. D’un côté, les récits de... more
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      GeographyCartographyRenaissance StudiesRepresentations
The interpretation of “the Myth of the Abduction of Europa” and of the archaeogeography of the Messara region is based on approach of geomythology. More precisely, in the way with which myths are connected with the ancient context in... more
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      Religious EducationEnvironmental HistoryApplication of GIS and RS for Integrated Watershed ManagementLakes
This report provides the first map-based overview of environmental change in mountain regions and its implications for sustainable development. New global maps illustrate selected values of mountain ecosystems and many of the pressures... more
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    • Mountains
Prof. Reiner (1825-1897) from Celovec and B. Lergetporer (1845-1910) from Bled, the authors of the first series of the landscape photographs of Carniola and other lands... more
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      Landscape Photography19th CenturyMountainsVienna
Der Olymp ist der höchste Berg Griechenlands und Sitz der antiken griechischen Götter. In der Mythologie ist er seit der Antike nahezu omnipräsent. Dabei wurde eine Vorstellung ausgeformt, die schillernd zwischen realem Berg und... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyMythologyClassics
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      Travel WritingTravel LiteratureMountain & mountaineering literatureMountains
Cliff Ollier and Colin Pain
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      AndesMountainsPassive MarginsOrogenesis
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      ArchitectureLandscape ArchitectureMountainsInfrastructure
El halo divino que envuelve a la Matlalcueye no se ha disipado, nos sigue obsesionando, influye en nuestras memorias y alimenta nuestras emociones. Con sentimientos tan ancestrales como contemporáneos, son las fuerzas de la naturaleza... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyMountain communitiesSacred mountainsTlaxcala
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      Celtic StudiesCeltic PhilologyCeltic LinguisticsSacred mountains
Thereis no such thing as a temple Mountain. The author Proves that Borobudur , Angkor wat etc were large temples inspired by Mountain legends and animistic beliefs
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      HinduismMountainsHindu templesHindu Studies
The international conference "Mountains: culture, landscapes and biodiversity"was held at the West Caspian University in Baku from may 10 to 12, 2019. Famous scientists from many countries came to the conference in the capital of... more
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      Cultural LandscapesBiodiversity and Ecosystem FunctionAgricultural landscapesBiodiversity
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      TurkeyBlack Sea StudiesMountainsTranshumance
Preface to 2020 edition The Irish language names of features situated in the Gaeltacht, wholly or partially, have now been highlighted in bold type. Irish forms have been added for secondary peaks which do not have a separate name, e.g.... more
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      MountainsMountaineeringPlace NamesIrish Placenames
The Later European Prehistory Group of Cambridge is excited to invite you to submit an abstract to our conference “A Blessing and a Curse: Mediterranean mountains between idyll and violence in later Prehistory” Mountains are indeed double... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryGreek ArchaeologyIron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)
The 2022 winter/spring issue of Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology Includes the following entries: Five “book notes”:  Philosopher Quill R. Kukla’s City Living (Oxford Univ. Press, 2021);  Phenomenologists Michael and Max... more
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      Space SyntaxPhenomenologyEnvironmental EthicsUrban Studies
F. RUBAT BOREL, a cura di, Preistoria e protostoria in ambiente montano: scoperte e ricerca territoriale, tutela e valorizzazione /Prehistory and protohistory in mountain environment: discoveries and territorial research, protection and... more
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      Mesolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Mountain communities
Mountains are often groundlessly thought of as romantic backwaters lacking in development and civility, and portrayed as unruly places to pass through by academics working under the influence of ideologies of the state. Binaries of the... more
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      Landscape EcologyArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyAnthropology
The program of development of the mountainous landscape surrounding the altopiano aims to “signal things” rather than directly to transform them. A project of cultural reading, rather than strictly regulate, which aims to produce... more
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      GeographyLandscape ArchitectureResilienceEnvironmental Studies
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)ProtohistoryIron Age
Information on ESPON and its projects can be found on www.espon.eu. The web site provides the possibility to download and examine the most recent documents produced by finalised and ongoing ESPON projects. This delivery exists only in an... more
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      Rural SociologyPublic TransportPublic ServicesSocial Innovation
This area is located in Mount in the north-western part of Tih plateau in Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, where it occupies an area estimated at around 629.95 km2, between latitudes 29° 20: 29° 50 North and longitudes 33° 10: 33° 50 East, Bodea... more
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      GeomorphologyFluvial GeomorphologyMountains
This article investigates the triangular relationship between mountains, religion, and regional identity in the Graeco-Roman world. We focus on three different peak sanctuaries of Zeus to assess their role in shaping political landscapes... more
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      ArchaeologyIdentity (Culture)Ancient Greek ReligionSocial Memory
The concept of terrain is one of the most important in our spatial lexicon but, with a few exceptions, has been under-analyzed in critical theories of space. In this essay, I propose a materialist and affective conceptualization of... more
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      War StudiesAfghanistanInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)Political Violence
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      Human GeographyItalian LiteratureSense of PlaceLandscape
Paper presented at SLSA 2017
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      MysticismSoundPhilosophy of TimeH.P. Lovecraft
The Bucegi Mountains are located in the center of Romania. According to Wikipedia: "The Bucegi is believed to be the Dacian holy mountain Kogainon, on which the God Zalmoxis resided in a cave." Besides these ancient tales, various... more
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      European HistoryPrehistoric ArchaeologyRomanian HistoryLandscape Archaeology
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      Climate ChangeLandscape ArchaeologySettlement PatternsPalynology
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      Old TestamentTorah/PentateuchSacred mountainsMountains
Mountains were always a convenient region, which could be profited from as both a safe refuge protecting from the enemy as well as an opportune starting point of an attack against the enemy's territory. An analysis of works left by... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
Editado en 2004, patrocinado por la Cámara Nacional de las Industrias de la Celulosa, y el Papel, para la Comisión Nacional Forestal, Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales. Presentación de Alberto Cárdenas Jiménez, Director... more
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      ArchaeologyMesoamerican ArchaeologyMountain communitiesClimate Change and impacts on Mountain streams
The Tropical Andes are the home to many diverse communities, from remote farming villages to large urban centres and capitals, such as Merida, Bogotá, Quito, Cusco, El Alto and La Paz. In total, about 60 million people live at between... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationClimate change policyAndesClimate Change Impacts