Travel Literature
Recent papers in Travel Literature
Volume 1 : La Breve e Succinta Relatione del Viaggio nel Regno di Congo […] du prêtre capucin Girolamo Merolla da Sorrento, publiée en 1692, est un compte rendu d’une mission d’évangélisation accomplie dans des territoires peu explorés à... more
Le roman du voyage (dir.), « Romanesques », Hors-série n°7, 2015, Paris, Classiques Garnier, 248 p. ISBN: 978-2-8124-6010-4 Raconter/voyager : cette articulation guide la redécouverte du roman grec par la Renaissance européenne. Elle... more
Nous tenterons donc ici, sans prétention à l’exhaustivité, de montrer en quoi les voyageurs sont des comparatistes par nature, comment cela se transmet dans les relations qui émergent de leurs déplacements, et en quoi il est impératif... more
Il testo del Devisement dou monde (o Milione, secondo la tradizione italiana) trasmesso dal codice parigino fr. 1116 rappresenta la forma linguisticamente più vicina alla superficie discorsiva originale dell’opera poliana. Dopo l’edizione... more
Thèse de littérature générale et comparée, sous la direction du Professeur Guy Ducrey Université de Strasbourg École doctorale des humanités (ED 520) Configurations littéraires (EA 1337) Soutenue le 28 novembre 2014 à l'Université de... more
Статья посвящена исследованию жанра ориентального травелога в контексте русской путевой прозы конца XVIII - первой трети XIX века. Задачей статьи является рассмотрение жанра ориентального травелога в контексте литературы путешествий на... more
Travel was a crucial element of ancient Egyptian culture. An extensive traffic system by land and by water already existed as early as the Old Kingdom, including various means of transport that did not fundamentally change right through... more
The discovery of a ceiling canvas taken from a painting by Gaetano Gandolfi in a private house in Mahon sheds new light on his fame and the fame of his son Mauro, an engraver.
In occasione dell’Anno Europeo del Patrimonio Culturale 2018 il Dipartimento di Beni Culturali dell’Università di Bologna ha promosso e organizzato un convegno internazionale, tenutosi a Ravenna nei giorni 21-23 novembre 2018, attraverso... more
Recuperando una rica tradición de libros de viajes escritos por mujeres, Mónica Szurmuk nos muestra una dimensión insospechada de la construcción de la identidad nacional argentina. Este brillante estudio de relatos de viajeras argentinas... more
Brennan’ın kitabını önemli kılan birincil etken, yolculuğunu Irak savaşı başlamadan kısa süre önce, 2000 – 2001 yıllarında gerçekleştirmiş oluşudur. Ksenophon’un yolculuğuna tanıklık etmiş anıtların, kentlerin ve yeryüzü şekillerinin... more
The journey is universally recognized as a narrative in many cultures. Since the earliest times, the act of travelling, of proceeding from one place to another, has been seen as a natural metaphor-- for learning, for the acquisition of... more
A 2017 Choice Outstanding Academic Title In this volume, Elisabeth Fraser shows that artists and the works they created in the Mediterranean during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were informed by mutual dependence... more
The most unusual part of Byron’s European travels in 1809–10 was probably his visit to Albania, where he roughed it for a bit and then lived and travelled luxuriously as the guest of Ali Pasha. He wrote about his Albanian travels in his... more
Africa has been for many years misinterpreted and often referred to a continent of political instability, refugee’s crisis, civil wars, corruption and under development. This perception leads and undermines confidence to venture into new... more
Libro de crónicas de viaje. Viajes de una guajira es un mapa del mundo garabateado por la curiosidad, la impaciente imaginación, la perplejidad y la fascinación de su infatigable autora. Piedrecitas, el pueblo donde nació la autora de... more
Introducción a la colección de relatos de viajeros que visitaron el Ecuador en el siglo XIX aparecidos en la revista francesa "Le Tour du Monde". Se ensaya un estudio filológico sobre las fuentes y se revisa la historia de la revista en... more
Two friends, Auguste Blanchot de Brenas, lawyer native of Velay, and Félix Jouguet, mining engineer in the Cevennes, visit the Languedoc. A meet in the City of Carcassonne drive them to explore the Corbières, inaccessible and unknown... more
Η παρούσα εργασία αναφέρεται στην καταγραφή, μελέτη και ανάδειξη των υπαίθριων γλυπτών (ανδριάντες, μνημεία, προτομές κτλ) της πόλης της Άρτας. Περιλαμβάνει την καταγραφή δεκαπέντε (15) γλυπτών της πόλης καθώς και παράρτημα με... more
'Horizon' is a multi-dimensional work, covering autobiography, travelogue, ecology, anthropology, and many fascinating asides on subjects such as art, and the history of exploration. Like 'Arctic Dreams', this is a smorgasbord of riches,... more
Neelofar Wani, and me) got seven days visa to visit Muzaffarabad. Our air tickets were booked leaving Delhi on the 11 th May and return on the 18 th .
Review of "Beatrice's Last Smile: A Jpurney Through Germany' by Iqbal Ahmed, the third book in a series of books about the experience of migration to the West, in which he turns his attention to Europe: his first two books focused on... more
The virtual exhibition, elaborated within the SNSF-project "Mudejarismo and Moorish Revival in Europe", aims to demonstrate the importance of al-Andalus for 19th-century art and architecture by presenting the architectural sketches of the... more
This article addresses Rachel’s Tomb as a site of heightened ritual activity and pilgrimage, whose popularity increased during the latter years of the British Mandate in Palestine, and whose role and meaning as a symbolic public site have... more
I have since identified the author as John Peyton; see Sebastian Sobecki, 'John Peyton's A Relation of the State of Polonia and the Accession of King James I, 1598-1603. The English Historical Review, 129: 540 (2014), 1079-97.... more
This article explores theoretical alternatives to contemporary western hegemonic feminist discourses, advancing methodologies that mark an epistemological break with western feminist scholarship; namely Orientalist criticism, third world... more
This research aims to elaborate the journey of Australian Indigenous in Tara June Winch's novel entitled Swallow the Air. This novel is about journey of half-Aboriginal girl through Australia in search of self-realisation and sense of... more
Top 6 Most Romantic Dubai Honeymoon Destinations 10/15/2019 0 Comments Picture We all desire for the best times with the love of our life at some point or the other, there is everything so exotic and cool about Honeymoon holidays... more
Conference paper, panel on ‘Celtic Connections’, French Studies conference, University of Aberdeen, 30 June – 2 July 2014.
Human Geography and travel ; The debate traveler / tourist and stereotypes to avoid ;The evolution of the meaning of the humanist and functionalist definitions of the trip; The evolution of the word "travel" ; The evolution of the meaning... more
“An Italian Literary History of Travel.” Annali D'Italianistica, vol. 14, 1996, pp. 55–64.
As travel narratives often help the author-narrator (re)discover his or her own identity along the journey, this also holds true for William Least Heat-Moon's 1982 bestseller Blue Highways. According to Ronald Primeau’s definition of... more
Comment écrire le voyage aujourd’hui ? Comment se repérer dans la production pléthorique de la littérature des voyages ? Et comment appréhender un genre littéraire tellement décrié qu’il lui arrive d’être déprécié par ses auteurs mêmes ?... more
For an open-access digital version go to <>.
Next quarter, I will be teaching a senior history seminar. The following is a lengthy document that includes 1. the course syllabus 2. weakly reading packets and assignments (excluding the primary sources) 3. research paper guide. This... more
Μαθιουδάκης, Ν. (2013). Ξαναδιαβάζοντας τον Καζαντζάκη. Ταξιδεύοντας: Οι «στοχασμοί» με Ντοστογιέφσκι και Τολστόι στη Ρουσία, εφημ. ΕΘΝΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗΣ, αρ. φύλ. 1629, 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2013, σσ. 42-43.