Recent papers in Vienna
Im Gegensatz zum internationalen Lobgesang über die soziale Wohnungspolitik in Wien, zeigt sich heute ein erschreckendes Bild: Die Mieten explodieren, günstige Wohnungen sind knapp und immer mehr Menschen können sich die Wohnungskosten... more
Im Jahr 2010 fand im Zuge der Neuerrichtung des Wiener Hauptbahnhofes in der Landgutgasse im 10. Wiener Gemeindebezirk eine Ausgrabung auf dem Gelände des ehemaligen Matzleinsdorfer Friedhofs statt. Dieser Friedhof war einer der fünf... more
This article focuses on the precariousness of everyday life of half-Jews during the Nazi-regime in Vienna. Marriages between Jews and non-Jews as well as the presence of their half-Jewish children represented an antagonism that was a... more
This article examines the work of the Austrian architect Clemens Holzmeister. A leading representative of Austrian architecture between the wars, and a significant figure in the 1950s and 1960s as teacher of the new generation of Austrian... more
Right-wing populism in its relationship with the refugee movement was the topic of the roundtable organized by the UTE in the context of the Conflict Zones network programme. The attempt was to focus on the reactions registered all around... more
Trotz ihrer zahlenmäßigen Minorität nahmen Protestanten auf die Entwicklung des "katholischen" Wiens einen nicht unbedeutende Einfluß. Die Rolle der Evangelischen kann auch im Spiegel der Straßenbenennungen gezeigt werden.
Der öffentlich geförderte Wohnungsbau in Österreichs Hauptstadt ist weltberühmt. Doch in den letzten Jahren ist er in alten Formeln erstarrt, bemängelt Elke Delugan-Meissl. Man müsse prüfen, ob die Typologien noch den aktuellen Lebens-... more
Riccardo Pasqualin, Martin Krpan, un eroe popolare sloveno nel racconto di Fran Levstik, in, 03-05-2021:
Excerpt from a chapter on Freud's Vienna from the book Karavan Puls: Wien (2018)
In Swedish.
In Swedish.
New results of written, pictorial and archaeological sources on roman, medieval and early modern glassworks (including that in the "Kunst- und Werkhaus" by Johann Joachim Becher) in Vienna
in: Analecta Cisterciensia 64 (2014) 388-391
The book describes the events in the 100 years after the fall of the meteorite near the Avče village in the Soča Valley. The expert monograph on the first Slovene meteorite acquaints us with meteorites in general and specifically with... more
This is a review of the exhibition "Richard Neutra - Wohnhäuser in Kalifornien" in Wien Museum/Austria of 2020
Posledné roky života Jána Kollára vo Viedni sú v historiografi i málo známe, ba možno povedať, že zámerne obchádzané. V meruôsmych rokoch sa dostali do popredia iné slovenské osobnosti, dominovali iné národne, politické a sociálne témy. V... more
Vortrag im Rahmen der Erfurter Numismatischen Gespräche 2018, Erfurt, 05.-06. Oktober 2018
This essay discusses the change in the Viennese reception of Donizetti’s operas in relation to the internationalization of Viennese theatrical life during the last fifteen years of the Metternich regime (1833-1848), as well as the ensuing... more
In: Modernism and Film. Edited by Robert McParland. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars, 2013. 131-143.
Contextualisation of the statue Hill Arches in Karlsplatz, Vienna and its suggested psychoanalytic analysis.
Die historische Sonderstellung Wiens im Bereich Wohnungspolitik ist wohlbekannt. Stärker als in vielen anderen Städten spielte in der Politikformulierung der Bedarf nach adäquater Behausung eine gewichtige Rolle gegenüber der Sicherung... more
In being the first in leaving Wiesensteig for his training as a sculptor in Munich (c. 1720) and Vienna (c. 1726), the eldest Johann Baptist Straub clearly became a role model and inspiring example among his brothers. Called back to... more
... Page 5. The Grotesque Dancer on the Eighteenth-Century Stage Gennaro Magri and His World Edited by Rebecca Harris-Warrick and Bruce Alan Brown THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN PRESS Page 6. ... 4. Ballet Italy - History 18th century. L... more
Victor Gruen is the pioneer of the regional shopping centre, he is the " Mall Maker " , which, is also the title of a book by M. Jeffrey Hartwick about this Austrian-born architect. Well known for his first commercial projects, which have... more
The bachelor's thesis focuses on Reggae artists from Vienna (Austria) and their perception of the Rastafari philosophy. The Rastafarian movement originates from the Caribbean island of Jamaica and has advocated Black Power from the very... more
o analiza succinta a principalelor probleme de securitate cibernetica ridicate de conceptul "smart-city"
The purpose of this paper is to consider a number of valuable architectural accomplishments from the beginning of the XX century, built in Vienna (1919-1933) and Frankfurt am Main (1925-1931), by means of Aldo Rossi’s theoretical thought... more
On the border between the first and fourth districts of Vienna, facing toward the Emperor's palace, the Hofburg, the Karlskirche, commissioned by Emperor Charles VI (1685–1740) to his royal architect Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach... more
The Vienna chapter focuses on the relations between (re)framing public policies and (re)shaping public spaces. Different policital pamphlets and programmes are anylized as parts of recent agenda setting in urban development in particular,... more