Recent papers in Watchdogs
Political control is one of the central and conditioning aspects of the relationship between journalists and politicians. Through the perceptions of journalists and politicians, this article analyzes the validity, characteristics,... more
o analiza succinta a principalelor probleme de securitate cibernetica ridicate de conceptul "smart-city"
This research paper analyses the role of the media in the transition to democracy within the 2016 Gambian presidential elections. The methodology used is mainly quantitative and includes surveys as well as statistical analysis. Interview... more
It has been generally been understood all over the world that the media is the fourth estate of the realm, and as the fourth has the responsibility of checking the other three tiers as well as shaping the fundamental aspects of any... more
We are writing to you with a request for investigation about collusion, nepotism, conflicts of interests, discrimination, and even slanders by local employees of OSI and FES here in Pristina. We want to make sure that OSI and FES are... more
Monitoring realizacji Programu Miasta Białegostoku Przeciwdziałania Dyskryminacji Rasowej, Ksenofobii i związanej z Nimi Nietolerancji na lata 2014-2017 “Białystok dla Tolerancji” w roku 2014/2015. Raport, który jest wynikiem ww.... more
In MANETs the cooperation between nodes of the network is more important for data transmission to occur in a efficient manner. But, it is not true that all nodes of the network actively participate in data transmission process without... more
Democracy, which consists of the combination of demos meaning "people" in the Greek language and kratos meaning "administration", means management of the people. However, a model in which the public directly shapes the management process... more
Il termine Regulatory oversight bodies (ROB), indicano un’ampia quanto disomogenea categoria che, come sottolineato dall’OCSE, presentano la comune finalità di massimizzare l’efficienza e l’effettività della regolazione tramite l’utilizzo... more
Cadeira de Jornalismo Político para Ciências da Comunicação e da Cultura
We propose in this paper a connectivity - aware routing algorithm and a set of related theorems. This algorithm allows nodes in Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Networks (MASNets) to provide the highest connectivity life time to a specific... more