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Nas últimas quatro décadas de regime democrático a representatividade política das mulheres tem sofrido uma evolução positiva. A partir de uma perspetiva histórica, esta comunicação oferece uma resenha da legislação e uma avaliação... more
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      Gender StudiesGender HistoryGovernment transparencyLocal/Municipal government
Th is book explores the activism promoted by organised networks of civil society actors in opening up possibilities for more democratic supranational governance. It examines the positive and negative impact that such networks of civil... more
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      International RelationsPublic AdministrationPublic ManagementGlobalization
Transparency is a complex phenomenon characterised by aspects that can be linked and interpreted differently. In particular transparency is associated with information and participation. In order to better understand how to manage... more
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    • Government transparency
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      Open DataOpen GovernmentTRANSPARENCIAOpen Government Data
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      BusinessInformation SystemsComputer ScienceDistributed Computing
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      PrivacySecrecyMedia EthicsCommunication Ethics
Introduction: Actions taken at the level of the European Union and related to the implementation of the European governance model are based on the assumptions of the theory of good governance. The research problem is the analysis of the... more
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      Civil RightsEuropean UnionEuropean Union LawRule of Law
Статья на Fergananews.com о докладе «Хлопковый сектор Узбекистана: Финансовые потоки и распределение ресурсов», который проливает свет на политическую экономию производства хлопка в Узбекистане, показывая финансовый интерес политической... more
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      Development StudiesCentral Asian StudiesRural DevelopmentCentral Asia
Este artigo descreve uma proposta de criação de token dentro de uma infraestrutura de blockchain para rastrear o caminho dos recursos do BNDES (Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social). Além de transparência para a sociedade... more
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      Government transparencyBlockchainBlockchain TechnologiesBlockchain technology in financial sector
The article, presented here in Russian and English, is about major institutional factors that played a role in the breakdown of Sardoba reservoir, that was followed by a flood in the massive and densely populated area in Uzbekistan’s... more
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      Central Asian StudiesPost-Soviet StudiesCentral AsiaAuthoritarianism
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      Constitutional LawGood GovernanceTransparencyGovernment transparency
Cameras are ubiquitous and increasingly mobile. While CCTV has captured considerable attention by surveillance researchers, the new visibility of police activities is increasingly produced by incidental sousveillance and wearable... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPolice ScienceVisual Studies
תקנות מקיפות את כל תחומי החיים, ויש להן תפקיד מרכזי בהכוונת התנהגות. הן אינן מתייחדות לנושאים איזוטריים, טכניים או שוליים, אלא יוצקות תוכן ממשי לחובות, זכויות וכשירויות של ציבורים שלמים. במהלך משבר הקורונה הן תפסו מקום של בכורה בהסדרת... more
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      Social MediaAccess to public informationAdministrative LawLegislation
O paradigma dos dados abertos vem ganhando espaço na gestão pública, tendo sido incorporado ao direito de acesso à informação, componente fundamental das poliarquias. O artigo objetiva analisar as possibilidades e os desafios... more
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      Government transparencyDados Abertos Governamentais
The first phase of the Scaling-up Action Research Project was undertaken to determine whether the current framework for community-driven development (CDD) projects can create the right conditions for such projects to evolve into programs... more
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationCommunity DevelopmentCommunity OrganizingLocal Economic Development
This paper provides a summary of data about requests, complaints and appeals published by central reporting bodies in eight countries. It examines available data from the most recent year of aggregated data—ranging between 2011 and 2013.... more
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      BusinessAccountingRight to Information ActAccess To Information
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      AccessibilityAccountabilityGovernment transparencyPresentation of Financial Statements
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      Direito AdministrativoGovernment transparencyImprobidade Administrativa
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      Creative WritingAnti-CorruptionGovernment transparencyفلسطين
Sustavna i učinkovita zaštita prava pojedinaca u upravnim stvarima na lokalnoj, regionalnoj, nacionalnoj i nadnacionalnoj, napose europskoj razini je važan dio procesa modernizacije javne uprave. U radu se identificiraju klasični i novi... more
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      Public AdministrationComparative Public LawComparative Public AdministrationAdministrative Law and Bureaucratic Legalism
The purpose of this Article is to analyze the U.S. federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in light of the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016. The Article starts by looking over the FOIA as a model for other legal systems in administrative... more
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      Comparative LawAdministrative LawTransparencyGovernment transparency
The normative concept of transparency, along with the open government laws that purport to create a transparent public system of governance promise the world—a democratic and accountable state above all, and a peaceful, prosperous, and... more
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      TransparencyGovernment transparency
Full paper available here: https://www.chathamhouse.org/2022/03/forest-sector-revenues-ghana-liberia-and-republic-congo/acknowledgments Good fiscal management is of critical importance if the forest sector is to fulfil its potential to... more
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      ForestryRural DevelopmentGhanaRevenue Management
Este artículo describe cómo se adaptó la metodología Infoparticipa (España) al caso de Colombia. El procedimiento tiene en cuenta la legislación sobre transparencia, el Régimen Municipal y de Distritos, así como la Estrategia de Gobierno... more
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      Political communicationLocal Government and Regional AdministrationGovernment transparency
Charla dictada en el marco del XXXI Congreso FENEAP realizado en la Universidad de Concepción los días 4,5 y 6 de octubre, 2017.
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      ManagementPublic AdministrationPublic ManagementEcosystem Services
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      Political PartiesCampaign FinanceDirect DemocracyTransparency
This paper collates multidisciplinary perspectives on the use of predictive analytics in government services. It moves away from the hyped narratives of “AI” or “digital”, and the broad usage of the notion of “ethics”, to focus on... more
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      AlgorithmsArtificial IntelligencePublic AdministrationEthics
Public organizations around the world are embarking on open government initiatives, pursuing transparency, public participation and collaboration, and are working to redefine their relationships with citizens and with each other. In this... more
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      CollaborationSocial MediaPublic Participation In GovernanceOpen Government
This book critically engages with the idea of transparency whose ubiquitous demand stands in stark contrast to its lack of conceptual clarity. The book carefully examines this notion in its own right, traces its emergence in Early... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyMedia StudiesSocial Sciences
In the last few years we have had a number of infamous national security leaks and prosecutions. Many have argued that these people have done a great service for our nation by revealing the wrongdoings of the defense agencies. However,... more
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      Military IntelligenceWhistleblowingPolitical ScienceFreedom of Information
As the police move further into areas of traditional journalistic practice, the ‘unhappy marriage’ between the police and the media becomes more complex. To what extent this symbiotic relationship has allowed for transparency has varied... more
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      Social MediaPolicing StudiesTransparencyGovernment transparency
Source: http://reporterbrasil.org.br/dados/trabalhoescravo/

Secondary data from official audits against slavery (1995-2015).
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      SlaveryHistory of SlaveryTRANSPARENCIAEscravidão
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      GovernanceInternational Human Rights LawRule of LawGovernment transparency
This paper maps the background to a new Australian Research Council (ARC) funded cultural historical sociology of childhood and child maltreatment. The project takes as its central focus public inquiries from the 1970s to the present,... more
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      Historical SociologyCultural SociologySociology of Children and ChildhoodWhistleblowing
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      Computer ScienceAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceLocal Government and Local Development
En este artículo atendemos al patente desencanto con la democracia en nuestras democracias liberales y señalamos algunas paradojas a las que se enfrentan nuestras democracias. Se concentran en una paradoja intuida por John Stuart Mill y... more
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      Political PhilosophyDemocratic TheorySovereigntyPolitical Science
Public procurement is the acquisition of public goods and services from private sector. The main goal of public procurement is to achieving best value for money. In general, an efficient public procurement system enhances a government’s... more
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      Public AdministrationSocial SciencesCompetition LawGovernment
The following paper explores the way transparency is used and applied, on a performative and symbolic level, as (1) a device for managing the establishment of sociocultural norms and values and (2) an expedient for understanding the... more
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      Identity (Culture)Sociology of IdentityAnonymityCommunication and Anonymity/Identity
Oversupply of information, irrelevance, and repetition in political and administrative text and talk have received considerable scholarly attention, but the tendency to date has been to analyse these phenomena separately. In this article,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPublic AdministrationCommunicationMedia Studies
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa-2. Dagli obblighi di pubblicazione alla li-bertà di informazione?-3. Gli obblighi di pubblicazione dopo il d.lgs. 97/2016-4. L'importanza delle forme di dissemination nei sistemi FOIA-4.1. Il modello statunitense,... more
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      Freedom Of ExpressionFreedom of InformationOpen GovernmentTransparency
Il decreto legislativo 14 marzo 2013, n. 33 (c.d. testo unico sulla trasparenza), adottato in attuazione della legge-delega 6 novembre 2012, n. 190 (c.d. legge anti-corruzione), segna il punto di arrivo di una parabola che, avviata nel... more
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    • Government transparency
... To the past Registrars, Pastor Yemi Nathaniel, Dr. DA Rotimi and the current Acting Registrar Mr. EO Ojo, I say thank you for your ... Finally, I appreciate my wife, Roseline Bolanle Fakile, and my Children, Adebisi, Oluwatobi and... more
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      Tax LawAccountingFinancial AccountingManagement Accounting
China’s Social Credit System (SCS) has captured the imagination and power of big data technology. Launched at the national level in 2014, the system’s aim is to assess the trustworthiness of Chinese citizens in keeping their promises and... more
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      PrivacyCredit ScoringSurveillance StudiesFreedom of Information
Asia Foundation (PSEEAP-USAID-funded project
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    • Government transparency
Les secrets se dévoilent rarement d'eux-mêmes. Dans ce contexte, le rôle des journalistes et des lanceurs d'alerte est essentiel pour assurer l'information des citoyens sur des questions qui peuvent les concerner au plus haut point. La... more
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      JournalismWhistleblowingCommunications lawIT law
Una de las principales características del Periodismo de datos es la disponibilidad de bases de datos para la investigación de temas de interés público, lo que nos ha llevado a estudiar las relaciones entre la nueva cultura de la... more
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      TransparencyTRANSPARENCIAGovernment transparencyComputational Journalism
The book analyzes the Italian system of administrative transparency and open government. In particular, the volume focuses on the legal rules on citizen participation in public decisions, access to information, public communication, open... more
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      Public AdministrationAdministrative LawOpen GovernmentGovernment transparency
Carta Iberoamericana en la que me correspondió ser su redactor y ponente por encargo del Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo (CLAD), y aprobada por la XVII Conferencia Iberoamericana de Ministras y Ministros de... more
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      Public ManagementCommunity Engagement & ParticipationAccountabilityGovernance
This volume of case studies is an attempt to better understand the factors that drive effectiveness in RTI implementation. It serves as the basis for a separate meta-analysis of these twelve country case studies that reveals recurring... more
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      AccountabilityRight to Information ActTransparencyRight to Information
La gestión de riesgos aplicada a la gestión de los documentos es un método que garantiza una rendición de cuentas confiable a partir de la mejora en el sistema de gestión de documentos de la organización. Controlando los riesgos asociados... more
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      Records ManagementAccountabilityRisk ManagementAnti-Corruption