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En plena revolución del conocimiento, ante el auge y madurez de la transformación digital en las instituciones, el gobierno de datos como programa tiene un desafío común, sin importar el tipo de organización que se analice: el ciclo de... more
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      Knowledge ManagementOpen Government DataData GovernanceCDOs
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      Open DataOpen GovernmentTRANSPARENCIAOpen Government Data
De burger staat de komende jaren centraal in de volgende fase van de informatiesamenleving. ‘Maatschappelijke informatievoorziening’ identificeert de ontwikkeling van een digitale burger en schetst de contouren van een integrale visie die... more
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      Information ManagementInformation SocietyICT4DICT
This article describes trends of open data development and a new discipline, which was formed largely due to the fact that the data have become available and open on the Internet. The authors provide a brief overview of the main... more
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      Open DataOpen GovernmentOpen Educational Resources (OER)Open Government Data
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      Open GovernmentOpen Government Data
Hablar de Gobierno Abierto hace 7 u 8 años probablemente estuviera reservado para ciertos ámbitos académicos, siendo un término desconocido por la mayoría. En la actualidad, y especialmente a partir del impacto de la campaña de Obama, el... more
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      Open GovernmentGobierno ElectrónicoOpen Government DataOpen Data Open Government
This is a pre-print of the article: Maximilian Heimstädt, Fredric Saunderson, and Tom Heath (2014) Conceptualizing Open Data Ecosystems: A timeline analysis of Open Data development in the UK. In Proceedings of the International... more
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      Linked DataOpen DataUnited KingdomOpen Government Data
Government Open Data (DAG) is free, open and available data by public organizations and can be used in projects or integrated with new products, applications or services. Research in the OGD area has grown substantially in recent years,... more
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    • Open Government Data
Among the commitments undertaken by the governments participating in the OGP, there is a growing number of commitments to improve the provision of justice services. Successfully implementing these commitments can entail a reform... more
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      Access to JusticeOpen GovernmentPublic Sector InnovationOpen Government Data
Public participation in the use of Open Government Data (OGD) in the United Kingdom remains limited, specialised, and low. Four foundational issues contribute to this: definitional conflation between data and information, targeting of OGD... more
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      Political ParticipationDigital HumanitiesLinked DataOpen Data
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      EthicsOpen DataOpen Government DataLinked Open Data
Nowadays there are several publications on smart cities and improvements offered to the routine of its inhabitants and resource optimization, however, there is still no agreement about the definition of "Smart Cities", their domains and... more
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      Maturity ModelOpen Government DataSmart CitySmart Governance
Charla dictada en el marco del XXXI Congreso FENEAP realizado en la Universidad de Concepción los días 4,5 y 6 de octubre, 2017.
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      ManagementPublic AdministrationPublic ManagementEcosystem Services
Actively promoted by a broad spectrum of stakeholders, the Open Government Data movement is gaining considerable traction, illustrated by the rapid proliferation of initiatives worldwide. While the preponderance of early experiments... more
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      AccountabilityPublic sectorKenyaOpen Data
There is scarcely any aspect of government activity that does not involve the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The EU has supported the building of digital infrastructures and the sharing of best practices on... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean LawPublic Budgeting and Finance
The modeling of dengue fever cases is an important task to help public health officers to plan and prepare their resources to prevent dengue fever outbreak. In this paper, we present the time-series modeling of accumulated dengue fever... more
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      MalaysiaOpen DataTime series analysisDengue Virus
The role of open data intermediaries in an ecosystem broadly, and in the data chain specifically, is highly relevant – they may in fact be vital for a data chain to be fluid. There is a small but growing body of empirical-based research... more
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      Open DataOpen Government Data
Being a poster child of digital state, Estonia is a truly right place to find answers to the question on how it should be done first when it comes to achieving a real progress in modernizing governance through the use of information and... more
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      Public AdministrationElectronic VotingFreedom of InformationCivic Engagement
The purpose of the study is to compare the available regional open data resources and regional projects by using them. Based on existing researches of the open data situation in Russia, it is concluded that, despite the current problems... more
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      Russian StudiesMedia StudiesJournalismDigital Media
This article presents a case study of the open data project in the Chicago area. The main purpose of the research is to explore empowering potential of an open data phenomenon at local levels as a platform useful for the promotion of... more
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      Public AdministrationOpen AccessLocal GovernmentLocal Government and Local Development
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      Records ManagementData ManagementOpen DataOpen Government
В лекції будуть розглянути питання: 1. Що таке відкриті данні та де їх шукати? 2. Яка ситуація з відкритими даними в Україні? 3. Хто є користувачем відкритих даних? 4. Як застосовують відкриті дані на практиці? 5. Які проблеми ставлять... more
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      Open DataOpen Government Data
Investment in the release of open data has become increasingly central to the implementation of smart city programs by governments around the world. Though originally arising out of a push towards “open government” and the pursuit of more... more
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      Urban GeographyUrban PlanningOpen DataOpen Government Data
—This paper describes an overview about the devolopment of Open Data and the realtionship with Open Government through the review and analysis of both concepts; starting from the contextualization of Open Data and Open Government, to the... more
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      EcuadorOpen InnovationOpen DataeGovernment
The aim of this paper is the analysis of the European and national Open Data policies, in the light of the major changes in legislation. The article will highlight the peculiarities of the Italian model, peculiarities that occur in... more
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      AccessibilityOpen DataTransparencyOpen Government Data
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa-2. Dagli obblighi di pubblicazione alla li-bertà di informazione?-3. Gli obblighi di pubblicazione dopo il d.lgs. 97/2016-4. L'importanza delle forme di dissemination nei sistemi FOIA-4.1. Il modello statunitense,... more
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      Freedom Of ExpressionFreedom of InformationOpen GovernmentTransparency
Лекция "Регулярные выражения и их применение в работе с открытыми данными" для проекта TAPAS Open Data Challenge в 1991 Incubator
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      Open DataOpen Government DataRegular ExpressionsRegex
Esta investigación presenta un primer intento de medición de las estrategias de gobierno abierto que utilizan los gobiernos locales en México, ya que hasta el momento la mayoría de los trabajos se habían enfocado a la dimensión de... more
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      Open DataOpen GovernmentTransparencyRENDICIÓN DE CUENTAS
Carta Iberoamericana en la que me correspondió ser su redactor y ponente por encargo del Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo (CLAD), y aprobada por la XVII Conferencia Iberoamericana de Ministras y Ministros de... more
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      Public ManagementCommunity Engagement & ParticipationAccountabilityGovernance
A obra coletiva é resultado do evento “Open Data Day”, realizado pelo terceiro ano consecutivo na cidade de Natal/RN, com o objetivo de promover um debate democrático sobre o uso de dados abertos a partir de uma perspectiva... more
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      Open DataOpen GovernmentOpen Government DataOpen science
En los últimos años hemos visto la expansión de políticas de transparencia y datos abiertos en diversos gobiernos de la región, bajo la corriente de Gobierno Abierto. Gobiernos de todo el mundo han elevado sus niveles de transparencia, en... more
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      Information TechnologyPublic AdministrationTechnologyPublic Management
How do rates of COVID19 infection increase? How do populations respond to lockdown measures? How is the pandemic affecting the economic and social activity of communities beyond health? What can we do to mitigate risks and support... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementDatabase SystemsGovernment
En la actualidad, distintos países en todo el mundo han iniciado un proceso progresivo para promover e impulsar estrategias ligadas al concepto de “gobierno abierto”. Basado en los principios de la transparencia y apertura, participación... more
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      Public ManagementE-GovernmentOpen DataOpen Government
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
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      Organizational BehaviorInformation SystemsManagementBusiness Administration
Capítulo del libro "Gobierno abierto y transparencia focalizada: Tendencias y desafíos para América Latina y el Caribe", publicado por el BID el año 2012.
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementPolitical ParticipationCommunity Engagement & Participation
Los laboratorios o equipos de innovación pública constituyen un fenómeno emergente y novedoso en el territorio de las políticas públicas en la región. En este contexto, la innovación ya no es un tema ajeno a los gobiernos y servicios... more
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      ManagementPublic AdministrationPublic ManagementKnowledge Management
PUBBLICA AMMINISTRAZIONE 211 2.1.4 SOMMARIO 1. La ricognizione 2. La foca-lizzazione 2.1 Ambito di applicazione del CAD e diritti digitali 2.2 Misure a contenuto organizza-tivo 2.3 Le norme sulla firma digitale 3.I profili problematici
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      Public AdministrationOpen Government DataICT LawPublic Administration and Policy
Resumen: El término Gobierno abierto no es nuevo. a fines de los años 70 del siglo XX se usó por primera vez en el espacio político británico y en su concepción original, trataba diversas cuestiones relacionadas con el secreto de Gobierno... more
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      Public ManagementPolitical ParticipationSocial NetworksSocial Sciences
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      GenderViolence Against WomenFreedom of InformationOpen Data
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      BusinessInformation SystemsComputer ScienceInformation Science
Uno de los principales desafíos de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible consiste en configurar un nuevo marco de gobernanza pública y una renovada arquitectura estatal que permitan promover sociedades pacíficas e inclusivas para... more
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      ManagementPolicy Analysis/Policy StudiesPublic AdministrationCommunity Engagement & Participation
This research is dedicated to the study of the critical institutional factors for the adoption of open government data as a reference to the treatment of public information in the Digital Age. Open government data (OGD) are public data... more
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      Access to public informationE-GovernmentOpen DataPublic Sector Information
This is a report prepared on the open data landscape in Ethiopia in support of the development of a national open data policy for the country. The broad purpose of the report was to conduct an assessment of the state of open government... more
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      EthiopiaOpen DataOpen Government Data
The Open Government Partnership has been the leading multilateral platform for promoting transparency, public participation and accountability around the world since 2011. A decade after its foundation, this article reviews the chief... more
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      Public AdministrationCommunity Engagement & ParticipationAccountabilityGovernance
Informe de Conclusiones y Recomendaciones Coloquio Iberoamericano sobre Gobierno Abierto: Lecciones y Desafíos para la Región (04 y 05 de septiembre 2014, Asunción, Paraguay), preparado para el CLAD
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementGovernmentPublic sector
El objetivo de este trabajo es explorar y analizar en profundidad, el avance de las estrategias de apertura gubernamental en el nivel local a partir del modelo que ha liderado la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (Open Government... more
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      Public AdministrationAccountabilityGovernanceOpen Government
Recientemente, distintos gobiernos en todo el mundo han iniciado un proceso progresivo para impulsar y llevar a cabo estrategias ligadas al concepto de “Gobierno Abierto” (Open Government), cuyos principios son: a) la transparencia y... more
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      Public AdministrationCommunity Engagement & ParticipationAccountabilityPolitical Science
A casi cinco años de la creación de la Alianza para el Gobierno Abierto (AGA), la región de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) cuenta con 15 países adheridos que se encuentran implementando políticas de gobierno abierto. La AGA debe... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementAccountabilityPolitical Science
Este artículo discute las implicaciones de las reformas de gobierno electrónico (ego -bierno) en la gestión y las políticas públicas, provee datos recientes sobre América La-tina e incluye una breve introducción a cada uno de los... more
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      Public AdministrationPublic ManagementGovernmentSocial Media