Tax Law
Recent papers in Tax Law
The practice of taxing church property while exempting other nonprofit groups appears to violate the “no special burden” principle of the free exercise clause. The Supreme Court case of Walz v. Commission charted a course between the free... more
This article considers the core powers of the Commissioner of Inland Revenue (Commissioner) in New Zealand principally in relation to investigations, including recent additions that not only increase the scope of the Commissioner's... more
The present study was developed based on the IBFD EU Task Force’s submission within the framework of the European Commission 2021 public consultation on the use of shell entities and arrangements for tax purposes. The analysis of the... more
“Desde mi visión, la obra es en sustancia un abordaje axiológico, una construcción compleja que merece reconocimiento, pues consagra una teoría iusfilosófica de la culpa. Pero no se debe extraer de ello que la obra ha sido escrita para... more
This article discusses the impact of incomplete tax transparency on tax evasion. While FATCA and CRS address some forms of tax evasion, tax evaders may still use other tax evasion opportunities. Anti-tax evasion measures might not be... more
The main thrust of this research was to explore the revenue and expenditure nexus on Nigeria from 1981 to 2016. It tried to uncover the expenditure hypothesis that Nigeria's government had adopted in her budgeting. Time series data... more
Registration is open for our annual International Conference Development of Russian Law-IX: Russian Law and Globalization 6-7 October 2016 Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland View the program here:... more
Чай и чайная торговля в Российской империи в XIX – начале ХХ вв.
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
Doktor ekonomskih nauka, Uprava za indirektno oporezivanje, Lektor, Univerzitet u Beču, Austrija, Apstrakt: U posljednje vrijeme zbog značaja i aktuelnosti kako u parksi tako i u teoriji sve se... more
Il tentativo pretorio di tradurre meccanicamente il presupposto delle c.d. “gravi incongruenze” ex art. 62-sexies, 3° comma, d.l. 30 agosto 1993, n. 331 nel requisito quantitativo del mero superamento di una soglia numerica – sia essa... more
The rule that taxpayers have freedom to plan their financial affairs in tax efficient ways is well-established in South Africa. This article discusses the impact of two cases dealing with taxpayers seeking to claim tax deductions for... more
Commentary on the constitutional duty to pay taxes and other public duties under the pre-2012 Hungarian Constitution. In Hungarian.
Eine Vielzahl von Händlern aus Drittländern (insbesondere aus der V. R. China) bieten Waren auf E-Commerce-Plattformen (wie insbesondere Amazon und eBay) in Deutschland zum Verkauf an. Es kommt in diesem Zusammenhang zu... more
La Cassazione, con la sentenza n. 5482 del 28 febbraio 2020, ha chiarito che, ai fini dell’applicazione del regime fiscale dell’esenzione previsto per le “provviste di bordo”, la nozione di "nave in partenza dai porti dello Stato" di cui... more
Num mundo globalizado, marcado pelas novas tecnologias, pela mobilidade, pela preocupação com o desenvolvimento e por espaços de integração económica profunda, os acordos para evitar e/ou eliminar a dupla tributação defrontam-se com... more
Jako niezgodne z zasadą prawdy materialnej należy uznać działania organu podatkowego, który a priori, a więc bez przeprowadzenia postępowania dowodowego, przyjmuje np. kwalifikację danego obiektu jako budynku mieszkalno-letniskowego,... more
Analisi della disciplina fiscale delle trasformazioni eterogenee: da società o ente commerciali a ente non commerciale e viceversa.
Dodatkowe zobowiązanie podatkowe w podatku od towarów i usług nie może być kwalifikowane jako kara w rozumieniu przepisów prawa karnego. Jest ono publicznoprawnym zobowiązaniem podatkowym. Dodatkowemu zobowiązaniu podatkowemu przyświecają... more
HIPAA laws related to fundraising became fully effective in 2013. What protocols should be in place to maximize philanthropic opportunities under HIPAA? What compliance measures need to be in place and assessed to properly use protected... more
For VAT purposes, two issues arise when vouchers are used namely whether the time of supply is when the voucher was issued and imported (in the case of vouchers issued outside the Republic) into South Africa, or, when a voucher is... more
The Indian tax system suffers from an excessive incidence and pendency of tax disputes before civil courts. A certain degree of disputes are unavoidable since the tax code and policy of any jurisdiction (being the outcome of various... more
Among the other rationales underlying the existence of corporate income tax (CIT) as a standalone tax on the profits derived by legal entities, some scholars have underlined its regulatory function, i.e. its potential to steer the... more
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) under Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action 2 indicated that tax arbitrage via hybrid mismatch arrangements “result in a substantial erosion of the taxable bases of... more
This case deals with a Portuguese decision on the qualification of amounts due from image and economic rights of football players. The football industry involves billons of euro each year. Thus it is understandable that tax authorities... more
Si critica la teoria, di matrice giurisprudenziale, secondo cui l'art. 20, t.u. registro, può essere utilizzato per tassare unitariamente più atti tra loro collegati. Si esamina poi il rapporto tra l'art. 20 e la nuova norma generale... more
Este trabalho tem como objetivo um estudo breve sobre o REPETRO, que é um regime aduaneiro especial, a ser apresentado como trabalho final para a disciplina Participação Governamental e Direito Tributário. (This paper aims at a brief... more
Does the practice of ‘pink tax’ effectively amount to a tax in the legal sense? Does the so-called ‘tampon tax’ genuinely constitute an anomaly within the general consumption tax system? Most importantly, can these two ‘taxes’ be legally... more
Em seu breve voto, ainda a ser referendado pelo Plenário Virtual do Supremo Tribunal Federal, a Ministra Cármen Lúcia reafirmou o que parcela relevante da doutrina do direito tributário brasileiro vem defendendo há anos. E infirmou... more
Immigrant Investment Programs (IIPs) represent the fast-track that many wealthy individuals take to migrate to the countries of their dreams and appear increasingly often among the states’ receipts for attracting foreign capitals. The... more