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Commentary on the constitutional duty to pay taxes and other public duties under the pre-2012 Hungarian Constitution. In Hungarian.
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      Constitutional LawTax LawTaxationFiscal law
This book presents an in-depth analysis of key recommendations of the consecutive state finance commissions (SFCs) across states of India in the local and national perspective. It reviews the working of SFCs and their critical role in... more
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      Public FinanceFiscal FederalismFiscal federalism and decentralizationState And Local Public Finance
Abstrakti: Përmes këtij punimi kemi paraqitur sfidat kryesore që polikat fiskale kanë në Kosovë dhe poashtu kemi paraqitur se cilat janë alternativat procedurale ligjore për ti eliminuar defektet e politikave fiskale në Kosovë. Një nga... more
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      FinanceCriminal LawConstitutional LawPublic Finance
L'autore, ponendosi in una prospettiva storico-giuridica, analizza le riforme fiscali che furono fatte durante il tardo impero romano da Diocleziano, il quale cercò in tal modo di affrontare la crisi del III secolo d.C. L'eccessivo... more
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      Roman LawFiscal law
El autor desarrolla el tratamiento fiscal de los fideicomisos bancarios y de titulización de activos, tanto en la imposición directa como indirecta, destacando los vacíos y problemas de la legislación, intentando llenarlos con criterios... more
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      Tax LawTrustTaxationEquity and Trusts
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      Political EconomyCatalan StudiesBasque StudiesTaxation
La présente recherche sera circonscrite aux thématiques suivantes : * L’étude de l’impôt vu sous l’angle de ses principales caractéristiques * L’étude de l’évolution spatio-temporelle de la notion de l’impôt et des différents régimes... more
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      Fiscal policyFiscal HistoryFiscal lawFiscalité
Abstrakt: Ky punim paraqet një koncept të asaj se cila është natyra juridike e buxhetit dhe cilat janë procedurat për miratimin e buxhetit dhe kontrollin-implementimin e buxhetit. Në botën bashkëkohore shtetet mundohen që përmes hartimit... more
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      Criminal LawComparative LawConstitutional LawCivil Law
Hazırlanmasında emeği geçmiş, katkıda bulunmuş herkese çok teşekkür ederim. Bizim için çok kıymetli bir çalışmalar bütünü. Atılım Üniversitesi Yönetimi'ne ve Atılım Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi'ne sonsuz teşekkürler.
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      LawConstitutional LawInternational RelationsInternational Law
File riservato ad esclusivo fine di studio File riservato ad esclusivo fine di studio JusQuid sezione scientifica Nella Sezione scientifica della Collana IusQuid sono pubblicate opere sottoposte a revisione valutativa con il procedimento... more
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      LawCriminal LawTax LawCommercial Law
El autor se plantea el problema de la deducción fiscal del impuesto a la renta de los gastos por seguros contratados por las empresas. Se enfoca tanto en las reglas para que constituya gasto / costo, su devengo y causalidad, estableciendo... more
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      Tax LawTaxationBusiness TaxationCorporate Income Taxation
Les enjeux du recours à l’intelligence artificielle par l’administration financière
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      Artificial IntelligenceLaw and TechnologyFiscal lawDigital Law
Despite the all efforts to make laws flawless, it is inevitable that they occasionally contain gaps. The method of abstract rules adapted in making laws prepared with this consciousness require that legistors should only legislate... more
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      TaxationTaxation LawFiscal law
De l'expérimentation à l'encadrement du recours aux dispositifs algorithmiques fiscaux
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      Data MiningFiscal lawAlgorithmic Law
Türk sosyal güvenlik sisteminde sigortalının ölümü halinde kız çocuklarına yasada aranan şartların gerçekleşmesi koşuluyla ölüm aylığı bağlanmaktadır. Ölüm aylığı bağlanmasında ölen sigortalının tabi olduğu sigortalılık statüsü ile... more
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      Social WorkSocial PolicySocial Security LawWomen
Ce manuel, entièrement remis à jour, est le « fondamental de droit fiscal » subdivisé en deux parties : I. La légalité fiscale : Les sources du droit fiscal – Les opérations fiscales – La normalisation des comportements du contribuable... more
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    • Fiscal law
Günümüzde toplumun daha bilinçli hale gelmiş olmaları, dava açma maliyetlerinin düşmesi gibi nedenlere bağlı olarak yargıya başvuru her geçen gün artmaktadır. Mevcut iki dereceli yargı düzeninin Danıştay’ın iş yükünü artırdığı... more
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      TaxationTaxation LawFiscal lawAppeal
Boris Barraud, « Le régime fiscal des médias -Étude critique d'une "foire aux niches" », Revue Lamy Droit de l'Immatériel 2012, n° 83, p. 87 s.
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      LawMedia LawAdministrative LawPublic Law
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      Financial AccountingPublic Budgeting and FinanceFiscal law
Il Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione e due amministratori (di fatto) di una società venivano tratti a giudizio perché accusati dei reati previsti e puniti dagli artt. 4 e 5 d.lgs. 74/2000. Più precisamente, veniva loro... more
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      Criminal LawDiritto TributarioDiritto PenaleFiscal law
El autor analiza la problemática en torno a la disposición fiscal de archivo y el requerimiento de El autor analiza la problemática en torno a la disposición fiscal de archivo y el requerimiento de elevación de actuados, el plazo para su... more
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      ArchivosDERECHO PENALDerechoFiscal law
Accumulation of capital, which has spread to wider regions due to the growth in world trade volume, has resulted in more active roles played by international companies in the economy together with globalization. These companies, which are... more
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      FinancePublic FinanceTaxationBusiness Taxation
Rezumat: Comerțul internațional cu bunuri implică transportul acestora de la vânzător la cumpărător, depășind frontierele de stat și generând obligații complexe în sarcina părților. Termenii comerciali internaționali (Incoterms) elaborați... more
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      TransportationInternational trade lawIncotermsVAT
Algunas propiedades de potencias para no olvidar
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      Fiscal lawMatemáticaInstituto Nacional de Física y QuímicaCálculo
L'autore, ponendosi in una prospettiva storico-giuridica, analizza le riforme fiscali che furono fatte durante il tardo impero romano da Diocleziano, il quale cercò in tal modo di affrontare la crisi del III secolo d.C. L'eccessivo... more
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      Roman LawFiscal law
Tax Opportunities and Responsabilities of Churches in Romania. Or how to keep what is ours and still render to Caesar what is Caesar’s. Abstract Living in an era where major corporations are being found guilty of illegal accounting... more
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      Eastern European StudiesRomanian StudiesFiscal lawDrept
It is proposed a new historical interpretation of the well known rule of fiscal law.
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      Roman LawFiscal HistoryHistoria de la fiscalidad medievalFiscal law
This paper discuss how contemporary theoretical issues can have a role in the critical assessment of the new trend in judicial creativity named "Right Abuse".
This paper was printed in 2013.
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      Philosophy Of LawFiscal lawAbuse of rights
Türk sosyal güvenlik sisteminde, yurtdışında yaşayan Türk vatandaşlarının yurtdışında geçen sürelerini borçlanarak Türkiye’den emekli aylığı alma hakları bulunmaktadır. Tercih edilecek sigortalılık statüsü ile borçlanılacak süre... more
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      Fiscal policySocial SecurityFiscal lawInternational Fiscal Law
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      Social PolicyFiscal policySocial SecurityFiscal law
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      LawPublic LawDroit FiscalLivre numérique
Sigortalının ölümü halinde geride kalan eş ve çocuklarıyla birlikte kanunda aranan koşulların gerçekleşmesi halinde anne ve babasına da ölüm aylığı bağlanmaktadır. Ölen sigortalının anne ve babasına aylık bağlanabilmesi için sigortalıda... more
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      Social PolicySocial Security LawFiscal policySocial Security
Hidden Profit Distribution Through Transfer Pricing regulated in Corporate Tax Law No: 5520 is a subject open to changes according to its nature. In parallel with the OECD regulations, in particular, the studies carried out to prevent the... more
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      TaxationTransfer PricingOECDTaxation Law
Öz: Çevre sorunlarının her geçen gün artması, ülkelerin birtakım önlemler almalarını zorunlu kılmaktadır. Bu noktada ülkeler yönlendirici bir araç olan vergilerden yararlanarak çevre sorunlarıyla mücadele etmeye çalışmaktadır. Bugün 20... more
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      Public FinanceTax LawTaxationFiscal policy
465 p.El presente trabajo surgió de la necesidad de comprender la utilidad de las normas generales anti-elusivas en el contexto de su incorporación al sistema tributario de Chile y en el país su vigencia desde el año 2017.Debido a la... more
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      Derecho FiscalFiscal law
O objetivo deste ensaio é apresentar os principais tipos de imposições fiscais utilizados no âmbito do ordenamento jurídico da Roma antiga, salientado algumas especificidades dos contextos históricos em que foram emanados. Tal como a... more
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      Legal HistoryRoman LawFiscal law
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      Deontic LogicFilosofia do DireitoTeoria Geral do DireitoLógica Jurídica
Dans cet essai, les auteurs s'interrogent sur le rôle et la place de la Cour des comptes. Elle est en effet devenue, très progressivement, une instance technicienne, « objective », et protégée par la qualification de juridiction et la... more
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    • Fiscal law
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      Social PolicyFiscal policyFiscal lawSocial Security Systems
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      Social PolicyTurkish and Middle East StudiesFiscal policySocial Security
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      Social PolicyFiscal policyFiscal lawSocial Security System In Turkey
La responsabilité du Gouvernement devant le Parlement du fait du Budget devrait être un aspect essentiel du fonctionnement d'un régime de type parlementaire, même mixte comme le nôtre. Or, bien que la LOLF ait incontestablement donné au... more
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      Public FinanceFranceFiscal lawDroit budgétaire
Force Major is one of the situations which removes faultiness just like lapse. In case faultiness has been removed, a fine will not be imposed even if behavior of the tax payer necessitates it. This general principle which is true of... more
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      TaxationInternational and European Tax LawMaliyeFiscal law
The worldwide pandemic known as COVID-19, has shown its effects on various fields, especially the health system. Within the scope of the measures taken, the emergence of various situations on a macro and micro scale and the concept of... more
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      Public FinanceTaxationFiscal lawKamu Maliyesi
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      Public FinanceTaxationIncome DistributionTaxation Law
Eine Politologie, die bis heute keine Theorie demokratischer Staatsfinanzen vorzuweisen hat, muss sich notgedrungen immer wieder bei Nachbardisziplinen bedienen, um die Architektur des demokratischen Finanz-und Steuerstaates gehaltvoll... more
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      Constitutional LawPolitical EconomyPolitical TheoryPolitical Science
Lunedì, 23 febbraio 2015 -ore 09:30 Caserma "IV Novembre" Lido di Ostia Via delle Fiamme Gialle n. 14/16 Scuola di Polizia Tributaria Convegno di Studi "La riforma delle sanzioni tributarie in Italia" tra obiettivi di efficienza, esigenze... more
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      OECDFiscal lawNe bis in idemTax Crimes