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On 29 April 2021, the European Platform tackling undeclared work (hereafter the ‘Platform’) held a webinar on ‘COVID 19: combating fraud in short-term financial support schemes’. The event brought together 31 participants from 20... more
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      BusinessManagementEconomicsSocial Sciences
« Rendez à César ce qui est à César et à Dieu ce qui est à Dieu » : cette phrase bien connue des Évangiles s’éclaire d’un jour nouveau à mesure que se poursuivent les enquêtes historiques portant sur la fiscalité en Judée du tournant de... more
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      TaxationSecond Temple JudaismJudaismSeleucid Empire
This article considers the core powers of the Commissioner of Inland Revenue (Commissioner) in New Zealand principally in relation to investigations, including recent additions that not only increase the scope of the Commissioner's... more
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      Tax LawTaxationTaxpayers Rights
Real Estate Investment Trusts - This paper looks at the changes to the UK REIT rules which made it easier for a REIT to invest in other REITs without impacting its tax status. We also ask whether a pure REIT Fund is possible,
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      BusinessTaxationBusiness TaxationProperty
This Study contains the final version of the document elaborated by the IBFD Task Force on the Digital Economy as a submission to the European Commission in the framework of its 2021 Public Consultation on the possible introduction of an... more
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      Tax LawTaxationDigital EconomyEuropean Taxation
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      TaxationResearchPostdocAcademic research
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      TaxationDireito Tributário (Tax Law)
“Desde mi visión, la obra es en sustancia un abordaje axiológico, una construcción compleja que merece reconocimiento, pues consagra una teoría iusfilosófica de la culpa. Pero no se debe extraer de ello que la obra ha sido escrita para... more
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      Criminal LawTax LawTaxationLegal Theory
This study takes a new look at the non-linear dynamics of the relationship between taxes and growth by considering six major tax instruments, namely personal income taxes, corporate income taxes, consumption taxes, social security... more
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      Economic GrowthTaxation
Pongo a disposición de los lectores, esta obra, ya descatalogada desde hace años, que aún puede ser útil para los estudiosos de la jurisrprudencia constitucional y la doctrina española y alemana sobre el principio de capacidad económica.
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      Comparative LawTaxationTax reformTax
This article discusses the impact of incomplete tax transparency on tax evasion. While FATCA and CRS address some forms of tax evasion, tax evaders may still use other tax evasion opportunities. Anti-tax evasion measures might not be... more
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      Tax LawTaxationTax PolicyTax Evasion
Tax vs IA, mergering functions for the future profile
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      TaxationTalent management (Human Resource Management)
EN: Curtailment of aggressive tax planning (ATP) has become a critical matter for international taxation. Mandatory disclosure rules (MDR) work as an early warning system for ATP strategies. They allow tax authorities to respond quickly... more
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      LawInternational Tax LawTaxationImpuestos y derecho tributario
The main thrust of this research was to explore the revenue and expenditure nexus on Nigeria from 1981 to 2016. It tried to uncover the expenditure hypothesis that Nigeria's government had adopted in her budgeting. Time series data... more
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      EconomicsTax LawPolitical ScienceTaxation
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      TaxationFiscal federalism and decentralization
Due to their strong welfare states, the Nordic countries enjoy a remarkable degree of income equality. However, it is often argued that similarly generous welfare policies financed by high taxes would significantly reduce the average... more
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      Welfare StateTaxationNordic ModelUS economy
We develop an endogenous growth model with capital and pollution externalities to analyse whether environmental policy should be decided upon by a parliament or an independent regulator. We find that an independent regulator gives raise... more
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      Comparative PoliticsEnvironmental policyTaxationVoting
Целесообразно ли вносить в право экономическую материю и насколько оправданно в быстро меняющемся мире формулировать дефиниции сложных явлений? По мнению автора, данное КС РФ определение экономико-правовой сущности акциза не добавляет... more
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      TaxationBusiness TaxationTax PolicyTaxation Law
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      TaxationBusiness TaxationValue Added Tax
Mientras los organismos multilaterales parecen ser incapaces de utilizar los avances tecnológicos para identificar y culpar a los responsables del fraude fiscal mundial -estimado en un mínimo de 130.000 millones de euros por año (Zucman,... more
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      TechnologyHuman RightsSecurityTaxation
The goal of this paper is to explore the perception of Kosovo's citizens of the severity of tax evasion relative to other crimes and abuses. Perception of tax evasion may somewhat clarify the degree of rebelliousness with the tax laws.... more
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      Economic SociologyPolitical SociologyLawCriminal Law
Zeitungskolumne zur CTJ-Studie zu den ökonomischen und gesellschaftlichen Kosten der Steuerhinterziehung seitens der Fortune-500-Konzerne in den USA (8.10.2015)
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      American StudiesPolitical EconomySocial SciencesGlobalization
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      LawIndonesian StudiesTaxationPolicy
A brief note on the conceptual background of international solidality tax. In Japanese.
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    • Taxation
Il tentativo pretorio di tradurre meccanicamente il presupposto delle c.d. “gravi incongruenze” ex art. 62-sexies, 3° comma, d.l. 30 agosto 1993, n. 331 nel requisito quantitativo del mero superamento di una soglia numerica – sia essa... more
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      Tax LawTaxationDiritto TributarioPROVA
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      TaxationInternational Tax Policy
There has never been a book quite like Tax, Order, and Good Government, a history of Canada's first half-century of political development in which "the language of outraged taxpayers is given prominent place," in Canadian scholarship and... more
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      Canadian HistoryTaxationCanadian Political HistoryPoverty and Inequality
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      Mergers & AcquisitionsTaxationBusiness TaxationCorporate Taxation
The rule that taxpayers have freedom to plan their financial affairs in tax efficient ways is well-established in South Africa. This article discusses the impact of two cases dealing with taxpayers seeking to claim tax deductions for... more
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      Tax LawTaxation
Commentary on the constitutional duty to pay taxes and other public duties under the pre-2012 Hungarian Constitution. In Hungarian.
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      Constitutional LawTax LawTaxationFiscal law
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      EntrepreneurshipEvolutionary PsychologyProperty RightsTaxation
Policy actors, threats, opportunities, and outcome
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      TaxationBehavioral EconomicsPublic HealthHealth Nudges
A criação de uma cadeia de produção global trouxe inúmeros desafios para o exercício da atividade tributária. Em face deste fenômeno, os Estados passaram a perder base arrecadatória. Como reposta, passaram a adotar mecanismos legais... more
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      TaxationInternational jurisdictionTransconstitucionalismo
Fiscal history is a booming field of research that shines a new light on colonial state formation, the relationship between the colonizer and the colonized and the political economy of colonialism in Africa. The fiscal history of colonial... more
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      Economic HistoryTaxationColonialismFrench colonialism
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    • Taxation
Autumn Conference on European Sate Aid Law 2017, 24 November 2017, Madrid. (Session III). The speech provide an overview of the key issues on the relationship between environmental and energy taxation and State aids and to show how... more
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      Renewable EnergyRegulation And GovernanceTaxationElectricity
El capitalismo, como sistema económico, desde sus comienzos se ha caracterizado por un crecimiento sostenido de las economías en las que se instala pero también es parte de sus características la existencia de ciclos económicos de " auge... more
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Niniejsze opracowanie zostało poświęcone problematyce opłaty planistycznej, unormowanej w ustawie z dnia 27 marca 2003 r. o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym. Celem opracowania jest wykazanie, że opłata planistyczna stanowi w... more
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      LawTax LawInternational Tax LawTaxation
A szakirodalom nagy része által elfogadott tény, hogy a globalizáció hatással van a jóléti államra. A kormányok kettős szorítással szembesülnek, megnőttek ugyanis a kiadások iránti igények, ugyanakkor a bevételi források lecsökkentek. A... more
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      GlobalizationWelfare StateTaxationUnemployment
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo abordar as contribuições da extrafiscalidade como meio ao desenvolvimento de políticas públicas voltadas ao controle do COVID-19 no Estado brasileiro. Com uma análise da intervenção do Estado posta na... more
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      TaxationDireito Tributário (Tax Law)TributaçãoExtrafiscalidade tributária
El proyecto de Ley de Presupuestos Generales del Estado para 2019 propuso la instauración de una deducción en el impuesto sobre sociedades para empresas que tengan consejos de administración con paridad de género. Tales presupuestos... more
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      Gender StudiesTaxationIgualdade De GéneroImpuestos y derecho tributario
Eine Vielzahl von Händlern aus Drittländern (insbesondere aus der V. R. China) bieten Waren auf E-Commerce-Plattformen (wie insbesondere Amazon und eBay) in Deutschland zum Verkauf an. Es kommt in diesem Zusammenhang zu... more
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      Tax LawTaxationChinaEbay
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      American LiteratureIntellectual HistoryHuman RightsPolitical Science
Expert Systems (ES) is increasing its importance, impacting not only personal life but also professional life and its workplace. With ES's growing impact on tax areas, tasks of tax practitioners will change and progress. In addition to... more
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      Expert SystemsTaxationCompetencies
Algorithms are increasingly affecting us in our daily lives. They seem to be everywhere, yet they are seldom seen by the humans dealing with the consequences that result from them. Yet, in recent theorisations, there is a risk that the... more
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      AlgorithmsTaxationNormativityAccounting and Auditing
In the implementation of Self Assessment System in Indonesia, Taxpayers are given the main rights in implementing their Taxation concern which one is the right to requesting for Tax refunds on their overpayment. But the huges of State... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)EconomicsFinancial EconomicsTaxation
У статті проаналізовано норми контролю за трансфертним ціноутворенням в Україні, міжнародний досвід та його фіскальну ефективність. Визначено ряд проблемних аспектів, які потребують термінового вирішення в Україні. Обґрунтовано, що... more
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      TaxationTransfer PricingInternational Taxation