European Taxation
Recent papers in European Taxation
The present study was developed based on the IBFD EU Task Force’s submission within the framework of the European Commission 2021 public consultation on the use of shell entities and arrangements for tax purposes. The analysis of the... more
This article provides an analysis of a Portuguese decision on the taxation of payments for software. The main questions addressed by the Court and assessed in this article are: Is the amount taxable? Who should be taxed? When and where... more
The digital economy provides a great field for new tax avoidance and tax evasion techniques around the world, especially by creating the opportunity to establish digital companies. The underlying principle for corporation tax is that... more
El Plan de Acción de BEPS ha adquirido un cierto grado de urgencia dada la visibilidad política alcanzada por las ineficiencias de las normas de fiscalidad internacional y su falta de respuesta a las formas de hacer negocio y de las... more
This contribution discusses the possibility of tax cooperation from a European perspective. Research on tax cooperation focuses on the resistance of powerful states or the failed efforts of the OECD and emphasizes the unlikelihood of... more
N RÉPONSE À LA CRISE qui secoue l'Eurozone, de nombreuses initiatives globales 2 ont été prises par la Commission en vue d'approfondir la coordination des politiques fiscales nationales (notamment en matière d'impôt des sociétés),... more
Il Centro di Diritto Penale Tributario in collaborazione con AIGA – Sezione Genova e con il patrocinio dell'Ordine degli Avvocati di Genova e dell'Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili di Genova e di Fondazione Bruno... more
Il Tribunale dell'Unione Europea ha annullato la decisione con cui la Commissione aveva affermato che i tax ruling adottati dall'Irlanda a favore di alcune società appartenenti al gruppo Apple costituirebbero un aiuto di Stato non... more
The main goal of this paper is to analyze in which way the location of the holding company, eventually established in the Netherlands, can result in tax saving for a Portuguese company that is looking for internationalization. For that... more
This article examines certain European law issues that arise from the Authorized OECD Approach (AOA) and the new Art. 7 of the 2010 OECD Model, including the applicability of the EU direct tax directives (AOA requirement that assets be... more
The CFE welcomes the judgment as it clearly refers to a case of unjustified discrimination. However, there are some questions that are left open (and that Court was not required to provide an answer). The Court’s judgment in MK reinforces... more
This article deals with the decision taken by the Court of Justice of the European Union in Miljoen and others (Joined Cases C-10/14, C-14/14 and C-17/14), in respect of which the Third Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European... more
In spite of the fact that almost all the European Union member States have similar principles of tax justice, there is not an express specification about them in the Primary Law of the Union. The institutions of the European Union have... more
El asunto Comisión contra Grecia 1 ha venido a aumentar el número de pronunciamientos del TJUE en lo referido a las regulaciones nacionales del Impuesto sobre Sucesiones y Donaciones, y las restricciones que las mismas pueden conllevar... more
This article deals with the decision taken by the Court of Justice of the European Union in Sopora (Case C-512/13), which was decided by the Grand Chamber of the ECJ on 24 February 2015. It concerns the question of whether a specific... more
In this note, the elected Chairman of the Fiscal Committee of the CFE, Mr Piergiorgio Valente, provides a general outline of issues regarding the valuation of intangibles in the transfer pricing context in light of the OECD's... more
Autor sa v príspevku spočiatku venuje posúdeniu stupňa harmonizácie dane z príjmu právnických osôb na úrovni EÚ, jej spôsobom a jej podstaty v kontexte možnosti zavedenia európskej dane z príjmu právnických osôb, resp. vlastného zdroja... more
This study is focused on the tax measures that have been enacted in Portugal, following the health and economic crisis created by the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pandemic. First, it aims at comprehensively characterizing the measures enacted,... more
This kind of economy challenges traditional tax concepts. That's why we have some new developments in the taxation of digital economy to improve existing concepts or to create non-existent concepts (as for crypto). It was the perfect... more
This article deals with the decision taken by the Court of Justice of the European Union in September 2014 regarding the compatibility of inheritance taxation with the fundamental freedoms (Commission v. Spain (Case C-127/12) and... more
Nella sentenza Herst la Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea da un lato conferma che l’acquisto intracomunitario ex art. 20 della Direttiva IVA presuppone una nozione sostanzialistica di “cessione” di un bene e prescinde dalla sua... more
Series on International Taxation
This article is a commentary on the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the Vodafone case, C-74/78 on progressive turnover taxes. In our view, the Court’s decision provides clarifications for ascertaining the... more
This article deals with the decision taken by the Court of Justice of the European Union in Sofina. In the authors’ view, it may have extended the standard of comparability, requiring (foreign) non-dividend income of the recipient to be... more
This article deals with the decision taken by the Court of Justice of the European Union in Groupe Steria SCA (Case C-386/14), in respect of which the Second Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) delivered its... more
This article deals with the decision taken by the Court of Justice of the European Union in European Commission v. United Kingdom (“Final Losses”) (Case C-172/13), published on on the 3 February 2015. This case is in some ways a follow-up... more
This article deals with the decision taken by the Court of Justice of the European Union in September 2014 regarding the compatibility of inheritance taxation with the fundamental freedoms (Commission v. Spain (Case C-127/12) and... more
This essay provides an overview of the different steps of the CJEU's reasoning when assessing the compatibility of domestic direct tax rules with the TFUE's fundamental freedoms. In the author's opinion, and from a structural perspective,... more
Today, the European Union is experiencing three crises simultaneously: financial crisis, migration crisis and solidarity crisis. In this thesis, I will use the debates on the financial transaction tax as a departure point to deal with the... more
The European Union is a supranational organization, its functioning is different than a government; so its taxation policy objectives. Furthermore, it can only address the issues that are integrative and common for European nation.... more
To ensure taxation of digital business profits, Italy has introduced a web tax on digital transactions relating to a supply of services, sparking debate both domestically and internationally, since proposals are expected from the OECD and... more
[EN] “Should I stay or should I go… ”? The implementation of the EU’s internal market, characterized in the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union ( TFUE) as ”an area without internal frontiers in which the free movement of... more
[EN] “Should I stay or should I go… ”? The implementation of the EU’s internal market, characterized in the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union ( TFUE) as ”an area without internal frontiers in which the free movement of... more
This article is focused on the Court’s decision in Hornbach-Baumarkt (Case C-382/16) (Hornbach) which is an important clarification of the conditional compatibility of arm’s length-based domestic transfer pricing legislation with the... more
This article examines the decision of the CJEU in Brisal and KBC Finance Ireland (Case C-18/15) of 13 July 2016. Following a Portuguese reference for a preliminary ruling, the Court’s decision provides further clarification on the... more
This study was drafted shortly after the announcement of the referendum by which the United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union. In this article, the authors make a comprehensive assessment of what would be the tax consequences... more
Abstract: In this study, tax harmonization aspects of the European Union (EU) are being examined. Financial aspects of a possible integration of Turkey with EU are also covered. With this framework, topic permits to analyze Turkey's... more
Financial and tax measures for cultural heritage: European ties to tax policies and the State aid system
In this paper, the intent is to analyze harmonization efforts, made especially by E.U. institutions, regarding exit taxation. As the content of the paper demonstrates, it will focus primarily on hot topics about the subject matter... more