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The contemporary availability of data and the growing possibility of their processing have also inf luenced the journalistic field. Several global news companies have embraced and enhanced forms of data use. This article provides an... more
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      Computational JournalismData Journalism
Data-driven journalism (DDJ) can be considered as journalism’s response to the datafication of society. To better understand the key components and development of this still young and fast evolving genre, we investigate what the field... more
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      JournalismDigital JournalismContent AnalysisOnline Journalism
The advent of new technologies has always spurred questions about changes in journalism – its content, its means of production, and its consumption. A quite recent development in the realm of digital journalism is software-generated... more
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      Robotic Journalism, Online GatekeepingComputational JournalismData JournalismData-Driven Journalism
Una de las principales características del Periodismo de datos es la disponibilidad de bases de datos para la investigación de temas de interés público, lo que nos ha llevado a estudiar las relaciones entre la nueva cultura de la... more
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      TransparencyTRANSPARENCIAGovernment transparencyComputational Journalism
Conference Paper for the Future of Journalism conference 2015: Risks, Threats and Opportunities, September 10-11th 2015, Cardiff University, UK. Abstract: For journalism the phenomena of ‘big data’ and an increasingly data-driven society... more
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      CommunicationJournalismMass CommunicationDigital Journalism
My new book -- preview here http://www.press.uillinois.edu/books/catalog/53paw9sp9780252040511.html (google books preview) Emerging out of changes in technology, culture, and economics, interactive journalism is a visual presentation of... more
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      Media SociologyDigital MediaOnline JournalismComputer Hacking
This article investigates how digital news editors perceive the uses and implications of audience analytics in contemporary digital newsrooms. Based on 21 interviews with digital news editors at 11 Belgian news organisations, including 7... more
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      Digital JournalismSocial MediaWeb analyticsComputational Journalism
Pour évaluer les possibilités et limites de la génération automatique de textes dans un contexte journalistique, cette recherche itérative s’articule en deux chapitres complémentaires : un état de l’art (mise en contexte et analyse des... more
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      Computational Journalismautomated news
El periodismo computacional ha irrumpido con fuerza en el intenso panorama de las innovaciones periodísticas, debido a su gran potencial de impacto en las redacciones. Dada la reciente implantación de esta especialidad, todavía en fase... more
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      Computational JournalismData JournalismPeriodismo De DatosInnovación Periodística
Applied research in computational journalism offers opportunities for scholars to engage with data and platforms by developing original code-based scholarship and research methods. However, scholars who write code need a place to publish... more
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      Reproducible ResearchData ScienceBig DataComputational Journalism
This article introduces an exploratory computational approach to extending the realm of automated journalism from simple descriptions to richer and more complex event­driven narratives, based on original applied research in structured... more
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      AlgorithmsJournalismNatural Language GenerationRobotic Journalism, Online Gatekeeping
The spread of 'fake' health news is a big problem with even bigger consequences. In this study, we examine a collection of health-related news articles published by reliable and unreliable media outlets. Our analysis shows that there are... more
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      Health InformaticsData AnalysisComputational Journalism
Journalism, more so than other professions, is entangled with technology in a unique and profoundly impactful way. In this context, the technological developments of the past decades have fundamentally impacted the journalistic profession... more
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      JournalismData MiningNatural Language GenerationComputational Journalism
As quantitative forms have become more prevalent in professional journalism, it has become increasingly important to distinguish between them and examine their roles in contemporary journalistic practice. This study defines and compares... more
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      Computer Assisted ReportingComputational JournalismData JournalismData-Driven Journalism
Does Facebook help or hurt political engagement? Some scholars argue (e.g., Resnick, 1997, 1998) that social media has taken over old media (e.g., newspaper, television) as a leading communication channel, but communication practices of... more
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      Social Network Analysis (SNA)Computational Journalism
Introducción. La incorporación de elementos de la cultura de la transparencia de la era del Big Data en el periodismo ha dado como resultado lo que se conoce como periodismo de datos (PD). Objetivos. Al depender de instituciones fuera del... more
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      TransparencyTRANSPARENCIAGovernment transparencyComputational Journalism
This article explores the existing research literature on data journalism. Over the past years, this emerging journalistic practice has attracted significant attention from researchers in different fields and produced an increasing number... more
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      Computer-assisted ReportingLiterature ReviewComputational JournalismData Journalism
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      AlgorithmsJournalismComputational Journalism
Algorithms are part of several routine steps in online journalism and are impor- tant actors in automated journalism. In this research, the researchers argue that the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in newsrooms involves much more... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceTwitterPlatform StudiesRobots
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      PrivacyMedia EthicsLatin AmericaComputational Journalism
The rise of user-generated content (UCG) as a source of information in the journalistic lifecycle is driving the need for automated methods to detect, filter, contextualise and verify citizen reports of breaking news events. In this... more
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      Social MediaComputational JournalismData JournalismSocial Event Detection
So-called “robot” journalism represents a shift towards the automation of journalistic tasks related to news reporting, writing, curation, and even data analysis. In this paper, we consider the extension of robot journalism to the domain... more
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      Digital JournalismSocial MediaComputational JournalismNews Bots
As new forms of multimedia, data-driven storytelling are produced by news organisations around the world, pro- gramming skills are increasingly required in newsrooms to conduct data analysis and create interactive tools and news apps.... more
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      JournalismDigital JournalismAssessment in Higher EducationOnline Journalism
In this study, we closely look at the use of social media contents as source or reference in the U.S. news media. Specifically, we examine about 60 thousand news articles published within the 5 years period of 2013 − 2017 by 153 U.S.... more
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      Data AnalysisSocial MediaOnline JournalismComputational Journalism
The availability of data feeds, the demand for news on digital devices, and advances in algorithms are helping to make automated journalism more prevalent. This article extends the literature on the subject by analysing professional... more
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      AlgorithmsJournalismComputational JournalismAutomated Journalism
The use of tempting headlines (clickbait) to allure readers has become a growing practice nowadays. The widespread use of clickbait risks the reader’s trust in media. According to a study performed by Facebook, 80% users “preferred... more
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      Data AnalysisSocial MediaSocial Network Analysis (SNA)Computational Journalism
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      CommunicationJournalismOnline JournalismOpen Source and Free Software Studies
The spread of radicalized content has become almost unstoppable. The encrypted content created by social media has led to an alarming domain of communication that promotes extremism and terrorism. Through this encrypted communication the... more
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      Journalism And Mass communicationComputational JournalismNew Media, Online News and User Generated ContentCounter Radicalization
The use of tempting and often misleading headlines (click-bait) to allure readers has become a growing practice nowadays among the media outlets. The widespread use of click-bait risks the reader's trust in media. In this paper, we... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningSocial Network Analysis (SNA)Computational Journalism
There are varied needs in newsrooms, driven by the availability for multiple sources of information, the demand for instant access of news, and the diverse possible frames for covering a given news event. Journalists would benefit from... more
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    • Computational Journalism
For journalism the phenomena of ‘big data’ and an increasingly data-driven society are doubly relevant: First, it is a topic worth covering so that the related developments and their consequences are made understandable and debatable for... more
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      CommunicationJournalismData MiningMass Communication
In the last decades researchers have devoted a fair amount of effort to understand the news geography, i.e. a description of the general patterns for which countries are presented in which other countries' news. These efforts presume that... more
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      Social MediaComputational JournalismNews ConsumptionNews Analysis
Storytelling with data has become a trend in journalism with the rise and growth of data-driven journalism practices encompassed in the field of computational journalism. It aims to provide quality information, which may not be made... more
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      Data QualityComputational Journalism
Nos ultimos anos, algumas empresas jornalisticas adotaram softwares de Natural Language Generation (NLG) para produzir conteudos automatizados em coberturas de financas, esportes, eleicoes, crimes, terremotos, fenomeno este denominado... more
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      JournalismActor Network TheoryOnline JournalismActor Network Theory (ANT)
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      Computational JournalismData JournalismCommunication and media StudiesJournalism Practice
Amid the rise of computational and data-driven forms of journalism, it is important to consider the institutions, interactions, and processes that aim to help the social worlds of journalism and technology come together and collaborate... more
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      JournalismSoftware DevelopmentSocial MediaJournalism Studies
Data played a major part in the journalistic coverage and understanding of the Covid-19 pandemic. Particularly in Italy, one of the countries most affected by the Coronavirus, health authorities released on a daily... more
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      JournalismDigital JournalismJournalism EthicsScience journalism
This paper will review the most important aspects of computational thinking and try to emphasize the most relevant ones for the future of journalism education, by looking at scholarship in the field and assessing abilities associated with... more
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      JournalismComputational ThinkingJournalism EducationComputational Journalism
This study examines the impact of computational journalism on the creation and dissemination of crime news. Computational journalism refers to forms of algorithmic, social scientific, and mathematical processes and systems for the... more
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      AlgorithmsJournalismRobotic Journalism, Online GatekeepingLos Angeles Times
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      CommunicationJournalismMass CommunicationDigital Journalism
ISSN: 2167-0811 (Print) 2167-082X (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rdij20 From Mr. and Mrs. Outlier To Central Tendencies Mary Lynn Young & Alfred Hermida To cite this article: Mary Lynn Young & Alfred Hermida... more
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      SociologyAlgorithmsJournalismDigital Journalism
Incorporating elements of the transparency’s culture of the Big Data era in journalism has become into what is known as Data Journalism (DJ). Objectives: Since it depends on institutions outside journalism, we seek to determine to what... more
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      TransparencyTRANSPARENCIAGovernment transparencyComputational Journalism
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      Computer ScienceNew MediaJournalismSocial Media
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      JournalismDigital JournalismAssessment in Higher EducationOnline Journalism
Here's the free introduction for the book - via link below. http://www.press.uillinois.edu/books/catalog/53paw9sp9780252040511.html Blurb: Emerging out of changes in technology, culture, and economics, interactive journalism is a... more
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      Media SociologyCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
The Panama Papers have been described as “biggest leak in the history of data journalism” with approximately 11.5 million documents provided by an anonymous source to the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. For all the things that made... more
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      WikileaksComputational JournalismData JournalismData-Driven Journalism