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"In un foglio di Excel di oltre 92000 righe di dati (il documento sull’Afghanistan fornito da WikiLeaks al Guardian aveva esattamente queste dimensioni) non si tratta di scovare una o più righe degne di essere raccontate, ma di capire... more
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      SemioticsWikisInformation VisualizationVisual Semiotics
Currently the digital archives of newspapers are not archiving "news apps," which are interactive database-driven, multimedia projects. Because of the multiple elements required to access a news app, conversion of the dynamic news app... more
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      JournalismWeb ArchivingArchivingData Journalism
Дэлхий нийтэд инфографикийг судлах төдийгүй их дээд сургууль, сургалтын төвүүд энэ чиглэлээр мэргэжилтэн бэлтгэдэг болсон. Харин Монголын сэтгүүл зүйд инфографик болон дата сэтгүүл зүй нь хоёр жилийн өмнөөс нэвтэрч эхэлсэн бөгөөд томоохон... more
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      Data AnalysisInfographics and data visualizationData JournalismData-Driven Journalism
Data-driven journalism (DDJ) can be considered as journalism’s response to the datafication of society. To better understand the key components and development of this still young and fast evolving genre, we investigate what the field... more
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      JournalismDigital JournalismContent AnalysisOnline Journalism
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      JournalismDigital JournalismContent AnalysisData Journalism
Despite the benefits of school management information systems (SMIS), the concept of data-driven school culture failed to materialize for many educational institutions. Challenges posed by the quality of data in the big data era have... more
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      Big DataStudent Management Information SystemData-Driven JournalismEducational model
Much has been written on the issue of digitization and its consequences on journalism. Most works deal with the internet and the transformation of classic journalism into new forms of online communication. Adrian Holovaty identified and... more
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      Local JournalismData-Driven Journalism
The advent of new technologies has always spurred questions about changes in journalism – its content, its means of production, and its consumption. A quite recent development in the realm of digital journalism is software-generated... more
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      Robotic Journalism, Online GatekeepingComputational JournalismData JournalismData-Driven Journalism
O Jornalismo Guiado por Dados é uma prática de Jornalismo em Bases de Dados em vias de adoção por redações de todo o mundo, desde meados dos anos 2000. Trata-se de um desenvolvimento dos conceitos de Jornalismo de Precisão e Reportagem... more
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      CommunicationJournalismBrazilOnline Journalism
صحافة البيانات فى مواقع الصحف المصرية دراسة تحليلية وميدانية
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      Data JournalismData-Driven Journalismصحافة البيانات رسالة دكتوراةdata journalism studies
Conference Paper for the Future of Journalism conference 2015: Risks, Threats and Opportunities, September 10-11th 2015, Cardiff University, UK. Abstract: For journalism the phenomena of ‘big data’ and an increasingly data-driven society... more
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      CommunicationJournalismMass CommunicationDigital Journalism
In the past, journalists were responsible for reporting the news. But today news stories disseminate as the incidents unfold, from multiple sources. Thus, gathering, filtering and visualizing events has a growing value. Huge amounts of... more
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      JournalismData JournalismData-Driven Journalism
Today, news texts can be created automatically and presented to readers without human participation through technologies and methods such as big data, deep learning, and natural language generation. With this research, we have developed... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceNatural Language GenerationSocial MediaTwitter
Weltweit formiert sich seit ein paar Jahren eine Bewegung der "rationalen Optimisten" als Gegengewicht zu apokalyptischen Warnern, die immerzu den globalen Kollaps heraufbeschwören. Doch die Absagen an den Niedergang werden oft übertönt... more
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      Positive PsychologyEvidence Based MedicineData-Driven JournalismThick Description
Presented: April 21, 2016; University of Helsinki at the Northern Data Journalism Conference (NODA16) Academic Pre-Conference This presentation aims at exploring the existing research literature on data journalism. Over the past years... more
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      Literature ReviewSystematic Literature ReviewData JournalismData-Driven Journalism
صحافة البيانات و المعلومات Data Journalism – visualizing data ويُعرّف آخرون هذا النوع من الصحافة بأنها نظام إدارة المعلومات حيث يتم تنظيم أجزاء المعلومات في قاعدة بيانات بطريقة مختلفة عن البناء التقليدي للتقارير التي تعتمد أساليب القصة... more
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      Data JournalismData-Driven Journalismالاعلام الرقميصحافة البيانات
There many ways to create Web application UI Test Automation Framework. This paper elaborates the creation of the Hybrid Test Automation Framework, and explains the architecture and design of the framework. This Framework is easy to use... more
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      Data Driven Learning (Applied Linguistics)Data Driven Learning (Languages And Linguistics)Data-driven Decision MakingDomain Driven Data Mining
Data journalism is a well established story-telling method across different news media in the United States. Analysis of this landscape (together with three detailed case studies) allows us to determine elements of best practice, Damian... more
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      Data JournalismData-Driven JournalismData Storytelling
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      Artificial IntelligenceExpert SystemsDigital JournalismInvestigative Journalism
*34 Sayfalık "Gazeteciliğin Geleceği: Veri Gazeteciliği " Ankara İletişim Fakültesi İçin Prof.Dr.Çiler Dursun tarafından derlenen -Türkiye'de haber üretimi kitabı için Pınar Dağ tarafından yazıldı. Giriş Dünya bugün görülmemiş oranda... more
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      Data JournalismData-Driven JournalismMeta dataAçık Kaynak Kod
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      Data JournalismData-Driven Journalism
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      Data JournalismInternational News reportingData-Driven Journalism
Teknolojinin gelişmesi ve yaygın olarak kullanılmasıyla birlikte bireysel ve kamusal hayatın içerisine yeni kavramlar girmeye başlamıştır. Farklı alanlarda iş yapış şekillerinin değişmesine neden olan açık veri ve büyük veri gibi... more
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      Big DataData JournalismData-Driven JournalismNews Analysis
Media organizations have been struggling to survive in the digital age. In order to get a chance to pull through while facing the threat of a post-truth era, data and investigative journalism seem to be more important than ever. The old... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismDigital JournalismInvestigative Journalism
Data journalism, as a new form of journalism, is gaining ever greater ground on newsrooms. Datasets and visualization applications have contributed to its bloom. Data and visualizations have a dominant role in the journalistic article,... more
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      JournalismData VisualizationData JournalismData-Driven Journalism
A PhD Researcher From Iran Asks 24 Questions About Data Journalism.

This pdf file contains my answers.
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      StatisticsTurkeyOnline JournalismOpen Data
Depuis plusieurs années, le traitement de données apparaît à certains journalistes comme une façon de réduire leur dépendance aux sources. En élaborant des bases de données et des algorithmes au sein des rédactions, ils seraient moins... more
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      Online JournalismSociology of JournalismData-Driven Journalism
In recent years data journalism has drawn significant attention not only in academic literature but also in the media sector. Data Journalism is a new form of journalism that has gradually appeared over the last decade, driven by the... more
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      JournalismData JournalismData-Driven Journalism
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      Big DataData JournalismData-Driven Journalism
Born-digital news content is increasingly becoming the format of the first draft of history. Archiving and preserving this history is of paramount importance to the future of scholarly research, but many technical, legal, financial, and... more
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      Academic LibrarianshipWeb ArchivingReproducible ResearchData Journalism
Applied research in computational journalism offers opportunities for scholars to engage with data and platforms by developing original code-based scholarship and research methods. However, scholars who write code need a place to publish... more
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      Reproducible ResearchData ScienceBig DataComputational Journalism
This research tried to look further at the data journalism practice among Indonesian journalists, to see how far they are practising data journalism in their daily work. The population of the survey is not only data journalists, but all... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismMediaData Journalism
Today’s journalism undergo a huge transform under the stunning effect of the digital world. This transformation results in the great effort and rush to adapt for both the scholars and the journalists. Compared to the past; the obtaining,... more
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      Visual CommunicationInfographics and data visualizationInfographicsData Journalism
Permalink: https://datajournalismhandbook.org/handbook/two/reflections/what-is-data-journalism-for-cash-clicks-and-cut-and-trys This critique I offer flows largely from a Western-centered perspective, if not-US centered perch, but that... more
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      New MediaJournalismDigital MediaDigital Journalism
PERUYERA, Matias. Everyday uses and technology appropriation in data-driven journalism. 216 p. Dissertation (Master in Technology and Society) – Post-Graduation Program in Technology. Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná. Curitiba ,... more
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      Cultural StudiesTechnologyJournalismscience and technology studies (STS)
In just a few years, open data has been established as a fundamental cornerstone of official transparency and accountability initiatives around the world - from US President Barack Obama and UK Prime Minister David Cameron's respective... more
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      HistoryPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryGenealogy
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      WikileaksData JournalismData-Driven Journalism
As quantitative forms have become more prevalent in professional journalism, it has become increasingly important to distinguish between them and examine their roles in contemporary journalistic practice. This study defines and compares... more
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      Computer Assisted ReportingComputational JournalismData JournalismData-Driven Journalism
Twitter has been widely adopted into journalistic workflows, as it provides instant and widespread access to a plethora of content about breaking news events, while also serving to disseminate reporting on those events. The content on... more
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      Citizen JournalismSocial MediaData JournalismData-Driven Journalism
Teknolojide yaşanan değişimler ve bunun sonucunda bir bilişim devriminin gerçekleşmesi gazetecilerin haber elde etme yöntemlerini de farklılaştırmıştır. İnternet alanında yaşanan gelişmeler gazetecilik mesleğini etkilemiş ve veri... more
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      Data JournalismData-Driven JournalismVeri GazeteciliğiAçık Veri Gazeteciliği
Introducción. La incorporación de elementos de la cultura de la transparencia de la era del Big Data en el periodismo ha dado como resultado lo que se conoce como periodismo de datos (PD). Objetivos. Al depender de instituciones fuera del... more
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      TransparencyTRANSPARENCIAGovernment transparencyComputational Journalism
O jornalismo de dados surge nos últimos anos como uma das grandes tendências no jornalismo, a nível mundial. Este artigo tem como objetivo clarificar o que é o jornalismo de dados na atualidade e quais são as práticas a ele associadas.... more
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      Data VizualisationData JournalismJornalismo em base de dadosData-Driven Journalism
Exemplos de reportagens pioneiras que usaram dados como fonte primária de informação Ilo Alexandre mail@iloaguiar.com FCSH-Universidade Nova de Lisboa https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1256-6613 Resumo Matérias com características de Jornalismo... more
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      Interactive and Digital MediaPortugalData VisualizationData Journalism
A atual abundância de informações numéricas das mais variadas origens pode ser usada de várias maneiras pelo jornalismo. O presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso trata do uso jornalístico de bases de dados de grandes dimensões e como a... more
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      JournalismVisualizationVisualizaçãoData-Driven Journalism
Since the mid-2000s, some US and British news organizations have hired programmers to design data-driven news projects within the newsroom. But how does the rise of these “programmer-journalists”, armed with their skills and technical... more
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      Internet StudiesComputer NetworksOnline JournalismDatabases
Haberin, farklı görsel ve işitsel boyutlar kazandırarak gittikçe daha büyük kitlelere ulaşmasına imkân sunan çevrimiçi ortam hem gazetecilik pratiklerinin çeşitlendirmekte hem de haberin etkisini artırmaktadır. Veri... more
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      Data JournalismData-Driven Journalism
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      Data JournalismYeni medyaData-Driven JournalismVeri Gazeteciliği
Vinte anos depois da primeira publicação do artigo «Em louvor da Santa Objectividade» no n.º 1 da revista JJ: Jornalismo e Jornalistas (janeiro/março de 2000), propomo-nos revisitar o tema da valorização da objetividade jornalística. O... more
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      ObjectivityData JournalismData-Driven Journalism
La tesi di laurea affronta il tema delle elezioni regionali in Sicilia, a partire dai dati che emergono dai risultati elettorali. Considera in particolare due fenomeni che emergono nelle ultime due tornate - quella del 2012 e quella del... more
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      ComunicazioneData JournalismComunicazione politicaScienze della comunicazione