Data-Driven Journalism
Recent papers in Data-Driven Journalism
Diğer yandan okuyucuların haber tüketimi için dijital mecra-ları ve özellikle alternatif seslere yer veren yeni platformları tercih etmeye başlaması da geleneksel gazeteciliğin kan kaybını hızlan-dırmıştır. Bu süreçte haber medyası... more
The Internet and technological developments have brought profound changes in social, cultural, and political structures worldwide. These changes have influenced not only the formal background, but also contextual frame of those... more
Digital Transformation is going to the third wave : Data Driven.
With Alice Corona. The journalistic tradition postulates its role as a watchdog to the benefit of society, contributing to an informed citizenry by offering the public accurate and reliable information so vital for democratic life. The... more
En América Latina cada vez son más las redacciones de noticias que asumen el periodismo de datos como una dinámica innovadora, capaz empoderar el discurso periodístico en contextos polisémicos. Bajo esta premisa, el presente estudio,... more
How are journalism and academia responding to the datafication of their professions, and how can they collaborate more effectively on data-driven work?
Social media has become a dominant characteristic of much of the lives of the people, including journalists in all disciplines. Several media outlets have come to rely on online news, much of it coming from social media sites like... more
21 st-century journalism is characterized by new trends that facilitate the production of digital and novel contents. Among them, most notable is data-driven journalism, which collects structured information and analyzes it in-depth to... more
My presentation on data visualization in MDLab 2018.
El periodismo de investigación, clave en el buen funcionamiento de cualquier sociedad democrática, se enfrenta a numerosos desafíos éticos. La introducción de las técnicas del big data ha dado lugar al periodismo de datos, que supone un... more
The consumption practices of Spanish citizens of open data published by public institutions are evaluated, within the context of the implementation of the Transparency Portal in Spain. Through an online survey, representative of the... more
Depuis plusieurs années, des journalistes et des militants mobilisent les bases de données comme une forme sociotechnique permettant de rendre visibles des phénomènes qui échappent au regard des citoyens : le travail des parlementaires,... more
Media organizations have been struggling to survive in the digital age. In order to get a chance to pull through while facing the threat of a post-truth era, data and investigative journalism seem to be more important than ever. The old... more
Technology is shaping the ways that evidence is used to influence policy and public opinion. Developments include: the semantic web; the Big Data movement, new tools for data visualisation, and the rise of data-driven journalism. Such... more
"Summary of Study"
Data journalism in Egyptian newspapers sites
Analytical and field study
PHD. Thesis
Data journalism in Egyptian newspapers sites
Analytical and field study
PHD. Thesis
Abstract — This research paper analyses the state of data journalism practice in the Arab world through the use of the Field Theory approach. It discusses the factors that have an impact on data journalism practice and development in Arab... more
As an increasing number of reporters see databases and algorithms as appropriate means of doing investigation, journalism has been challenged in recent years by the following question: to what extent would the processing of huge datasets... more
This paper discusses journalists’ vast misunderstanding, underestimation and ignorance of the nature of statistics and their role in shaping the public’s daily work and life. In countering what the authors see as the most common myths... more
Closer relationships between journalists and academics could bring about a more data-savvy news industry. We believe that, too often, the worlds of academia and news industry fail to recognise the potential that could come through greater... more
The proliferation of data journalism has enabled newsrooms to deploy technologies for both mundane and more sophisticated workplace tasks. To bypass long-term investment in developing data skills, out-of-the-box software solutions are... more
This study explores the state of data-driven journalism practices in Sub-Saharan Africa. It aims at examining journalists' perceptions of data-driven journalism in Zambia and Tanzania as it attempts to redefine and demystify the concept.... more
Abstract: Humans started to communicate in order to convey his idea or needs that lead to the development of words, followed by the evolution of print media in practice, newspaper played a major role in our freedom struggle. In order to... more
The mediatization process has transformed the way social systems operationalize their communications. In the case of the journalistic system, the production and recognition of the zones will affect each other, a move that triggers the... more
Incorporating elements of the transparency’s culture of the Big Data era in journalism has become into what is known as Data Journalism (DJ). Objectives: Since it depends on institutions outside journalism, we seek to determine to what... more
Zusammenfassung: Digitale Methoden haben in den letzten Jahren nicht nur in die Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften Einzug gehalten. Auch der Journalismus hat seine Verfahren digitalisiert und seine Recherchepraktiken sowie seine... more
Closer relationships between journalists and academics could bring about a more data-savvy news industry. We believe that, too often, the worlds of academia and news industry fail to recognise the potential that could come through greater... more
Technology is shaping the ways that evidence is used to influence policy and public opinion. Developments include: the semantic web; the Big Data movement, new tools for data visualisation, and the rise of data-driven journalism. Such... more
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Testimonianza di Carlo Felice Dalla Pasqua al corso: GESTIONE DEI DATI DIGITALI [NS01] COMPUTER AND DATA SCIENCE - Minor
Teknolojide yaşanan değişimler ve bunun sonucunda bir bilişim devriminin gerçekleşmesi gazetecilerin haber elde etme yöntemlerini de farklılaştırmıştır. İnternet alanında yaşanan gelişmeler gazetecilik mesleğini etkilemiş ve veri... more
Resumen Desde la perspectiva de la la ecología de medios me interesa trabajar sobre los casos globales de investigación abierta como OpenNews, International Fact-Checking Network de la red Poynter, Forensic Architecture, Rudiment,... more
Data storytelling is rapidly gaining prominence as a characteristic activity of digital journalism, with significant adoption by small and large media houses. In the past few years, there has been an increased attention on the qualitative... more
The Panama Papers have been described as “biggest leak in the history of data journalism” with approximately 11.5 million documents provided by an anonymous source to the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung. For all the things that made... more