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Gregori-Signes, Carmen. 2013. El relato digital como género social, educativo y digital. Educacion, Multimodalidad y Aprendizaje (Part3). Curso Tendencias Educativas Digitales Iberoamericanas 2012-2013. Universitat de València
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      ICT in EducationInteractive and Digital MediaDigital Storytelling
İletişim olgusu, toplumsal bir varlık olan insan için her dönem önemli bir konuma sahip olmuştur. Tarihin ilk dönemlerinden itibaren doğa ile iç içe yaşayan insan beslenme, barınma ve korunma gibi temel ihtiyaçlarını giderirken iletişim... more
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      Social PsychologyMedia StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural Studies
Introducing Global Pandemics: a cutting-edge, browser-based, digital learning experience—designed to enhance student understanding of the role of pandemics in world history. One year in the making, and involving a talented,... more
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      HistoryDigital media ProductionDigital MediaInteractive Digital Storytelling
This paper’s objective is to analyze Red Dead Redemption 2 as an example of the assimilation of the western genre in the recent production of open world third person action video games. The analysis is based on Genre Studies to comprehend... more
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      Game studiesGenre studiesDigital MediaInteractive and Digital Media
This chapter examines the meaning-making functions of cinematic sound from the perspective of embodied cognition. Using embodied simulation theory (Gallese, 2005) as a unifying framework, and placing particular emphasis upon the affective... more
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      Film Theory and PracticeFilm StudiesFilm TheoryFilm Sound
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      Interior DesignInteractive and Digital MediaInteractive MediaInterior Design (Architecture)
The use of technology and specifically digital environments in training and education in both formal and non-formal contexts is becoming increasingly more common. These types of technical-pedagogical solutions, however, may not always... more
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      InclusionInteractive and Digital MediaE Learning
Marketing digital y comercio electrónico proporciona una visión completa, rigurosa y aplicada sobre el apasionante campo del marketing digital. Con un enfoque directivo, marcos teóricos adecuados y numerosos ejemplos (Amazon, eBay,... more
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      Digital MediaInteractive and Digital MediaDigital MarketingE-Commerce Strategy
The technique we practice to tell imagined stories among ourselves especially the construction and the preservation of the mythical stories is always important to our psychological development. Today, the world of digital games work as... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyGame studiesUse of story-telling in games
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      Event ManagementExperience DesignInteractive and Digital MediaInteractive Arts
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      Interactive and Digital MediaAdobe FlashGeography teachingNew Jersey History
A game fusing the real neighorhood Liberdade in São Paulo - Brazil, and a virtual interactive 3d platform.
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      Human Computer InteractionArt HistoryArtArt Theory
Apps and fitness trackers have changed the application culture of bio-surveillance. Their feedback technologies not only facilitate healthy lifestyle practices, but also multiply social control. At the interface of digital media systems... more
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      Self and IdentityDigital MediaSelf-regulated LearningDigital Media & Learning
We present a general model and information server for the digital annotation of printed documents. The resulting annotation framework supports both informal and structured annotations as well as context-dependent services. A demonstrator... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware Engineering
This chapter aims to present mental representations by seven audiovisual specialists on Sirena, the antagonist of a noir fictional story in a multilinear interactive short film script. To this end, a reception study was created with... more
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      PsychologyDigital CinemaSymbolic InteractionInteraction
Buscamos analisar o especial hipermídia Passado e Futuro do Cantareira, publicado pelo jornal O Estado de S. Paulo, em abril de 2014, na tentativa de contextualizar a pior seca da história de São Paulo. Nossa proposta é identificar os... more
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      CommunicationTechnologyInteractive and Digital MediaOnline Journalism
Völlig neue Bild- und Erfahrungswelten versprechen die jüngsten Produkte der Medienindustrie ihren Usern. Euphorisch investieren Google, Microsoft und Co. Unsummen in digitale Medientechnologien wie Virtual-Reality-Displays. Jeder... more
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      SemioticsPhilosophyAestheticsVisual Studies
The Occupy Istanbul game engages several topics pertaining to the relationship of the individual and the political sphere, including civic obedience, resistance against state power and citizen media. The project allows players to develop... more
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      Digital HumanitiesSerious GamesNarrativeDigital Media
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      Interactive and Digital MediaDocumentary FilmInteractive Documentary
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    • Interactive and Digital Media
The evolution of digital media has inspired new narrative forms within the media context. In the last few years, interactive documentary has presented complex and alternative ways to access information. This article presents an analysis... more
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      MultimediaInteractive and Digital MediaOnline MediaInteractive Documentary
By examining the trans-disciplinary neologisms called "terminological junctions" in writings of Arakawa and Gins, one may find adequate conditions for making visible, and perhaps resolving a central paradox in the thinking of Gilles... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMusicPhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
We present ArtVis, an advanced user interface combining state-of-the-art visualisation techniques and tangible interaction to explore the Web Gallery of Art digital artwork collection consisting of almost 28000 European artworks. The... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware EngineeringHuman Computer Interaction
The figure of the VJ or visual jockey is key for understanding the appearance and current uses of what we shall call the “environment-image”, a kind of image which is produced for an audience in situ, whose emotional reaction has a... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeInteractive and Digital MediaInteractive MediaVideo Installation
Todos los días en Argentina las redes de trata captan mujeres, engañan mujeres, someten mujeres, explotan mujeres, trafican mujeres, desaparecen mujeres. Todos los días en Argentina alguien paga por ellas y el ciclo vuelve a empezar. El... more
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      Interactive Digital StorytellingInteractive and Digital MediaInteractive MediaInteractive Multimedia
Mit diesem Titel liegt eine veröffentlichte Magisterarbeit vor, deren redaktioneller Beschreibungstext auf dem Buchrücken einen „Blick über den Tellerrand hinaus“ verspricht. Dieses Versprechen soll sich durch drei Leitaspekte einlösen,... more
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      SemioticsCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGame Theory
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      Social ChangeArtEcopoliticsEcology
Bugarach. Cómo sobrevivir al Apocalipsis. Mostra BUG 2018. Exhibición interactiva e inmersiva. Centro Oi Futuro. Flamengo, Río de Janeiro, Brasil.
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      Interactive and Digital MediaBrasilExhibitionsRio de Janeiro
The interpretation that nowadays dominates analysis of the relationship between film, television and the Internet is the idea that the Network transforms the relationship between audiences and media by strengthening the capacity of action... more
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      Reception TheoryAudience and Reception StudiesInteractive and Digital MediaInteractive Documentary
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      Interactive and Digital MediaInteractive Media
Drawing on the self-concept activation and goal-priming account of the priming effect, this study examined how self-concept—i.e., ideal self, ought self, and actual self—can be harnessed as a model for avatar customization in digital... more
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      Media psychologyDigital Media & LearningInteractive and Digital MediaDigital Games
Politicians across Western democracies are increasingly adopting and experimenting with Twitter, particularly during election time. The purpose of this article is to investigate how candidates are using it during an election campaign. The... more
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      CampaigningCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
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      Interactive and Digital MediaOnline Learning
Despite the increasing availability of various forms of digital maps and guides, paper still prevails as the main information medium used by tourists during city visits. The authors describe how recent technologies for digitally augmented... more
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      Information SystemsEngineeringComputer ScienceSoftware Engineering
Téma:Analýza rozdílnosti divácké recepce filmového díla a umění Abstract: Nejen v diskurzech z oblastí: filmových věd a teorií pohyblivých obrazů, ale rovněž prakticky v každé otázce spjaté s el. médii, se až příliš často setkáváme s... more
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      Cultural StudiesJazz Studies And New MediaPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
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      New MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesDigital MediaContemporary Art
Becoming commercially available in the mid 1960s, video quickly became integral to the intense experimentalism of New York City's music and art scenes. The medium was able to record image and sound at the same time, which allowed... more
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      MusicVisual StudiesArt HistoryNew Media
Bernard Perron, Professor für Film und Videospiele an der Universität Montreal, legt mit seinem neuesten Buch The World of Scary Video Games: A Study in Videoludic Horror einen äußerst umfangreichen Einblick in das Horror-Genre im... more
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      Game studiesMedia StudiesVideo GamesHorror Film
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      ICT in EducationInteractive and Digital MediaIWB- Interactive WhiteBoardClassroom Interaction
Audio-based mobile technology is opening up a range of new interactive possibilities. This paper brings some of those possibilities to light by offering a range of perspectives based in this area. It is not only the technical systems that... more
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      Software EngineeringHuman Computer InteractionMusicDigital Humanities
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      Programming LanguagesNew MediaDigital Media, Device, and Software Interface DesignDigital Interfaces for Composing Artworks (by genre and for new genres)
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      Interactive and Digital MediaFilm ProductionMedia ProductionCrowdfunding
There is no doubt that rapid technological change is sweeping the museum industry, just as it is transforming the world around us. The question is no longer will we embrace technology, but rather how we will do so. Museum professionals... more
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      Museum learningMuseum EducationInteractive and Digital MediaMuseum Interpretation
It is widely considered that technology gave birth and continues to play a vital role in film production around the globe. Technological advancements have shaped film language and the audience experience throughout history. With the... more
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      Human Computer InteractionBrain-computer interfacesAugmented RealityInteractive and Digital Media
This article discusses issues of technology, interactive media and preschool education related to the areas of early language and literacy. From discussions with other researchers and practitioners, we suspect that the status, situations,... more
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      PsychologyEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationEarly Childhood Education
The indie game is a fairly new topic in the realm of academia and has contributed to the video game medium by resisting the profit and mass appeal approach of big budget video games. Through its independent creation, developers are able... more
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      Game studiesVideo GamesVideo Game Art and AnimationInteractive and Digital Media
Mit dieser aus einer Magisterarbeit hervorgegangenen Arbeit fokussiert Stephan Schwingeler eine interdisziplinär angelegte bildtheoretische Fragestellung auf die Konzepte Raum und Perspektive im Computerspiel.
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      SemioticsCultural HistoryCultural StudiesComputer Graphics
This document was written for a series of workshops with the intent that on reading and rereading this document it would be possible to understand the main issues surrounding the formulation of a workflow to address data output from... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)New MediaDigital LibrariesDigital Humanities