Self-regulated Learning
Recent papers in Self-regulated Learning
Self-Regulated Learning or SRL is an important academic performance for every student in completing a series of academic activities and realized by himself, especially in an online learning environment that is not supervised directly by... more
This paper contains a literature review on the topic of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL).
Account of a failed behavioral self-intervention for my Advanced Human Learning and Behavior class. LOL
Apps and fitness trackers have changed the application culture of bio-surveillance. Their feedback technologies not only facilitate healthy lifestyle practices, but also multiply social control. At the interface of digital media systems... more
College coursework and job-related tasks make similar demands on students and workers. Typically, as students advance through the grades, they are expected to become increasingly competent and less dependent on detailed guidance from... more
This paper highlights how Non-Instructional Class Time (occurring either before the lesson begins or after it ends), can play an important role in encouraging student engagement in self-regulated learning, using a case study of adult... more
This conference paper describes observations from several University cohorts of generally improved self-assessment accuracy by both under and over-assessors subsequent to self-assessment accuracy training and feedback of participants... more
La ponencia presenta un conjunto de propuestas teórico-procedimentales relativas al aprendizaje autorregulado y su andamiaje en entorno digital. Ello, con fundamento en una revisión de la literatura de perspectiva sociocognitiva. Luego... more
ΠΡΟΑΓΟΝΤΑΣ ΤΙΣ ΔΕΞΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ ΤΩΝ ΜΑΘΗΤΩΝ ΝΑ ΜΑΘΑΙΝΟΥΝ. ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗ ΤΗΣ ΑΥΤΟ-ΡΥΘΜΙΖΟΜΕΝΗΣ ΜΑΘΗΣΗΣ. Επίκεντρο του βιβλίου αυτού είναι η έννοια της αυτο-ρυθμιζόμενης μάθησης με έμφαση στις δεξιότητες που την προάγουν στο εκπαιδευτικό πλαίσιο.... more
Numerous empirical findings relevant for self-regulation research can be related to functional self-regulation patterns (proactive and defensive) and a dysfunctional pattern (depressive absence of self-regulation efforts). The first two... more
Malaysian students need to be skilful in both English and Malay in this global era. Matriculation students learn Biology in English, not their first language; as such my students have difficulty in remembering the facts. Musical mnemonics... more
Resumo O objetivo principal do presente trabalho é apresentar um ensaio acerca de procedimentos metodológicos que visem à compreensão da autorregulação para a aprendizagem de processos criativo/musicais que ocorrem em aulas de composição... more
Self-regulated learning is a way to conceptualize learning as something which is done interactively between the student and tutor. It is a process by which students notice what they are learning, then make changes to improve their learning.
We assume learners mediate instruction and self-regulate learning. To gather fine-grained time-sequenced data that trace these processes, the Learning Kit Project is developing software, called gStudy. Using cognitive tools in gStudy,... more
Online learning often requires learners to be self-directed and engaged. The present study examined students’ self-regulatory behaviors in online video-based learning environments. Using an experimental design, this study investigated the... more
Previous research in computer science education has demonstrated the importance of motivation for success in introductory programming. Theoretical constructs from self-regulated learning theory (SRL), which integrates several different... more
Présentation du sujet de mon travail de Bachelor, dans lequel je compte approfondir la question de l'estime de soi sur l'inscription dans les apprentissages scolaires.
A true life story of facing war time conflict internally and externally to overcome extreme trauma, focusing on post lobotomy coping mechanisms and empowerment through reframing dynamics situations and sculpting the situation into your... more
This study focuses on developing learning materialsfor tourism students based on ASEAN Toolbox. The objectives are to collect and analyse data for developing English self-learning materials for the students of the hotel and the tourism... more
This knowledge translation article defines collaborative inquiry, its’ positive potential for teacher professional development and student learning, and structures to nurture collaborative inquiry and empower educators in their... more