English Education
Recent papers in English Education
This study draws from histories of “educationalisation” and neo-Foucaultian histories of English teaching in an archival analysis that revisits landmark pedagogical texts that coincided with the rapid expansion of the school subject... more
This research aims to examine the practices of university English Language (EL) teachers in e-learning and to explore perspectives on the challenges and prospects of e-learning. It is an exploratory study which adopts a pragmatic paradigm... more
Numerous scholarly works extol the use of LGBTQ themed literature as part of English language arts instruction with the implication that its use may improve the school climate for LGBTQ students; however, there is a dearth of research... more
Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 56(3), 194-202.
Race has always been a topic that is associated with different emotions, views, and thoughts for thousands of years. Since the beginning of times, people from different racial backgrounds such as Africans have always been judged and... more
This book was provided at the following website:
A great article from HBR made into an English lesson for students to improve their skills in the language.
Moving Beyond Personal Loss to Societal Grieving considers how secondary English language arts teachers can thoughtfully teach pieces of literature in their classrooms in which large-scale deaths are a significant aspect of the texts.... more
A key to reading comprehension is understanding the message conveyed and it depends heavily on the understanding of the meaning of words appeared in the text. For students, reading comprehension becomes one of the skills that they are... more
This research aims to investigate English students' perceptions of using WhatsApp in paragraph writing class in one public university. Paragraph writing class is a part of language disciplines which may get some benefits from the... more
Among the lessons that emerged after the recent presidential election is a recognition that teachers are generally not prepared to address the intersections of healing, politics, and emotion in classrooms. Now, more than ever, English... more
Learning a target language is actually a process of trial and error, whether as the first, the second or even foreign language. This study is aimed to find out the mistakes within the descriptive texts. The method used in this study was a... more
This paper entitled "The Portrayal of the Role-Play Implementation in Teaching Speaking to the Students of Tourism Study Program" was intended to investigate how role-play is implemented in teaching speaking to the students of... more
Este estudio pretende analizar la problemática que presentan alumnos del segundo semestre de bachillerato en el aprendizaje de Inglés como lengua extranjera. Este estudio se realizara con una muestra de 60 estudiantes, procedentes de... more
The qualitative research with a case study approach was employed to explore and describe the linguistic intelligence of undergraduate EFL Learners of one state Islamic university in Palembang, Indonesia. The data were collected through... more
: This research aims at investigating how multimedia facilitates young learners’ learning English. The study utilized a descriptive method. This comprised observing, collecting data, classifying data, and analyzing data. Observation to... more
The study aimed to investigate (a) the effect of digital games, songs, and flashcards on vocabulary knowledge of Iranian EFL preschool learners and (b) the young learners" performance on mid-course tests of vocabulary with different... more
The story of Erin Brockovich, a woman who brought about the biggest lawsuit settlement in American history, that was made into an English lesson for students of all levels to practice their English skills
This paper is about Sapphires. The Sapphires is an Australian dramatic and comedy movie about four women singers. In May 2012, it premiered in Australia during the Cannes Festival. The Movie is about a group of indigenous women, Gail... more
This research aimed at explaining the improvement of the students' Writing ability in writing component of organitation and writing component of content. To explain the improvement, the researcher used a Classroom Action Research (CAR)... more
Pada masa sekarang ini, banyak sekali orang, khususnya dikalangan bangku sekolah yang tidak memahami pentingnya menulis. Menulis juga merupakan bentuk dari kreativitas dan bakat seorang anak, apabila kita membiasakan untuk menulis, maka... more
The objective of this study is to figure out whether the use of animation videos improve students’ speaking skill to the second-year students at SMP Negeri 16 Banda Aceh. The method of this study was quantitative research (experimental... more
This research is intended to find out whether Suggestopedia method improved students’ reading comprehension. This research was conducted at SMPN 8 Banda Aceh. The sample was taken by random sampling of the students of class VIII-1. The... more
Purpose-This paper aims to argue for the curricular inclusion of youth-generated young adult literature (YAL) alongside canonical literature and adult-generated YAL. The authors support this argument with the results of a qualitative... more
As the title of the novel suggests, what “all-American” means—and those who are excluded from it despite the seemingly encompassing term—becomes an issue. The narrative shows the apparent similarities between the two boys to further... more
This opinion piece reflects on the place of writing and the pen in literacy practice in the wake of the so-called digital revolution and the advent of online classrooms that are built around digital input devices.
There is an enormous need for education to teach students what are termed 21 st-century skills. One might ask why this sudden shift and attention are given to certain skills. Reality provides an answer. In the job market, for instance,... more
This paper reports findings from a study investigating trends in character, historical setting, authorship and themes across Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) text selection lists between 2010 and 2019. We address the... more
This instructional article outlines the qualities of effective ePortfolios and how reflection and student growth is measured. Student exemplars and assessment rubrics show how, despite changing tools and evolving standards, sustained... more
El artículo explora teóricamente el uso de redes sociales en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de idiomas. El objetivo es conocer su presencia en la disciplina. La literatura permitió observar las redes sociales existentes y motivos que evitan... more
This study aimedto analyze: (1) the application of “CLLS” in learning English reading comprehension among the students of year 8 ofthe MTs. Ma’arif Malangbong, (2) their perception toward the application of “CLLS”, (3) their achievement... more
The objective of this study was to identify the types of pronunciation error, causes of pronunciation error, the teacher/students way to overcome pronunciation error, and teacher’s influence in causing students pronunciation error. The... more
The operant "one nationone language" model in Western culture has resulted in linguistic hegemony being almost universally presented as an uncontentious reality. This article accepts Foucault's challenge to deconstruct this officially... more
In this study, I examine the various discourses that influence and inhabit the field of young adult literature in English teacher education. Data was collected from participants that published with the Assembly on Literature for... more
Once you've settled into your new American life, chances are you'll want to indulge in some good, clean U.S. style fun. An activity for the English Language learner to practice their skills.
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
2010. “A unified poet alliance”: The personal and social outcomes of youth spoken word poetry programming. International Journal of Education and the Arts 11(2), pp. 1-24.
The current use of podcasts, as a new channel to input knowledge, has effectively been promoting listening comprehension which consequently has increased the acquisition of target language. The objective of the present study is to... more
J.W. von Goethe and Johann Peter Eckermann a heroic characters for World Literature.