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Strategie antiche e moderne  per ricordare e assimilare tutto ciò che si è studiato.
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      Learning and TeachingMnemonicsTeaching MethodologyLearning and Memory
A presentation made to public school teachers of English on the 25th of October 2018
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionTeacher EducationCritical Pedagogy
Moving Beyond Personal Loss to Societal Grieving considers how secondary English language arts teachers can thoughtfully teach pieces of literature in their classrooms in which large-scale deaths are a significant aspect of the texts.... more
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      Teacher EducationDeathEnglish Language ArtsTeaching Methodology
The article aims to demonstrate a consistent methodology for conducting cross-cultural research of verbal communication behaviour and identifying its peculiarities in different language cultures. First of all, the author discusses the... more
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      CommunicationResearch MethodologyGerman LanguageTeaching Methodology
Der vielbeschworene Paradigmenwechsel hat in der Regelschule vor 30 Jahren begonnen, als Pädagogik und Didaktik versuchten, die Schülerperspektive einzunehmen und den Lernprozess aus der Sicht des Schülers zu gestalten. Man fing an, für... more
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      Positive PsychologyPolitical PhilosophyHuman RightsPedagogy
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      Computer ScienceThermodynamicsLearning and TeachingActive Learning
General sketch of an education system that is student-centric and oriented towards the recent developments of the information age (A.I., robotics), specifically leisure citizenship and crowd-sourcing under a kind of technocracy.
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyEvolutionary Educational PsychologyPhilosophy
Concept inventories are excellent instruments with which to validate the effective-ness of new teaching methodologies and curricular innovations. At the 2003 ASEE Annual Conference, we revealed that we were developing a Dynamics Concept... more
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      Teaching MethodologyConference Proceedings
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      Social Studies EducationCurriculum StudiesSocial JusticeTeaching Methodology
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryModern HistoryEconomic History
چکیده پشت جلد کتاب آنچه معلمان باید بدانند... (ویژه مدرسان و اساتید دانشگاه، معلمان و دانشجومعلمان دانشگاه فرهنگیان) این چنین به نظر می‎رسد که می‎توان بهترین معلمان را کسانی دانست که اوقات خود را صرف یادگیری می‎کنند. یک معلم کار آمد... more
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      Teacher EducationTeaching Methodology
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      EngineeringEducationDigital Signal ProcessingTeaching Methodology
Review of Dr John F. Fanselow's presentation at JALT '90 (The 16th Annual Conference of the Japan Association of Language Teachers), November 23-25, 1990 at Sonic City Convention Center, Omiya, Japan.
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      Teacher EducationTESOLReadingTeaching Methodology
An example of how to incorporate Native American thinking and culture into a class for middle school students using the Gyun Yuk, or "words before all else."
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      Native American ReligionsNative American StudiesAnthropologySocial Sciences
For some time there has been a focus in higher education research towards understanding the student experience of learning. This article presents a narrative analysis of the experience of a teacher who re-entered the learning world of... more
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      Chemical EngineeringPsychologyHigher EducationSocial Interaction
The field of 3d animation has addressed design processes and work practices in the design disciplines for in recent years. There are good reasons for considering the development of systematic design processes for the development of 3d... more
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      Computer Science EducationHigher EducationIndustrial DesignComputer Animation
“Best education practices” is one of the most important, misunderstood, and misused concepts in education. I have been working with others for nearly two decades regarding the identification, validation, and dissemination of these... more
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      Program EvaluationScholarship of Teaching and LearningHigher EducationLearning and Teaching
This paper investigated how puppetry could be used to improve the standards of early childhood science education. This study determined the effect of a puppet-making and puppetry workshop on preservice preschool teachers' beliefs and... more
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      Teacher EducationTeaching MethodologyScience Education in Early ChildhoodPuppets in Educaiotn
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      Aural SkillsTeaching English as a Second LanguageLearning and TeachingSkills Development
Interview with Lindsay Herron
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      EducationLanguage EducationTeacher EducationCritical Pedagogy
Куцаєва Т. О. Методичні рекомендації щодо проведення типової оглядової екскурсії в НМІУ: FAQ – запитання, що часто виникають, типові ситуації та завдання для самоконтролю / Т. О. Куцаєва; Національний музей історії України. – К., 2017.... more
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      Tourism StudiesMuseum StudiesMethodologyHeritage Tourism
O ensaio a seguir apresenta a importância da aquisição de aspectos da cultura pop para facilitar o ensino de língua estrangeira. A música pop será utilizada para motivar o aluno e aproximá-lo do material discutido em sala, objetivando... more
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      Popular CultureMetaphorTeaching Methodology
Linguocultural component as a means of involving students in the process of intercultural communication while teaching English at a university. The article examines the linguistic and regional component as a means of involving students in... more
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      PedagogyTeaching Methodology
As a growing and wide-spanning field of research, teaching, and collaboration, feminist materialisms are taking up increasing space in our pedagogical settings, especially in queer and feminist classrooms. Whether as a theoretical topic,... more
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      Feminist TheoryMethodologyPosthumanismCritical Pedagogy
Mobile phones are not seen today as just communication devices, they are small computers that are handy, always with us, and always on. For our ‘digital natives’ (Prensky, 2001) students, mobile phones are ubiquitous tools that they use... more
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      Higher EducationLearning and TeachingTeaching MethodologyLearning And Teaching In Higher Education
In this essay I examine the racial achievement gap in American education in terms of an impaired psychosocial developmental process. I argue that the well-documented academic underperformance of certain minority groups may stem from the... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical SociologySocial Theory
The present case study is based on the nation's biggest-ever banking failure of India's fastest-growing private bank, YES Bank. The YES Bank fiasco showcases the prevalent flaws of uprising NPAs and mounting bad debts in the financial... more
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      Case Study ResearchTeaching MethodologyCase StudyBanking and Finance
This document identifies and discusses five (5) various ways in which learners are assessed in order to ensure quality education in Zambian secondary schools and for each provide advantages and disadvantages where necessary.
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      AssessmentTeaching MethodologyLanguage AssessmentEducational measurement/assessment
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      Electronic publishingTeaching MethodologyOnline LearningEducational Environment
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      Object Oriented ProgrammingTeaching MethodologyTeaching MethodsObject Oriented
Biological differences between male and female gender of students have an important role for their individual development. However, the biological facts do not explain the blurring of differences in achievement of students both sexes.... more
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      DidacticsTeaching MethodologyInvestment and Gender Difference Among StudentsSchooling Systems
Creative Inquiry frames learning and education as a larger manifestation of the creative impulse rather than as the fundamentally instrumental acquisition, retention, and reproduction of information, or Reproductive Learning. Montuori, A.... more
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      Creative WritingSociologyCultural StudiesPsychology
Il volume si rivolge docenti di italiano L2 in formazione iniziale, sia italiani che stranieri (in questo caso con competenze in italiano almeno a livello B2) e a studenti universitari che, in Italia e all’estero, intendono formarsi come... more
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      Teaching MethodologyTeacher Training
У овом тексту разматраћемо могућности за осмишљавање лексичких вежби у раду на сложеницама. Полазећи од природе проматраног језичког садржаја, покушаћемо да расветлимо одређене граматичке, али и методичке критеријуме за одабир примера.... more
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      Teaching MethodologyCompound wordsLinguistics. Word-formation. Morphology. Lexicology. Semantics.Child Speech and Language Development
¿ Llevas mucho riempo luchando con el Inglés sin conseguir resultados? ¿Estás cansado de abandonar su estudio en el pasado simple? ¿Te aburre memorizar los verbos irregulares? Entonces...¡Este es tu Libro! En él se propone un nuevo método... more
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      Systemic Functional LinguisticsTeaching Methodology
Few will argue that Teaching English through English (TETE) is an approach that many practitioners have a definite opinion on. Some praise it as the best way to conduct ESL/EFL classes; others criticize it as being inappropriate and... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationLanguage EducationTeaching English as a Second Language
The use of authentic instructions and assessments has been heavily researched by educationists and has shifted the traditional classroom into a more contemporary one. However, the impacts of these instructions vary across nations due to... more
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      Instructional DesignCritical PedagogyTask-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)Problem Based Learning
Interlanguage pragmatics concerns the inspection of interactions among people in society while they are aware of the effects that interaction imposes on them regarding culture, social values and individuals' peculiar interpretations. Of... more
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      Discourse AnalysisComputer Assisted Language LearningPragmaticsSociolinguistics
This article explores the role of posture in the language learning process, and concludes that it is sometimes critical for learning success. Principles of learning and moving are outlined. The history of physical movement in study is... more
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      Critical TheoryEnglish LiteratureTeaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second Language
The Routledge Handbook to Global Political Economy provides a comprehensive guide to how Global Political Economy (GPE) is conceptualized and researched around the world. Including contributions that range from traditional International... more
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      African StudiesLatin American StudiesInternational RelationsOntology
Public speaking has long been proved an indispensable skill in teaching English as a foreign language to students at tertiary level as it plays a vital role in not only their foreign language development but also their future career.... more
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      Public SpeakingTeaching MethodologyTeaching speakingEnglish language teaching methodology
This user-friendly book provides a step-by-step guide to using the five major approaches to research design: quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, arts-based, and communitybased participatory research. Chapters on each approach follow... more
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      SociologyVisual SociologyPsychologyEducation
Аннотация: В данной статье представлены методические указания по практической работе педагогов-этнохореографов с несовершеннолетними. Приведенные в статье приемы и методы преподавания основываются как на необходимости развития с помощью... more
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      Teaching and LearningLearning and TeachingEthnochoreologyTeaching Methodology
In professional education, learning by teaching (German: Lernen durch Lehren, short LdL) designates currently the method by Jean-Pol Martin that allows pupils and students to prepare and to teach lessons, or parts of lessons. Learning by... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPositive PsychologyTeaching and LearningTeacher Education
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryActor Training and Working PracticesPhysical Theatre
Разглеждат се възможностите на различни технологии за поддържане на електронно портфолио на студенти от педагогическите специалности. под редакцията на приф. Д. Стойчева Електронното поргфалио е резултат от проект на катедра Методика на... more
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      ICT in EducationPedagogyICT for DevelopmentTeaching Methodology
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      Language AcquisitionApplied LinguisticsTeaching MethodologyAudiovisual Translation
The present study was an attempt to explore the vocabulary learning strategy preferences among Iranian EFL learners. It also investigated the relationship between their vocabulary learning strategy use and vocabulary size. To this end, 90... more
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      English LiteratureTeaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageScholarship of Teaching and Learning
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      Vlsi DesignNanoelectronicsComputer Aided DesignVLSI