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PowerPoint [supplemental] lesson for Comm 205: Presentation Making with Media.
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyHigher EducationPublic Speaking
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    • Public Speaking
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      CommunicationPublic SpeakingIlmu Komunikasi
Students are frequently not given the background of the pragmatic knowledge to understand the language in their learning activities. Students tend to have difficulty to understand the intended meanings carried by speech acts. This problem... more
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      Learning and TeachingPublic SpeakingSpeech Act TheorySpeech acts
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      ForensicsPublic SpeakingPersuasionCompetitive Public Speaking
-57 discorsi di ringraziamento agli Oscar, dal 1940 al 2021- L’Academy Award, meglio conosciuto anche come “Premio Oscar” o semplicemente “Oscar”, è probabilmente il premio cinematografico più prestigioso e antico al mondo (fu assegnato... more
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      Public SpeakingSpeech CommunicationTED TalksAcademy Awards
Il discorso, la comunicazione verbale e paraverbale e il media training dell'intervista a Le invasioni Barbariche (La7) di Matteo Salvini e Pippo Civati messi a confronto, evidenziandone analogie e differenze. Ne emerge un quadro che... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedia StudiesPolitical SciencePolitical communication
Si l’école est le lieu de la culture écrite, la capacité d’expression orale est encore relativement peu documentée. Or, elle est un facteur déterminant d’insertion ou d’exclusion dans la vie sociale et professionnelle. Cette recherche... more
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      Cultural SociologySociolinguisticsSocial and Cultural AnthropologyPublic Speaking
Sharing a holistic communication approach developed from years of research, teaching and professional experience, Midnight Musings: Explorations in Public Speaking is your public speaking playbook. You will discover how to understand your... more
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      CommunicationEducationRhetoricHigher Education
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of student motivation, unwillingness to communicate, first-generation college status, and biological sex on students’ public speaking grades. A standard multiple regression analysis... more
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      Gender StudiesPublic SpeakingInstructional Communication
O presente artigo apresenta um breve histórico das contribuições na retórica para o ensino da oralidade nos dias atuais.
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      Languages and LinguisticsPublic SpeakingLingüísticaRethoric
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      MusicPublic SpeakingLeadership Communication
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    • Public Speaking
Communication centers provide assistance in the effort to enhance students’ speaking skills and they have been shown to be very effective as a resource and support across numerous campuses. The central purpose for any communication center... more
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      Higher EducationCritical PedagogyPublic SpeakingPeer-to-Peer
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      LogicPublic SpeakingDebate
Research-based, comprehensive textbook covering public speaking, interpersonal communication, small group communication, interviewing, digital literacy (communicating with technology), & much more.
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      Public SpeakingSpeech CommunicationCommunication SkillsCommunication Studies
The present study used qualitative analysis of 259 students’ positive and negative experiences in the basic course and the ways in which they responded to these events. Students described four negative experiences: poor academic... more
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      Public SpeakingAcademic StressAcademic PerformanceAcademic Success
This chapter offers ways that millennials can use specific technological tools to reduce communication anxiety and thoroughly prepare to speak in public.
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      CommunicationPublic SpeakingMillennialsCommunication Apprehension
This contribution looks at female entrepreneurs' public speaking in international and cross-cultural business contexts. Our interest in exploring this issue is related to the outcomes of an empirical study we conducted in 2010 in... more
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      Gender StudiesPublic SpeakingInternational Business Communication
A basic public speaking course configured for a five week semester with nine 4.5-hour class sessions.
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      Public SpeakingSpeech CommunicationSpeakingOral communication
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      CommunicationFamilyPublic SpeakingCommunication Centers
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    • Public Speaking
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      Intercultural CommunicationPublic SpeakingSub-Saharan AfricaIntercultural Communications
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    • Public Speaking
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      CommunicationPublic Speaking
Rhetorical Public Speaking: Civic Engagement in the Digital Age, 3rd Edition offers students an innovative approach to public speaking by employing the rhetorical canon as a means of constructing artful speech in a multi-mediated... more
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      RhetoricClassical rhetoricPublic SpeakingCivic Engagement
Worksheet/active guide to help students brainstorm and narrow research topics into manageable focus areas.
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      CommunicationInstructional DesignHigher EducationPublic Speaking
Public speaking has long been proved an indispensable skill in teaching English as a foreign language to students at tertiary level as it plays a vital role in not only their foreign language development but also their future career.... more
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      Public SpeakingTeaching MethodologyTeaching speakingEnglish language teaching methodology
Persuasive privilege speeches are heavily relied upon by Filipino senators in dealing with their constituents and fellow politicians. Through a privilege speech, Filipino senators promote their advocacies, defend their work and... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPolitical communicationPublic SpeakingPolitical Discourse Analysis
Istilah Public Speaking sudah lama terdengar. Istilah ini pertama kali muncul pada tahun 1762. Merriam-Webster Dictionary memberikan dua definisi untuk Public Speaking. Definisi pertama, Public Speaking adalah tindakan dan keterampilan... more
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    • Public Speaking
Tolerancia crítica y ciudadanía activa introduce al lector en la práctica del debate con formatos y sus características esenciales. Asimismo, permite que el lector pueda utilizarlo para coordinar o facilitar talleres y prácticas de debate... more
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      EducationCritical ThinkingArgumentationPublic Speaking
What makes a charismatic speaker? The present study extends this question into the prosodic dimension of voice quality. We analyzed various F0, LTAS and LTF long-term spectral characteristics from 12 L2 speakers of English who were... more
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      BusinessManagementSocial PsychologyPhonetics
Резюме: Настоящият материал разглежда в теоретичен план темата за харизматичното лидерство през призмата на комуникативните и ораторски способности на лидера. Представени са различни изследвания на реторическите стратегии на харизматични... more
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      RhetoricPublic SpeakingCharismatic leadership
Position Statement: Failure to demand robust reforms in alcohol education, traffic legislation, and awareness creation would mean that our country will continue to record more senseless deaths and incur counterproductive costs in the long... more
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      Creative WritingEnglish LiteraturePublic SpeakingSpeech and Writing
Objective fluency judgment has always been a formidable task in language testing. Nonetheless, temporal fluency is the type of fluency which can be measured and quantified. Given that, temporal fluency is also known as temporal measures... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEnglish LiteratureEnglish for Specific PurposesEnglish for Academic Purposes
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryRhetoricNineteenth Century Studies
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      Public SpeakingSyllabus DesignPresentation Skills, Public Speaking
This study catalogues student (N = 828) self-described fears related to public speaking. Specifically, this investigation adds to the knowledge of public speaking anxiety through an initial inductive analysis of students’ fears about... more
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      PsychologyPublic SpeakingCommunication EducationCurriculum and Pedagogy
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      Mental HealthSocial AnxietyPublic SpeakingPsychological Treatment
Uno de los grandes retos a los que se enfrentan los responsables de las empresas, organizaciones o administraciones públicas es saber transmitir eficazmente sus mensajes a sus diferentes públicos, en los medios de comunicación y... more
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      Political communicationPublic SpeakingCorporate Communications - Internal and External
Coincides with worksheet to help students limit research topics.
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      Instructional DesignHigher EducationPublic SpeakingStudent Research Skills
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      Public SpeakingDeductionSpeakingAristoteles
Public Speaking Syllabus
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      Public SpeakingSyllabus
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      Professional CommunicationPublic SpeakingBusiness Communication (in Communication)
This article examines the concept of Europeanization from a Cognitive Constructivist approach beyond New Institutionalisms in Integration theories. The objective is to review the concept of EU integration as a resource for... more
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      Political communicationPublic SpeakingEuropeanizationTheories of Integration
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      American PoliticsPublic Speaking
Teaching and stand-up comedy are both forms of communicative performance. The primary aim of this paper is to provide a broad investigation of the similarities between the two; with a particular focus on the means, procedures and the role... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationApplied TheatreDialogue
Karena berdakwah tidak harus hanya di masjid saja, seiring berkembangnya zaman kita bisa menyampaikan dakwah dimanapun kita berada dan juga cara menyampaikannya pun juga tidak harus hanya melalui ceramah,
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      Visual StudiesPublic SpeakingDakwahPresentasion Training
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    • Public Speaking