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En la teoría política cristiano-occidental se ha entendido al político como a un servidor que debía prestar a su señor auxilio y consejo. Lo primero empezó siendo ayuda militar para después derivar hacia la fórmula del servicio económico.... more
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      Political PhilosophyRepublicanismPolitical ScienceAbsolutism
We argue that place offers an effective framework for connecting popular culture with social justice narratives by exploring audience interpretations of Lemonade in 2016’s tumultuous racial climate. Working from interviews with 35 of... more
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      Space and PlaceAudience and Reception StudiesSocial JusticeHabitus
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      HistorySociologySocial PsychologyGerman Studies
SUMMARY: Chapter 5, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers past social organizations, including hunter-gatherer groups (bands), segmentary societies (tribal societies), chiefdoms, and early... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyAnthropology
History forms narratives, narratives form media uses? The present paper formulates a theoretical proposal, that of considering the uses of information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly social media, as " habitus " ,... more
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      Field TheoryNarrativeSocial MediaHabitus
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    • Habitus
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      SociologyCultural StudiesSocial ChangeSocial Interaction
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      SociologyStructurePolitical ScienceReproduction
Plinius der Jüngere (61/62-113 n. Chr.) verlieh als senatorischer homo novus durch die Epistulae, den Panegyricus sowie einige Inschriften seiner aristokratischen Existenz dauerhaften Ausdruck. Diese literarischen und epigraphischen... more
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      Roman HistoryPolitical BehaviorSocial NetworkingSocial Capital
We analyse from an ethnoarchaeological perspective the learning strategies related to domestic pottery production amongst the Kusasi ethnic group in northeast Ghana. Our intention is to pay special attention, on the one hand, to learning... more
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      ArchaeologyTechnologyEthnoarchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)
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Bildungschancen sind seit Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts zentraler Gegenstand bildungspolitischer Debatten und soziologischer sowie erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschung. Die Erhöhung von Bildungschancen in der Bevölkerung gilt als Ziel... more
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      EqualityHabitusIntersectionalitySocial Inequality
The end of the Cold War led to intense debates about how change happens in international politics. In this article, we argue that practice theory has great potential for illuminating this question. Drawing on Vincent Pouliot’s empirical... more
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      Social ChangeInternational RelationsInternational Relations TheoryPractice theory
In der vorliegenden Abhandlung skizzieren wir die groben Konturen eines philosophischen und interdisziplinär-kulturwissenschaftlichen Forschungsprogramms, mit dem wir das Ziel verfolgen, Affektivität als ein konstitutiv relationales und... more
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      Cultural StudiesEmotionPhilosophy of MindPhilosophical Psychology
O texto apresenta a análise de um edital de concurso público destinado à seleção de professores efetivos de Música/Educação Musical para atuarem no curso de Licenciatura em Educação no Campo, bem como a seleção curricular operada na... more
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      HabitusEducação MusicalEducação do Campo
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      Computer ScienceHabitus
This paper examines critical aspects of the birth of the new generation of Myanmar’s emerging elite groups and their roles in the society based on in-depth qualitative research conducted in two universities in Yangon. It particularly pays... more
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      Higher EducationHabitusMyanmarElites and Society
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La presente investigación estudia la experiencia de los ciudadanos de la Urbanización Las Brisas de Huachipa en el distrito limeño de Lurigancho ante la presencia de la delincuencia y el poco apoyo de las instituciones y actores del... more
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      HabitusEstado y políticas públicasDerechos socialesDelincuencia
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    • Habitus
En este trabajo presento la propuesta teórico-metodológica desarrollada para el estudio de la subjetividad desde una perspectiva antropológica. Primero, refiero los principales ejes que la estructuran, a saber: habitus; modos de... more
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      HabitusSubjetividadmodos de subjetivación
“Illustrators embody their experiences. The personification of experience is a fundamental device in the way illustrative imagery and visual communication perpetuates ideologies, metaphors, mythologies, and in particular the... more
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      PerceptionDesignFilm StudiesTacit Knowledge
Este artículo se explora el proceso de socialización interpretativa como forjadora de la identidad y de la realidad. ademas se provee una pequeña definición de identidad, de contexto, de habitus, globalización y culturalización. En sí no... more
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      HabitusIdentidadLa construcción de la subjetividad: Identidad y CulturaSocialización
A strong bias is observed in the popular sociological explanations toward those notions of human action which emphasize its rational nature, grounded on the assumption that any given action is an effect of aims, values or attitudes of an... more
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      Cultural SociologySociology of KnowledgeReflexivityHabitus
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Présentation de la thèse de Sr Christine Gautier soutenue le 31/0/2014 à la PUST (Pontificia Università San Tommaso d'Aquino), Rome. A partir de la contribution de Thomas d'Aquin sur la Providence divine, réservant une large place au... more
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      Catholic Social TeachingThomas AquinasHabitusVirtues and Vices
Este livro examina os efeitos de um caso exemplar de concentração da propriedade na mídia no Brasil: a aquisição, pelo Grupo RBS, de um dos jornais mais antigos de Santa Catarina, o diário A Notícia, em 2006. Ao longo de dez anos, os... more
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      HabitusJornalismoOligopolySociologia do Trabalho
« Quand tu es capitaine commandant, tu es propulsé. Tu es mis sur un piédestal en permanence. Mais le commandement, c'est du paraître. C'est du théâtre ! C'est que de la com'. Il faut attirer l'attention. Et ce sont les subordonnés qui... more
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      HabitusPower and dominationInstitutionsSocial reproduction
Este trabalho objetiva problematizar a obra A Dominação Masculina, do
sociólogo francês Pierre Bourdieu, por meio da discussão dos principais argumentos do autor e das análises críticas feitas por comentaristas.
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      Sex and GenderHabitusPierre Bourdieu
Communication présentée au colloque “Pierre Bourdieu e l’epistemologia del pensiero sociologico. Campi di reflessione e ruolo dei movimenti sociali: tra struttura e individualità”, Rome, Università La Sapienza, 21-22 octobre 2015.
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      HabitusPierre BourdieuSociological Theory
Kurumların norm sistemleri ya da norm-guided pratikler olduğu yönünde bir konsensüs bulunmaktadır. Bizzat bu konsensüsü tartışmaya açan çalışma, kurum tanımıyla ilişkilendirilen norm, işlev, güç, pratik, yapı gibi bir grup kavramı... more
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      Social OntologyHabitusSocial InstitutionsSocial Structure
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyHabitus
Following Sayer's (2010) examination of reflexivity and habitus, we focus on the transnational habitus (Darvin & Norton 2015) of Aaron, a Chinese international student at a U.S. university. Specifically, we examine how he wrestled with... more
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      TransnationalismReflexivityHabitusSecond Language Learner Self and Identity
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      SociologyMusicSocial WorkHabitus
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      TechnologyRhetoricRhetorical AnalysisScience Fiction
Mittlerweile können wir Bourdieu zu den Klassikern der Soziologie zählen. Das hat Folgen: Er wird vielfach nicht mehr in konstruktiver Weise gelesen, sondern gehört quasi zum bibliothekarischen Repertoire, das man zu Bildungszwecken,... more
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      SociologySocial SciencesHabitusCultural Capital
במאמר זה אבקש להבין כיצד בעלי השכלה אקדמאית נמוכי שכר חווים את מיקומם החברתי. הספרות שעסקה במצב זה של אי-הלימה בין המדדים השונים של הריבוד ( "סתירת סטטוס"), בחנה ומצאה תחושה חזקה של הפרת ציפיות לסטטוס לכיד. בבחינה פתוחה של חוויות המשכילים... more
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      Self and IdentityHigher EducationPolitics of RecognitionHabitus
Analisa-se, no presente artigo, a pertinência da crítica que Bernard Lahire avança contra a conta que Pierre Bourdieu dá das disposições à ação, especificamente quanto a seu caráter internamente homo- gêneo. Embasado, sobretudo, em... more
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      Social TheoryHabitusPierre BourdieuPraxeology
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Theory
This dissertation seeks to provide a solution to the declining Evangelical influence in the United States, particularly among Generation Z. The rise in number of those who do not subscribe to a particular religion (“nones”) has doubled in... more
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      SociologyTheologyYouth MinistryPedagogy
Course Description: This course is centered around questioning our taken-for-granted assumptions about the human body and learning to think about the human body in new, creative, and surprising ways. To do that, this course is organized... more
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      Sex and GenderEthnographyDisability StudiesHabitus
Cada día las ciudades del mundo, despiertan del espejismo que generó el paradigma de la automovilidad y sus múltiples externalidades, para apostarle a una movilidad urbana sostenible, incluyente y amigable con el medio ambiente,... more
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      HabitusEducaciónMovilidad y TransporteMovilidad Urbana
Türkiye'de sınıf-kültürel alanda yapılan çalışmalar Türk modernleşmesinin merkez ve perifersinde yer alan toplumsal gruplar üzerine yoğunlaşmaktadır. Özellikle son çeyrek yüzılda toplumsal değişme sürecine Müslüman orta sınıfların etkisi... more
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      HabitusClass (Sociology)Mekansal AyrismaKENT SOSYOLOJİSİ
O artigo aborda as contribuições de Pierre Bourdieu para a discussão sobre classes sociais e educação. Para tanto, em um primeiro momento discorremos sobre os conceitos de habitus, capital cultural e campos. Após a elucidação desses... more
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      EducationHabitusCultural CapitalPierre Bourdieu
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      HabitusFrench philosophyFelix RavaissonFrancois Salignac De La Mothe-Fenelon
In quale misura attenersi al Codice deontologico? Come può facilitare l'assistente sociale nel corso della sua concreta operatività? Perché deve essere un testo vivo, dinamico e duttile rispetto ai tempi e perché dovrebbe renderci vitali... more
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      Social WorkHabitusÉticaDeontología
La bellezza è un’abitudine? Veniamo al mondo già dotati di competenza estetica, cioè della capacità di “sentire” il bello e di apprezzare esteticamente oggetti ed eventi o, piuttosto, ce ne formiamo l’abito gradualmente? Questo libro, con... more
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      AestheticsDevelopment StudiesArts EducationBiology
The bachelor's thesis focuses on Reggae artists from Vienna (Austria) and their perception of the Rastafari philosophy. The Rastafarian movement originates from the Caribbean island of Jamaica and has advocated Black Power from the very... more
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      AfricaHabitusPierre BourdieuBabylon
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore how mentors can act as change agents for social justice. It examines mentors’ roles in initial teacher education in the lifelong learning sector (LLS) and how critical spaces can be... more
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      EducationCultural SociologySociology of EducationAdult Education