Practice theory
Recent papers in Practice theory
Within less than a decade piracy has been turned from a marginal economic problem into a global security problem. A surprising array of international actors addresses piracy and coordinates their activities. In this contribution we... more
Purpose: This paper considers the role that theories of social practice can play in offering new insights into policymaking and practical interventions for behavioural and social change. Design/methodology/approach: This is a... more
Entry in the forthcoming : H. Tsouaks and A. Langley (eds) (2016). The SAGE Handbook of Process Organization Studies. London: SAGE
The article addresses the complex relationship between practice theory and actor-network theory (ANT). It closely examines the similarities and differences between the two and asks how the ANT perspective can be beneficial for practice... more
In management research, theoretical abstractions, which are traditionally derived based on economic and individualist ontological assumptions, are limited in the ability to produce practically relevant insights and increase the divide... more
In recent years the debates on praxeology gradually led to a bifurcation, following the beaten pathways of the division of scientific work. On the one hand, praxeological approaches were received in social theory and comparative... more
"Table of content: 1: Introduction 2: Praxis and Practice Theory: A Brief Historical Overview 3: Praxeology and the Work of Giddens and Bourdieu 4: Practice as Tradition and Community 5: Practice as Activity 6: Practice as... more
This article discusses the role of practices and people's participation in practices in conceptual accounts of organizing, learning, and organizational learning. Specifically, the discussion takes its point of departure in Jean Lave and... more
Optimization in sports is a field of increasing interest. Com- binatorial optimization techniques have been applied e.g. to game schedul- ing and playoff elimination. A common problem usually found in sports management is the assignment... more
The growth of an economy depends upon entrepreneurial activities leading to the formation of new businesses and the production of new goods and services. In turn, institutions influence entrepreneurial activity. Public policy is an... more
From this analysis we conclude with a definition of middle leading that includes positional, philosophical and practice dimensions. This could then be used to inform the domains of higher education, policy development and school education... more
Prohtiino uienje je zo prihodnje socialne delavhe pomembno podpora pri integrociji teoretshego znonja in prohtiinego delouanja. Magistrshi progrom >sodalno delo zdruiino<, hi pomeni dodatno letoizobraieuanja, je pripomogel h premislehu o... more
Sylvia Holla 'Haha! Tsja, je weet wel, schuren […] Ja, een jongen komt dan achter je staan en dan… ja, dans je samen. Het is gewoon iets wat iedereen doet, weet je wel' -Rachel (V), 14 jaar, vwo. Seks speelt een enorm belangrijke rol in... more
This paper presents a programming language which includes paradigms that are usually associated with declarative languages, such as sets, rules and search, into an imperative (functional) language. Although these paradigms are separately... more
In this article I provide the first systematic investigation of the justification of Somali pirates. Drawing on a practice theoretical perspective I show how piracy is justified by a grand narrative that projects piracy as quasi-state... more
Who has the authority to assign responsibility for international crimes? There is a simple answer: international tribunals, in particular the International Criminal Court (ICC). Yet this obvious response obscures further questions... more
In the current AIDS pandemics, equipping health professional students with adequate knowledge and positive attitude is necessary to produce graduates who can deliver appropriate intervention to patients infected with HIV or who have... more
The focus of this study is the investigation of the relation between patients' interpersonal problems, therapists' attachment representations, and the development of the therapeutic alliance over time. The authors investigated weekly... more
Dumpster diving for food implies using discarded edibles found in waste containers behind supermarkets, for example. People who voluntarily engage in this activity suggest that it is a form of hands-on social critique. In this article, we... more
Recently, the field of second language acquisition (SLA) has seen the growing impact of social context on second language learning, which has been called by Block a "social turn" (2003). This increasing interest in social context and SLA... more
KünstlerInnen erleben immer wieder die Kluft zwischen dem, was sie wissen und dem, was sie können, was sie sich vorstellen und was sie imstande sind zu realisieren. Diese Differenz bedarf einer wissenstheoretischen Erklärung-und hier... more
This paper distinguishes between two main questions regarding the notion of privacy: “What is privacy?” and “Why do/should we value privacy?”. In developing a social-ontological recognitional model of privacy (SORM), it gives an answer to... more
This paper investigates the contribution that securitization and praxiography can make to the study of maritime security. It investigates the concept of maritime security, its history and reference objects and provides a discussion of... more
[published in Routledge's "Philosophy and Method in the Social Sciences" series] This study starts from a simple premise: human practices are a fundamental constituent — arguably “the” fundamental constituent — of social reality. It... more
This research assesses two individual differences-general self-efficacy and regretful thinking-in the context of technological innovation. Results, obtained from a random sample of 217 patent inventors show that both general self-efficacy... more
Rasant verbreitet sich im Zuge der Digitalisierung der Wille, alltägliches Geschehen nicht nur im Spektrum der Worte, sondern in Form von Zahlen zu dokumentieren. Im Kontext von Diabetes und Quantified Self analysiert Lisa Wiedemann in... more
This paper presents ethnographic data on the use of learning materials in science education at the secondary school level. In science classes teachers and students transform ambiguous things into clearly defined and independent objects.... more
The question of when and how international orders change remains a pertinent issue of International Relations theory. This article develops the model of pragmatic ordering to conceptualise change. The model of pragmatic ordering... more
La relación teoría-práctica es uno de los temas más relevantes y recurrentes en el campo de la didáctica porque es tan amplio, complejo y difuso que es imposible darle una respuesta definitiva. En este artículo se examinan las... more
The Hesychastic system of spiritual practices leads to an enlightenment "experience" that involves the transcendence of the canons of rationality, liberation from conventional morality, and the cessation of emotions, passions, and... more
“As we know, well-led groups provide many member benefits: feelings of universality, a sense of hope, altruism, acquisition of knowledge and skills, and mutual support...This text is affordable, easy to use, and very suitable for... more
The book is structured into three parts with the purpose of giving prominence to both the concepts and methods of practice-based studies. The first part consists of five chapters which illustrate what is meant by practice-based... more
In this article, we present the findings of a longitudinal study of coerced implementation of a practice in the face of a low degree of fit between the practice and an organization’s culture. Contrary to current predictions stating that a... more
This paper contributes to the recent 'practice turn' in management accounting literature in two ways: (1) by investigating the meshing and consequently the 'situated functionality' of accounting in various private equity (PE) practices,... more