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Publikace byla vydána v Praze roku 2006 / The publication was published in Prague in 2006.
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age Archaeology
Begleitveröffentlichung zu einer im Jahre 1983 stattgefundenen Sonderausstellung im Museum für Urgeschichte in Asparn an der Zaya.
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age ArchaeologyPrehistoric Europe (Archaeology)
"""""Abstract The eruption of Thera ca. 1600 BC is associated with striking cultural changes in the eastern Mediterranean and it may also have influenced other parts of Europe. However, on the Iberian Meseta, the event does not appear to... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age ArchaeologyAegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)Bronze Age (Archaeology)
Gaṇeśa is 1. Marut, kharva, 'dwarf', dancer, kavi, Brahmaṇaspati, Br̥haspati, 2. त्रिधातु, 'aggregate of 3 minerals', 3. R̥bhu founder of yajña, artist, rayi, 'wealth'. Gaṇeśa is a कवि kavi, m. a singer , bard , poet (but in this sense... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistoryPhilosophy
Introduction in the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey. Study of Atlantic authors De Grave, Cailleux, Gideon, Wilkens, Vinci. New discoveries and proves of the Atlantic Theory.
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      PhoeniciansMysticismAncient ReligionBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
This article explores how the practice of including rock art in burials from the Bronze Age in Scandinavia was influenced by and incorporated into the new ideas and practices brought about by the introduction of cremation. Three portable... more
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      Rock Art (Archaeology)Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Late Bronze Age archaeologyBronze Age (Archaeology)
When JRB Stewart and his team excavated at the Early Cypriot necropolis at Bellapais-Vounous they uncovered a wealth of material which shaped our understanding of this formative stage of the island’s Bronze Age. Amongst this material was... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Prehistoric FigurinesTerracotta FigurinesAnthropomorphic Figurines
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Late Bronze Age archaeologyAncient Warfare
This chapter presents the important but not very well known archival material relating to James Stewart’s Vounous excavations kept in the archive of the Medelhavsmuseet, Stockholm. The Medelhavsmuseet was founded in 1954 as a direct... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchival StudiesMuseum Studies
This monograph posits the presence of Meluhha artisans and seafaring merchants in Dilmun and failaka. This presence explains the decipherment of Dilmun seals, Barbar temple bronze bull's head and Failaka seals as Indus Script inscriptions... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryPhilosophyArt History
चषालः caṣāla on Yupa, made of wheat straw, an Indus Script hieroglyph, signifies pyrolysis/carburization in smelting ores into steel/hard alloys Yupa is a kunda, a pillar of bricks. This kunda signifies a fire-alter or agnikunda in Vedic... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophyLanguages and Linguistics
Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy; part 2: Atlantic Ismaros-Kikones). Odysseus' wanderings after his departure from Troy: Route Brittany-Senegal. Study of Atlantic authors De Grave,... more
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      HomerCeltic StudiesBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Celtic Archaeology
Data mining of Indus Script Corpora reveal the purpose of ceramic (stoneware) bangles (22), seals, fillets as dharma saṁjñā, 'badges of responsibility'.They are Corporate badges, with deciphered Indus Script inscriptions. Socio-cultural... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophy
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      ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Russian HistoryScandinavian history
Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy). Odysseus' wanderings after his departure from Troy. Study of Atlantic authors De Grave, Cailleux, Gideon, Wilkens, Vinci. Identification of Ismaros... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Celtic ArchaeologyLate Bronze Age archaeologyOdyssey
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    • Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
Clothes are not only made to protect against the cold, sun, or rain, but also to have an impact on the wearer, provide information and create moods. They are experienced both sensually by the person wearing them and visually by the... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyTextilesBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
A history of research of the Bronze Age Tell Settlement at Pecica 'Santul Mare'
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Prehistoric SettlementBalkan prehistory
Analysing textiles from Hallstatt in Austria always involves studying the whole chaîne opératoire. Due to their excellent preservation in the salt mine it is worth considering how the items were produced as well as the end point of the... more
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      TextilesMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of TextilesTextile Archaeology
Continuation of the Atlantic Theory of Homer's Ilias and Odyssey (part 1: Atlantic Troy; part 2: Atlantic Ismaros-Kikones; part 3: Atlantic Kuthera-Lotophages; part 4: Atlantic Land of the Cyclopes; part 5: Atlantic Aiolia). Odysseus'... more
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      HomerPortuguese HistoryPhoeniciansCentral America and Mexico
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
As a cultural construction, the result of the interaction between human beings and nature, the study of the landscape must be considered within a dimension Historical and archaeological. This is basically articulated at two scales, the... more
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      Landscape EcologyLandscape ArchaeologyCultural LandscapesBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
Poigt, Th., Les instruments de pesée en Europe occidentale aux âges des Métaux : Conception, usages et utilisateurs (XIVe-IIIe s. av. n.è.). In : Nordez M., Rousseau L. et Cervel M., Recherches sur l'âge du Bronze, Nouvelles approches et... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Iron Age Gaul (Archaeology)Iron Age (Archaeology)
This monograph is compiled in two sections. Section 1 reports the insights of Daniel Salas who finds common hypertext strings on copper plate inscriptions reported by Rick Willis and Vasant Shinde and compares the strings with hypertext... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesPhilosophyPhilosophy of Science
GeoarchaeologIcal perspective to the reconstruction of coastal landscapes and settlement strategies of the Bronze Age Salento - Investigations of coastal landscape archaeology conducted over the last 10 years on the Adriatic and Ionian... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeoarchaeologyGeoArcheology
Though Odysseus’ tales to Eumaios and Aninoos in Odyssey 14.199–359 and 17.417–44, respectively, are presented as fictional tales within Homer’s larger myth, some elements have striking analogs in Late Bronze–Early Iron Age reality.... more
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      Ancient HistoryMilitary HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Sea PeoplesBronze Age Collapse
In molti contesti preistorici e protostorici italiani sono largamente rinvenuti resti strutturali in terra e conglomerati architettonici combusti o parzialmente cementati. La loro caratterizzazione tecnologica è un passo importante per... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologyMediterranean prehistory
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
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      ReligionPrehistoric ArchaeologyMusicLiterature
This document presents the collated results of a three-year programme of excavation and post-excavation assessment at Ham Hill, Stoke-sub-Hamdon, Somerset by the Cambridge Archaeological Unit of the University of Cambridge and the... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyIron Age Britain (Archaeology)Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
Second report on excavations at Britain's largest hillfort. Excavations revealed a complex sequence of Iron Age rampart construction overlying features dated to the Neolithic, along with the interior and entrance to a large rectangular... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyIron Age Britain (Archaeology)
SUMMARY: Chapter 5, in Renfrew & Bahn's textbook (Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice), covers past social organizations, including hunter-gatherer groups (bands), segmentary societies (tribal societies), chiefdoms, and early... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyAnthropology
Die Wirtschaft der antiken Welt steht zunehmend im Mittelpunkt des Interesses der althistorischen Forschung. Obwohl seit Jahrzehnten vor allem um die quantitative wie qualitative Beurteilung des Handels in der Antike erbittert gerungen... more
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      Economic HistoryRoman HistoryPapyrologyHistory of Textiles
This paper focus on the significance that weapons assume in various moments of pre- and protohistory and their comunication skills. To briefly investigate the problem, we analyse, as a common thread, the stele and the statues that... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze AgeCopper age
Alleged "Aegean migrations" have long been seen as underlying major transformations in lifeways and identity in the Balkans in the 12 th-11 th centuries BC. Revisiting the material culture and settlement changes in the north-south... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age Archaeology
The aim of this study is to collect evidence for textile recycling from a prehistoric and historic perspective. The basis are original textile finds and not, as might be expected, written or pictorial sources. The material presented here... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryNatural ResourcesTextiles
The article’s aim is to foster an interdisciplinary debate regarding the direction that archaeometallurgical studies in the central Mediterranean region, from the late Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (c4500-1650 BC), ought to take in... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyBalkan Prehistory (Archaeology)Pottery (Archaeology)
Forthcoming April 2017 http://upers.kuleuven.be/en/book/9789462701052 Chapters by: Simon Jusseret (The University of Texas at Austin, Université catholique de Louvain) Manuel Sintubin (KU Leuven) Jan Driessen (Université catholique de... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEarth SciencesEarthquake Engineering
China's historiographical traditions tell of the successful control of a Great Flood leading to the establishment of the Xia dynasty and the beginning of civilization. However, the historicity of the flood and Xia remain... more
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      HistoryScienceChinaBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
What is the significance of the metaphor of Naṭarāja, cosmic dancer subduing अप-स्मार Apasmāra with his dancing steps? I suggest that a possible answer likes in unerstanding conciousness in neuroscience terrms. One line of enquiry is... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryPhilosophyArt History
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Hoard finds
Die Entdeckung einer fast lebensgrossen Bronzehand und eines Dolches im Oktober 2017 bei Prêles (Plateau de Diesse) im Berner Jura überraschte die Fachwelt und löste ein grosses Medienecho aus. Die Nachgrabung vor Ort und die... more
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      ArtBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)ArchaeometallurgyBronze Age
En este artículo, el lector encontrará una síntesis del conjunto de investigaciones que han aplicado la experimentación para el estudio de las técnicas prehistóricas de transformación de minerales de cobre. Se trata de un corpus... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Neolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyChalcolithic ArchaeologyBronze Age Archaeology
*dvāraskambhastha ʻ resting on doorpost ʼ. [Cf. dvārastambha -- m. ʻ doorpost ʼ lex. -- dvāˊra -- , skambhá -- , stha -- ] Dholavira. Pillar with stone rings. In situ. Dm. darkámbat ʻ door -- frame ʼ.(CDIAL 6669) skambhá1 m. ʻ prop,... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryPhilosophyArt History
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean Law
Studie byla publikována  v Sborník Severočeského musea (Historie) 4 ročník 1964 / The study was published in the Acta of the North museums (History) 4 year 1964
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age Archaeology
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Death and Burial (Archaeology)