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Chapter Three, postulates the idea that at the conclusion of the Aesir/Vanir war written in the Edda, their subsequent peace was sealed with the Marriage of Freyja to Odin and that in fact Frigga is Freyja.
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyAncient Indo-European LanguagesMythology (Old Norse Literature)Anglo Saxon Burial Studies (Archaeology)
My first design project to recreate the ancient stringed instrument of Northern/Germanic peoples.
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      Bowed string instrumentsOdinism, AsatruAsatru/HeathenryAncient Musical Instruments
"While I find numerous points of contention with McNallen, he has proven a consistent spokesperson for his religious vision. McNallen’s authentic voice and personal charisma come through in this book, making it a clear and accessible... more
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      Pagan StudiesPaganismHeathenryHeathenism
Pagans have long been linked to environmentalism in multiple studies and practicing Pagans generally believe that environmentalism is inherent in Pagan paths. Further projects deduced that the motives for environmentalism by Pagan... more
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      Pagan StudiesPaganismNeo-PaganismModern Paganisms
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      PaganismNeo-Paganism and Western EsotericismNeo-PaganismPaganismo
See whole issue here, open access https://journals.equinoxpub.com/POM/issue/current
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      HistoryArchaeologyPaganismGoddess Spirituality
excerpted from 'Race, Gender, and the Problem of "ergi" in modern American Heathenry" (and severely edited)for a conference presentation for Fordham University: Seventh Annual Fordham Theology Graduate Student Association Conference on... more
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    • Asatru/Heathenry
Runes and runic divination in particular have been areas of long-standing interest among Pagans. Two new books of runes take readers beyond divination into less familiar territory and are worth attention for the ways in which they reflect... more
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      Pagan StudiesPaganismNorthumbriaRunes
As a variant of alternative spirituality derived from postmodern fluidity and fragmentation of large narratives, Nordic Heathenry has gone through a revival for the past decades. Due to the common ground of potentially völkish/ethnicist... more
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      New Religious MovementsNorse mythologyNeopaganismThe reception of Old Norse Myth
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      PaganismPaganismoHeathenryOdinismo, Cultura Viking, Religiosidade Viking
Seiðr y Völvas Nel Riott, 2020 - Hermandad Vanasatru Argentina nelriottart@gmail.com Introducción En este archivo traeré una recopilación de las entradas relacionadas con Seiðr y las Völvas que se han publicado en el blog de la Hermandad... more
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      Pagan StudiesPaganismViking StudiesMythology (Old Norse Literature)
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El término “Vanasatru” surgió en 2019 con la Hermandad Vanasatru Argentina.
Aquí se muestran las ideas de  está corriente tradicional pagana.
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      Neo-PaganismNordic PaganismAsatruAsatru/Heathenry
HÁVAMÁL : Archaic Basic Edition
Wisdom by ODIN + Translation by OLIVE BRAY
Edited by Fritz Maes
Corrected Facing Transcription-Translation
Old Norse + Victorian English
Non-Profit Educational Usage Only
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      PoetrySpiritualityMagicMythology (Old Norse Literature)
A complete history of historical Heathen Saxony, and a complete analysis of historical Saxon Heathenry based on the historical literary sources and archaeological record. The Saxon Gods and Goddesses are explained; along with the Saxon... more
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      Gender and SexualityOld Norse ReligionSeidrSeiðr
Since the original publication of this book in 2007 many fresh archaeological investigations and academic studies have been published. There have also been some important new developments in the modern Heathen world and its’ institutions... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreAnglo-Saxon Studies (History)PaganismViking Studies
In this text the author focuses his attention to how well the old poem Völuspá is shown in the carvings in the Gosforth Stone Cross. In my former book Völuspá; The Holy Land in the North-East I conclude that the poem is telling the story... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesOld English LiteratureAnglo-Saxon Studies (History)Medieval English Literature
“Asatru”, the modern worship of the Heathen deities of Scandinavia and Northern Europe, is a relatively young, internationally developing religious phenomenon. Since the 1990’s researchers have gradually built a body of academic... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsNeo-Paganism and Western EsotericismNeopaganism
O presente texto é uma introdução à religião Ásatrú. Busca debater aspectos iniciais para aqueles que estão tendo seus primeiros contatos com o paganismo nórdico.
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      VikingsOdinismo, Cultura Viking, Religiosidade VikingAsatruOdinism, Asatru
Folklore is rife with allegorical tales of tricksters who roam the wilds and the spaces in between, influencing people and gods alike with cunning skill. Tricksters shape their attributes at will, ranging from a preeminent creator,... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreMythologyRoman History
Do we know that Mother Nature is but flickering Gungnir? Not for real? Has man lost due reverence to our Mother Earth? Shall we amend our behavior and go back to Heathen compassion and Heathen philosophy?
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      Pagan StudiesAsatru/Heathenry
The native English Heathen religion had a cult in which the pinnacle and most important deity was its Earth Goddess. Also, that cult was the most important in the religion, and many people continued to think of themselves as the Earth... more
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      Comparative ReligionHistory of ReligionEnglish HistoryEarly Medieval History
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      Discourse AnalysisMagicDiscourseTraditionalism
2016/17 tavaszi félévében leadott szakdolgozatom, amely hazai, izlandi és amerikai asatru közösségeket mutatja be és elemzi vallástudományi, kultur- és szociálantropológiai . A dolgozat alapja a 2017-ben első helyezést elnyert OTDK... more
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      New Religious MovementsSocial and Cultural AnthropologyNew ReligionsReligion and Modernity
This article based thesis discusses five contemporary Pagan branches: Wicca (or Modern Witchcraft), Druidry, Asatru (or Modern Heathenism), the Goddess Movement and Neo-Shamanism from an anthropological angle. The focus of the thesis is... more
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      DivinationGlastonburyMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Tarot
Die ersten Seiten meiner Habilitationsschrift. Bis zur endgültigen Buchveröffentlichung dauert es noch etwas
Diese Version bitte nicht zitieren, da sich nach dem endgültigen Satz und Korrekturen noch einiges ändern wird.
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      History of ReligionPagan StudiesReligious StudiesReligionswissenschaft
Sonne Heljarskinn " O meio ambiente e a paisagem perderam sua inocência e misticismo. A racionalidade do homem moderno e sua constante exigência de entendimento e explicação constituem os maiores obstáculos para nossa compreensão do mundo... more
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      ElvesHeathenryOdinismo, Cultura Viking, Religiosidade VikingAsatru
Vorbemerkung: Der " Germanische Glaube " der Neuzeit geht in seiner klassischen Form auf den spirituellen Maler, Professor und Dichter Ludwig Fahrenkrog sowie in Teilen die Schriftsteller Wilhelm Schwaner und (den hier nicht näher... more
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      Mysticism19th-century German philosophyInterreligious DialogueNeopaganism
Ultra-conservative and social justice politics in North America have imbued political meaning into ideas of race and religion. Norse Pagans (i.e., Heathens) are factionalizing and contesting the significances of race and gender in their... more
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      Religion and PoliticsPaganismInternet & SocietyGender and Race
Despite the historical use of certain Norse Pagan symbols by white supremacists in Europe and in America, many modern Norse neo-Pagans are looking for ways to push back against the appropriation of their sacred symbols by bigots. This... more
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      New Religious MovementsSocial JusticeWhite SupremacyNeo-Paganism
Abstract: This paper examines the controversy within American Heathenry over whether it is appropriate to prostrate, kneel, or bow before one’s Gods. It delves into the conflict between embodied devotional practice and community values,... more
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      TheologyPagan StudiesAsatru/Heathenry
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      ReligionPolitical IdeologyRight-Wing ExtremismSatanism
"This scholarship is immensely valuable, especially for readers who, like some Americans, may be less familiar with these European sources and history. Schnurbein details the work of numerous völkisch think- ers and reveals the... more
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      European StudiesPagan StudiesPaganismHeathenry
An Epicurean commentary on the Havamal, which celebrates friendship, hospitality, wisdom, self-sufficiency, moderation, and cheerfulness, and also provides a shamanic tradition that satisfies the Dionysian / non-linear hemisphere of the... more
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      FriendshipEpicureanismElder Futhark RunesRunes
"For observers of contemporary Heathenism, the book offers the most intellectually robust interpretation of Germanic history that has emerged from folkish Heathenry and thus marks an important development within the intellectual... more
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      Pagan Studiescontemporary PaganismHeathenryAsatru/Heathenry
Who is this Óðinn figure ?
Even originally female ?
This paper views many sides of Óðinn in different contexts.
We also get some 108 names of Óðinn, etymologically explained.
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      MetaphysicsPagan StudiesAsatru/Heathenry
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      PerceptionPagan StudiesPaganismNeo-Paganism and Western Esotericism
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      New Religious MovementsHeathenryHeathenismGermanic Heathenism
This document from 2012 was my attempt to make an overview about the estimation of germanic paganism in Germany. Until today, there seems to be no valid data or estimation, but this one gives some view about the existing facts.
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      New Religious MovementsReligion and Social ChangeNeo-Paganism and Western EsotericismAsatru/Heathenry
The thought of René Guénon et al combined with the prechristian religion of Northwestern Europe. An older text of mine.
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      New Religious MovementsSociology of ReligionReligious PluralismNeopaganism
For years, academics have argued that the Nordic myths were preserved due to antiquarian interest amongst the Icelanders, but I find this argument somewhat unconvincing. Instead I shall approach the topic from a folkloristic standpoint,... more
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      Jungian psychologyPaganismArchetypesMythology (Old Norse Literature)
Asatrú as a religious movement in Scandinavia, particularly in Iceland, shows a continuing line of dialogue dating back at least to the 16th Century. At its core, the practice of Asatrú and its place within society reflects the push... more
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionHistory of ReligionReligion and Politics
Asatrú as a religious movement in Scandinavia, particularly in Iceland, shows a continuing line of dialogue dating back at least to the 16th Century. At its core, the practice of Asatrú and its place within society reflects the push... more
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      ReligionPhilosophy Of ReligionHistory of ReligionReligion and Politics