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      Oscar WildeFragments and AphorismsFairy tales
This article sheds new light on the material history of G. Chr. Lichtenberg’s proverbial wit and demonstrates how the note-taking technique that he called “sudeln” aided his inventiveness. The epistemic effect of the Sudelbücher, or... more
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      EpistemologyMedia and Cultural StudiesRhetoricModels of Creativity & of Creative Processes
One of the most memorable lines of Hegel's oeuvre is from the preface to his Phenomenology of Spirit: ‘Quite generally, the familiar, just because it is familiar, is not cognitively understood.’ Surprisingly, relatively little... more
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      G.W.F. HegelFragments and AphorismsInstitutionalizationFamiliarization
En este artículo examino la denominada escritura transversal, el proyecto intelectual y literario de Rafael Argullol y uno de los ejes vertebradores de su obra. Para el ensayista barcelonés, la transversalidad resulta una especie de... more
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      Spanish LiteratureSpanish philosophyContemporary LiteratureEssay (Genre Theory)
„Aforyzmy, zgoda, ale jak długo można mieć rację?” powiada Adam Zagajewski w wierszu Pomarańczowy notes (z tomu Asymetria, Kraków 2014), na swój sposób pytając o ograniczenia tej trudnej sztuki, która we współczesnych badaniach... more
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      German LiteratureRomanticismPolish LiteraturePolish Studies
O presente volume reúne toda a poesia e prosa de Campos, agora com ortografia actualizada, incluindo a «Ode Triunfal», a «Tabacaria» e a hagiografia laica de Caeiro. Campos escreveu ainda cartas e avisos incendiários, deu entrevistas e... more
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      Portuguese and Brazilian LiteraturePortuguese StudiesLiteraturePoetry
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      CritiqueCritical and Cultural TheoryFragments and AphorismsFragmentary writing
Il linguaggio, nella storia della filosofia, non è mai un mero strumento di comunicazione, ma il corpo stesso di un pensiero. Lo scopo di questo articolo è mostrare che la scelta di uno stile, lungi dall'essere puramente casuale, implica... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageContinental PhilosophyContemporary Philosophy
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      Italian StudiesArt Criticism18th-20th century Modern/Comtemporary Art20th century Italian art
Reseña del libro Fuegos de palabras. El aforismo poético español de los siglos XX y XXI (1900-2014). Edición de Carmen Camacho (Fundación José Manuel Lara, 2018)
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      Spanish LiteratureShort story (Literature)Fragments and AphorismsSpanish poetry
Nous allons ici toucher du doigt un versant moins évident, à première vue, de l’oeuvre chamfortienne, que l’on pourrait caractériser comme étant "prescriptif". Car au milieu des dénonciations, des critiques et des pointes, Chamfort se... more
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      PhilosophyXVIII centuryJean Jaques RousseauReception of Antiquity
Portada, agradecimientos e índice de la tesis defendida en la Universidad de Salamanca (2017) para la obtención del título de Doctor Internacional. Sobresaliente cum laude.
Dirección: Dra. Francisca Noguerol.
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesComparative LiteratureSpanish Literature
[unfinished text co-written with Alina Popa in 2015-6] Spheresy is a non-ending manual for committing spheresy, a constant collection of imperatives and infinitives to keep you moving in spiral spheres. To be a spheretic means forever... more
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    • Fragments and Aphorisms
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      PhilosophyArchaic Greek historyHeraclitusAncient Greece
Aphorisms—or philosophical short sayings—appear everywhere, from Confucius to Twitter, the Buddha to the Bible, Heraclitus to Nietzsche. Yet despite this ubiquity, the aphorism is the least studied literary form. What are its origins? How... more
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      PhilologyGnosticismPhilosophyLiterary Criticism
Aylak Adam Yayınları / Klasik Hümanizm Dizisi’nin ilk kitabı çıktı. Romalı filozof-imparator Marcus Aurelius’un Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν (Ta Eis Eauton) metninden derlenmiş ve çevrilmiş olan “Hayat Kısa, Mutlu Olmayı İhmal Etme” başlıklı bu... more
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      PhilosophyStoicismRoman StoicismMarcus Aurelius
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      Roland BarthesMina LoyFragments and Aphorisms
"Her Şey Bitmek İçin Başlar", Cicero'nun eserlerinden özenle derlenmiş bir seçkidir. "Ruh, gülmeyle yenilenir." "İnsan aklın yoldaşıdır." "Keşke, yanlışları bulabildiğim gibi doğruları da kolayca kanıtlayabilsem!"
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      PhilosophyCiceroFragments and AphorismsRoman Philosophy
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      Russian LiteratureContinental PhilosophyFriedrich NietzscheRussian Religious Philosophy
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      TwitterFragments and AphorismsMediengeschichteFaits-divers
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      SemioticsFuture StudiesPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy
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      MetaphysicsHumorPhilosophy of HistoryMetaphor
Tal como observó el difunto Alan Deyermond en su catálogo y estudio, La literatura perdida de la Edad Media castellana (1995), es difícil saber en qué punto una obra preservada únicamente en forma fragmentaria mejor se debe catalogar como... more
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      PhilologyMedieval Iberian LiteratureRare Books and ManuscriptsMedieval Latin Literature
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      Critical TheoryCultural TheoryCritical Social TheoryIdeology Critique
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      Word and Image StudiesNineteenth-Century Literature and CultureNineteenth-Century French LiteratureFragments and Aphorisms
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      Reception StudiesMarcel ProustFragments and AphorismsWieslaw Mysliwski
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      MysticismSufismCommentary TraditionsFragments and Aphorisms
Through a hermeneutic reading of the Heraclitean fragments, this essay will attempt to present the issue of aletheia (truth, disclosure) as the thread that sustains the dialogue between phenomenology and Heraclitus. Further, this essay... more
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      EthicsPhenomenologyJurgen HabermasContinental Philosophy
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      Fragments and AphorismsAphorismsSpanish poetryProverbs and Aphorisms
A CREATIVE translation from the best English source, notably faithful to thought but not character.
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPresocratic PhilosophyRomanticism
This paper investigates the new form of writing—the fragmentary proj- ect—that Friedrich Schlegel developed in response to Kant’s systematic philosophy. The fragments, I argue, are not anti-systematic; rather, they elucidate the idea that... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageAestheticsRomanticism
A populáris ezotéria mint a késő újkor egyik alternatív világképe/ideológiája a nyugati társadalmak minden rétegéhez eljut, így a könyvesboltok polcain megjelenő - életről, halálról, keleti filozófiákról, meditációról, mágiáról,... more
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      New Religious MovementsPhilosophy Of ReligionCoaching PsychologyReading Habits/Attitudes
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    • Fragments and Aphorisms
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      Chinese PhilologyClassical Chinese literatureFragments and Aphorisms
Cioran place la mort au centre de son écriture et de sa pensée dès ses premiers écrits. À la fois seule certitude en ce monde et affront ridiculisant la vie, elle occupe une place de choix dans les préoccupations de Cioran : « Toutes les... more
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      Fragments and AphorismsEmil CioranPierre JanetLittérature Fragmentaire
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    • Fragments and Aphorisms
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      FuturismModernismMina LoyFragments and Aphorisms
C’est pendant la première moitié du 18e siècle que la maxime, qui atteint le maximum de sa popularité au 17e siècle, commence à subir une marginalisation en perdant la fonction qu’elle avait en tant que forme d’expression principale de la... more
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      French LiteratureFrench moralistsFragments and Aphorisms
Aphorisms occupy a central place in the works of Erasmus and Bacon. Erasmus wanted to construct the total library of antiquity through adages; Bacon's project was to construct the laboratory of modernity, its progress presented in the... more
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismErasmusFrancis Bacon
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      Friedrich NietzscheTheodor W. AdornoFragments and AphorismsPoetics of Short Prose Genres
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      PhilologyBaruch SpinozaFragments and AphorismsProphecy
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      History of Military TechnologyFragments and AphorismsLittératures Comparées
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      Military HistoryFragments and AphorismsIlluminismSixteenth and Seventheenth Century Literature
Es wird versucht, die Habermas'sche Kritik an der Form der kritischen Theorie Adornos und Benjamins immanent zu kritisieren.
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      Critical TheoryTheodor AdornoPhilosophy of ArtJurgen Habermas
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      Military HistoryHistory of IdeasFragments and Aphorisms
RESUMO: Trata-se de um exercício hermenêutico em torno da obra e do pensamento de Emil Cioran (1911-1995), no sentido de focalizar o romantismo latente ou manifesto deste pensador romeno consagrado por seus livros franceses: sua herança... more
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      GnosticismRomanticismGerman RomanticismContemporary French Philosophy
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      Philosophy of MindEthicsPhilosophical AnthropologySocial and Political Philosophy
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      RomanticismPoetryJean-Luc NancyLiterary Theory
L'article étudie la proposition de Gilles Deleuze, suivant laquelle un fragment peut avoir la double fonction paradoxale de renforcer et d’arrêter l’œuvre conçue comme totalité organique close. Il s’agit alors pour nous d’analyser les... more
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      Creative WritingLiteratureGilles DeleuzeMaurice Blanchot