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This country report sets the context for research on the impact of counter-terrorism legislation and policies on racial, ethnic and religious minority communities in the Netherlands. Despite the fact that over the last decade various... more
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismMuslim MinoritiesCounter terrorism
La tesi presenta inizialmente il pensiero di Jacques Derrida sull'animalità. Il tema affrontato è la sovranità dell'uomo sul resto dei viventi, in particolare nei riguardi della discriminazione dell'animalità. Nei capitoli a seguire si... more
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      PhilosophyOntologyPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemology
It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children’s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed ‘female genital... more
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      ReligionSociologyCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
The current political climate provides fertile ground for toxic narratives that turn immigrants into convenient scapegoats. But such communities also present an enormous opportunity, and more can be done to capitalise fully on their... more
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      Political ParticipationHealth CareLinguistic diversityInclusive Education
This work seeks to understand the realities experienced by transgender people in Brazilian society, especially within the country's armed forces. In this way, will be employed a qualitative research, based on the normative study of the... more
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      Human RightsMilitaryEquality and Non Discrimination
Age rationing is a central issue in the health care priority-setting literature, but it has become ever more salient in the light of the Covid-19 outbreak, where health authorities in several countries have given higher priority to... more
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      BioethicsMedical EthicsHealth Care EthicsContractualism
By what process does a legal distinction that was previously accepted (whether based on sex, sexual orientation, nationality, age, or marital status) become publicly perceived as discriminatory? This question can be understood both as a... more
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      Equality and Non DiscriminationLegal Argumentation and Discourse AnalysisJustification of discriminations
The article discusses the human rights implications of algorithmic decision-making in the social welfare sphere. It does so against the background of the 2020 Hague's District Court judgment in a case challenging the Dutch government's... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePrivacyPERSONAL DATA PROTECTIONEuropean Convention of Human Rights
This study is based in an analytic investigation about the homosexual orientation inside the Brazilian´s society. The study with a multiple view looks for showing the different topics that are inside the theme of homosexuality. This... more
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      Human RightsEquality and DiversityHomophobiaEquality and Non Discrimination
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      Constitutional LawMexicoDerechos HumanosLey sobre discriminación y racismo
In der Ökonomie der Zeit löst sich nach Marx alle Ökonomie auf. Dieser vagen Prämisse folgend, setzen wir uns in folgendem Beitrag mit den Ambivalenzen im Verhältnis von Arbeit und Zeit auseinander. Das neoliberale Spiel mit Freiheit und... more
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      Gender StudiesLabor EconomicsGender EqualityNeoliberalism
A paper on the first accessible hourly London bus service titled "Careline" shared as a prelude to a forth coming paper by the author on the implications of it's service.
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      Disability StudiesMobility/MobilitiesTransport HistoryTransportation Studies
This research is based on 243 interviews conducted in various workplaces and with a wide variety of individuals in modern-day South Africa. The research analysis unearthed a number of themes within the diversity discipline, however, for... more
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      Equality StudiesSocial IdentityDiversityRefugee Studies
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      PsychologyHate SpeechEquality and Non Discrimination
The article attempts a comprehensive review of the human security concept in order to question its utility for both research and policy-making. It notes the term’s interdisciplinary and extensively normative content that have facilitated... more
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      Critical TheoryBusiness EthicsGeographyPolitical Geography and Geopolitics
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      Latin American StudiesSocial PolicyEquality StudiesPolitical Science
This rewritten study examines The Matthew Effect and its impact on schools. While the lay interpretation of The Matthew Effect is "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer," this was not the original intent of the Gospel message. In... more
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      Social PolicyAction research (Methodology)Affirmative ActionEquality and Non Discrimination
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEgalitarianismEquality
Tanto la Corte Suprema de Argentina como la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos han desarrollado una doctrina sólida sobre igualdad ante la ley. Ambas han entendido que hay diferencias entre una noción de igualdad como no... more
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      CourtsEquality and DiversityEqualityInternational Courts And Tribunals
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityEquality and Non DiscriminationEquality of opportunity
Following the death of 17-year-old Leelah Alcorn, a transgender teen who committed suicide after forced “conversion therapy,” President Barack Obama called for a nationwide ban on psychotherapy aimed at changing sexual orientation or... more
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      Business EthicsEngineeringReligionHistory
Resumen: Este trabajo analiza críticamente la jurisprudencia emanada de la acción especial antidiscriminación creada por la ley N ° 20.609, identificando las tendencias y desviaciones relevan­ tes. La primera sección se focaliza en... more
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      IgualdadEquality and Non DiscriminationDiscriminación
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      LawCriminal LawInternational LawHuman Rights
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      Family studiesAdoptionFamily (Sociology)Equality and Non Discrimination
Die sexistische Darstellung von Frauen ist eine ökonomische Strategie. Dies macht sich Werbung im Besonderen zunutze. Werbung formt Wahrnehmungs- und Bedürfnisstrukturen, informiert und inspiriert im besten Fall – im schlechtesten... more
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      Gender and the LawAdvertising and GenderCultural Political EconomyGender and Media
This paper deals with Bourdieu’s relations of power (linguistic market) and Fanon’s Zone of Being and non-Being. The article is based on recent ethnographic sociolinguistic research in Andalusia, south of Spain. In this paper, I explore... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophy Of LanguageCritical Discourse StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
Abstract All kinds of conflicts, war and in particular the effects of the Second World War prompted the international community to develop standards that will protect the future of humanity from the disastrous effects of the... more
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      European StudiesLawHuman RightsDiscrimination
This manual was developed in the framework of WP3: “Training Seminars for Company Actors/Monitoring and Evaluation of company initiatives on work life balance for women and men” of the “SHARE – Promoting work-life balance in companies and... more
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      Gender StudiesEquality StudiesParentingHuman Resource Management
Diplômées est la revue de l'Association Française des Femmes Diplômées des Universités (AFFDU). Revue scientifique à comité de rédaction, elle a pour vocation de promouvoir la recherche et la visibilité des femmes chercheuses en Europe.... more
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      Women's StudiesGender EqualityEqualityEquality and Non Discrimination
This article argues that Canada fails to meet its obligation under article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to provide students with autism with access to inclusive education. Moving beyond... more
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      AutismDisability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesAutism Spectrum Disorders
This Research Paper analyses the impact on individuals and the economy of the current gaps and barriers in EU action in the area of Equality and the Fight against Racism. To analyse the impact, this Research Paper reviews the current... more
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      European LawNon-discriminationGender EqualityEuropean Union
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      HIV/AIDSDISCRIMINATION AT WORKEuropean Court of Human RightsEquality and Non Discrimination
This is the first draft of a paper commissioned for a collection of papers on the ethics of human enhancement, edited by Steve Clarke, Julian Savulescu and others, to be published by Oxford University Press. The final version was... more
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      EthicsEqualityTranshumanismJohn Rawls
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      DiscriminationDiscrimination (Law)Anti-discrimination lawEquality and Non Discrimination
Invited by Auburn University to give a public lecture soon after 911, the talk traced the history of the word “equality” from the time of slave-owner Jefferson drafting the Declaration of Independence to Lincoln’s Gettysburg address,... more
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      American StudiesEquality StudiesAbraham LincolnNationalism
The visibility of religious identities in workplaces has become a recurrent topic of certain public debates and tensions in France. It is generally the visibility of Muslim identities and practices of Islam that are at the centre of these... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySociology of ReligionMulticulturalism
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      DiversitySocial JusticeEquality and DiversityReconciliation
O presente artigo discute a não discriminação como marco conceitual, que exige a compreensão da ideia de igualdade para além da dimensão formal do igual tratamento de todos perante a lei. A não discriminação encontra-se amplamente... more
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      Human RightsEquality and Non DiscriminationDireitos HumanosDireitos Fundamentais e Direitos Humanos
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      SociologyDisability StudiesDiscriminationDiscrimination (Law)
Cambridge University Press, 2011. The worlds of law and religion increasingly collide in Parliament and the courtroom. Religious courts, the wearing of religious symbols and faith schools have given rise to increased legislation and... more
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawHuman Rights LawHuman Rights
Basta de Genocidio Trans (Stop the Trans Genocide) is a report that introduces and classifies the main human rights violations against the trans women of Latin America and the Caribbean based on the information gathered in 2018 by... more
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      Human Rights LawHuman RightsTransgender StudiesLGBT Issues (Education)
This report examines the practice of coercive sterilisations in the Czech Republic as experienced by Romani women against their will or without free and informed consent. Along with a review of the institutional, legal and policy context... more
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsSexual and Reproductive HealthWomen's RightsRomanian Studies
Abstract: There is frequent disagreement between Switzerland and the European Union (EU) about the prohibition of discrimination on grounds of nationality, enshrined, among other places, in article 2 of the Swiss-EU Bilateral Agreement on... more
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      Non-discriminationEuropean Union LawSwiss-EU RelationsSwiss Law
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      DiscriminationGender EqualityEquality and DiversityAntidiscrimination Law
Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference organized by the Insurance Law Association of Serbia and German Foundation for International Legal Co-Operation (IRZ), entitled "Insurance law, governance and transparency: basics of the... more
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      Sex and GenderInsurance LawGender DiscriminationInsurance
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) was created in 2006 with wide-ranging powers to protect human rights, promote equal opportunities and encourage mutual respect between different groups. Alongside the Commission,... more
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      Human RightsRegulation And GovernanceInternational Human Rights LawEquality and Diversity
In 2014, the Ministry of Social Welfare published a gazette notification recognising the Hijra community as the ‘Hijra gender’, which initiated the process of updating official forms and identity documents to reflect this change. However,... more
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      BangladeshGender IdentityGender DiversityEquality and Non Discrimination