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A rare bronze of dancing Ardhanari(svara), the Androgyne or Hermaphrodite, is in the Colombo museum. It was originally excavated in Anurådhapura, Sri Lanka, in 1982. Professor S. PADMANABHAN of the Peredenia University, who visited my... more
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      Art HistorySouth Asian StudiesTamil LiteratureDivine Androgyne
If a responsible way to live one’s sexuality is discussed within society—particularly ex negativo, as it is the case since the last wave of the abuse scandal occurred within the Catholic Church, theological and philosophical approaches... more
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      TheologySexualityChristian SpiritualityCatholic Moral Theology
The Roman du Comte de Poitiers is chiefly known for the elaboration of the wager motif in the first half of the romance, where a valiant noblewoman is publicly accused of infidelity and later exonerated. The second part of the romance has... more
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      Medieval RomanceThe Tristan legendChastityCoins
La chasteté, comprise comme l’abstinence sexuelle volontaire pour des raisons religieuses, a toujours suscité beaucoup de suspicion. Les récents scandales qui frappent l’Église semblent donner raison à ceux qui y voient un mirage ou une... more
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      TheologyMonasticismCatholic Moral TheologyChastity
This paper presents a Platonist and Indo-hellenistic ascetic and renunciant view of sexual desire and sexuality and the necessity of celibacy on the spiritual path and concludes that for the many who won't be celibate contemplative... more
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This essay argues that female chastity figures centrally in Bartholomew Fair’s exploration of early capitalist subjectivity. In the play, Jonson suggests that the market compromises masculinity and posits Grace Wellborn’s self-conscious... more
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      Gender StudiesCapitalismEarly Modern English dramaBen Jonson
[Mei Oujin 梅欧金]. “Tianzhu shiyi zai Fujian: zai liang ge shijie, liang zhong shijian zhi jian. 天主实义在福建:在两个世界、两种时间之间.” In Lynn Struve (Si Tulin 司徒林), Zhao Shiyu 赵士瑜, and Du Zhengzhen 杜正贞 eds. Shijie shijian yu Dong Ya shijian zhong de Ming... more
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      Catholic Missionary HistoryLiturgyVirginityCalendars
本文比較三篇近代中國文言小說的敘事結構,並分析其中隱含的父權意識形態以及國族隱喻中的「感時憂國」主題。在蒲松齡的〈聶小倩〉,可以發現一種關於生死陰陽的二元對立,女性角色總是連結於失序與黑暗,象徵著對於儒家宗法社會的違犯;在蘇曼殊的〈焚劍記〉,女性能否堅守貞節,則與國家民族之生死存亡息息相關;而徐枕亞的《玉梨魂》,描寫了一位聰慧博學的美麗寡婦,但她「自願」放棄追求愛情的可能,全心撮合她的戀人與其他女子結合,從而延緩了「自由戀愛」這一現代理想。從文學史的角度來看,隨著時間過去,近... more
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      FeminismClassical Chinese literatureChinese literatureChastity
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      Early ChristianitySexual EthicsVirgin MaryChastity
Ancient readers were highly attuned to etymologically and allusively significant character names, which helped shape their experience and understanding of narratives in a variety of ways. Authors frequently exploited that fact in their... more
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      Sex and GenderLiterary OnomasticsGreek novelAncient Narrative
Love, sexuality, marriage and chastity -- I have written this document thinking in my four daughters. The oldest of them is 13 years old and has just started to read it. I am planning to add this document to the small book on... more
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      Religion and SexualitySexualityLovePhilosophy of Love
A philosophical introduction to the concept of chastity seen in the phenomenological light of its interaction with the cultural frame of a technological society, with reference to Heidegger, the search for authenticity with reference to... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyHans-Georg GadamerRené GirardHeidegger and Technology
Abstract: This paper examines two sexual myths, the droit du seigneur and the chastity belt. Through medieval Hispanic documentation, values and customs of those societies, it is denied their existence but shows that already existed in... more
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      History of SexualityMedieval parody and satireMarriage (History)Rumours, Panic and Paranoia
Who cares about chastity? This is the question that motivates The Chastity Plot. Is chastity necessary? What did it mean and to whom? Should we still care about the reasons chastity has played a role in the history of moral thinking and... more
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      Philosophy and LiteratureChastity
The Vārṣṇeyādhyātma, which is comprised of chapters 203–210 of the 12th Book of the Mahābhārata, is an early exposition of the practice of Yoga centered on the manas (mind) and the bodily channel called manovahā (mind- conveying). The... more
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      PhysiologyPhilosophy of MindYogaYoga Philosophy
This thesis analyses images of male saints defending their chastity against transgressive women. The studied images were produced in post-Tridentine Italy – a period when Catholic dogma, through Church reform, emphasised the superiority... more
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      IconographyHistory of SexualityCult of SaintsItalian Baroque art
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      German LiteratureLatin LiteratureRhetoricMedieval Literature
The first section of this paper discusses the Greek notions of parthenos (virgin), and parthenia (virginity). More precisely, I will revisit the arguments made in Le Corps virginal (1986: Paris: Vrin), a book translated into English, as... more
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      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
This paper was presented at Leeds IMC 2016. In 1400, the deposed Richard II died at Pontefract Castle. Rumours swirled that he had died fighting his assassins or that he was secretly alive and hiding in Scotland. However, the official... more
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      Gender StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesAsceticism
The purpose of this essay was to identify the advantages of virginity and chastity for health as well as the negative effects of lack thereof. These harms, which can extend to familial and larger social consequences, have been examined... more
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      SexualityGender and SexualityGenderFeminism
Sigmund Freud viewed human nature as inherently sexual. While he recognized the rational and moral aspects (the ego and superego) of personality as inhibiting man’s sexual urges (the id), Freud argued that the sexual instinct is... more
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      Sex and GenderSexualityGender and SexualityLove
In History of Sexuality Volume 1, Foucault claims that despite commonly held beliefs that Victorians restricted public references to sex, they and subsequent generations could not stop talking, writing, and researching topics that dealt... more
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      Gender StudiesHagiographyCatholic StudiesMasculinity Studies
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      BeautyPlatonChastityMethodius of Olympus
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      HagiographyMonastic StudiesHistory of SexualityMedieval Church History
Some would say that the expression 'true love waits' is already passé. It is no longer practice by Filipino teens as shown by the many cases of unwanted pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. These unfortunate... more
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      Interpretative Phenomenological AnalysisTeensChastitySociocultural
This paper attempts to explicate the Challenges Facing the Christian family in order to communicating the vision of God to Youths in Africa. The aims include to redefine marriage and Christian family; to communicate the vision of God to... more
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      CommunicationEducationCharacter EducationFamily
This article investigates the development of the monastic discourse on chastity and sexuality in late antiquity and the early middle ages. Please contact me if you are interested in this article.
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      Religion and SexualityAsceticismGender and SexualityEarly Christianity
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      EconomicsShakespeareGender and SexualityChastity
"The word paternoster has been applied in a variety of senses. In the Middle Ages paternoster became a synonym for lovemaking. An early instance of this usage appears in the anonymous medieval Latin Prisciano regula. Later it occurs in... more
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      Comparative ReligionIntellectual HistoryComparative LiteratureLiturgical Studies
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      Virtue EthicsCharacter EducationChristian PsychologyPride
“Child Bodies, Blessed Bodies: The Contest between Christian Virginity and Confucian Chastity.” Nan Nü: Men, Women, and Gender in Early and Late Imperial China, 6.2 (2004), pp. 177-240
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      VirginityHistory of Women in the Imperial ChinaMale VirginityChastity
The Teutonic Knights represent a very special case of members of a religious order, living in a “semi-closed” space. The paper proposes some considerations on the relationship between the normative acts and the daily reality of the... more
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      Knights TemplarHistory of MonasticismMonastic rulesSubordination
W artykule omówiono czystość jako wartość rozpatrywaną w ujęciu psychospołecznym i kulturowym. Przypomniano podstawowe definicje wartości, główne poglądy na ten temat, a także ich znaczenie dla nauk, takich jak filozofia, psychologia,... more
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      ValuesSexualities educationPornographyChastity
Monographie sur le Précis des martyrs de l'amour de Mughultay, qui traite divers aspects de la passion amoureuse chaste dans la littérature arabe prémoderne.
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      Classical Arabic Prose LiteraturePhilosophy of LoveChastityTheories of profane and courtly love in medieval islam
Il saggio propone un percorso attorno alla qualità morale detta ḥayāʾ, promossa dal discorso islamico contemporaneo soprattutto in relazione all'abbigliamento femminile. Grazie all'indagine sulla letteratura islamica fondativa (Corano,... more
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      Gender StudiesIslamic StudiesIslamic EthicsChastity
In order to determine the place of flesh in examples of medieval accounts in the south of France, three collections have been selected. These are the Latin manuscript 3555 in the Bibliothèque nationale of France, the collection called... more
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      Anthropology of the BodyGender and SexualityStatistical AnalysisMedieval Church History
1. castita' e verginita': valori etico-civili
2. Il ripristino dei mores maiorum
3. Leena ed Epicari, amiche contro la tirannide
4. Il suicidio stoico: la fuga verso la liberta'
5. Conclusioni
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      Dante StudiesStoicismSenecaCicero
This article explores how Anthony Munday’s Palmerin d’Oliva (1588), Part II, portrays the threat of Muslims in the Near East. Munday’s source is the French L’Histoire de Palmerin d’Olive (1546), which Jean Maugin had translated from the... more
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      Sociology of ReligionNear Eastern StudiesEarly Modern EnglandTranslation History
[Mei Oujin 梅欧金]. “Mingmo Qingchu Fujian xiaozhong Mingchao de Tianzhujiaotu, Xibanya huishi yu shouzhen shengnü 明末清初福建效忠明朝的天主教徒,西班牙会士与守贞 圣女.” Gongjiao wenyi 公教文译 3 (2012): 55–89. [Chinese translation of “Christian Loyalists, Spanish... more
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      VirginityQing Dynasty (Ch'ing Dynasty)ChastityFujian
This is a synthetic article on female virginity in Ancient Greece, published in the LEXICON of EuGeStA (EUROPEAN GENDER STUDIES ON ANTIQUITY).
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      Cultural HistoryGender StudiesMythologyClassics
Abridged reprint: “Child Bodies, Blessed Bodies: The Contest between Christian Virginity and Confucian Chastity,” in Lutz, Jessie ed., Pioneer Chinese Christian Women. Gender, Christianity, and Social Mobility, Lehigh University Press,... more
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      VirginityHistory of Women in the Imperial ChinaMale VirginityChastity
Queste riflessioni sulla castità, scritte al maschile, sono rivolte sia a presbiteri e religiosi, sia a seminaristi e a novizi. Esse offrono un contributo circa un argomento vasto, contrassegnato dalla singolarità delle situazioni, delle... more
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      Moral TheologyChastityPriesthood
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      Gender and SexualityEmbodimentThe BodyEpistolary literature
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      ShakespeareProstitutionChastityTheatrical Representation
This paper sets out to communicate Chastity Education to Children and Young People as a Pro-life Curriculum no Africa in general and Nigeria in particular. We live in an age where things traditional have become tagged as obsolete and... more
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureMarriage and Family TherapyChastitySacred Laws. Greek Religion. Religion Hebrew. Women. Religious Taboos. Sexuality. Blood. Sacrifice. Purity. Impurity. Chastity.
Title: Saint Francis and the Iconography of Chastity During the second half of the 16th century, images of a naked Saint Francis of Assisi, lying on a bed of burning coal accompanied by a female prostitute, started to appear in Franciscan... more
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      IconographyFranciscan StudiesTemptationCounter-Reformation art
Incest appears throughout Book III of The Faerie Queene, the very book wherein Spenser purports to portray the virtue of Chastity. The present essay investigates this apparently illogical interpenetration of incest and chastity,... more
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      Edmund SpenserIncest in mythIncestChastity
The paper addresses the use of the words цнотливий, цнотливість and цнота in the Ukrainian political media discourse, with a particular focus on the evolution of the "chastity words" semantics in the Ukrainian language, based on social... more
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      Lexical SemanticsLanguage and Media DiscoursesChastityUkrainian Language