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The current political structure of the Ecuadorian State and its recent Constitutional Reformation paved a way for greater equality and inclusion of LGBT rights. This post-neoliberal Latin American country is shaping the sexual identities... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderTransgender StudiesResilience
In this essay we apply Hirschl’s test on juristocracy to the Polish courts dealing with cases con- cerning LGBTQ+ rights. Furthermore, a brief overview of the landmark judgments in simi- lar cases rendered by selected national (Israel... more
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      Hate SpeechDebate over Same-Sex MarriageEuropean Convention of Human RightsRule of Law
This article spells out the ways in which religious freedom has been deployed against proponents of same-sex marriage and gender equality in the Philippines. While the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) community and... more
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      ReligionChristianitySociology of ReligionGender Studies
Dans la foulée du séminaire "Sociologie des homosexualités" (1998-2004) dirigé par Françoise Gaspard et Didier Éribon, une nouvelle génération de chercheuses et chercheurs s'est engagée avec résolution sur le voie des études gays et... more
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      Queer StudiesIsrael StudiesHIV/AIDSGender and Sexuality
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      International RelationsCommunicationGlobalizationPolitics
E drejta për të lidhur martesë dhe për të krijuar familje bën pjesë në të drejtat dhe liritë themelore të njeriut e cila me kalimin e kohës ka pësuar mutacione përsa i përket subjekteve të gëzimit dhe ushtrimit të saj, moshës së tyre,... more
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      Family studiesFamily LawKosovoAntidiscrimination Law
Despite its apparent gay friendliness, Japanese society has witnessed few public debates or social movements in support of same-sex marriage. It seems that Japanese scholars and activists are only just beginning to advocate the legal... more
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      LGBT IssuesHomophobiaSame Sex MarriageComing Out
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      Criminal LawLGBT IssuesDiscriminationSexual Orientation & the Law
I re-examine the traditional gender requirement for morally endorsed and ecclesially blessed Christian sex and marriage, and suggest it may be “a time to throw [it] away” (cf. Eccl. 3:6). After defining the question, I survey arguments... more
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      ChristianityGender StudiesEthicsSex and Gender
South Africa recognizes a multiplicity of marriage forms: common law marriage, customary marriage, and same-sex marriage. The South African Constitution has a high sensibility related to issues of human dignity, equality, and freedom.... more
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      Family LawPhilosophy Of LawSame-sex relationshipsPolygamy
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      Critical TheorySex and GenderSexual DysfunctionSexual Abuse
Quand il est à Rome, le pape François déjeune chaque jour au milieu de bonnes soeurs dont il partage le modeste repas. Signe de la vie simple qu’il s’est choisie en référence à François d’Assise, dont il fut le premier pape à adopter le... more
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      ReligionChristianitySociology of ReligionCanon Law
Àrokò Pípa Lórí Àwôn Ìtàkùn Ìròyìn Törö-fönkálé Language Education and Social Media Êkö Èdè àti Ìròyìn Törö-fönkálé Àÿamõ Ìlò àwôn ìtàkùn ìbánidörêë tàbí ìròyìn törö-fönkálé (social media) lórí êrô ayélujára (internet) yálà lórí êrô... more
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      Feminist TheorySexual and Reproductive HealthGender and SexualityHistory of Sexuality
The article tries to take stock of the evolution of legal marriage, the family and filiation. The reform of the Italian parentage (2102/2013) and some interventions of the italian jurisprudence and Courts supranational induce to think not... more
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      Family LawFundamental RightsSame Sex MarriageCivil Partnerships
C’est dans le contexte d’une visibilité croissante des modes de vie homosexuels que s’inscrit cette approche de la conjugalité homosexuelle masculine. Voilà un objet que l’on croit souvent connaître tant il est présent sur le plan... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesAnthropologySocial Anthropology
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      Self and IdentityQueer TheoryTeoría QueerFilosofía Política
This article will map both the openness Buddhism expressed as well as the prejudices to which it was subjected towards sexual diversity, from the days of the Buddha to the present. In this 2500 year history, Buddhism did spread to widely... more
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      ReligionBuddhismQueer StudiesAnthropology
The essay offers a critical point of view of the contents of the recent italian law on same-sex couples relationship and on the more uxorio relationship. With regard to the same-sex couples relationship, it highlights the convergent and... more
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      Family LawDebate over Same-Sex MarriageChildren's RightsDerecho constitucional
I presented this paper at the 2016 Lumen et Vita Graduate Theological Conference, 'Sacramental Vision and Rejuvenating Word: Embodying Theological Conversations with a Troubled World,' at the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry.
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      SociologyGender StudiesSex and GenderSocial Sciences
In Brown v. Buhman, the recent challenge to the Utah law criminalizing polygamy brought by the stars of the reality television show Sister Wives, a federal district court determined both that strict scrutiny was required and that strict... more
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      Religion and SexualityLaw and ReligionDebate over Same-Sex MarriageMarriage
Yaoi/BL Fandom Survey (only takes 10 mins to complete): https://leeds.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/blfandomsurvey The aim of this study is to compare Sinophone and Anglophone fan fiction consisting of female-oriented male-male romance: danmei and... more
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      Japanese StudiesCensorshipSex and GenderWomen's Studies
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      Comparative LawPrivate International LawConflicts of LawPrivate International Family Law
À partir de terrains et de méthodes variés (ethnographie, sociologie historique, cultural studies), Judith Stacey a mené des recherches portant notamment sur les thèmes de la famille, du genre, de la sexualité et du féminisme. Son travail... more
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      SociologySocial Research Methods and MethodologyFamily LawRace and Ethnicity
An Attempt to Define Marriage from an Orthodox Christian Point of View, and an Exploration of the Consequences of Such a Definition for the Understanding of Mixed Marriages, Remarriage and Divorce.
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      Orthodox TheologyDebate over Same-Sex MarriageMarriage and DivorceRussian Orthodoxy
El capítulo analiza la situación de cómo el Estado chileno está cumpliendo (o no) sus obligaciones en materia de no discriminación, respeto al derecho a la vida privada y a tener familia, derecho a la identidad y a una educación no... more
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      LGBT IssuesGender IdentityLGBT StudiesSame Sex Marriage
Since the 1990s, sexual rights, including marriage equality and LGBT education, have become the subject of global cultural conflicts. My research tracks the birth and growth of Christian conservative activism against the sexual... more
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      GlobalizationTransnationalismLGBT Issues (Education)Sexualities education
Le sexe est chose mentale. Il colore notre vision du monde, il transforme la connaissance que nous en avons, et en partie même il la fonde. La sexualité implique un rapport spécifique au vrai, au beau, au bien, autrement dit, un savoir,... more
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisFrench LiteratureGender Studies
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      Debate over Same-Sex MarriageSame Sex MarriageDiritto Di Famiglia
L'homoparentalité est au cœur de l'un des débats de société les plus riches et les plus controversés de ce début de siècle. Hier une utopie, elle est désormais une réalité des sociétés occidentales au travers de l'adoption, de la... more
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      Family studiesFamily LawSame Sex Parenting And Ece InclusionSame-sex families
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      LGBT Issues (Education)Gay And Lesbian StudiesLGBT IssuesDebate over Same-Sex Marriage
A new Civil Code was put into force in Romania the 1st of October 2011. This book represents the concluding volume for the researches conducted in the frame of the project entitled "Evolution of family as a concept and its relevance for... more
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      ReligionComparative LawFamily LawLegal History
On 1 December 2013, Croatia voted in a referendum on the constitutional definition of marriage. Whilst recent scholarship highlighted the symbolism nature of the referendum in domestic politics, its European dimension has not been... more
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      LGBT IssuesDebate over Same-Sex MarriageReferendumSame Sex Marriage
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      Same Sex MarriageKristenHomoseksual
This paper takes up the site of same-sex marriages in India to argue that queer feminist discourses on marriage often fail to account for the complex ways in which marriage subverts heteronormative norms. The paper reads three recent... more
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      Queer StudiesSouth Asian StudiesFamilyNeoliberalism
This study intended to identify the relationship of religious practices of college students from sectarian and non-sectarian sector, and their attitude towardssame-sex marriage. The issue of same-sex marriage is considered as one of the... more
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      Same Sex MarriageCollege StudentsAttitudeReligious practices
Интимная гомосексуальная пара — явление относительно новое. Как сложились практики постоянного партнерства, сожительства и брака в однополых союзах?
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      Gay And Lesbian StudiesGender RolesSame-sex familiesGender stereotypes
Consummation is a legal requirement for marriage in any number of jurisdictions. Liberal philosophers are bound to be especially hostile to consummation requirements for any number of reasons, not the least of which is that legally... more
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      Debate over Same-Sex MarriageMarriageSame Sex Marriage
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      Constitutional LawHuman Rights LawHuman RightsComparative Constitutional Law
This article explores the ways in which coupledom is promoted through contemporary family policy in the UK. It does this in the context of dominant political discourses suggesting that broken relationships are a major political problem... more
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      Feminist SociologySociology of FamiliesHuman GeographySocial Geography
This edited collection provides a forum for rigorous analysis of the necessity for both legal and social change with regard to regulation of same-sex relationships and rainbow families, the status of civil partnership as a concept and the... more
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      Comparative LawQueer StudiesHuman Rights LawHuman Rights
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      ChristianityTheologyQueer TheoryTheological Interpretation of Christian Scripture
Introductory courses dealing with sex, gender and sexuality are usually quite biased, going as far as to deny the reality of biology. Drawing on the Catholic tradition (Aquinas), this article presents an accessible argument aimed at... more
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      Discourse AnalysisReligionComparative ReligionHistory
Η παρούσα μελέτη φιλοδοξεί να παρουσιάσει τη σχετική νομική και δικαιοπολιτική συζήτηση, και να επιχειρηματολογήσει υπέρ της άποψης, ότι ο γάμος δύο ομόφυλων προσώπων είναι έγκυρος στην ελληνική έννομη τάξη de lege lata. Κυρίως όμως... more
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      Same Sex Marriageαστικο δικαιοσυνταγματικό δίκαιοοικογενειακό δίκαιο
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      TheologyGender and SexualitySexual EthicsMoral Theology
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      Sex and GenderSexGender and SexualityGay And Lesbian Studies
Der Aufsatz diskutiert zwei Argumente, die bisweilen für die Möglichkeit einer Segnung gleichgeschlechtlicher Partnerschaften vorgebracht werden. Darüber hinaus stellt er ein in der Diskussion bislang viel zu wenig berücksichtigtes... more
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      PolyamorySame-sex familiesSame-sex relationshipsHomosexuality
In Lawrence v. Texas (2003), the U.S. Supreme Court recognized a right to choose homosexual relations and relationships. Same-sex marriage bans unconstitutionally burden this right because they have the purpose and effect of channeling... more
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      Queer StudiesQueer TheoryLGBT IssuesDebate over Same-Sex Marriage
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityLGBT IssuesGender