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Le présent article vise à appréhender la gestation pour autrui (GPA) sous l’angle de l’accès aux origines et à mettre en exergue les difficultés et les questions susceptibles de se poser lors de la recherche de ses origines par un... more
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      Children and FamiliesAdoptionChildren's RightsSurrogacy
Due decisioni in tema di delibazione del provvedimento giurisdizionale affrontano il tema della costituzione del rapporto di filiazione in seguito, rispettivamente, a un accordo di gestazione per altri e all’adozione a favore di una... more
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      SurrogacyOrdine Pubblico InternazionaleFiliazione
Questo studio prende spunto dallo scarto che, a causa di un diritto scritto non sempre al passo coi tempi, viene a crearsi tra la realtà sociale concretamente vissuta dalle famiglie create ricorrendo alla procreazione medicalmente... more
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      Human Rights LawFamily LawAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesSurrogacy
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      SurrogacyCommercial Surrogacy, Intercountry Adoption, Trafficking
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      EmbodimentMaternitySurrogacySurrogate Motherhood
On January 27th 2015, in the case of Paradiso and Campanelli v. Italy, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decided, by five votes to two, that a child born by surrogacy abroad and those who ordered him enjoy protection of the right... more
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      Civil LawBioethicsHuman Rights LawInternational Law
Општи циљ овог рада је да истражи да ли хибридна права која се стварају у оквиру регионалног система заштите људских права у Европи могу да успоставе правни оквир на националном нивоу за пружање хибридних услуга. Општи циљ је истражен на... more
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      Human RightsSurrogacyHybrid Rights
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      SociologySociology of FamiliesSexual and Reproductive HealthCapitalism
Surrogatmödraskap är en fråga som har börjat diskuteras i allt större utsträckning i Sverige. År 2013 tillsatte regeringen en utredning där frågan ska granskas. Utredningen beräknas vara klar i december 2015. I väntan på utredningen ämnar... more
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      Human RightsPolitical SciencePost-ColonialismFeminism
Tıp ve teknoloji alanındaki gelişmeler, sağlık problemleri veya biyolojik nedenlerle çocuk sahibi olamayan kişilerin taşıyıcı annelik yöntemiyle çocuk sahibi olmalarını sağlamıştır. Ancak Türkiye’nin de aralarında bulunduğu pek çok ülkede... more
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      Human RightsPrivate International LawSurrogacySurrogate Motherhood
Portuguese report to the Common Core of European Private Law volume on "immoral contracts". Report includes analysis of case scenarios on a range of issues, from sex work to surrogacy, from freedom to marry to inheritance issues, from... more
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      Comparative LawContract LawFamily LawComparative Private Law
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This essay challenges the liberal framework that courts currently use to decide surrogacy cases.  Furthermore, it analyzes the surrogacy relationship in terms of labor.
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      Women's StudiesFeminist TheorySurrogacySurrogate Motherhood
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      Medical AnthropologyHealth CareWomen's RightsMedical Tourism
My theory of "baby love" has developed from my own experience of reunion with my mother from whom I was separated at birth. After reunion I had a real feeling of "this woman is so familiar, so much like me, we were part of each other, yet... more
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      SurrogacyDonor-Assisted Conception
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      SurrogacyGestación subrogadaMaternidade De SubstituiçãoGestação de substituição
Conférence sur la PMA et la GPA à l'Université du Temps Libre, Aix-en-Provence, 8 novembre 2018
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      BioethicsSurrogacyMedically Assisted Procreation and Biotechnology
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      Transnational AdoptionAdoptionIntercountry AdoptionAdoption and Fostering
Despite the position of the Joint Divisions of the Italian Court of Cassation, which appears to hold that altruistic surrogacy is prohibited, a different-narrow-interpretation of the Italian ban on surrogacy is still possible. Altruistic... more
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      Civil LawFamily LawFamilyItalian Law
This paper discusses some of the major themes contained in the position paper La maternità surrogata: profili etici (Surrogate Pregnancy: Ethical Profiles) drafted by the Ethics Committee of the Fondazione Veronesi. In particular, the... more
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      Sex and GenderBioethicsSexual and Reproductive HealthBioethics Reproductive Technology
Brown Bodies, White Babies examines surrogacy as a location that reveals the cultural and political context in which traditional notions of family and race are shored up, and potentially disruptive social phenomenon are reabsorbed into... more
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      FeminismReproductive JusticeNew Reproductive technologiesAssisted Reproductive Technologies
Surrogacy is an arrangement when a woman carries in her womb a couple’s sperm and ovum to produce a child for the intended parents. The objective of this paper was to determine the permissibility of surrogate from the Quranic... more
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      Surrogate MotheringSurrogacyIn Vitro FertilisationIn Vitro Fertilization
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      Mental HealthPublic HealthIndiaWomen and Gender Studies
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      Medical SociologyHealth PsychologyPsychological AnthropologyMedical Anthropology
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      Surrogate MotheringSurrogacySurrogate Motherhood
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      SociologyGlobalizationGender and WorkMedical Tourism
growth in the surrogacy market has been rapid and widespread, the Indian government has struggled to regulate it as a business, a medical practice, and for the protection of surrogates. After nearly a decade of proposed draft bills, the... more
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      Political ScienceGender and the LawIndian LawAssisted Reproductive Technologies
Resumen El debate actual en relación con la gestación subrogada parece retomar la discusión tradicional sobre la libertad de disponer del propio cuerpo, sus posibilidades y sus límites. En un contexto de avances científicos en materia... more
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      Surrogate MotheringSurrogacySurrogate MotherhoodGestación subrogada
This article tracks surrogate mothers’ wage labor trajectories in the southern Indian city of Bangalore. From work in garment factories women sell their eggs and become surrogate mothers, after which they cycle back to garment factories.... more
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      Gender and WorkSurrogacyLabor MarketBangalore
In der vorliegenden Arbeit, die sich auf Deutschland, Österreich und Italien iVm der Judikatur des EGMR konzentriert, möchte man beleuchten, inwieweit und in welche Richtungen die Rechtsprechung Bezug auf Kindeswohlerwägungen nimmt, um... more
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      Children's RightsItalyGermanyChild
This comment piece explores the decision in Whittington Hospital NHS Trust v XX [2020] UKSC 14. It argues that despite notable shifts in public policy in respect of the acceptability of surrogacy as a means of family formation in the past... more
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      Damages lawSurrogacyCommercial Surrogacy
The essay offers a critical look at the recent Italian case law on same-sex parenting, investigating the relationship between the adult freedom of self-determination in the family sphere and the best interests of the child. After... more
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      Family LawAdoptionChildren's RightsSame-sex families
The article comments on a recent decision of the BGH (German Supreme Court) regarding the recognition of a “judgment of paternity” which was obtained by a German couple in California after concluding an agreement with a surrogate mother... more
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      Private International LawPrivate International Family LawConflict of LawsGerman Law
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      AnthropologyBioethicsKinship (Anthropology)Religious Studies
This is the introduction to Birthing a Mother (an ethnography about gestational surrogates and intended mothers) as well as the first chapter on the surrogate's experience of the surrogacy process.
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      Medical SociologyAnthropologyMedical AnthropologySocial Anthropology
L’esperienza è fatta di eventi. Alcuni si ripetono senza farsi notare; altri sono così radicali da cam­biare in modo decisivo i significati dell’esperienza stessa. La maternità surrogata rientra in questa seconda categoria, dando luogo a... more
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As the law of parentage is striving to meet the challenges of new reproductive technologies, dealing with cross-border surrogacies emerges as one of the most pressing topics in international family law. The current legal situation as... more
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      Sociology of Children and ChildhoodChild protectionChild healthChildren and Families
The best book for those perplexed by the philosophical and ethical conundrums of genetics in the 21st century. (CHOICE) McGee develops a very powerful line of reasoning about genetic enhancement. (The Philadelphia Inquirer) He... more
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Published in 1985, The Handmaid’s Tale is Margaret Atwood’s most famous work and her first dystopian novel, since all her previous fiction had adjusted to the conventions of realism. In general the plot of any dystopia should be based on... more
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      BiotechnologyMargaret AtwoodSurrogacyThe Handmaid's Tale
Scholars have long debated the relationship between morality and the market. Some argue that morality tempers market interests, while others argue that the market has its own moral order. Meanwhile, feminist scholars have argued that a... more
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      Economic SociologyMedical SociologyGender StudiesAnthropology of Reproduction
The goal of this paper is to argue that, while commercial surrogacy is not inherently a source of oppression for women, the context in which this practice currently takes place can have noxious effects on the women who become surrogates.... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyEthicsFeminist Philosophy
Otra subrogación es posible aborda el polémico tema de la subrogación gestante, cuyo debate es aún incipiente en nuestro país, desde el marxismo, el feminismo y la teoría queer, y lanza un grito radical en favor de la justicia... more
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      FeminismSurrogacySurrogate MotherhoodCommercial Surrogacy
International commercial surrogacy (ICS) is a growing phenomenon in which the dynamics of global economic inequality between women are often reproduced in the effort to produce children. ICS, in which a commissioning parent(s) goes abroad... more
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      Children and FamiliesFeminismAssisted Reproductive TechnologiesSurrogacy
This article critiques the complex hybrid model that has been proposed for regulating domestic surrogacy arrangements in Ireland, and the reasons why this model came about. It proposes an alternative model for regulating surrogacy, one... more
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      Children's RightsSurrogacy
Although estimated as a multi-billion dollar industry, surrogacy has still not found prominence in legislation in India, neither does it feature in the nation’s public discourse. This short introduction explores how surrogacy is practiced... more
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      Reproductive TourismSurrogacyAssisted ReproductionTransnational Surrogacy
This book takes a reproductive justice approach to argue that surrogacy as practised in the contemporary neoliberal biomarkets crosses the humanitarian thresholds of feminism. Drawing on her ethnographic work with surrogate mothers,... more
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      Human RightsPostcolonial StudiesFeminismTransnational Feminism
Introducción. En torno a las técnicas de reproducción asistida todo es discutido, y no solo desde el punto de vista legal. Una de las más polémicas es la llamada convencionalmente maternidad subrogada, que es rechazada por un número... more
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      SurrogacyFiliaciónMaternidad subrogada