Recent papers in Polyamory
For the last two decades, my sexual-emotional relationships have happened within what has come to be known as non-monogamy, a field in which I am an activist, theorist, consultant and who knows what else. And despite all that, and despite... more
Although consensual non-monogamies have grown in exposure and popularity among both the public and academics, they remain largely marginalized and stigmatized. While some research has examined individuals’ perceptions of non-monogamies as... more
Consensual non-monogamy (CNM) refers to romantic relationships in which all partners agree to engage in sexual, romantic and/or emotional relationships with others. Within the general framework of CNM, subtypes of relationships differ in... more
Polyamory is the practice of having multiple emotionally close relationships that may or may not be sexual. Research concerning polyamory has just begun to determine how relationships among partners in polyamorous arrangements may vary.... more
Contemporary Paganism’s emphasis on sacred story and narrative has led to an interdependent relationship with popular media. Pagans draw inspiration from fiction and also bring their practices to life in popular novels. Robert Heinlein’s... more
Liebster Sascha und alle Anderen, Hier meine subjektiven Auszüge,(4 Seiten) aus: PIEPER, MARIANNE & BAUER, ROBIN: Polyamorie:...Begehren als transformative Kraft? IN: Journal für Psychologie, Jg. 22(2014), Ausgabe 1 (35 Seiten) und aus:... more
Paardynamik Methodenspezifische und methodenübergreifende Beiträge zur Psychotherapie im Paar- und Einzelsetting 2018 von Renate Hutterer-Krisch, Gabriele Rass-Hubinek bei facultas ISBN: 978-3-7089-1685-9 Kapitel über... more
If I were a butterfly, I'd thank you, Lord, for giving me wings. And if I were a bird in a tree, I'd thank you, Lord, that I could sing. And if I were a fish in the sea, I'd wiggle my tail, and I'd giggle with glee, But I'd just thank... more
Polyamory. Loving More than One A biographical portrait of non-monogamous relationship cultures In the mainstream of academic Psychology, the concept of the monogamous relationship between two people is rarely called into question. The... more
Participants will be able to define relational orientation and monogamism. Participants will be able to share the research-identified knowledge and skills needed to reduce monogamism in clinical practice.
John's case it is a good and clear example of a liminal hotspot because it shows a transitional state between monogamous relationships to an ideal polyamorous relationship. The conversation shows the process that John had to live, an... more
Primetime Harem Fantasies: Marriage, Monogamy, and a bit of Feminist Fan-fiction on ABC’s “The Bachelor” (2007) in Third Wave Feminism and Television (edited by M.L. Johnson)
La construcción postmoderna del poliamor choca frontalmente con el imaginario racista según el cual la monogamia es una forma superior de relación respecto a la poligamia o a los matrimonios grupales. Para desmarcarse de esta confusión... more
based on salient points of queer theory, including mimetic desire, homosexual panic, the apparitional lesbian, the triangularity of desire and the figure of two-in-one. These theories are adapted and expanded to explain the bisexual and... more
Monogamism is the dominant belief that the only legitimate relational orientation is being monogamous & only acceptable relationship form is that of monogamy. Trainings conducted focused on reducing monogamism, & clinically working with... more
The landscape of relationships, gender, and sexuality continues to change rapidly across the world. This includes recognition of relationship styles such as polyamory, in which individuals have multiple romantic relationships with the... more
The anthropological approach to the subject of marriage highlights its constant aptitude to evolve and adapt to the needs of individuals and groups, in a multiplicity of forms (...).
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It's a zine! A more accessible description of some of sexual configurations theory (van Anders, 2015). You are welcome to download, print, share, and read! It's free, and just cite us :)
Assessing Contributing Factors of Relationship Satisfaction in Polyamorous and Monogamous Relationships
Through the use of both quantitative and qualitative data from Australian and US research, this paper is an initial exploration of polyamorous parenting, particularly in relation to schooling and negotiating the implications of... more
The self-reports of polyamorous clients regarding therapeutic experiences raise concerns for the counseling field. Many poly individuals are not receiving quality mental health care or relationship counseling because of valid fears... more
Polyamory is a constantly expanding and intersecting subject that is flooding media and academia. Though growing in popularity, within the higher education institutions there is a research void. Th e lives and experiences of college... more
Set in today’s multi-cultural, multi-sexual Australia, Love You Two is Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli’s first novel, about a young woman’s coming-of-age when life, love and family aren’t what anyone said they’d be. Addressing bisexuality in... more
This article analyses how monogamy, polyamory and other forms of non-monogamy are displayed, interpreted and debated among LGBT groups. Is there a defence of affective and sexual multiplicity or does an endorsement of monogamy... more
El creciente interés sobre las relaciones no monógamas, los recientes estudios que muestran la prevalencia de la infidelidad en pareja y la notable idealización de los mitos románticos que provocan relaciones de posesión y control, hacen... more
Undergrad research paper about the stigma, myths, and realities affecting children in polyamorous families. One of the common concerns is that consensual non-monogamy is harmful to children, but that is far from the truth. In fact, as... more
This M.A. thesis develops a black feminist approach to the study of non/monogamy, connecting conversations in black feminist thought, black sexuality studies, and consensual nonmonogamy (CNM) studies. Scholarship in CNM studies examines... more
Identities have an advantage and a disadvantage, all rolled into one: it is through identity that one can engage in identity politics and the reclaiming of rights and recognition; but it is also through them that one becomes a subject,... more
While past studies have measured several indicators of relationship quality in relation to types of relationship agreement, most have not included polyamorous relationships, and have almost exclusively included samples of gay men. The... more
Jealousy in human relationships has been shown (Buss, et al., 1992) to be consistently dimorphic, with females tending to exhibit more jealousy about emotional infidelity and males tending to exhibit more jealousy about sexual... more
Is love best when it is fresh? For many, the answer is a resounding "yes." The intense experiences that characterize new love are impossible to replicate, leading us to reflect on these moments with longing and pursue the thrill offered... more
As part of the Valentine’s Day Special: Philosophers on Love, Relationships, Jealousy, Autonomy, Respect, Affairs, Desire, & more on Daily Nous, February 14, 2018... more
Finding romance, love, and sexual intimacy is a central part of our life experience. Although people engage in romance in a variety of ways, alternatives to “the couple” are largely overlooked in relationship research. Scholars and the... more
Polyamory has become more acceptable in the last decade in Australia, US and Europe; both as a concept and the practice of multiple relationships conducted ethically and responsibly with the agreement of all. Research interest in... more
Las relaciones no monógamas ponen en evidencia hasta qué punto el Estado sigue una lógica de privilegios y exclusiones que condena a una amplia diversidad de modelos relacionales a la total desprotección jurídica.
The purpose of this study was to identify the process by which mental health professionals become competent to work with transgender and gender-expansive (TGE) clients. There is a well-documented need for more professionals who are... more
Zagadnienie wolności -rozumianej przede wszystkim jako jawne wytaczanie granic oraz dozwoloności 1 praktyk i zachowań (związanych z emocjonalnością, intymnością, seksualnością, erotyką oraz wieloma innymi sposobami przebywania z ludźmi i... more
'What is family?' is an impossible question. Singular definitions in the legal realm are predominant in the West. Such definitions are no longer tenable. The concept of family has been put under strain by both empirical and normative... more