Books by Ladislav Lenovský
Autorský kolektív monografi e zvolil inovatívny prístup, riskoval vybočením z osvedčených postupo... more Autorský kolektív monografi e zvolil inovatívny prístup, riskoval vybočením z osvedčených postupov, čo v konečnom dôsledku možno hodnotiť veľmi pozi-tívne. V spracovaní sa neobmedzuje len na faktografi cký základ, prítomný je tu výrazný ľudský aspekt. Zachytáva dôsledky migrácie za prácou, odpútanie sa od pôdy, čoho dôsledkom je strata tradičných hospodárskych väzieb. Dôležitú pozor-nosť venuje novodobým aspektom vývoja, venuje sa otázke developerov ako ne-oddeliteľnej súčasti ekonomického vývoja v súčasnosti. Pozornosť sústreďuje tiež na agroturistiku ako jeden z nových prvkov hospodársko-ekonomických možností v obci. Na podklade nových skutočností sleduje mieru uchovania tradičných kul-túrnych prvkov. Monografi a sa neobmedzuje na " suchý " vedecký nadhľad, autori sa snažili podať problematiku cez prizmu vnímania lokálneho spoločenstva, pričom zacho-vávajú vysokú odbornú profesionalitu podania, adekvátnu náročným kritériám monografi ckého spracovania. PhDr. Zdena Krišková, PhD. Publikácia ponúka čitateľovi výsledok podnetného prístupu výskumného kolektívu autorov (prevažne etnológov, kulturológov), zameraného na prezentáciu sociokultúr-neho vývinu obce po druhej svetovej vojne. Tieto decénia sprevádzali nielen vo vidiec-kych, ale aj urbánnych spoločenstvách vážne politické a z nich vyplývajúce sociálne, ekonomické, demografi cké a kultúrne zmeny, ktoré v hektike a zložitosti týchto pro-cesov dosiaľ nežičili etnológom ich dostatočne zdokumentovať. Autori voľne nadviazali na staršiu monografi u zvolenej lokality, publiko-vanú v roku 1973. Na prvý pohľad nová monografi a pripomína metodiku ná-vratného terénneho výskumu, čo je v slovenskej etnológii známy, ale nie veľmi často aplikovaný prístup. Avšak oproti " klasickému " metodologickému prístupu návratného výskumu autori publikácie – výskumníci patria k mladšej generácii bádateľov. Finálny výsledok publikácie napokon vypovedá sám za seba: kapitoly monografi e sú prezentované ťažiskovými témami, ktoré sa odkláňajú od " tradič-ného " spracovania lokálnych monografi í. A to preto, že cieľom autorov bolo podať výpoveď k obdobiu druhej polovice 20. storočia a počiatku 21. storočia, čo vyžado-valo prezentáciu aktuálnych akcentov v sociokultúrnom vývine, ktoré terénny vý-skum sledovanej obce priniesol. Publikácia zaiste osloví nielen okruh záujemcov odbornej, ale aj širšej verejnosti. Doc. PhDr. Magdaléna Paríková, CSc.
Papers by Ladislav Lenovský
Studia Etnologiczne i Antropologiczne, Jul 18, 2019
XLinguae, 2021
Language plays an important role between identity, culture and minority relations. The knowledge ... more Language plays an important role between identity, culture and minority relations. The knowledge and use of the minority language by the elite is an authoritative attribute of language position in the whole minority. The education of elites in the Slovak minority in Hungary is determined by minority education (teaching the Slovak language, history and culture). The top of this kind of education is the university study of Slovak studies at several universities in Hungary. Graduates gain the legitimacy to become the intellectual elite of the Slovak minority in Hungary. Sociolinguistic situation analysis shows their relationship to Slovak language and real aspects of its use.
Muzeológia a kultúrne dedičstvo, 2022
The formation and use of the cultural heritage and identity of local communities is a result of h... more The formation and use of the cultural heritage and identity of local communities is a result of historical development and current opportunities and needs. Cultural heritage becomes a part of the cultural potential as a system. In Čajkov, the most representative village of the Slovak Chilejkar people, there is a system of using the established concept of local cultural heritage through cultural events (several of which are closely connected in terms of organisation and visitors) implemented by local human resources structured into local organisations and institutions, which are relatively diverse but have an internal logic. Some events have an old tradition; others originated and became “traditional” only a few years ago. The outlined system existing in a municipality with less than 1000 inhabitants reflects the degree of functioning of the local community. It is conditioned by cohesion, hierarchy, the self-confidence of members and appropriate economic conditions. For seniors, bes...
The cultural turn in both the scientific and public spheres means an increased interest in the wa... more The cultural turn in both the scientific and public spheres means an increased interest in the way of life and thinking (culture) of different groups within the communities. Multiculturalism has become a methodological, ideological and interpretative tool. On a descriptive level, multiculturalism interprets each society as multicultural, based on the most diverse, sometimes unrelated, differences. The axiological dimension of multiculturalism defines cultural diversity as a norm, whose violation is a negative phenomenon. The goal of applied multiculturalism (in education and politics) is to build tolerance and a knowledge base about cultural diversity. However, it also forms prefabricated cultures and attributes minority identities to the detriment of social inclusion. The axiological scale of the public and political spheres, from liberal to critical multiculturalism, represents radical, moderate, conservative multiculturalism and radical anti-multiculturalism. The intent of multic...
When studying the complex issue of identity, it is necessary to decompose it into individual part... more When studying the complex issue of identity, it is necessary to decompose it into individual parts or contexts that reveal partial identities. Since they are connected to each other, a particular change in a certain identity may induce further changes in others, or even all of them. Together they create a configuration of complex Identity that is unique, original and variable in time and space. Identity is a system that can be managed. Human being can be converted into an instrument of satisfying needs, a consumer of products. People are open to what is considered and labelled as legitimate in the social world. The social world is primary; it is a cultural text, in which the processes of defining and selfdefining are ongoing. It is therefore essential to view a person or society as a holder of multiple identities.
Central Europe is an ethnically, religiously, geographically, politically and economically divers... more Central Europe is an ethnically, religiously, geographically, politically and economically diverse area, which is reflected in its great cultural diversity. Slovaks as a nation with their own state, as well as minorities in Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Croatia, are a unique ethno-cultural entity and a part of the Central European multicultural and multiethnic system. These communities are the mirror of general and specific influences that have so far been reflected in their unique identity and culture from the post-Ottoman Empire period in the first half of the 18 th century, through the national revival in the second half of the 19 th century and the ‘reformatting’ of Europe in the first half of the 20 th century, to the euro-unionization and globalization trends at the turn of the
Background: Ethno cultural processes belong to the most dynamic, most complicated and most import... more Background: Ethno cultural processes belong to the most dynamic, most complicated and most important sociocultural characteristics of each society. An ethnic definition of culture and society is at present, at a time of multiculturalism and de-ethnicity of culture, an effective and used means of description, genesis, and pursuance of political as well as economic management. The socio-cultural environment of Lower-country is an excellent setting to study the processes; in some parts it seems to be quite homogenous (Lower-country culture) whereas in others it is complex and internally differentiated. Objective: The aim of the study is to characterize the Slovak minority living in Croatia and Serbia in the ethnocultural background of its development, to define the main factors of ethno-cultural progress and the perspectives of their development. At the same time it aims to represent the opinions of the research participants (young Slovak people living in Croatia and Serbia). The study...
Is religion and faith in today’s economically and culturally globalized modern society just a con... more Is religion and faith in today’s economically and culturally globalized modern society just a conservative experience, tradition, and sentiment, or an anthropological universal, the primary essence of every individual and collective identity and a practical tool for realizing spiritual, cultural, and social needs? The community’s culture, religion, and ethnicity are most significant in contrast (or on the border) with others. The existence of minorities is determined by their being defined against the majority and characterized by differences. Contemporary Slovak communities living abroad, such as ethnic, cultural, and religious minorities, are a compelling object of research into the relationship between culture, religion, and ethnicity. Our paper examines the role this relationship plays in their identification, cultural, and revitalization processes.
Books by Ladislav Lenovský
Papers by Ladislav Lenovský