Papers by Prof. Dr. Iswan, M.Si.
Islamic Management: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, 2024
Perilaku amoral terus melaju ibarat anak panah yang melesat dari busurnya, seolah tak
terbendung ... more Perilaku amoral terus melaju ibarat anak panah yang melesat dari busurnya, seolah tak
terbendung bisa menancap kepada siapa saja, tak terkecuali anak-anak yang masih usia
remaja. Pendidikan karakter dan keteladanan di pondok pesantren salah satu benteng
pertahanan yang paling kokoh hingga saat ini. Penelitian menemukan bahwa pendidikan
karakter dan keteladanan sudah melekat, identik, dan teruji ratusan tahun-cenennial-di
beberapa pondok pesantren besar termasuk pondok modern Darussalam Gontor yang
diorkestrai oleh KH Imam Zarkasi. Di mana ruh karakter dan keteladanan beliau masih
terus hidup hingga kini. Spirit pendidikan karakter dan keteladanan banyak terinspirasi daru
dua tokoh protagonis di dalam Al-Qur’an yang disematkan kepada keduanya term
“uswatun hasanah” yaitu habibullah Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم dan khalilullah Ibrahim ‘alahissalam.
Ujian dan cobaan yang dirasakan oleh kedua nabi protagonis dalam berdakwah juga
dirasakan pahit-getirnya oleh KH Imam Zarkasyi yang melewati masa penjajahan Jepang,
pemberontakan G-30 SPKI, dan gagasannya untuk menjadikan pendidikan pesantren
sebagai pendidikan utama di Indonesia tidak diakomodir pemerintah saat itu.
Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Pesantren, Karakter Keteladanan, Centennial, Manajemen
Various ways, steps, and strategies to improve the quality of Islamic-based mathematics learning,... more Various ways, steps, and strategies to improve the quality of Islamic-based mathematics learning, continue to be developed and fully integrated, including innovative and integrated learning models to achieve more successful learning in the future. This study was conducted in Laboratorium School, Faculty of Education, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, using classroom action research. It aims to introduce the process and improve the quality of Islamic-based mathematics teaching and learning, specifically through the introduction of Islamicbased mathematical learning with a realistic approach. The results of this study showed that students learned more about mathematics from the Islamic perspective, had a better understanding of the topic, and participated more actively in the learning activities. Test results obtained from pre-cycle, cycle 1 and cycle 2 was 2.02%, and the testing through cycle 3 yielded 1.01%. As for students' responses regarding Islamic-based mathematical learning, the students mentioned that, in general, they understand and know more about religious-based mathematics after getting involved in several cycles. It was found that they were getting used to the concept, being able to understand and knowing more about Islamic-based mathematics.
Profil pelajar Pancasila merupakan bentuk implementasi konsep Kurikulum Merdeka yang diterapkan u... more Profil pelajar Pancasila merupakan bentuk implementasi konsep Kurikulum Merdeka yang diterapkan untuk mendukung mutu Pendidikan di Indonesia yang mana diharapkan dalam penanaman penguatan karakter dan pengembangan kompetensi, melatih kemampuan pemecahan masalah serta bertanggung jawab dan peduli terhadap isu sekitar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran implementasi program profil pelajar Pancasila dalam pembentukan karakter siswa yang ada di kurikulum Merdeka serta melihat strategi guru dalam penerapannya. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas I dan kelas IV yang terdiri dari 40 siswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif deskriptif, pengumpulan data yang digunakan merupakan hasil observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profil pelajar Pancasila yang diterapkan di SD Negeri 3 Kabupaten Sorong sudah berjalan dengan baik, hal ini sejalan dengan temuan peneliti yang mana strategi digunakan guru antara lain; pembelajaran berdiferensiai, pembelajaran dengan projek dan pembiasaan. Namun masih ada siswa yang tidak memperhatikan guru saat belajar dikelas. Keberhasilan penerapam strategi ini menuntuk guru agar senantiasa kreatif dalam merancang pembelajaran. Selain itu faktor lingkungan keluarga dan sosial sangat mempengaruhi pembentukan karakter siswa.
Research on the Role Model of the Education Council on the Performance of Madrasah Principals and... more Research on the Role Model of the Education Council on the Performance of Madrasah Principals and Madrasah Teachers, conducted by sampling 9 madrasahs in Bekasi District, utilizes both quantitative (questionnaires) and qualitative (interviews, observations, and document analysis) methods. The study addresses the lack of attention to education in madrasahs from local governments and relevant educational institutions. This lack of attention leads to various issues regarding madrasah services, facilities, curriculum, performance, low student enrollment, and madrasah output. These issues need to be addressed seriously through oversight from institutions overseeing education, including the Education Council. This institution plays a quantitative control role and three qualitative roles: Advice, Support, and Mediator. Implementing teaching approaches tailored to the characteristics of madrasah principals and teachers is essential. The research adopts a descriptive approach with qualitative methods. Data collection procedures include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is conducted interactively and continuously. The findings indicate that the role of the Education Council in improving education quality in Bekasi District still has many shortcomings due to the lack of implementation of the institution's work programs. In conclusion, the role of the Education Council in enhancing education quality in Bekasi District is not optimally executed. The research benefits from understanding and exploring the extent to which the model of the Education Council's role affects the quality of education services, especially for Islamic educational institutions such as madrasahs at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels.
Journal of International Business, Management and Finance Studies, 2024
This research is based on academic anxiety about the low quality of Indonesian people's interacti... more This research is based on academic anxiety about the low quality of Indonesian people's interaction with the Qur'an which states that 65% cannot read the Qur'an. This study aims to examine tilawati learning, tilawati learning standardization management, and the theme of increasing the competence of Al-Qur'an teachers. This research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach. The results of the study of learning standardization management of the tilawati method are carried out according to the standards compiled by the central tilawati. Learning management in branches, KPA, and members (institutions) of tilawati users must comply with the provisions of learning implementation and quality standards (quality assurance) tilawati can improve teacher competence through standardization training of Al-Qur'an teachers who have pedagogical, social, and professional and personality competencies. Training is an effort to prepare these competencies so that it can prepare Qur'an teachers who areyahadah, muaddib, muḥarrik, mujāhid and muwaḥḥid. The novelty proposed from the findings of this study is that the competency profile of the Qur'an Teacher is rāsiẖ fī al-'ilm, mutqin, muḥaffiz, and nabīl. This research leads to a recommendation for the importance of improving the competence of Qur'an teachers so that Qur'anic learning is more effective and better improved.
RU HMS, 2023
The aim of the study is to explore the administrative and educational aspects of Imam Shafi'i. To... more The aim of the study is to explore the administrative and educational aspects of Imam Shafi'i. To achieve this, the researcher adopted the inductive survey method and the descriptive-analytical approach, examining books and references to extract the administrative and educational aspects articulated and applied by Imam Shafi'i in his life and scholarly gatherings. The results of the research indicate that Imam Shafi'i was a successful teacher and administrator, demonstrating various administrative aspects, including self-management highlighted in his life. Through his interaction with students and the organization of his time and scholarly gatherings, he proved to be disciplined and an inspiring leader, promoting education with modern pedagogical methods that encompassed techniques such as debate, storytelling, and proverbs, encompassing all aspects of the learning process involving teacher, learner, and educational curriculum.
International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology, 2023
the odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year with the distribution of competencies for AIK cou... more the odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year with the distribution of competencies for AIK courses, which are spread across various programs studies in FIP-UMJ, including PGPAUD, PGSD, PENDMAT, PBI, PBSI, POR, PTI. MTP. The number of respondents studied amounted to 27 lecturers, especially those who teach courses according to their competence. The research method with a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of this study indicate that based on the findings in this study there are still 0.11% who are irrelevant to the competency area, but based on the data obtained the person concerned has a background that supports the AIK learning process, especially at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Indonesia. There were three research objectives led the authors to conduct this study, namely: 1) to present the elements used in lecturers' competencies evaluation rubric; 2) to analysis each of the element assessed in the rubric according to educational system and practice; 3) to report the extent in which this evaluation aligns with talent management practice. The findings revealed that first, the elements used in the rubric needs to be re-evaluated in terms of the statements presented in the questionnaire and the scale; second, each of the element in the rubric is suitable with the qualities mandated by Indonesian Acts for teachers and lecturers No. 14/2005 and proven to be effective by prior studies; third, this evaluation rubric is said to be align with the implementation of talent management in which competencies of the lecturers will obviously support the institution to compete with other private universities and reach its vision, missions, and objectives.
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal , 2023
With the title: The Role of The Family Environment as an Effort to Provide Learning Motivation in... more With the title: The Role of The Family Environment as an Effort to Provide Learning Motivation in Improving Student Learning Outcomes, this research was conducted at SDN 04 Ciputat, South Tangerang. Indonesian. This research Method is with a quantifiable approach. The results of this study show that based on the results of the analysis and results statistical tests that variable (X) the role of the family environment has a significant correlation to the variable (Y) Improving Student Learning Outcomes. Based on the results of the Wilcoxon test, it showed a value of 0.000<0.05 and a correlation value/relationship R of 0.518. The results obtained a coefficient of determination Rsquare of 0.268, very meaningful that the family environment independent variable of the family environment towards motivating children was 27,0%. Meanwhile, the results of the validity test of variable X (The Role of the Family Environment), and variable Y (Improving Student Learning Outcomes), at SDN 04 Ciputat, South Tangerang. Indonesia, determined Rtable by 0.299, with the leadgan Df=N-2, df=88-2=86, Rtable from 86 there is 0.299. Then it can be concluded that as many as 4 items out of the 24 items the role the family environment variable (X) is said to be invalid because Rcount<Rtable no item (1,5,17,21), and 20 items are said to be valid Rcount>Rtable, and for child motivation variables (Y) have the value of 3 invalid items no item (5,17,20) and 23 items are declared valid because rcount>rtable. The results of the hypothesis test, the family environment is very correlated to increase learning motivation because the motivation needed by children in learning does not only come from within the child/intrinsic but also comes from the child's external motivation/ectrinsic, one that can add extrinsic motivation as on is the encouragement given by the family can equip children so that they have high learning motivation, besides that harmony in the family creating a comfortable environment will affect the success of students in learning.
Keywords: Family environment, improving student learning outcomes.
Journal of Education and Training
Research with the title Application of the Problem Based Learning Model through the Use of Waste ... more Research with the title Application of the Problem Based Learning Model through the Use of Waste as a Teaching Aid Media for Elementary School Students. This research is motivated by the importance of using waste as a teaching aid medium in the learning process for elementary school students, which needs to be given a very interesting priority, given its existence. Efforts to utilize waste so that used items that are no longer used can be processed as media materials for teaching aids to support the learning process. The research method used was an experimental method, the population used was students from the Mazroatul Ulum Private Madrasah Ibtidaiyyah, South Tangerang. Indonesia, the number of samples in the research was 30 students. The data collection technique uses questionnaires, pretest posttest and documentation. The research results show that the R value or correlation coefficient between the Problem Based Learning variable on waste utilization is 0.982, meaning the program has an influence, namely 0.982, which means sufficient or moderate. This can be seen from: 0.00-0.20 means very low or very weak, 0.20-0.40 means low or weak but certain, 0.40-0.70 means quite means moderate, 0.70-0.90 means high or strong, 0.90-1.00 means very high or very strong. Meanwhile, Rsquare is also called the coefficient of determination. It can be read that the Rsquare value shows 0.633. This figure can be interpreted that the school environment on achievement motivation is 63.3% while the remaining 76.7% is influenced by other factors.
International Journal of Multicultural Education, 2023
ABSTRACT, The results of the study entitled: The Role of Democratic Education Management in Educa... more ABSTRACT, The results of the study entitled: The Role of Democratic Education Management in Educating the Nation's Children with Sustainable and Character, this research was carried out in elementary schools. Lab. FIP-UMJ School. South Tangerang. Indonesia. When the research was carried out in the odd semester of the 2022/2023 academic year. The research method with a quantitative descriptive research approach. The results of this study are evidenced by the statistical test results obtained by a constant value of 10.229 meaning that if X,, the value is 0, then the Y value is 10.229%. The result of the value of the regression coefficient for variable X is 0.750, meaning that if variable X is 1%, then Y will increase by 0.750%. The coefficient is positive, meaning that there is an influence of variable X on Y in the same direction, the higher the value of X, the higher Y. Thus, the role of democratic education management goes "Very Good", with a positive contribution or in the same direction as increasing the educating of the nation's children with good character. . Based on the results of data analysis, with the instruments distributed in the trial of the variable Educating Children with Character (Y) as many as 10 questions, all questions are valid at a significance level of 0.05, n=30, R table =0.361. The results of the reliability test using the Cronbach Alpha formula α =0.05 obtained the reliability coefficient of the instrument Raccount=0.863, meaning that it is concluded that the Role of Democratic Education Management (X) is very reliable and can be applied in managing educational institutions in educating the nation's children with character.
Keywords: The role of democratic education management, educating children, character.
Sanitation, water, energy use, and traffic volume affect environmental quality: Gofor-green devel... more Sanitation, water, energy use, and traffic volume affect environmental quality: Gofor-green developmental policies. PLoS ONE 17(8): e0271017.
This research proves that Total Quality Management (TQM) improves teachers' performance if it is ... more This research proves that Total Quality Management (TQM) improves teachers' performance if it is implemented based on management theories consisting of The Fifth Discipline, Personal Balanced Score Card (PBSC), Total Quality Management and integrated in the management of STAFI (Shidiq, Tabligh, Amanah, Fathanah, and Istiqamah) given to all Madrasah teachers. This research applied qualitative method. The findings of this research were supported by several proof such as: First, there was a significant differences on teachers' performance after Total Quality Management had been applied in which the teachers were getting more discipline. Second, there was an improvement in the passion of teachers' work, besides the teachers also worked based on their field. Third, there were some achievements reached by the school such as Quality Management System Certifictae ISO 9001:2008. Fourth, the integration of STAFI management (Shidiq, Tabligh, Amanah, Fathanah, and Istiqamah) gave many benefits to teachers' performance covering: a. Honesty (Shidiq), the values of honesty, good attitude and learning quality were improved; b. Delivering (Tabligh), encouraged innovation and leadership of educators which are able to keep Islamic culture values; Trusted (Amanah), encouraged the attitude of being trusted and responsible in holding their profession as teachers; d. Professional and Creative (Fathanah), encouraged creativity, professionalism, responsibility and accountability in building managerial function; e. Consistent (Istiqamah); committed, professional, discipline, creative, motivated and responsible as teachers. These theories were being developed from The Fifth Discipline, PBCS management theory, Total Quality Management theory integrated with STAFI management and became a new concept called "Four Pillars Cycle". This concept was being applied in the study of improving Madrasah teachers' performance.
This research was conducted at State Primary School Pondok Betung 05, South Tangerang City, Indon... more This research was conducted at State Primary School Pondok Betung 05, South Tangerang City, Indonesia. This school is located in a strategic area, which is easily accessed via Jalan Raya Pondok Betung No 2, South Tangerang City. The location is close to the Office of Sub-District Pondok Betung and the Public Health Centre of Pondok Betung. This research applied a quantitative descriptive approach. The statistical tests carried out for the data analysis gained the correlation coefficient of rXY = 0.434, with two variables, X and Y, being correlated. The total number of respondents was 85, thus, df = 87-2 = 85. From the df of 85, the rtable on the significance level of 5% = 0.250 and on the significance level of 1% = 0.278. The hypothesis stated that (Ha) would be rejected if tcal > ttable, namely 0.434 > 0.250, while (Ho) would be rejected if ttable < tcal, namely 0.278 < 0.434. From this comparison, (Ha) was accepted because rcal>rtable at the significance level of 5%. Conversely, on the level of 1% (Ho) was rejected, because ttable<tcal. As such, this research reveals that the implementation of school-based management has influenced the
The rapid progress of information and technology in this golablization era creates many changes i... more The rapid progress of information and technology in this golablization era creates many changes in every sector. One of the changes is the existance of online games available in computer softwares and can be accessed easier through internet connection. But, these kind of games give effects to language development of children in the age between 9-12 years old. This study is aimed to describe in details how online games gives impacts those group of children both positively and negatively. Based on the observation of the writers, it was found that there are some external factors influence children's language development besides online games, such as parents' lack of attention. Most of the children prefer to play games in the internet booth rather than at home. The addiction of children toward online games causes some negative impacts to children, such as having low achievement in learning. Thus, it is required good cooperation among parents, teachers and government to protect children from any bad effects of online games. Parents should facilitate their children with many educational games at home and build good communication to their children. Teachers should pay attention more on the learning achievement of the children and control the progress of their students. Further, government should provide the society with good public facilities which are healthy and far from any negative cases.
Integrating learning methods into teaching materials by applying the main components of learning ... more Integrating learning methods into teaching materials by applying the main components of learning strategies, such as the effort to attract students' performance on time and after learning will greatly support the efforts of students to obtain the ability to solve problems encountered. Learning is a thought process undertaken in a way to draw general conclusions from individual cases, and vice versa, from individual results to general cases, that "the quality of learning is a systematic way of thinking And involves data or clarification of concepts". Quality of learning is a way of thinking which is an explanation in an attempt to shows the relationship between two or more things, based on certain traits or laws that have been recognized with certain steps that end with a conclusion in the form of achievement. Shows a correlation with student achievement in moderate category, with correlation value of 0.411. There is a positive contribution of the application of training methods to student achievement of 16.89%. This means that student achievement is influenced by other factors of 83.11% which in this study was not observed. There is a significant influence of the implementation of training methods on learning achievement with a significance value of 2.16.
Partial Least Square is one of the most widely used chemometrical tools to estimate concentration... more Partial Least Square is one of the most widely used chemometrical tools to estimate concentrations from measured spectra. This quantitative research is aimed to compare three methods of Partial Least Square, i.e. SIMPLS, RSIMPLS, and RSIMPLS in multiresponse data set and detecting outliers. The object of this research is biscuit dough (fat, wheat flour, sucrose and water). The writer used FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) or NIR (Near Infrared) and HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) in collecting the data. The data was being analyzed by using MATLAB software. The findings showed that among those three methods, RSIMPLS-M is the most stable model fitting compared to RSIMPLS and SIMPLS. The difference between the average value RMSEP (root mean square error prediction) obtained by RSIMPLS-M to RSIMPLS is approximately 16.67%, different from the results obtained by RSIMPLS-M to SIMPLS which is about 35.91%.
Basically, management perfomance is of planning, observing, evaluating and following-up activitie... more Basically, management perfomance is of planning, observing, evaluating and following-up activities as a whole. These activities should be done simultaneously. Leadership refers to all efforts to utilize all available resources in an organization. The resources can be classified into human resources and non-human resources. In an education institution, especially in Islamic education which consists of various sources, human beings are considered as the most important aspect. In other words, it can be said that the success of an institution/organization mostly depends on the abilities of its leader to build the climate of cooperation and to motivate the resources to become competitive, effective and efficient.
Language used by people becomes the main focus of pragmatics. Pragmatics shows how using a langua... more Language used by people becomes the main focus of pragmatics. Pragmatics shows how using a language is not solely mean applying the system of that language. Pragmatics claims that people should deliver the language appropriately based on the context so that the intended meaning will be correctly conveyed. Pragmatic competence is aimed to achieve successful interactions between non-native speakers (NNs) and native speakers (NS) of a particular target language. The learners who are incompetent in pragmatics will suffer pragmatic failure. Pragmatic failure occurs as the consequence of different rules and norms of different cultures of the languages. This paper descriptively describes how teaching supposed to contribute in the settings of cross-cultural pragmatics instruction in order to lead the learners to avoid mistakes in understanding pragmatics concepts. This is a literature study in which the writers used various printed sources as their major data including the research results of previous studies. There are several suggestions proposed by the scholars in order to minimize the L2 learners' pragmatic failure, i.e. providing clear instruction related to cross-cultural differences, increasing learners' target cultural knowledge, and increasing communicative strategies used by the students. Besides, in order to raise learners' pragmatic awareness, the instruction of the teachers can be done by designing language course aimed to let the learners achieve communicative competence, planning course materials related to pragmatics, and choosing activities that useful for pragmatic development and rasing the leaners' pragmatic awareness.
ABSTRAK Manajemen Pendidikan Islam dapat diartikan sebagai seni atau cara untuk manata orang agar... more ABSTRAK Manajemen Pendidikan Islam dapat diartikan sebagai seni atau cara untuk manata orang agar lembaga pendidikan berjalan lebih efektif, efisien dan dinamis. Lembaga pendidikan yang dikelola seperti itu akan melahirkan kemajuan yang sangat berarti. Maka munculah lembaga pendidikan yang maju, atau biasa-biasa saja dan bahkan mengalami kemunduran. Tingkat kemajuan lembaga pendidikan itu, bisa jadi ditengarai berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan penerapan konsep manajemen yang baik, manajemen juga berbicara tentang masalah pemimpin yang mengendalaikan jalannya roda organisasi, maka kemudian memunculkan istilah leadership. Manajemen dan kepemimpinan dalam pendidikan memiliki titik singgung yang sangat dekat, dengan memimpin menggerkkan orang merupakan seni, terkait dengan menggerakkan dan mengarahkan kegiatan orang dimaksud, kegiatan mengatur orang, mengatur bisa dimaknai secara luas, misalnya menempatkan, memberi tugas, member kewenangan, memfasilitasi, atau menghilangkan rintangan-rintangannya, memperlancar dan termasuk juga memberhentikan. Terkait dengan pembagian sumber-sumber daya keuangan, orang maupun fasilitas lainnya, pembagian wewenang, kekuasaan, informasi, kebijakan-kebijakan. Juga kajian tentang rekruitmen sumberdaya manusia, mobilitas vertikal maupun horizontal , dan lebih dari itu kaitannya dengan kebijakan Negara, sasaran-sasaran yang ingin dicapai serta pemilihan stratregi-strategi manajemen pendidikan secara keseluruhan. Manajemen juga berbicara tentang komunikasi, penggunaan bahasa komunikasi, dalam al Qur'an dibicarakan tentang berbagai kata untuk menggerakkan orang. Ada qoulan balligho, qoulan sadida, qoulan layyina, qoulan makrufa, qoulan tsaqila dan seterusnya. Berbagai variabel tersebut, dapat diamati di sekolah atau lembaga pendidikan, bagaimana kepala sekolah dapat membagi tugas, menempatkan orang, menghargai para stafnya, memotivasi agar lembaga pendidikan menjadi dinamis, dan dapat menghindari koflik yang tidak produktif.
Papers by Prof. Dr. Iswan, M.Si.
terbendung bisa menancap kepada siapa saja, tak terkecuali anak-anak yang masih usia
remaja. Pendidikan karakter dan keteladanan di pondok pesantren salah satu benteng
pertahanan yang paling kokoh hingga saat ini. Penelitian menemukan bahwa pendidikan
karakter dan keteladanan sudah melekat, identik, dan teruji ratusan tahun-cenennial-di
beberapa pondok pesantren besar termasuk pondok modern Darussalam Gontor yang
diorkestrai oleh KH Imam Zarkasi. Di mana ruh karakter dan keteladanan beliau masih
terus hidup hingga kini. Spirit pendidikan karakter dan keteladanan banyak terinspirasi daru
dua tokoh protagonis di dalam Al-Qur’an yang disematkan kepada keduanya term
“uswatun hasanah” yaitu habibullah Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم dan khalilullah Ibrahim ‘alahissalam.
Ujian dan cobaan yang dirasakan oleh kedua nabi protagonis dalam berdakwah juga
dirasakan pahit-getirnya oleh KH Imam Zarkasyi yang melewati masa penjajahan Jepang,
pemberontakan G-30 SPKI, dan gagasannya untuk menjadikan pendidikan pesantren
sebagai pendidikan utama di Indonesia tidak diakomodir pemerintah saat itu.
Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Pesantren, Karakter Keteladanan, Centennial, Manajemen
Keywords: Family environment, improving student learning outcomes.
Keywords: The role of democratic education management, educating children, character.
terbendung bisa menancap kepada siapa saja, tak terkecuali anak-anak yang masih usia
remaja. Pendidikan karakter dan keteladanan di pondok pesantren salah satu benteng
pertahanan yang paling kokoh hingga saat ini. Penelitian menemukan bahwa pendidikan
karakter dan keteladanan sudah melekat, identik, dan teruji ratusan tahun-cenennial-di
beberapa pondok pesantren besar termasuk pondok modern Darussalam Gontor yang
diorkestrai oleh KH Imam Zarkasi. Di mana ruh karakter dan keteladanan beliau masih
terus hidup hingga kini. Spirit pendidikan karakter dan keteladanan banyak terinspirasi daru
dua tokoh protagonis di dalam Al-Qur’an yang disematkan kepada keduanya term
“uswatun hasanah” yaitu habibullah Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم dan khalilullah Ibrahim ‘alahissalam.
Ujian dan cobaan yang dirasakan oleh kedua nabi protagonis dalam berdakwah juga
dirasakan pahit-getirnya oleh KH Imam Zarkasyi yang melewati masa penjajahan Jepang,
pemberontakan G-30 SPKI, dan gagasannya untuk menjadikan pendidikan pesantren
sebagai pendidikan utama di Indonesia tidak diakomodir pemerintah saat itu.
Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Pesantren, Karakter Keteladanan, Centennial, Manajemen
Keywords: Family environment, improving student learning outcomes.
Keywords: The role of democratic education management, educating children, character.
Keywords: classroom management, Prezi, literacy class