Penelitian ini melakukan analisis terhadap lima negara peringkat tertinggi di ASEAN yang menghasi... more Penelitian ini melakukan analisis terhadap lima negara peringkat tertinggi di ASEAN yang menghasilkan publikasi tentang electronic government antara tahun 2010-2021 yaitu Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand, dan Filipina. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan aktivitas penelitian, kolaborasi penulis, dan kualitas publikasi dari masing-masing negara. Peneliti melakukan analisis pada jurnal terindeks scopus antara tahun 2010-2021 dengan kata kunci e-government, information system dan service quality. yang difilter berdasarkan tahun, subject area, publication stage, source type dan language. Terdapat 1263 artikel peneliti Indonesia, 1033 artikel peneliti Malaysia, 606 artikel peneliti Singapura, 410 artikel peneliti Thailand dan 164 artikel peneliti Filipina. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki jumlah publikasi yang paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain, namun sebagian besar publikasi tersebut terjadi di jurnal-jurnal dengan reputasi yang relatif lebih rendah dibanding empat negara lain. Indonesia dan Malaysia berkolaborasi dalam pembuatan artikel, sementara Singapura, Thailand dan Filipina tidak berkolaborasi dengan negara ASEAN. Setiap negara ASEAN memiliki kontribusi yang berbeda dalam pengembangan electronic government di wilayah masing-masing. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang kontribusi masing-masing negara dalam pengembangan electronic government di ASEAN.
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to look at the bibliographic characteristics and content... more Purpose: The purpose of this research is to look at the bibliographic characteristics and contents of electronic government publications published in Scopus-indexed journals in 2000-2021. Method: We gathered data from Scopus database on August 9, 2021. The keyword is "Electronic Government" which is limited to the article titles, abstracts, and keywords. We got 21.447 articles. Then we filtered the data based on numerous criteria. To perform further analysis, the data were exported into Comma Separated Values (CSV) file format and then analyzed using the VOS viewer application program with co-authorship and citation analysis types. Result: Following the protocol for bibliometric research, we found 1.153 articles with 2.433 authors. As a result of the analysis, we found 22 authors who met the threshold. Based on the co-authorship analysis, 14 authors collaborated, while 8 authors did not collaborate. Meanwhile, based on the results of citation analysis, we found the 9 most active authors cite each other. Conclusion: Based on the results of our analysis, there are 3 authors who are most actively collaborating and cite other authors. Meanwhile, there are 2 countries that collaborate the most so that the authors are often referred to by other authors.
Di era informasi yang sangat maju ini memungkinkan setiap orang mudah terhubung ke intenet, di ma... more Di era informasi yang sangat maju ini memungkinkan setiap orang mudah terhubung ke intenet, di mana internet terhubung keseluruh dunia dengan begitu sangat mudah sekali untuk mengakses informasi yang tersebar di internet apapun jenisnya, sehingga dalam kondisi tersebut sangat berbahaya jika intenet digunakan dengan tidak sehat, khususnya kepada kalangan usia remaja begitu pula kehawatiran tim FISIP UNIGA kepada para remaja di Desa Sukamah Kecamatan Bayongbong Garut dalam mengunakan internet takut digunakan kepada hal-hal yang tidak benar seperti mebuka situs dewasa dan masih banyak lainnya, sehingga tim FISIP UNIGA mengadakan sebuah sosialisasi memegenai internet sehat yang dilaksanakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to look at the bibliographic characteristics and content... more Purpose: The purpose of this research is to look at the bibliographic characteristics and contents of electronic government publications published in Scopus-indexed journals in 2000-2021. Method: We gathered data from Scopus database on August 9, 2021. The keyword is "Electronic Government" which is limited to the article titles, abstracts, and keywords. We got 21.447 articles. Then we filtered the data based on numerous criteria. To perform further analysis, the data were exported into Comma Separated Values (CSV) file format and then analyzed using the VOS viewer application program with co-authorship and citation analysis types. Result: Following the protocol for bibliometric research, we found 1.153 articles with 2.433 authors. As a result of the analysis, we found 22 authors who met the threshold. Based on the co-authorship analysis, 14 authors collaborated, while 8 authors did not collaborate. Meanwhile, based on the results of citation analysis, we found the 9 most active authors cite each other. Conclusion: Based on the results of our analysis, there are 3 authors who are most actively collaborating and cite other authors. Meanwhile, there are 2 countries that collaborate the most so that the authors are often referred to by other authors.
The background of the problem of this study departs from the findings of the author regarding the... more The background of the problem of this study departs from the findings of the author regarding the decline in the achievements of athletes in Garut Regency, especially in the period 2014-2018. This phenomenon is allegedly caused by, among others, the inadequate coaching conducted by KONI in Garut Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of KONI coaching on the achievements of athletes in Garut Regency. The method used is a descriptive writing method with a quantitative approach. The population of the research was 294 athletes who were coached by KONI Garut Regency, based on Slovin's calculation, the number of samples was 75 people. The sampling technique used is probability sampling with a random sampling method. Data collection techniques used were questionnaire, observation, interview and documentation study. The analysis technique used was a simple linear regression analysis technique using calculations using SPSS software. From the results of the ana...
Di era informasi yang sangat maju ini memungkinkan setiap orang mudah terhubung ke intenet, di ma... more Di era informasi yang sangat maju ini memungkinkan setiap orang mudah terhubung ke intenet, di mana internet terhubung keseluruh dunia dengan begitu sangat mudah sekali untuk mengakses informasi yang tersebar di internet apapun jenisnya, sehingga dalam kondisi tersebut sangat berbahaya jika intenet digunakan dengan tidak sehat, khususnya kepada kalangan usia remaja begitu pula kehawatiran tim FISIP UNIGA kepada para remaja di Desa Sukamah Kecamatan Bayongbong Garut dalam mengunakan internet takut digunakan kepada hal-hal yang tidak benar seperti mebuka situs dewasa dan masih banyak lainnya, sehingga tim FISIP UNIGA mengadakan sebuah sosialisasi memegenai internet sehat yang dilaksanakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat
Penelitian ini melakukan analisis terhadap lima negara peringkat tertinggi di ASEAN yang menghasi... more Penelitian ini melakukan analisis terhadap lima negara peringkat tertinggi di ASEAN yang menghasilkan publikasi tentang electronic government antara tahun 2010-2021 yaitu Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapura, Thailand, dan Filipina. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan aktivitas penelitian, kolaborasi penulis, dan kualitas publikasi dari masing-masing negara. Peneliti melakukan analisis pada jurnal terindeks scopus antara tahun 2010-2021 dengan kata kunci e-government, information system dan service quality. yang difilter berdasarkan tahun, subject area, publication stage, source type dan language. Terdapat 1263 artikel peneliti Indonesia, 1033 artikel peneliti Malaysia, 606 artikel peneliti Singapura, 410 artikel peneliti Thailand dan 164 artikel peneliti Filipina. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki jumlah publikasi yang paling tinggi dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain, namun sebagian besar publikasi tersebut terjadi di jurnal-jurnal dengan reputasi yang relatif lebih rendah dibanding empat negara lain. Indonesia dan Malaysia berkolaborasi dalam pembuatan artikel, sementara Singapura, Thailand dan Filipina tidak berkolaborasi dengan negara ASEAN. Setiap negara ASEAN memiliki kontribusi yang berbeda dalam pengembangan electronic government di wilayah masing-masing. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang kontribusi masing-masing negara dalam pengembangan electronic government di ASEAN.
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to look at the bibliographic characteristics and content... more Purpose: The purpose of this research is to look at the bibliographic characteristics and contents of electronic government publications published in Scopus-indexed journals in 2000-2021. Method: We gathered data from Scopus database on August 9, 2021. The keyword is "Electronic Government" which is limited to the article titles, abstracts, and keywords. We got 21.447 articles. Then we filtered the data based on numerous criteria. To perform further analysis, the data were exported into Comma Separated Values (CSV) file format and then analyzed using the VOS viewer application program with co-authorship and citation analysis types. Result: Following the protocol for bibliometric research, we found 1.153 articles with 2.433 authors. As a result of the analysis, we found 22 authors who met the threshold. Based on the co-authorship analysis, 14 authors collaborated, while 8 authors did not collaborate. Meanwhile, based on the results of citation analysis, we found the 9 most active authors cite each other. Conclusion: Based on the results of our analysis, there are 3 authors who are most actively collaborating and cite other authors. Meanwhile, there are 2 countries that collaborate the most so that the authors are often referred to by other authors.
Di era informasi yang sangat maju ini memungkinkan setiap orang mudah terhubung ke intenet, di ma... more Di era informasi yang sangat maju ini memungkinkan setiap orang mudah terhubung ke intenet, di mana internet terhubung keseluruh dunia dengan begitu sangat mudah sekali untuk mengakses informasi yang tersebar di internet apapun jenisnya, sehingga dalam kondisi tersebut sangat berbahaya jika intenet digunakan dengan tidak sehat, khususnya kepada kalangan usia remaja begitu pula kehawatiran tim FISIP UNIGA kepada para remaja di Desa Sukamah Kecamatan Bayongbong Garut dalam mengunakan internet takut digunakan kepada hal-hal yang tidak benar seperti mebuka situs dewasa dan masih banyak lainnya, sehingga tim FISIP UNIGA mengadakan sebuah sosialisasi memegenai internet sehat yang dilaksanakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to look at the bibliographic characteristics and content... more Purpose: The purpose of this research is to look at the bibliographic characteristics and contents of electronic government publications published in Scopus-indexed journals in 2000-2021. Method: We gathered data from Scopus database on August 9, 2021. The keyword is "Electronic Government" which is limited to the article titles, abstracts, and keywords. We got 21.447 articles. Then we filtered the data based on numerous criteria. To perform further analysis, the data were exported into Comma Separated Values (CSV) file format and then analyzed using the VOS viewer application program with co-authorship and citation analysis types. Result: Following the protocol for bibliometric research, we found 1.153 articles with 2.433 authors. As a result of the analysis, we found 22 authors who met the threshold. Based on the co-authorship analysis, 14 authors collaborated, while 8 authors did not collaborate. Meanwhile, based on the results of citation analysis, we found the 9 most active authors cite each other. Conclusion: Based on the results of our analysis, there are 3 authors who are most actively collaborating and cite other authors. Meanwhile, there are 2 countries that collaborate the most so that the authors are often referred to by other authors.
The background of the problem of this study departs from the findings of the author regarding the... more The background of the problem of this study departs from the findings of the author regarding the decline in the achievements of athletes in Garut Regency, especially in the period 2014-2018. This phenomenon is allegedly caused by, among others, the inadequate coaching conducted by KONI in Garut Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of KONI coaching on the achievements of athletes in Garut Regency. The method used is a descriptive writing method with a quantitative approach. The population of the research was 294 athletes who were coached by KONI Garut Regency, based on Slovin's calculation, the number of samples was 75 people. The sampling technique used is probability sampling with a random sampling method. Data collection techniques used were questionnaire, observation, interview and documentation study. The analysis technique used was a simple linear regression analysis technique using calculations using SPSS software. From the results of the ana...
Di era informasi yang sangat maju ini memungkinkan setiap orang mudah terhubung ke intenet, di ma... more Di era informasi yang sangat maju ini memungkinkan setiap orang mudah terhubung ke intenet, di mana internet terhubung keseluruh dunia dengan begitu sangat mudah sekali untuk mengakses informasi yang tersebar di internet apapun jenisnya, sehingga dalam kondisi tersebut sangat berbahaya jika intenet digunakan dengan tidak sehat, khususnya kepada kalangan usia remaja begitu pula kehawatiran tim FISIP UNIGA kepada para remaja di Desa Sukamah Kecamatan Bayongbong Garut dalam mengunakan internet takut digunakan kepada hal-hal yang tidak benar seperti mebuka situs dewasa dan masih banyak lainnya, sehingga tim FISIP UNIGA mengadakan sebuah sosialisasi memegenai internet sehat yang dilaksanakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat
Papers by Lia Juliasih