Papers by Fatma Sinem Akbulut
Journal of Art History, 2024
This study aims to deepen how special kinds of relations are fictionalised in the common world pe... more This study aims to deepen how special kinds of relations are fictionalised in the common world perspective in classical poetry and architecture considered in the Ottoman arts, with the inspiration of Heidegger, who thought that building and dwelling are basically poetical practises. It is because it was not actually a modern human experience to dwell in the world that Heidegger inhabits in relation, he mentions meaningful poetically. At this stage, it was pointed out in the study that the creations of Ottoman artists could be regarded as the measurement and therefore criticism of each other with an indication of the dialogues within the tradition. The idea that the experiences comprising the existence in the Ottoman episteme are coupled and integrated required the admittance of the existence of a common design thought around these arts. It was also indicated that artistic practises can shape the traditional cultural pattern in the setting of a dialog. In addition, it was emphasised that the relation between poetry and architecture cannot be perceived with modern analysis techniques such as interdisciplinarity by highlighting the unmeritedness of this togetherness. As for its evidence, it was sought in the nazire (simile) traditions in both poetry and architecture. Interaction styles such as “terbi’” (tetralogy) and “tahmis” (quintet) in the close distance “musammats” (a poetry style) between mental construction and physical and linguistic construction were also discussed. It was made clear that techniques such as “terbi’” and “tahmis” both in poetry and architecture when a homology is set make the productions inconstant, turning it into a virtual and dynamic activity field. In this way, the discussion universe of classical poetry and architecture in the Ottoman Empire was investigated with its common bases depending on the ways of sight and the world of mind.
GRID - Mimarlık Planlama ve Tasarım Dergisi, 2024
The democratic left wing emerged following the search for social balance conducted by Republican ... more The democratic left wing emerged following the search for social balance conducted by Republican People's Party (CHP) during economic and social transformation process. This study indicated that social dynamism arose from village town with public sector and local democracy. These three initiatives proposed by Ecevit for urbanization, internal migration and rural development issues were interpreted as utopic spatial forms despite being reviewed through holistic physical planning. This paper distinguished urban villages by identifying their political context and stated that project claims were not in parallel with developmental practices. Considering the disasters in which global capitalism moved human settlements away, this study noted that proposals made between 1968 and 1974 could be a solution to capitalism.
Periodica Polytechnica Architecture, 2022
In this study, the dynamics of the formation and transformation of Zafer Square, an essential urb... more In this study, the dynamics of the formation and transformation of Zafer Square, an essential urban space of Ankara, are examined in an attempt to draw attention to the square-park dilemma observed in its description as an urban open space. Accordingly, the historical process is chronologically divided into three periods while examining the causes of this dilemma. Initially, a theoretical discussion based on literature research is conducted to ascertain whether this area is a square or a park in the context of public spaces. In the first period, the Early Republican Period (1923–1945), the formation of Zafer Square was examined, while in the second period, which denotes the Democratic Party Period (1950–1960s), the change in its meaning and spatiality is questioned. The interventions on Zafer Square and Atatürk Boulevard are discussed as indicators of this political evolution and its reflection on urban space and Yenişehir. In the last section, the issues caused by its transformatio...
İdealKent, 2020
Turgut Cansever, İslam düşüncesini mekânın üretiminde temsil etmek üzere inançsal ilkelerle yapıl... more Turgut Cansever, İslam düşüncesini mekânın üretiminde temsil etmek üzere inançsal ilkelerle yapılı çevre arasında şu bağıntıyı kurmuştur: Yeryüzü, tevhit inancı etrafında biçimlenen ilahi bir yansımaysa dahi yeni öznellikler üretecek özerk varlıkların insan eliyle organize edilmekte olduğu bütünsel bir uzamdır. Bu düşünce, tasarım kuramı olduğu kadar toplumsal karşılıklara da sahiptir. Ayrıca, Cansever, bizzat önerileriyle tutarlı yapılar tasarlayıp inşai faaliyetlerde bulunmuştur. Bu çabalarında, geleneksel yapı inşa etme bilgisinin muhafaza edilmesi hâlinde mimaride, şehircilikte ve toplumsal alanda yaratıcılığın nasıl mümkün olabileceğini göstermek istemiştir. Bu yazı, ilkin söz konusu önerileri Saussure’ün Dil ve söz ikiliğine yaslanarak kavramaya çalışmış; ardından dilbilimde öne çıkan metafor ve metonimi kavramlarıyla değerlendirmeyi vadetmiştir. Öncelikle Saussureyen yapısalcı geleneğe ait bu kavramların kültürel çalışmalarda analizlere altlık olduğuna tanık olunmuştur. Gelinen noktada, metaforun ideal bir anlama ayrıcalık tanımak için elle tutulur bir imgeyi öne sürmeye yaradığına, böylece iktidarı dokunulmazlık zırhına büründüren bir temsil tarzı olduğuna kanaat getirilmiştir. Aksine metonimik bağlantılarınsa otoriter anlam yüklerini boşaltıp toplumsal sıradüzenin altını kazımaya davet ettiği söylenmiştir. Bu argümanları takip ederek, neticede, nesne ya da olguları bağlamlarına gönderimde bulunmaya sevk ettiğinden Cansever’in tercihini bu ikinci temsil tarzından yana kullandığı sonucuna varılmıştır. Dolayısıyla yazı, semiyotikten Dil ve sözle metafor ve metonimi kavramlarını ödünç alıp onun satır aralarındaki fikirlerini anlayabilmekle ilgilenmiştir.
Arredamento Mimarlık, 2020
Bu yazı, Türkiye’deki yapılı çevrenin kat yüksekliklerinin ve kent toprağı üzerinde kapladıkları ... more Bu yazı, Türkiye’deki yapılı çevrenin kat yüksekliklerinin ve kent toprağı üzerinde kapladıkları hacimlerinin salt neoliberalizm üzerinden okunamayacağını, bu durumun muhafazakarlığın bir veçhesine içkin olduğunu, bu ideolojinin kilometre taşı olan uğraklarından örneklerle göstermeyi deniyor. Bu örneklerden ilki, Mustafa Nazım’ın Rüyada Terakki (1913) adlı edebi bir kent ütopyası, ikincisiyse Necip Fazıl’ın İdeolocya Örgüsü (1959) adlı siyasi ütopyasıdır. Bu örneklerin güncel muhafazakar siyasi erke yansıyan düşünce mirasından ilki merkeziyetçi ve otoriter politikaları önermeleri ve diğeriyse İslam inancını ilerleme ve kalkınma ülküsüyle, teknolojik gelişmelerle ele almalarıdır. Bu yazıda asıl altı çizilecek olansa merkeziyetçi politikaların kaçınılmaz halde “yatay” değil, yine merkezi bir planlama modeline ve yoğunlaşan “dikey” kentlere götüreceğidir.
Conference Presentations by Fatma Sinem Akbulut
Türkiye Mimarlığında Modernizmin Yerel Açılımları XIV, 2018
The 7th Conference on Urban Studies: "Sustainable, Decent, Affordable Housing and Living Environments", 16
Docomomo_Tr Türkiye’de Modernizmin Yerel Açılımları XVI 25-26 Aralık 2020, 2020
1st International Architecture, Art and Design Symposium "IAR ARDE 2022, 2022
This report draws attention to the structural similarities and contrasts between Le Corbusier (18... more This report draws attention to the structural similarities and contrasts between Le Corbusier (1887–1965), Turgut Cansever (1921–2009) and Léon Krier (1946), three great architecture and urbanism theoreticians who also have the ability to design and build what they think. These theoreticians have attempted to implement holistic urbanism styles with their visions starting from the smallest building element and extending to configuring the complex urban systems. In the scope of planning, Le Corbusier made efforts to present a mechanical operation in cities, far from traditional spontaneity, in place of organic systems that are already getting separated. Contrary to Le Corbusier, who associated cities with the rationality of the industrial age, Krier turned to the traditional economic order of the medieval cities and their administrative functions conducted through local organizations. This architectural theoretician is against Le Corbusier’s organization of architectural practices with machine production, as well as his industrialized construction systems and rational planning because cities have bodies and souls according to Krier. His aim is to directly redesign the classical urban accumulation away from revival-based styles. Krier, with his chambers and neighborhood organizations, aimed to configure cities as an organic and complete system. Cansever, on the other hand, responds to Le Corbusier's attempt to reverse the traditional urbanism with a reversal, agreeing with Krier while targeting the modernist architecture and urbanism. The belief that neighborhood-based corporations will create systems that will meet the biological and psychological needs of humanity is the common aspect of the two theoreticians. However, what radically distinguishes Cansever from Krier and associates him with Le Corbusier is that he plans the construction by focusing on processes rather than the will of the designing subject. While opposing the civilization advancing in line with the superiority of industry and technology, Cansever, like Le Corbusier, interpreted cities as mechanical integrations with the construction standards to be developed. Instead of finite structures with certain limits, Cansever opened the door to changes and avoided permanence that would determine the life of future generations. This attitude is in the opposite direction with Krier's thought that permanence is focused within traditional cities, while temporariness is focused within industrialized cities. Cansever thinks like Le Corbusier in terms of mechanism-based design against the organism-based trend, and like Krier in the context of "horizontal urbanism" against "vertical urbanism". Consequently, when the spatial games of these three theorists were examined with a triangular model, similarity and opposition relationships were observed.
Papers by Fatma Sinem Akbulut
Conference Presentations by Fatma Sinem Akbulut