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Deasbaireachd a' chleachdaiche:Sionnach

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O Uicipeid
Archive 'S e Tasglann 1 (-10. 2007); Tasglann 2 (10. 2007 - 4. 2008); Tasglann 3 (5. 2008 - 12. 2008) agus Tasglann 4 (2009) a tha seo dhen seann chòmhradh agus deasbad bhon duilleig deasbaireachd agam. Na deasaich iad.

Wutsje tells admins on all wikis when it's me editing these days, but since you like my contributions, can you add anything to the Corpse Bride page like The Fox and the Hound page? And check the deletion logs too. Thank you. 18:57, 8 am Faoilteach 2010 (UTC)

Just to make it clear: I gave you credit for your work on Corpse Bride, but I don't like to clean up all the time. There is enough work around here anyways. If you can contribute in Gaelic, fine with me, but we don't need anyone tagging articles with "delete" or messing around otherwise. --Sionnach 19:23, 8 am Faoilteach 2010 (UTC)

Please revert. My failure tought bambifan. --WizardOfOz 20:09, 10 am Faoilteach 2010 (UTC)

Thank you. --WizardOfOz 20:14, 10 am Faoilteach 2010 (UTC)
You're welcome:-)--Sionnach 20:16, 10 am Faoilteach 2010 (UTC)

Guten Tag. Ich bin im Begriff, einen Artikel über den Geburtsort Thomas Carlyles, eines meiner Lieblingsschriftsteller, in der sh und sr wiki zu erstellen und ich brauche eine Transliteration des Wortes Eaglais Fheichein vom Gälischen. Der Artikel en:Scottish Gaelic phonology konnte mir nicht helfen. Würden sie deshalb das Wort Eaglais Fheichein so gemäß seiner Aussprache buchstabieren/transkribieren, als wäre es ein deutsches Wort? Danke im voraus. Bogorm 11:18, 2 am Màrt 2010 (UTC)

Hallo Bogorm, leider kenne ich mich mit den IPA Umschriften überhaupt nicht aus. Eaglais Fheichein würde ich "Äklisch Ächein" aussprechen (also nicht wie ein deutsches Wort). Ansonsten mal bei en:user:Akerbeltz nachfragen, der kennt sich sehr gut damit aus. Viele Grüße --Sionnach 20:48, 2 am Màrt 2010 (UTC)
Danke. "Äklisch Ächein" reicht. Und Dhùn Phrìs vielleicht "Duhn Fries"? Bogorm 14:27, 3 am Màrt 2010 (UTC)
Hat Dh am Amfang des Wortes eine deutsche Entsprechung? Bogorm 14:36, 3 am Màrt 2010 (UTC)
Freut mich, daß das reicht. Dhùn Phrìs müsste aufgrund des "dh" am Anfang des Wortes ein Genitiv sein. "Dh" wird wie das "g" im deutschen Worten "Wagen" ausgesprochen. Die Grundfrom des Ortes ist Dùn Phrìs, ausgesprochen "Duhn Friesch" (langes u, langes i ) Grüße --Sionnach 18:55, 3 am Màrt 2010 (UTC)

Spoken Articles

[deasaich an tùs]

Hi! Sorry this is in English - if I knew enough Gaelic I'd jump at an opportunity like this to use it! (This isn't completely unrelated babble - it is related to what I'm going to say! :P) I know that some articles on the English Wikipedia have a spoken version of them, and was wondering if any of the Gaelic articles have this. If not, do you think it would be a good idea to have some of the bigger ones recorded like this so that people who want to learn Gaelic can get a bit of a better feel for the pronunciation?

I would've left this comment in a more public discussion area if I could find one, but not being able to read Gaelic makes it difficult to navigate around here! I will learn it one day, though! ScotsmanRS 11:15, 5 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)

Hi ScotsmanRS, so far there aren't any spoken articles in the Gaelic Wikipedia. Although I think that's a great idea, but as a learner myself, my Gaelic isn' t good enough for spoken versions.Too bad that we don't have more native speakers aroud here. A good place for a more public discussion would be Wikipedia:Doras na coimhearsnachd. Greetings --Sionnach 14:39, 5 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)

Akerbeltz ag iarraidh ar cuideachadh ris an eadar-theangachadh

[deasaich an tùs]

Hi a Shionnaich. Tha Mìcheal Bauer ag iarraidh ar cuideachadh ris an eadar-theangachadh Gàidhlig de Wikipedia. Fìor deagh naidheachd, oir tha e air obair fìor mhath a dhèanamh air Google a chur dhan Ghàidhlig bliadhnaichean air ais. (Tha nàire orm nach eil mi fhìn air móran a dhèanamh bhon uair sin, tha mi air a bhith cho trang le obair eile.)

Thuirt Mìcheal rium gu bheil e air cunntas a chruthachadh air TranslateWiki. Am b’urrainn dhutsa cur air dòigh gum bi cead aige bhith ag obair air an eadar-theangachadh? Dhìochuimhnich e innse dhomh dé an t-ainm-cleachdaidh a th’aige, ach tha mi a’ faicinn gu bheil “Akerbeltz” ann agus tha mi cha mhór cinnte gur e sin an t-ainm a bhios aige. -- Caoimhin 23:05, 10 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)

Ceist eile uam... tha Template:Cànan car grannda 's mi cleachdte ris an fhear eile. Nan cuirinnsa Gàidhlig aig gach rud a tha teamplaid na Beurla a' cleachdadh, an gabh sin a chur na àite? No bheil sgoil-dhubh eile a dhìth airson teamplaidean? Akerbeltz 13:15, 11 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)
Hi Akerbeltz, a thaobh Template:Cànan: Hm, bhiodh sin càran doirbh. Ma bhios mi a' coimhead air en:Template:Infobox language, tha mi a' faicinn gu bheil nas motha na fichead Templates eile ceangailte ris. A bharrachd air sin tha gach fear dhiubh ceangailte ri deich no fichead templates eile... amsaa. Tha sin a' ciallachadh is dòcha gum feumamaidh nas motha na 200 templates eadar-theangachadh agus a stèidheachadh an seo gus "Infobox Cànain" mar a tha e ann an Wiki Beurla a chur air dòigh. Rinn mi seòrsa "test" an seo ach chan eil an "layout" agus an dàrna leth dhen template ag obrachadh ceart. Tha mi dhen bheachd gu bheil dhìth air rudeigin ann am MediaWiki:Common.css cuideachd....grrr:-)
Is dòcha gu bheil e nas fhasa beagan obrach a dhèanamh air an template a th' againn. Dè nach toil leat? A bheil dhìth air loidhne eile, "layout" eile(duilich, ach chan eil mi math air layout).... Dè do bheachd?
A thaobh na ceist a bha Caoimhin a' faighneachd: Am biodh tu deònach ar cuideachadh leis an eadar-theangachadh dhen "Interface" an seo? Is beag orm gu bheil mòran fhaclan a' nochdadh ann am Beurla fhathast. Tha fios agam mun dòigh teicneòlach, ach chan eil "Gàidhlig coimpiutaireachd" gu leòr agam. Nam biodh, cruthaich cunntas air an Translate Wiki. Dùrachdan--Sionnach 20:37, 11 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)
PS: Dè tha "sgoil-dhubh" a' ciallachadh?
Hm beachdaichidh mi tuilleadh air an teamplaid an toiseach mar sin... tha seo nas toinnte na bha dùil agam!
Chruthaich mi cunntas ann ach chan urrainn dhomh Gàidhlig a chur air barrachd dhen interface air sgàth 's nach eil cead agam ann a-rèir coltais!
sgoil-dhubh = witchcraft, black magic ;) chan eil mi math air prògramachadh 's rudan mar sin! Akerbeltz 02:06, 12 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)
Uill, tha thu ceart, tha na templates gu math toinnte agus chan urrainn dhomh ach templates simplidh a chruthachadh:-(
Dè an t-ainm a tha thu a' cleachdadh air an Translate Wiki? An do chruthaidh thu duilleag cleachdair fhathast? Chan eil mi a' faicinn dad, ach feumaidh duilleag cleachdair a bhith agad airson cead fhaighinn. Chì thu an duilleag agamsa an seo. Bidh mi a' tachairt ri cuideigin às an Translate Wiki a-nochd, agus nì mi mo dhìcheall gum faigh thu cead gus eadar-theangachadh a dhèanamh.--Sionnach 04:30, 12 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)

Tha mi ann mar Akerbeltz cuideachd [1] - agus tha mi fada 'nad chomain airson do thaic! Akerbeltz 10:26, 12 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)

Meall do naidheachd, tha an cead agad a-nise (faic an seo). Feuch e, agus ma bhios ceist agad, cuir fios thugam. Chì thu cuid dhen seann deasbaid mun interface an sin, is dòcha gu bheil e feumail dhut. --Sionnach 15:41, 12 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)
Sgoinneil, mìle taing! Akerbeltz 16:21, 12 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)

Bug 23486 - Enable Collection on gdwiki

[deasaich an tùs]


Raymond hat unter https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=23486 beantragt, dass die PDF-Buchfunktion auf gdwiki aktiviert werden soll. Gab es dazu eine Diskussion in der Community, in der dies beschlossen wurde? Bitte trag doch den Link dazu in dem Ticket ein, dann darf ich das ganze freischalten. -- JeLuF 19:36, 17 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)

Hallo JeLuF, ich hatte den Bug auf Bitten Sionnachs auf dem kurzen Dienstweg (ich kenne ihn/sie vom Kölner Stammtisch) geschrieben, da es in diesem kleinen, aber feinen Projekt gerade mal 1 1/2 aktive Admins und eine Handvoll aktiver Benutzer gibt. Community consens hielt ich im konkreten Fall für nicht notwendig, da ich im Hinterkopf habe, dass Collection (irgendwann) sowieso überall aktiviert werden soll und es sich um keine Veränderung von Benutzerrechten handelt. Sorry für mein Vorpreschen, ich hatte scheinbar falsche Informationen die Aktivierung der Collection betreffend. Eine Diskussion wurde mittlerweile unter Wikipedia:Doras na coimhearsnachd#Extension 2 gestartet. Sobald eine Handvoll Unterstützer vorhanden ist, aktiviere ich den Bug wieder. Raymond 06:04, 18 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)
Hallo JeLuF, sorry für meine späte Antwort, daß war ein ganz schlechtes Timing meinerseits, da ich im "Real live" zuviel um die Ohren hatte, um mich genügend darum zu kümmern. Ich habe nun einige der aktiven Benutzer angeschrieben und werde mich mit Raymond in Verbindung setzen, wenn wir die Stimmen zusammen haben --Sionnach 07:54, 21 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)
Deiseil, faic Bug 23486.
[deasaich an tùs]

Hey, Anotherdave war so nett, ein neues Logo fuer dieses Wiki auf Commons hochzuladen: commons:File:Wikipedia-logo-gd2.png. Bei Bedarf kannst du die Datei gern nach File:Wiki.png hochladen, damit sie in der oberen linken Ecke angezeigt wird. Die Anfrage dazu wurde vor etwa einem Jahr auf meta:Requests for logos gestellt; ich weiss also nicht, inwiefern das Anliegen noch aktuell ist. Viele Gruesse, Nagy 20:17, 28 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)

Hallo Nagy, vielen Dank für die Info, ich wußte gar nicht, daß es dazu eine Anfrage auf Meta gab. Leider ist es so, daß die Aussage dort von User:PK2: "As all the users agreed," völlig falsch ist. Die Diskussion fand hier statt und der Consens war, es bleibt bei dem Originalwort "Wikipedia". Schade um die Arbeit von Anotherdave:( Viele Grüße --Sionnach 05:55, 29 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)

Obair ana-mhath a rinn thu an seo. Gach Deagh Durachd. Cha creids mi nach eil feum air artagail taghta ur....

Mòran taing! Tha mi toilichte gu bheil e a' còrdadh ri cuideigin:-) Ach artagail taghta... chì sinn. Cho fad 's a tha an samhradh ann bha agus tha mi dhen bheachd gu bheil aiste ceangailte ri nàdar freagarrach airson na h-aimsire seo. Agus tha an aiste eile a tha ann an-dràsda ceangailte ris a' Ghearmailt cuideachd. Is fheàrr leam ma bhios aon de na h-artagailean ceangailte le Alba no saoghal nan Gaidheil co-dhiù. Is dòcha san gheamhradh...:) Beannachdan --Sionnach 18:18, 2 dhen Lùnastal 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Good day.

[deasaich an tùs]

I would ask your help to tell me where is the page to request a rename for my user. Drini 02:12, 10 dhen Lùnastal 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Drini, we don't have a special page for that. You could put your request either on Wikipedia:Doras na coimhearsnachd or right here on my talk page (as I'm the more or less the only active bureaucrat at the moment). Greetings --Sionnach 06:51, 10 dhen Lùnastal 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Please rename Drini to Magister Mathematicae. It's part of a global rename I'm doing.
You will get a warning when you try to rename. Reason is I've already reserved with SUL both names (to avoid someone impersonating me during the renames), but the target account is non existent (only reserved). Drini 11:43, 21 dhen Lùnastal 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Done. By the way, thanks a lot for your good work on vandalfighting in smaller Wikipedias:-) --Sionnach 19:26, 25 dhen Lùnastal 2010 (UTC)[reply]

The Fox and the Hound

[deasaich an tùs]

Please move Sionnach agus Cù back to The Fox and the Hound per the talk page concerns. 22:58, 17 dhen Lùnastal 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Done. --Sionnach 20:03, 25 dhen Lùnastal 2010 (UTC)[reply]
What is the title translation of Lady and the Tramp in Gaelic? I got Baintighearna agus an but I don't know what Tramp should be. 17:31, 12 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Tramp: an rathaideach --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 17:50, 12 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
I removed a sentence from Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure that was in English. The sentence said "This film is the sequel to Charlotte's Web from 1973." How would that be written in Gaelic? Also I'm not sure the title is translated correctly (it looks like it's in Irish). Also, on Oliver & Company it says the studio is Walt Disney Productions when it's really Walt Disney Feature Animation, and the release date is November 18 and not the 22. 19:29, 12 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Sionnach, how do you create a new article on this wikipedia? I don't speak much Gàidhlig but I am learning. Editing articles seems pretty straight forward but I just can't work out how to create new ones.

Tapaidh leibh User:Lunnainn

Hi Lunnainn, fàilte an seo! Just put the name of the article that you want to write in the search box on the right side on top of the page (where is say "Search" or "Lorg" depending on your choosen language). Then click on the little search button. If there is no article yet, you see: "Create the page "name of wanted page" on this wiki!" Just hit on the red link and start writing:-). If you have further questions, just let me know. Le dùrachdan --Sionnach 17:30, 17 an t-Sultain 2010 (UTC)

Thanks! I'm going to keep my articles as short as possible in the hope that people will add more to them later and also to keep any grammatical mistakes down to a minimum. User:Lunnainn

Just go ahead, try it, I'll take a look at them later on:-) --Sionnach 19:46, 17 an t-Sultain 2010 (UTC)

Apologies for English. Did you notice that your image uploads from Geograph were using templates that are not defined here? That is because they are intended for use on the Commons. Please do not upload any more Geograph images here but use Magnus' tool to upload them to the Commons.

I intend to go through and correct all your uploads here but if you could help that would be great. RHaworth 23:45, 18 an t-Sultain 2010 (UTC)

Incidentally, when we create thumbnail images: "right" is implicit and it is strongly recommended that image size should be omitted - users have an option in their preferences to say what size they want; specifying a size in the page overrides this option. See this edit for example. RHaworth 23:56, 18 an t-Sultain 2010 (UTC)

Hi RHaworth, sorry, but who are you that you telling me what I have to do?
So, first it would be nice if you create a user page for youself.
To answer your question: Yes, I did notice that, but there are hardly any Templates defined around here, and setting up complex Templates is far beyond my technical knowledge. So it would be nice to help setting up some proper templates around here. This is just a small Wiki and technical help is very welcome. The pictures on Geograph are under a licence, which is added to each picture. So please show me the rule, that all images must be uploaded to Commons.
Magnus tool doesn't work, as I don’t have an TUSC Password. It would be great if there would be some kind of explanation how to get one.
By the way: I intend to go through and correct all your uploads... stalking is a no go. --Sionnach 15:18, 20 an t-Sultain 2010 (UTC)

Hello!, Thank you for your notice and sorry for missing up your RC, as you can see i already requested for flag, if there is another problem lets me know, Regards Mjbmr Talk 20:55, 8 dhen Dùbhlachd 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for your quick reaction, botflag granted. Happy editing! --Sionnach 21:15, 8 dhen Dùbhlachd 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you so much Mjbmr Talk 21:19, 8 dhen Dùbhlachd 2010 (UTC)

Hi! I made bot flag request on this page. Could you look into it and unblock my bot? Thanks, DixonD 05:54, 9 dhen Dùbhlachd 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for your request, I unblocked your bot now and set the botflag. Happy editing. --Sionnach 06:35, 9 dhen Dùbhlachd 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Saoil am b' urrainn dhut-sa an duilleag seo a ghluasad? Chan urrainn dhomh-sa a chionn 's gu bheil Coimpiutair ann mu thràth. Tha Annalair dìreach ro ghòrach mar fhacal. Akerbeltz 17:47, 16 dhen Dùbhlachd 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Rinn mi e, tha a h-uile rud a-nis fo "Coimpiutair". --Sionnach 20:08, 16 dhen Dùbhlachd 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Ceud taing! Akerbeltz 21:26, 16 dhen Dùbhlachd 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Sionnach, long time... Hope all is well. I noticed you removed a proposed deletion from this article - and though I can't understand neither your edit summary nor the text of the article may I ask you to take another look and also compare with en:Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Curdy. A new article, this time promoting Balder as a film-maker without mentioning him as an author was just deleted at enwiki. Best regards, Finn Rindahl 22:53, 16 dhen Dùbhlachd 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Finn Rindahl, nice to hear from you again! I had a close look on the discussion about Balder in several wikis, and although I can understand your point of view about self promotion, I decided to follow the arguments I found in the german wikipedia (see de:Wikipedia:Artur_Balder, they have some of the strongest criteria before they keep an article). The article itself is written neutral and he has published some books which makes him relevant. Otherwise I would have to delete a whole bunch of other articles about writers that have published less then him, including some of our finest gaelic authors. The article is on my watchlist just to make sure that there is no advertising. Greetings --Sionnach 05:47, 18 dhen Dùbhlachd 2010 (UTC)[reply]
PS: Thanks a lot for your sources about John Lorne Campbell!
Well&good then, just wanted to make sure. Regarding Campbell, you may want to add this link as well, it's quite good IMO.[2] All the best, Finn Rindahl 15:13, 19 dhen Dùbhlachd 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks again for the video, really interesting, just added it to Campbell. Le dùrachdan --Sionnach 20:45, 21 dhen Dùbhlachd 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Interwikis on Sioman

[deasaich an tùs]

Hello. Could you please see Talk:Sioman ? If you need some help to fix that, my talk page is open to you. Best regards, -- Quentinv57 09:10, 30 dhen Dùbhlachd 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks, the answer is here --Sionnach 10:22, 30 dhen Dùbhlachd 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the notice. I set it back to the version where the interwiki links are still correct. The mistake seems to start here, so best if you contact the bot owner to clean up the mess his bot created. Kind regards --Sionnach 10:18, 30 December 2010 (UTC)

So "Sioman" is not a river but really means "cable" ? The picture don't really reference to a cable... -- Quentinv57 (talk) 10:21, 30 December 2010 (UTC)
Yes, the article is about "cable" and the picture is about the transatlantic cable...:-) --Sionnach 10:34, 30 dhen Dùbhlachd 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hello from Italy

[deasaich an tùs]

Dear Sionnach we are looking for someone who could translate and upload on gd.wikipedia this article [3]. Can you help us ? Thanks a lot :) --Aeron10 06:29, 29 dhen Fhaoilleach 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Aeron10, thanks a lot for your request, I'm awfully sorry but I don't have the time to do a translation at the moment. With greetings to Italy --Sionnach 19:21, 29 dhen Fhaoilleach 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Temp Sysop

[deasaich an tùs]

Hello! Would you mind taking a look here? Thanks :) --Addihockey10 23:24, 29 dhen Fhaoilleach 2011 (UTC)[reply]

The answer is on your talk page.--Sionnach 07:45, 30 dhen Fhaoilleach 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Please, could you translate en:Podolsk into Gàidhlig? Naturally if you have available time!

[deasaich an tùs]

Good day to you! Could you, please, translate into Gàidhlig the article, containing two-three sentences, about this city in Russia? I’d like to thank you in advance :)--Переход Артур 13:31, 13 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)

Sorry for the delay, being to busy:-) See here now: Podolsk --Sionnach 20:59, 16 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)


[deasaich an tùs]

Saoil a bheil fios agad an gabh teamplaidean iompachadh a-steach? Dh'fheuch mi ri Templates:Celtic Languages iompachadh on Bheurla (mar dheuchainn) ach cho robh sin ag obair ro mhath. lnd Akerbeltz 22:34, 23 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)

Gabhaidh, ach gu mi-fhortanach cha gabh le teamplaidean bho Uici Beurla, tha iad uile ceangailte ri chèile. Ma bhios tu a' bualadh air "deasaich" ann an en:Template:Celtic languages ann an Uici Beurla, chì thu aig bonn na duilleige na teamplaidean eile a tha ceangailte ris, (tha sia ann). Ach ma buaileas thu an uair sin air Template:Navbar, tha mu fhichead eile ann. Agus gun an fheadhain seo cha bhi an Template:Celtic Languages ag obrachadh. 'S e sin an trioblaid leis na Teamplaidean ann an Uici Beurla:-( --Sionnach 22:51, 23 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)
M.e. bu toigh leam http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Infobox_language/family-color ion-phortadh. Akerbeltz 22:38, 23 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)
Fuirich mionaid--Sionnach 22:51, 23 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC) Ceart ma-tha, cha bhiodh sin ag obrachadh, cha bhi bogsa ceart a' nochdadh agus cha bhi na dathan rim faicinn. Ach is dòcha gu bheil dòigh ann gum bi na dathan a' nochdadh anns an teamplaid againn, no a bheil thu ag iarraidh teamplaid ùr airson Cànanan cuideachd?--Sionnach 23:12, 23 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)

San dol seachad

[deasaich an tùs]

Hah, bha dùil agam 5 mionaidean a cheartachadh a dhèanamh agus lorg mi snaidhm >.<

A bheil dòigh fhurasta ann roinn-seòrsa air fad a gluasad? Tha mearachd litreachaidh ann an Category:Ceimeagairean is Category:Ceimeagairean Duais Nobel ann an Ceimeagachd (ceimigeachd, ceimgear) ach tha torr mòr aistean ann. Eadar dà sgeul, bheil fhios carson a tha Category a' nochdadh sa Bheurla fhathast? Akerbeltz 21:24, 1 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Dìreach aon snaidhm? Tha mise a' faicinn mìltean dhiubh:-) Duilich, ach chan eil dòigh fhurasta ann ach gan ceartachadh anns gach aiste is an uair sin an roinn-seòrsa a sguabadh às (mar a rinn thu leis an Category:An t-Seapan) Chan urrainnear roinn-seòrsa a ghluasad. Agus tha na ceimigearan ann an droch staing (m.e.:William Nunn Lipscomb, Jr.) co-dhiù.
Category: Chan eil mi buileach cinnteach carson a tha Category a' nochdadh sa Bheurla fhathast. An do rinn thu eadar-theangachadh air a h-uile teachdaireachd a tha ceangailte ris na Categories?--Sionnach 22:02, 1 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Is dòcha gu bheil na trioblaidean an seo, ach chuir mi ceist do Raymond cuideachd, faic an sin--Sionnach 19:22, 2 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]

hello, good day to you! my name is Javier and i'm from Chile and i want to ask you a little help. can you write a basic (stub) article about my city of Concepcion? please, i need the translation to Gàidhlig language please, thank you very much and have a nice day, bye. (X4v13r3 01:27, 10 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC))[reply]


[deasaich an tùs]

A Shionnaich,

Chruthaich mi duilleag, Akerbeltz (nach eil buileach deiseil fhathast) gus am bi e nas fhasa mìneachadh do dhaoine dè eachdraidh Akerbeltz (eachdraidh na diadhachd Bhasgach, chan m' eachdraidh-sa) ach chuir mi ceangal ri buidhnean a tha a' cleachdadh an ainm sin, mi fhìn san àireamh. An cum thu sùil air cuideachd gus COI a sheachnadh?

Oh, agus tha mearachd litreachaidh sa roinn-seòrsa Crèideamh > Creideamh

le meas Akerbeltz 14:23, 11 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Aiste inntinneach, gun teagamh. Chanainn gu bheil i ceart gu leòr a-rèir COI, tha an ceangal dìreach a' dearbhadh gum bi an t-ainm air a chleachdach ann an Alba cuideachd. Le beannachdan --Sionnach 23:28, 11 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ok, mòran taing. Akerbeltz 23:42, 11 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]
'S e do bheatha. Sgioblaich mi an roinn-seòrsa Crèideamh, chuir sin dragh orm o chionn ùine fhada:-) --Sionnach 00:19, 12 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]


[deasaich an tùs]

Hallo Sionnach, ich hab Template:Cànan/family-color angelegt und Template:Cànan angepasst, sich da die Hintergrundfarbe rauszuholen. Es gibt jetzt den Parameter familycolor, genau wie in en.WP, mit dem das gesteuert werden kann. Standardfarbe ist die bisherige, so dass sich die Optik in bestehenden Artikeln nicht ändern sollte. Ich habe das etwas vereinfacht - in en.WP war da noch Handling für konstruierte Sprachen mit dabei (die bekommen weiß auf schwarzem Grund), aber die Vorlage hier hat das ja, soweit ich sehen kann, nicht.

Was die Übersetzung angeht:

  • In Template:Cànan/family-color steht englische Doku.
  • Wenn du die Vorlage umbenennst, musst du in Template:Cànan den Aufruf ändern (und die Doku in der Vorlage selbst).
  • Wenn du den Parameter umbenennen willst, ändere das ebenfalls einfach in Template:Cànan.
  • Und falls du auch die möglichen Werte für den Parameter übersetzen willst, da stehen immer in einer Zeile alle Synonyme mit | getrennt stehen, und die zugehörige Farbe hinter dem =. Du kannst da einfach noch die Übersetzung ergänzen.

Hier zwei Beispiele:

Test Standardfarbe
Test "Australian"

Ich hoffe das hilft dir, falls noch was ist, sag mir auf meiner de.WP-Diskussionsseite kurz Bescheid. Gruß, --Dapete 08:44, 19 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Dè tha sinn dol a dhèanamh leis? Rinn mi beagan rannsachaidh air an lìon agus a-rèir coltais, cha dèan an neach seo ach cunntasan a chruthachadh air uicipeidean gus a chuid bàrdachd a bhrosnachadh. Dè do bheachd? Faic [4] agus [5] Akerbeltz 12:44, 20 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Chanainn nach dèan sinn dad sam bith. Tha an neach seo gu math trang air Uici Tibetiannach (uici:bo, faic an seo) agus cha deach a bhacadh anns na h-uicis eile. Cho fad 's nach cuir e an ceangal ris na h-aistean, tha mise coma ma bhios ceangal prìobhaideach air duilleag a' cleachdaiche (seach ceanglaichean millteach). Am bi sin ceart gu leòr dhut cuideachd? Is math gu bheil thu a' coimhead air rudeigin mar seo co-dhiù. --Sionnach 18:46, 20 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]
PS: Rudeigin eile: Tha na dathan ann an Template:Cànan ag obair a-nis, taing do User:Dapete. Rinn mi deuchainnean ann am Babine-Witsuwit'en (cànan); Basgais; Sòrbais Ìosal is Sàmais. Ach tha iad fhathast ag obair tro mheadhan na Beurla a-mhàin. A bheil thu gan iarraidh ann an Gàidhlig? --Sionnach 19:33, 20 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]
OK, tha mi toilichte leis a-sin, deagh phuing.
Aidh, chunna mi an sreath mu na dathan - taing mhòr do Dhapete - ged nach robh tìde agam fhathast sùil gheur a chur air. Nì mi sin latha dhe na làithean. Akerbeltz 00:19, 21 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Mohamed ElGedawy → محمد الجداوي

[deasaich an tùs]

Hi, I want to change my name from: "Mohamed ElGedawy" to: "محمد الجداوي", Because i have changed my username on many wikipedias.--Mohamed ElGedawy 06:55, 14 dhen Lùnastal 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Done. Please check that I got the spelling right:-) Greetings --Sionnach 16:31, 14 dhen Lùnastal 2011 (UTC)[reply]


[deasaich an tùs]

Shionnach, chuir mi freagairt dhut air mo dhuilleag deasbaireachd.

Chì mi gu bheil thu a' sgioblachadh an obair agam a-rithist. Mòran taing dhut! 'S e luchd-ionnsachadh luath a th' annam agus tha mi 'n dòchas nach cruthaich mi obair mòr dhut anns an àm ri teachd.

--Morag 20:30, 26 dhen Lùnastal 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Ainm atharrachaidh

[deasaich an tùs]

Bu toil leam an t-ainm-chleachdaidh agam atharrachaidh ri "Sgriosair" mar a tha e air làraichean eile. --Morag 09:38, 10 dhen t-Sultain 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hi a Mhorag, nì mi sin, ach tha mi a' faicinn gu bheil "User Morag has been migrated to the unified login system. Renaming it will cause the local user to be detached from the global one." Ma bhios cunntas agad ann an Uicipeid eile, feumaidh tu an aimn atharrachd an seo cuideachd, no cha bhi "global log-in" agad tuilleadh. A bheil fhathast ag iarraidh d' ainm atharrachadh? (Agus a bheil thu cinnteach mun ainm ùr agad?) --Sionnach 21:10, 15 dhen t-Sultain 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Fàg e aig a' mhionaid a Shionnach. Tapadh leat. --Morag 08:16, 6 dhen Dàmhair 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Church of the Pater Noster

[deasaich an tùs]

kleines Souvenir aus Jerusalem :-) --Elya 20:17, 20 dhen Dàmhair 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Danke!!! Was für schöne Souvenirs es doch gibt:-)--Sionnach 22:45, 2 dhen t-Samhain 2011 (UTC)[reply]

An duilleag mhòr

[deasaich an tùs]

A Shionnaich, dè do chor? Ceist bheag agam, cò às a thig na duilleagan air an duilleag mhòr (Popayan, Iain Noble agus msaa)? Saoilidh mi gum bu chòir dhuinn an atharrachadh nas trice ach chan eil fhios a'm ciamar a nì mi sin. Akerbeltz 18:23, 2 dhen t-Samhain 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Akerbeltz, tha mi gu math, ach fada ro thrang san Real Live an-dràsta:-)
Chruthaich mi teamplaidean a tha ceangailte ris an duilleag mhòr (Faic an seann deasbaid). Seo iad:
Bhiodh e fìor mhath an atharrachadh fada nas trice, bhithinn toilichte nan dèanadh tu sin. Dìreach cuir pìos ùr anns na teamplaidean. Chì thu ann an eachdraidh nan teamplaidean, dè na h-aistean a bha ann roimhe sin, ach na gabh dragh, ma bhios aiste a' nochdachd a-rithist. Is dòcha gu bheil an liosta seo feumail dhut airson Artagail taghta ged a tha cuid dhiubh dhìth air sgioblachadh an toiseach. Mar is trice thagh mi aon chuspair a bha ceangailte ri Alba is fear eile le cuspair sam bith. Tha mi an dòchas gu bheil am mìneachadh soilleir gu leòr, mura bheil, leig fios.--Sionnach 22:34, 2 dhen t-Samhain 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Taghta, mòran taing, cha robh mi eòlach orra. Akerbeltz 13:00, 3 dhen t-Samhain 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Ainmean is sloinnidhean

[deasaich an tùs]

Halò a charaid, tha deasbad a' dol an-dràsta ann an Talla a' Bhaile airson poileasaidh a chruthachadh mu dheidhinn an ìre dham bu chòir dhuinn ainmean is sloinnidhean cèine eadar-theangachadh dhan Ghàidhlig. On a tha thu nad fhear de na prìomh luchd-deasachaidh an seo, bhiodh e math do bheachd a chluinntinn ma tha ùidh agad. Tìoraidh, --Thrissel 21:07, 11 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)

Fhuair mise ceist ach chan eil freagairt agam, saoil a bheil fhios agad? [6] Akerbeltz 17:59, 24 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)

Found it! Seo e an duilleag: [7] Cf. [8] Tapaidh leibh airson an cuideachadh agaibh. Daibhidh 06:49, 25 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)
It is worth adding that all the original pages created with English language namespaces will still work, as Eng. is default. But it would be nice to give people the option of creating {{Teamplaid:rudeigin}} instead of {{Template:rudeigin}}. Daibhidh 06:55, 25 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)
Mòran taing, a Dhaibhidh, tha an duilleag ann an translate wiki glè fheumail.
I left a note to Akerbeltz, he's the best one for translations like these. And I agree with you, it would be nice to have those teamplaidean/namespaces working as well. By the way: good work you are doing on Cànanan Innd-Eòrpach. Dùrachdan --Sionnach 07:31, 26 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)

Sorry to run a bot without approval, so now I add my request at Uicipeid:Doras na coimhearsnachd.

I stopped to run on gd.wikipedia until approved to run. Please unblock the bot, thank you.Justincheng12345 (talk) 09:53, 23 dhen Ògmhios 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Already add content to the user page of me and the bot, regards,Justincheng12345 (talk) 10:04, 23 dhen Ògmhios 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for your fast reaction and setting up the page for your bot. I unblocked it now. Go ahead and make about 50 more test edits, then I'll set the bot-flag. --Sionnach (talk) 10:47, 23 dhen Ògmhios 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hello. I'm sorry if this is not the right place to request it, but I request renaming my following accounts:

  • محمد الجداوي → Avocato
  • GedawyBot → AvocatoBot
  • Confirmation link: [9]
  • Reason: Privacy reasons

Please, delete all my userpages and talk pages of these accounts before renaming and I will create them later .Thanks in advance.--M.Gedawy 10:27, 15 dhen Iuchar 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Done. Greetings from gd--Sionnach (talk) 16:18, 15 dhen Iuchar 2012 (UTC)[reply]


[deasaich an tùs]

Hi. Would it be possible to become an administrator on Gaelic Wikipedia, under the account name, Daibhidh29? I have made a total of around 500 edits to the project under the usernames Daibhidh29 and Daibhidh mac Ùisdein and would be grateful for the opportunity to help improving Gaelic Wikipedia further. Tapadh leibh. Daibhidh (talk) 06:10, 12 dhen Fhaoilleach 2013 (UTC)[reply]

A Dhaibhidh, a charaid, thanks for your interest in becoming an administrator on the Gaelic Wikipedia. This shows that you are really concerned about this project. In the last couple of days I looked at some of your contributions and you did fine work on Cànanan Innd-Eòrpach. On the other hand I found this: Crìosdaidh, which is a copy from this page, which shows clearly a copyright at the bottom of the page that is not compatible with the Wikipedia Licence. You get further informations on en:Wikipedia:Copyright violations. I guess you weren't aware of that and you only wanted to add some good content. Honestly, I don't want to discourage you, we all make mistakes, but before becoming an administrator you need to show a good understanding of the basic rules in Wikipedia. In the long run you will get more experienced by working around here. In the meantime I would suggest to keep on writing/improving articles, the most important issue after all; that helped me a lot to improve my Gaelic as well. If you have any further questions, just leave a note on this page. Le deagh dhùrachdan --Sionnach (talk) 19:49, 20 dhen Fhaoilleach 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Sionnach, hi! My sincere apologies about the Crìosdaidh article. My intention had been to put something in place, but then work back through the article, the following morning, keeping the structure or outline of Got Questions? text, but an alternative, 'encyclopaedic' article, but this I clean forgot to do, and it would have been putting the cart before the horse anyways! "My bad" as our American friends would say. Many thanks for your honest appraisal. I will take your advice and keep on working articles. I have done a little bit of work on translating and transcluding templates btw. Also, if you able to check in to my talk page, I have started a list of the Gaelic expressions that we could use translations for. Daibhidh29 (talk) 11:29, 27 dhen Fhaoilleach 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, sorry for writing in English. I'm writing to ask you, as a bureaucrat of this wiki, to translate and review the notification that will be sent to all users, also on this wiki, who will be forced to change their user name on May 27 and will probably need your help with renames. You may also want to help with the pages m:Rename practices and m:Global rename policy. Thank you, Nemo 13:27, 3 dhen Chèitean 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Coould you please translate this article into Scottish Gaelic?

Welcome to the Ido Wikipedia. Ido was first known as reformed Esperanto and was created in 1907 after seven years of deliberation by a committee of professors and linguists. You may notice that Ido looks somewhat like Esperanto, but with a number of differences including a complete lack of diacritical marks, the use of the letter 'q', along with many of the words themselves.

If you are studying Ido and want to write for our Wikipedia, feel free! There are people here to correct your Ido should you make a mistake. Just use the {{revizo}} tag whenever you think your article could use some grammatical revision.

The main site for the Ido language is located here, Ido publications are located here, and the English Wikipedia article on Ido is located here. A complete list of sites in Ido on the internet is located here. Lastly, the main reasons for choosing Ido over the more well-known Esperanto are summed up in this article.

Thanks for your help. If you want to get any article translated into Ido or Spanish, just tell it to me please. --Chabi1 (talk) 12:08, 13 dhen Ògmhios 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Ainmean filmichean

[deasaich an tùs]

A Shionnach a charaid! Thainig mi tarsaing air an duilleig 'An Criostal Dhorcha' air an do rinn thu deasachadh roimhe. Bha mi a' smaointinn, mar am poileasaidh a thaobh ainmean leabhraichean, an e The Dark Crystal (An Criostal Dhorcha) a bu chòir a bhith ann? Chan eil fhios 'am ged-tà, ciamar a dh'atharraicheas mi an tiotal air neo a bheil cead agam ga dhèanamh? Thisissusanbell (talk) 20:19, 5 dhen Lùnastal 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Halò Thisissusanbell, tha mi a' dol leat, na mo bheachd bhiodh ainm mar The Dark Crystal na b' fheàrr na An Criostal Dhorcha, caran coltach ris a' phoileasaidh a thaobh ainmean leabhraichean. 'S urrainn dhut aiste a ghluasad ma bhriogas tu air an t-saighead aig ceann na duilleige, eadar an rionnag agus "search". Nochdaidh am facal "Gluais". Briog air seo agus cuir an tiotal ùr anns an dàrna bhogsa agus an uair sin air "Gluais duilleag". (Cuimhnich an tiotal atharrachadh anns an aiste fhèin cuideachd:-))
San fharsaingeachd tha cead agad duilleagan a ghluasad gu ainm ùr. Feuch e! Ach uaireannan cha bhi e ag obrachadh air sgàth 's gu bheil aiste eile ann fon ainm ùr. Ma bhios sin a' tachairt, no ma bhios trioblaid sam bith eile agad, cuir fios thugam (no gu rianaire eile) agus nì mi sin air do shon.
Le deagh dhùrachdan --Sionnach (talk) 22:08, 5 dhen Lùnastal 2013 (UTC)[reply]
PS: Taing mhòr airson nan leasachaidhean a tha thu a' dèanamh an seo!
Mòran taing! Rinn mi e ach tha an aiste feumach air sgioblachadh agus deasachadh a bharrachd- rudan beaga mar an/am ach a bharrachd air sin tha tòrr sheantansan ann nach do thuig mi! Bheir mi sùil air a-rithist nuair a tha tìde agam. Thisissusanbell (talk) 10:50, 6 dhen Lùnastal 2013 (UTC)[reply]


[deasaich an tùs]

I greatly appreciate your help and I don't mind the corrections. I'm saving this info for future reference. I've been watching the "Speaking our Language" (love Rhoda NicDhomhnaill) videos on You Tube so that I can figure out how the words are pronounced. It's a beautiful and fascinating language! Just one question: who in God's name came up with this spelling? It's worse than English. Don't hesitate contact me about further matters. Tapadh leibh agus mar sin leibh an-dràsda. Jhendin (talk) 14:52, 24 dhen Lùnastal 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Actually it's not even worse than French, let alone English, but natürlich you've got to know the rules ;-)... --Thrissel (talk) 20:14, 24 dhen Lùnastal 2013 (UTC)[reply]
PS: " ...dè tha dol an seo...?" (what's going on here?) Jhendin (talk) 14:52, 24 dhen Lùnastal 2013 (UTC)[reply]
It simply has a longer history and was designed by native speakers for a very complex sound system. It was the first vernacular in the post-Latin period that was ever written down, even before Old French. It was designed by Irish monks who had to cater for as many as 4 different "versions" (for example 4 l sounds, 4 n sounds and 4 r sounds) of the same sound and the system they designed was so beautifully efficient that they have only had to tinker around the edges ever since. Combine all these facts and you get Gaelic spelling. It is a stunning piece of linguistic design with almost *no* redundancy. :) Akerbeltz (talk) 00:16, 25 dhen Lùnastal 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry for answering late, I have been on holiday:-) Thanks to Thrissel and Akerbeltz you already got the answer about the origin of the spelling, and I can only agree with them, once you' ve figured out the rules it isn't worse than other languages. For me, a learner of both English and Gàidhlig I prefer Gàidhlig because it is almost absolutely regular. In case of further interest I would recommend Goireasan Gàidhlig - Gaelic Resources on the web.
" ...dè tha dol an seo...?" (what's going on here?): I put that on my page, after starting to write out here, and for a couple of month there was absolutly nothing going on here, no other contributors and I was wondering if this project would ever be alive. So I'm quite happy now to see people like you adding to Uicipeid na Gàidhlig and help to build up some information in this fascinating language. So if you have further questions don't hesitate, just ask. Le deagh dhùrachdan --Sionnach (talk) 20:12, 2 dhen t-Sultain 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Haidh Test

[deasaich an tùs]


--Romaniac (talk) 19:58, 27 dhen t-Samhain 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Message to Bureaucrats

[deasaich an tùs]

First of all, sorry for writing in English.
It seems you're the only active Bureaucrat on WP:gd, so could you please have a look at this message from a WP:fr user? (I'm trying to assist him with SUL).
Best regards,
Sardur (talk) 22:21, 27 dhen t-Samhain 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Sardur, hi Dalriada, so far we don' t have a local policy for rename practice, but looking at the m:Rename practices in other Wikis, I would say that a user who made 142 edits and created 85 articles has done more than just a few edits. I left a note on the page of user:Dalriada here in gd and contacted our other Bureaucrat as well).
It seems that there are also other older edits on commons and on ru.wikipedia.org which might prevent to complete SUL. From my personal experience (trying to complete SUL myself) it is impossible to ursup an acount on Commons, if there are any uploads.
In my opinion it would be best to wait for the "Forced user renames coming up for SUL" which will hopefully be happening soon. Greetings --Sionnach (talk) 19:51, 30 dhen t-Samhain 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for your answer. I fully agree with your analysis (user with 142 edits). The easiest solution would be for the local Dalriada to agree on renaming his account.
I don't know about Commons; I advised Dalriada (WP:fr) to start with WP:gd , taking into account the number of edits of the local Dalriada.
What is the "Forced user renames coming up for SUL"? Would you have any link on this?
Sardur (talk) 22:41, 30 dhen t-Samhain 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, that would be nice if he agrees:-) There are some links for you:
- "Forced user renames coming up for SUL", was due this year, so I'll hope it will be next year. It would solve all the renaming probleams for Dalriada.
- from Commons: Non-allowable usurpations: The target account has useful edits and does not consent. Forced usurpations of Commons accounts with useful (non-deleted) edits and/or uploads are not allowed since, among other reasons, this could cause GFDL copyright issues. A target account with useful edits must explicitly consent to the usurpation if the request is to be permitted. Lack of response and/or user no longer available is not considered sufficient: explicit consent is needed. [10]
- Might be interesting as well m:Rename practices
Best wishes to the fr:WP --Sionnach (talk) 23:07, 30 dhen t-Samhain 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you again (I like the principle of the SUL finalisation, but I'm not sure I like the solution), and best wishes to WP:gd as well! Sardur (talk) 23:24, 30 dhen t-Samhain 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I wonder if the global Dalriada might consider changing name to Dalriadan. In some ways it's more descriptive since Dalriada is a country whereas a Dalriadan is a person associated with that country. Dalriadan appears to be globally available. Just a suggestion. I know it would be more work than changing just the local Dalriada but it would be less likely to cause hurt feelings.
If not, we should just wait for the forced user renaming, as Sionnach suggests. -- Derek Ross | deasbair 16:24, 3 dhen Dùbhlachd 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Sionnach. You have fully understood my message in fr to Sardur...I understand and appreciate your focus ... As you have may seen ... Not much problem with English language is for me the only way to know History of Scotland, my "passion" since my childhood. friendly 09:49, 1 dhen Dùbhlachd 2013 (UTC)[reply]

taing airson do chomhairle

[deasaich an tùs]

A Shionnaich chòir,

mòran taing airson do chomhairle, is tha mi ag aontachadh, bidh e nas fheàrr pìosan beaga den bàrdachd a chur ris na h-àistean. Tha mi glè thoilichte gu bheil na h-àistean agam a' còrdadh ribh. An-dràsda, tha mi air ais ann am Poblachd nan Seic airson saor-laithean na Nollaig, ach tha mi 'n dòchas gun dèan mi rud no dhà airson Uicipeid cuideachd, is às dèidh na Nollaig, bidh sinn a' cumail oirnn còmhla ri Caoimhin is daoine eile aig SMO.

Tha mi an dòchas gum bi Nollaig chridheil is bliadhna ùr mhath agad.



[deasaich an tùs]

Hallo Sionnach,

Christina Burger hat mich auf Deinen Workshop morgen aufmerksam gemacht. Viel Erfolg hierbei! Es würde mich sehr interessieren, wie der Workshop gelaufen ist, da wir uns in der Alemannischen Wikipedia überlegt haben, ob und wie wir auch solche Workshops anbieten können.

Es würde mich übrigens freuen, wenn wir uns mal kennenlernen könnten (vielleicht auf der WikiCon dieses Jahr?), zum persönlichen Austausch unter Autoren kleiner Wikipedien. Ich möchte nämlich auch dieses Jahr wieder etwas Ähnliches anbieten wie 2013 in Karlsruhe.

Viele Grüße, --Holder (talk) 17:31, 10 dhen Fhaoilleach 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Holder, vielen dank für Dein Interesse. Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse des Workshops kannst Du hier sehen und schau doch mal in den Kurier in WP:de, da steht noch was drin:-). Bezgl Wikicon: Interesse immer, Austausch würde mich sehr freuen, denn ich fühle mich manchmal ein bischen alleine hier bes. bzgl. technische Hilfe etc. Ev. mal kurz Bescheid geben, ich verfolge nicht alles auf Meta in WP:de. Was mich aber wirklich interessieren würde: Wie habt ihr die "5 Zeilen Regel" o.ä als Mindestanforderung für Artikel in der Alemanischen Wikipedia durchbekommen? Viele Grüße--Sionnach (talk) 22:21, 11 dhen Fhaoilleach 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hallo Sionnach.
Sehr interessant, Deine Erfahrungen mit dem Workshop. Man kann auch in den hiesigen letzten Änderungen Eure engagierte Aktivität noch nachvollziehen.
Zur "5-Sätze-Regel" (nicht Zeilen ...): das haben wir einfach im Projekt mal diskutiert und darüber abgestimmt, und ab dann haben wir Administratoren alle Artikel gelöscht, die weniger als 5 Sätze hatten. Solch eine Richtlinie könnt Ihr Autoren der Gälischen Wikipedia hier völlig unabhängig und eigenständig entscheiden und umsetzen. Da kann Euch niemand von außerhalb hineinreden.
Wir hatten diese Regel übrigens eingeführt, um automatisierte Massengenerierung von 1-Satz-Artikeln zu verhindern. Zum Beispiel solch ein "Artikel" würde bei uns sofort wieder gelöscht werden. --Holder (talk) 16:27, 12 dhen Fhaoilleach 2014 (UTC)[reply]


[deasaich an tùs]

Hallo Sionnach, mir ist aufgefallen, dass von eurer Hauptseite (Prìomh-Dhuilleag) fast alle händisch gesetzten Interwiki-Links in die Irre führen. Könntest du sie bitte bei Gelegenheit korrigieren oder einfach weglassen, falls sie durch Wikidata korrekt angelegt werden?

Vielen Dank und viele Grüße --Wiegels (talk) 18:11, 26 dhen Fhaoilleach 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Vielen Dank für den Hinweis, ich habe die Links entfernt, sie müssten jetzt über Wikidata korrekt erscheinen. --Sionnach (talk) 06:03, 27 dhen Fhaoilleach 2014 (UTC) PS: die Hauptseite ist nur halbgeschützt:-)[reply]
Jetzt sieht es besser aus. Dass ich die Hauptseite selber bearbeiten darf, hatte ich übersehen. Hast du diesen Blogbeitrag schon gelesen? --Wiegels (talk) 01:51, 28 dhen Fhaoilleach 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Usurpation request (SUL) User:Alan

[deasaich an tùs]

Hello Sionnach

I'm requesting User:Alan usurpation for complete my SUL account. (Confirmation diff). Target username is inactive since 2007 with 6 total editions. If you like, you can contact with me at commons:User talk:Alan or m:User talk:Alan. Sorry for write in english, i'm "gd-0".

Thanks in advance. --Alan.lorenzo (talk) 14:35, 3 dhen Ghearrain 2014 (UTC)

Hi! Any reply about this, please? Regards, --Alan.lorenzo (talk) 10:34, 26 dhen Ghearrain 2014 (UTC) (m:User:Alan)
Ping @ Derek Ross. -- 02:26, 5 dhen Mhàrt 2014 (UTC)[reply]
I have completed this request. Please let me know if there is an issue with this. Ajraddatz (talk) 21:14, 22 dhen Mhàrt 2014 (UTC)[reply]

No problem. @Ajraddatz, thanks for your help, due to death in my family I didn't have enough time to work around here. --Sionnach (talk) 22:02, 31 dhen Mhàrt 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Request for username change : Hosiryuhosi -> Rxy

[deasaich an tùs]

Hello. Could you please change my username?

Done. --Sionnach (talk) 21:58, 31 dhen Mhàrt 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Ma bhios mionaid agad, an cuir thu beachd ri seo? Tha mise deònach na còraichean a thilleadh dha ach tha na h-urracha mòra ag iarraidh deasbad, ìoc, is sinne cho gann... Akerbeltz (talk) 16:25, 31 dhen Mhàrt 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Tha mi duilich sin a chluinntinn. Uill, tha mi dhen bheachd air sgàth 's nach eil riaghailtean mu na còraichean stèidhichte fhathast anns an Uici seo, is dòcha gum b' urrainn dhuinn dèiligeadh leis a' chuis seo leotha fhèin. Saoil, an urrainn dhut faighinn a-mach am biodh Eoghan deònach a bhith ag obair an seo nas trice? Bha mòran daoine an seo nach do chleachd na còraichean aca idir, agus chan eil sin uabhasach feumail. Agus an dàrna puing, an urrainn dhut teachdaireachd a chur ri Derek Ross mun chuis seo, is dòcha air an duilleig aige ann am Uici Beurla. Tha thusa nas luaithe is nas fheàrr na mise ann am Beurla. 'S e esan am biùrocrat eile an seo, agus ma bhios e ag aontachadh, cuiridh mi fhìn na còraichean air ais do dh'Eoghan.
An-dràsta fhèin chan eil mòran ùine agam, chaochail mo mhàthair o chionn goirid agus tha cus agam ri dhèanamh. Ach cumaidh mi sùil air an duilleig seo, agus tha mi làn dòchais gum bi mi air ais nas trice a dh'aithghearr. --Sionnach (talk) 21:49, 31 dhen Mhàrt 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Welsh Towns

[deasaich an tùs]

Just a space between the map and the paragraph / text? Can't see anything else. Wici Rhuthun 1 (talk) 17:06, 21 dhen Ghiblean 2014 (UTC)[reply]

How does that look now? Wici Rhuthun 1 (talk) 09:20, 22 dhen Ghiblean 2014 (UTC)[reply]
He! I thought you wanted me to take it out! No matter! It's back in. Now we move up a gear or two? Wici Rhuthun 1 (talk) 09:27, 22 dhen Ghiblean 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Great, thanks. I've included Mid Wales - when we come to them, as per request. Articles are now created in batches of counties. You can check on the map where they are! They should be ok! Spent all night on them, and getting the images in place! Love it! Have you got all Scottish villages done? Maybe that should be our first priority, if not! Plenty of sources for data o Open Scotland. I think Llywelyn wants to do the mountains - it's up to you. 09:39, 22 dhen Ghiblean 2014 (UTC)
Hi Sionnach! All is done! Redirects created. Anything else, let me know please. It's easy to change or add a multiutude on AWB, so please come and ask! Wici Rhuthun 1 (talk) 12:02, 22 dhen Ghiblean 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Seac MacDhòmhnaill -> Seac MacConaill

[deasaich an tùs]

A Shionnaich, Am bʼurrainn dhutsa an duilleag Seac MacDhòmhnaill a ghluasad gu Seac MacConaill. (Faic an Deasbaireachd airson adhbharan.) Chan urrainn dhomhsa a dhèanamh air sgàthʼs gu bheil duilleag REDIRECT Seac MacConaill ann mu-thràth. --Caoimhin (talk) 00:16, 16 dhen Chèitean 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Ceart ma-tha, rinn mi e. Gheibh thu barrachd fios mu chleachdadh ainmean pearsanta anns an Uici seo an seo: Uicipeid:Ainmean is sloinnidhean --Sionnach (talk) 08:20, 16 dhen Chèitean 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Taing a Shionnaich. Tha deagh chomhairle air an duilleig sin. --Caoimhin (talk) 13:49, 16 dhen Chèitean 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Dèanamh theamplaidean Gàidhlig

[deasaich an tùs]

Mòran taing. :) Carson nach urrainn dhuinn teamplaid ùr fhèin a sgrìobhadh dìreach mar air an Uicipeid na Beurla?--Tleilaxu10191 (talk)

Rinn mi sin air an Uicipeid na Beurla, ach chan eil mi cinnteach de tha me a' dèanamh cearr an seo.--Tleilaxu10191 (talk)
Tha mise a' smaoineachadh gu bheil na faclan agam!;)--Tleilaxu10191 (talk)

20-20 Vision of Wales

[deasaich an tùs]

Good morning! Please check that I have included all your edits on this page. Many thanks. Let me know if I can write an article for you in Welsh. Edit, and be happy! Llywelyn2000 (talk) 05:49, 29 dhen Chèitean 2014 (UTC)[reply]

A' cur às do dhuilleagan

[deasaich an tùs]

Hi A Shionnach. Thàinig mi tarsaing an duilleag An Comann na Fàinne. Tha e falamh on a chaidh a chruthachadh ann an 2005 a bharrachd air an tiotal mearachdach. Cha eil fhios 'am ciamar a thathas a' cur às do dhuilleagan ach lorg mi tag delete|empty a chuir mi air an duilleag fhèin. An tachair sgioblachadh de dhuilleagan falamh an-dràst' 's a-rithist? Thisissusanbell (talk) 13:42, 5 dhen Ògmhios 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Thisissusanbell, bha sin ceart an Teamplaid:Delete a chur ris an duilleag seo agus sguab mi às i.
Bho àm gu àm bidh mi a' coimhead air na duilleagan goirid an seo, gus faighinn a-mach am bi rudeigin fiach sguabadh às ann. Ach chan eil dòigh sam bhith ann duilleagan falamh a lorg. Mar as trice bi mi a' cumail sùil air na mùthaidhean ùra airson milleadh amsaa, ach chan eil sin a' ciallachadh gum faigh mi greim air a h-uile gin dhiubh. Mar sin ma bhios tu a' faicinn duilleag gun susbaint ciallach, cuir delete rithe, agus fàg is dòcha nota an seo no aig Akerbeltz.--Sionnach (talk) 22:11, 5 dhen Ògmhios 2014 (UTC)[reply]
PS: Is math a rinn thu leis na refs: "Atlas Sgoile"!

Roinn-seòrsa ùr

[deasaich an tùs]

Haidh a Shionnaich,

tha mi 'n dòchas gu bheil sibh gu dòigheil. Rinn mi duilleag ùr air Alasdair MacNeacail (neach-eachdraidh) an-diugh agus mìosan air ais, rinn mi duilleagan air Iain MacAonghais (an t-ollamh) agus air Calum Iain MacGilleathain. Agus saoilidh mi gum bi e math nam biodh roinn-seòrsa shònraichte ann, rudeigin mar "Gaelic scholars", ach cha do rinn mi roinn-seòrsa ùr nam bheatha agus chan eil fhios agam ciamar a nì mi i. Am faod sibh gam chuideachadh? Mòran taing. - Eimhir (talk) 10:10, 14 dhen Ògmhios 2014 (UTC)

Mòran taing airson sin, a Shionnaich, saoilidh mi gu bheil 'sgoilearan na Gàidhlig' math gu leòr, ach cha robh fios 'am gun robh a leithid ann. - Eimhir (talk) 10:37, 14 dhen Ògmhios 2014 (UTC)

Bàird air a bheil ainm air nòs Gàidhealach

[deasaich an tùs]

Haidh a Shionnaich,

mòran taing airson sin, chuir mi na bàird as cudromaiche ris an roinn-seòrsa ùr seo agus bidh mi a' cuimhneachadh gu bheil dà roinn-seòrsa againn a-nis nuair a tha mi a' sgrìobhadh dhuilleagan ùra air bàird Ghàidhlig. Eimhir (talk) 11:40, 25 dhen Ògmhios 2014 (UTC)

Well deserved Barnstar

[deasaich an tùs]
The 20-20 Silver Star Barnstar
The Silver Award Wikipedia 20 - 20 Challenge. This is well deserved. Llywelyn2000 (an deasbaireachd) 16:09, 12 dhen Iuchar 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Mòran taing airson sin! Many thanks!--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 08:32, 13 dhen Iuchar 2014 (UTC)[reply]


[deasaich an tùs]

Tapadh leat airson na fàilte!

Tha mi duilich ach cha do lorg mi far an cuir mi freagairt thugad, mar sin seo cuspair ùr dhut!

GunChleoc (an deasbaireachd) 14:50, 13 dhen Iuchar 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Loch Dochfour

[deasaich an tùs]

Is toil leam duilleag "Loch Dochfour" gu mòr! --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 08:17, 28 dhen Iuchar 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Mòran taing:-) --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 06:25, 29 dhen Iuchar 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Loch Beannacharan

[deasaich an tùs]

Tha duilleag ùr air mo dhuilleag a' chleachdaiche. Gum faic tu agus cuidich, mas e do thoil e. --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 11:04, 4 dhen Lùnastal 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Chuir mi freagairt aig an duilleig agadsa. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 11:45, 4 dhen Lùnastal 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Loch a' Mhuillidh

[deasaich an tùs]

Sgrìobh mi duilleag ùr. Bha an gràmar doirbh. --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 10:44, 5 dhen Lùnastal 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Loch nan Dubhrachan

[deasaich an tùs]


Bhiodh e a' còrdadh ri muinntir Shlèite nan dèanadh tu alt beag mu Loch nan Dùbhrachan/D1ubhraichean. Is dòcha gu bheil diofar seòrsaichean de litreachaidh ann. Tha e air taobh an ear Shlèite faisg air Torabhaig. A bheil e san leabhar agad? --Each-uisge (an deasbaireachd) 13:46, 7 dhen Lùnastal 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Tha mi duilich, ach gu mì-fhortanach chan eil an loch seo anns an t-suirbhidh. Sin an tùs a tha mi a' cleachdadh: Bathymetrical Survey of the Fresh-Water Lochs of Scotland, 1897-1909 ach chan eil dad ann mu Shlèite no an t-Eilean Sgitheanach. Is dòcha gu bheil barrachd fiosrachadh aig muinntir Shlèite fhèin mu Loch nan Dubhrachan? --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 06:09, 12 dhen Lùnastal 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Deiseil, seo e: Loch nan Dùbhrachan.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 22:21, 20 dhen t-Sultain 2014 (UTC)[reply]

An important message about renaming users

[deasaich an tùs]

Dear Sionnach, My aplogies for writing in English. Please translate or have this translated for you if it will help. I am cross-posting this message to many places to make sure everyone who is a Wikimedia Foundation project bureaucrat receives a copy. If you are a bureaucrat on more than one wiki, you will receive this message on each wiki where you are a bureaucrat.

As you may have seen, work to perform the Wikimedia cluster-wide single-user login finalisation (SUL finalisation) is taking place. This may potentially effect your work as a local bureaucrat, so please read this message carefully.

Why is this happening? As currently stated at the global rename policy, a global account is a name linked to a single user across all Wikimedia wikis, with local accounts unified into a global collection. Previously, the only way to rename a unified user was to individually rename every local account. This was an extremely difficult and time-consuming task, both for stewards and for the users who had to initiate discussions with local bureaucrats (who perform local renames to date) on every wiki with available bureaucrats. The process took a very long time, since it's difficult to coordinate crosswiki renames among the projects and bureaucrats involved in individual projects.

The SUL finalisation will be taking place in stages, and one of the first stages will be to turn off Special:RenameUser locally. This needs to be done as soon as possible, on advice and input from Stewards and engineers for the project, so that no more accounts that are unified globally are broken by a local rename to usurp the global account name. Once this is done, the process of global name unification can begin. The date that has been chosen to turn off local renaming and shift over to entirely global renaming is 15 September 2014, or three weeks time from now. In place of local renames is a new tool, hosted on Meta, that allows for global renames on all wikis where the name is not registered will be deployed.

Your help is greatly needed during this process and going forward in the future if, as a bureaucrat, renaming users is something that you do or have an interest in participating in. The Wikimedia Stewards have set up, and are in charge of, a new community usergroup on Meta in order to share knowledge and work together on renaming accounts globally, called Global renamers. Stewards are in the process of creating documentation to help global renamers to get used to and learn more about global accounts and tools and Meta in general as well as the application format. As transparency is a valuable thing in our movement, the Stewards would like to have at least a brief public application period. If you are an experienced renamer as a local bureaucrat, the process of becoming a part of this group could take as little as 24 hours to complete. You, as a bureaucrat, should be able to apply for the global renamer right on Meta by the requests for global permissions page on 1 September, a week from now.

In the meantime please update your local page where users request renames to reflect this move to global renaming, and if there is a rename request and the user has edited more than one wiki with the name, please send them to the request page for a global rename.

Stewards greatly appreciate the trust local communities have in you and want to make this transition as easy as possible so that the two groups can start working together to ensure everyone has a unique login identity across Wikimedia projects. Completing this project will allow for long-desired universal tools like a global watchlist, global notifications and many, many more features to make work easier.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns about the SUL finalisation, read over the Help:Unified login page on Meta and leave a note on the talk page there, or on the talk page for global renamers. You can also contact me on my talk page on meta if you would like. I'm working as a bridge between Wikimedia Foundation Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Stewards, and you to assure that SUL finalisation goes as smoothly as possible; this is a community-driven process and I encourage you to work with the Stewards for our communities.

Thank you for your time. -- Keegan (WMF) talk 18:24, 25 dhen Lùnastal 2014 (UTC)[reply]

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Loch an Tachdaidh/An Gead Loch

[deasaich an tùs]

Bha mi a sgrìobhadh "Loch an Tachdaidh" agus "An Gead Loch" air mo dhuilleag a' chleachdaiche. Leugh agus cuidich, mas e do thoile. Tha trioblaid agam le Iomraidhean, Ceanglaichean etc. Chan eil iad faicsinneach air an ro-shealladh. --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 20:40, 4 dhen t-Sultain 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Deiseil. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 07:36, 12 dhen t-Sultain 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Lochan Gobhlach etc.

[deasaich an tùs]

Tha "Lochan Gobhlach", "Loch a' Chlaidheimh" agus "Loch nam Breac Dearga" air mo dhuilleag a' chleachdaiche. Leugh iad agus cuidich, mas e do thoile.--Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 18:41, 11 dhen t-Sultain 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Dèanta --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 07:37, 12 dhen t-Sultain 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Sionnach,

Du hattest hier mal vorgeschlagen, dass Du vom Treffen der keltischen Sprachen auf der Wikimania berichten könntest. Das fände ich sehr spannend. Willst Du vielleicht einfach bei meinem Vortrag zu den Wikipedien in kleinen Sprachen zehn Minuten dafür haben? Mein Vortrag ist am Samstag um 15:00 Uhr. Eine Diskussionsrunde zum intensiveren Austausch ist übrigens auch mein Ziel für die WikiCon bzw. ich bemühe mich seit vielen Jahren um einen dauerhaften sprachübergreifenden Austausch. Schau doch au mal auf meine Idee zur WikiCon 2015.

Liebe Grüße, --Holder (an deasbaireachd) 18:36, 25 dhen t-Sultain 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Sionnach! TaxonBot wartet auf Input... Was gibt's zu tun? (Bitte eines nach dem anderen ...) Grüße, -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 20:21, 5 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, freut mich Dich so schnell hier zu sehen! Wenn Du magst, kannst du ja mal einen Probelauf mit den folgenden Kategorien machen: alles von Roinn-seòrsa:Aimearaga-a-Deas muß nach Roinn-seòrsa:Aimearaga a Deas damit ich erstere löschen kann. Ich hoffe, Du verstehst was ich möchte, wie gesagt, keine Ahnung von Bots:-) Viele Grüße --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 22:13, 5 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
PS: Auch Dir einen herzlichen Glückwunsch zur "Eule"!
Ja, Dir ebenfalls Glückwünsche zur Eule! Deinen Bot-Wunsch verstehe ich, aber wie gesagt, ein Bot muss erst mal programmiert werden und die Handlungen beim Kategorien Verschieben erlernen. Hat der Bot es einmal gemacht, sind die nächsten Verschiebungen kein Problem mehr, höchstens die Performance dabei ändert sich. Dazu gehört also jetzt, TaxonBot auf diese Arbeit hin zu programmieren, zu testen, zu beobachten und zu verbessern/auszubessern. Gib mir dazu bitte etwas Zeit, wie gesagt - beim zweiten Mal ginge es deutlich schneller dann. Schöne Grüße, -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 14:13, 6 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Nachtrag: einige dieser Artikel sind mit "Category", nicht mit "Roinn-seòrsa" verlinkt, die Bilddateien auch. Ich denke, das sollte gleich mit angepasst werden, okay? -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 14:18, 6 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Nimm Dir soviel Zeit wie Du willst, es eilt nicht. Vieles ist schon seit Jahren in schlechtem Zustand, da kommt es auf ein paar Tage/Wochen/Monate auch nicht mehr drauf an! Deswegen hatte ich für den Anfang auch erstmal eine kleinere Kategorie ausgesucht, so zum Testen. "Category" -> "Roinn-seòrsa" sowie "File"/"Image" -> "Faidhle" gleich mitanpassen wäre prima. Viele Grüße --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 16:23, 6 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Okay, hat mich eine Nacht gekostet, weil noch ein kleiner Fehler drin war, den ich länger gesucht habe. Dieser Job ist jetzt erledigt. Schau ruhig mal drüber, die falsch geschriebene Kategorie ist leer. Hier findest Du einige Seiten, die dies mit Bindestrich schreiben. Ist dies alles insoweit falsch, dann könnte ich den Bot zur Fehlerkorrektur durch die Seiten jagen, um dies mit der Schreibung ohne Bindestriche zu ersetzen. Was ist der nächste Job? Du kannst die Wünsche gerne auf user:TaxonBot/Worklist stapeln, da werde ich sie dann der Reihenfolge, so wie ich Zeit habe, abarbeiten. Schöne Grüße (hat Spaß gemacht) -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 03:22, 7 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Oh je, Du mußt doch keine Nachtschichten machen! Das sieht alles schon ganz gut aus, nur hier hat der Bot einmal einen Artikel komplett überschrieben, keine Ahnung, was da los war. Die Idee, die Falschschreiung auf allen Seiten zu korrigieren ist prima, ich trage es dann mit auf der "to do" Liste ein. Viele Grüße --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 07:10, 7 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Hm, was da passiert ist, muss ich auch erst mal schauen. Aufgrund der Programmierung, sollte sowas gar nicht möglich sein. Die Nachtschicht war beruflich, das Programmieren geht da nebenher, also kein Problem. Ich möchte Dich hiermit auch wissen lassen, dass mir das Programmieren sehr viel Spaß macht und unsere Zusammenarbeit mir sehr zusagt, also bitte keine falsche Bescheidenheit an der Menge von Aufträgen. Und dann bitte ich noch um etwas Rücksicht wegen hier: Dort wurde ich erwähnt, verstehe aber Eure Sprache leider gar nicht. Ob in Englisch oder Deutsch, ich wüsste schon gern, worum es geht. Vielen Dank, -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 14:57, 7 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Gut, dann bin ich ja beruhigt wegen Deiner Nachtschicht:-) Wegen der "vielen" Aufträge muß ich selbst erstmal durch die diversen Kategorien gehen und notfalls auch Schreibweisen mit der Community abstimmen, da es hier noch keine festen "Standartschreibweisen" gibt. Aufträge werden aber sicher so nach und nach eintrudeln.
Wegen der Übersetzung: Daran hätte ich natürlich denken müssen, das tut mir sehr leid und ich werde in Zukunft darauf achten. Hier die Übersetzung: "Ich würde euch gerne wissen lassen, daß User Doc Taxon angeboten hat, uns zu helfen. Er hat einen Bot: TaxonBot, der doppelte Kategorien aufräumen wird oder Umbenennungen von file" oder "image" nach "faidhle" durchführen wird. Im Augenblick führen wir einige Tests durch. Wenn Ihr etwas Falsches bei dem TaxonBot seht, gebt mir bitte Bescheid. Sionnach " . Ich habe solche größeren Aktionen noch nie gemacht und wollte gerne die Community darüber informieren und beteiligen. Desweiteren habe ich einen Link auf diesen Hinweis bei User:Akerbeltz plaziert, das ist unser zweiter aktiver Admin, nur damit der Bot nicht aus Versehen gesperrst wird. Vielen Grüße --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 17:23, 7 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

lässt sich "Sionnach" übersetzen? -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 18:11, 7 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Na klar, schau mal auf das Tier auf meiner Userseite, das war mein Spitzname in der Schule:-) --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 18:16, 7 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
So, Roinn-seòrsa:Prìomh-bhailtean ann an Aimearaga a Deas abgeschlossen. Alles gecheckt, keine Fehler. -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 18:36, 7 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Wunderbar. Soll ich mal das Botflag für den TaxonBot setzen? Sieht ja soweit alles ganz gut aus.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 18:40, 7 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
ja, setze den BotFlag. Es würde mich auch freuen, wenn Du sowohl dem Bot als auch mir den Admin-Status gibst, damit ich die Aufräumarbeiten nach den Botläufen gleich mit machen kann (z. B. Kategorien löschen / Umbenennungen und so was alles), für Vorlagen-Transporte wäre das Importrecht auf beiden Benutzern ebenfalls sehr hilfreich. Da ich in de:WP selbst Admin und Importeur bin, kenne ich mich auf diesem Gebiet gut aus und verspreche Dir auch, nichts kaputt zu machen und mich entsprechend in der Community zu verhalten. Danke sehr, -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 18:57, 7 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Worte in Artikeln zu ersetzen ist insofern kompliziert, da ich die Grammatik nicht kenne. Wäre es denn möglich, dass Aimearaga a Tuath in grammatischen Fällen bestimmte Endungen tragen kann? Dann muss ich das nämlich berücksichtigen. Da TaxonBot im Hintergrund läuft, bringt es mir leider wenig, wenn dieser allein als Admin auftritt, denn angemeldet wäre ich nur als Doc Taxon, Du verstehst? Ansonsten besten Dank und auf weiterhin gute Zusammenarbeit. Grüße, -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 19:29, 7 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

(BK) Okay, der Bot hat den Botflag und den Adminstatus. Ich würde Dir auch sehr gerne den Adminstatus geben, denn für mich wäre es eine Arbeitserleiterung. Ich setze mal eine Notiz auf unsere Gemeinschaftsseite und wenn keine Einsprüche kommen, erhälst Du den Adminstatus in ein paar Tagen. Ich hoffe, daß ist so okay für Dich. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 19:35, 7 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

PS:"Aimearaga a Tuath" und "Aimearaga a Deas" sind nicht veränderbar, keine Fälle etc zu berücksichtigen.

Nee, kein Problem, klingt vernünftig. Übersetze mir bitte kurz: "Fàilte gu Uicipeid na Gàidhlig – an leabhar-eòlais a tha fosgailte do dhuine sam bith!

Thòisich sinn anns an t-Sultain, 2003, agus tha sinn a-nis ag obair air 17,316 aistidhean anns a’ Ghàidhlig." Danke sehr, -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 21:29, 7 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hab mir gerade das Wörterbuch von Bernhard Maier, Bonn, bestellt. -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 21:48, 7 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Wozu brauchen wir die Lemmafalschschreibungen als Weiterleitung auf Aimearaga a Tuath und Aimearaga a Deas? -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 02:23, 8 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Übersetzung: Willkommen in der gälischen Wikipedia, das Buch des Wissens (->Enzyklopädie>) welches offen ist für alle Leute. Wir haben im September 2003 angefangen und arbeiten nun an 17,316 Artikeln auf Gälisch.
Hier die zwei wichtigsten Online Wörterbücher: Am Faclair Beag und Stòr-dàta vonSMO.
Lemmafalschschreibungen: weil es noch keinen "Duden" gibt.
Soweit erstmal auf die Schnelle. Viele Grüße --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 04:34, 8 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
noch zu dem Buch von Bernd Maier: na, jetzt willst Du es aber wissen:-) Es ist auch das einzige Wörterbuch, was es auf Deutsch gibt. Aber auch hier gilt: es gibt noch keine verbindliche Rechtschreibnorm. Ich habe noch ca 5 weitere Wörterbücher zu Hause und finde immer wieder unterschiedliche Schreibweisen. Von daher würde ich die Lemmafalschreibungen erstmal drin lassen.
Du erwähnst oben Vorlagen. Kennst Du Dich damit auch aus? Dann wärst Du einfach unbezahlbar für uns!
Noch 'ne frage wie ein Bot arbeitet: was macht der Bot mit Wörtern wie "Bith-Cheimeagair" wo die zweite Hälfte des Wortes falsch ist, es müsste Bith-cheimigeir heißen. Läßt er die einfach aus? Und was würde passieren, wenn er auf so etwas wie .... do [[ceimeagair|cheimeagair]]... stößt? Verändert er nur das erste Wort, alle beide oder gar nichts?--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 19:26, 8 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Nun, es kommt stets drauf an, was man dem Bot beibringt, sprich: wie man ihn programmiert. Und daher ist es gut zu wissen, welche Quelltext-Einträge es gibt. Der Bot sucht die Worte anhand der Buchstabenfolge raus, und die wird dann einfach nur korrigiert. Dabei sind Abweichungen von der Buchstabenfolge, wie Präfix und Endungen und Wortzusammenschreibungen nur Programmiersache. Vorlagen sind diffizil, mit etwas Zeit krieg ich so was aber hin. -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 12:01, 9 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Notiz: Momentan tauscht TaxonBot in jedem Artikel des Namespace 0, also im ANR (ohne talkpages) sämtliche Category und File/Image aus. Grüße, -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 20:28, 10 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Ja, habe ich schon bemerkt, Du und Dein Bot seit ja sehr fleißig, das ist einfach Klasse! Danke --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 20:33, 10 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
jaha, ich danke Dir! Habe gerade eine kleine Verbesserung eingeworfen, denn teils ist "category" einfach klein geschrieben. Möchtest Du diese Ersetzungen auch auf den Talkpages oder pages anderem Namensraums? -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 20:37, 10 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Ich denke, ja. Wie ist das denn in der deutschen Wikipedia/den anderen Wikis? Ist da nicht auch alles auf deutsch/ in der jeweiligen Sprache? Nur bitte nicht in den Diskussionen selbst ersetzen, wo wir das schon mit einigen durchdiskutiert hatten, daß würde sonst die Diskussionsbeiträge verfälschen. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 20:45, 10 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

ja okay, dann werde ich Fremdverlinkungen in andere Namespaces vorher begutachten. Das wird zwar ob der fremden Sprache etwas kompliziert, die Beiträge zu interpretieren, aber ich hab da schon paar Ideen - und den Bot kann ich ja für jeden Namespace einzeln einsetzen. Der macht normalerweise nur was er soll. Interwikilinks, die in Wikidata eingearbeitet wurden, sind hier auf den Seiten der Uicipeid obsolet und können entfernt werden. Manchmal gibt es Ausnahmen, weshalb ich das auch von Hand erledige. Der Bot hilft aber ganz nützlich beim Suchen, hihi. Das macht so Spaß hier, -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 20:57, 10 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

grins, ich hatte mittlerweise mit den Aufräumarbeiten ziemlich die Nase voll, es war einfach zuviel geworden! Hast Du übrigens diesen Kommentar gesehen (+ hier die Übersetzung)? Deine Arbeit kommt, glaube ich, gut an! --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 21:15, 10 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]


[deasaich an tùs]

Hallo Sionnach! Personenkategorien sind hier auf Vornamen geordnet, was eigentlich zur Auffindung von Personen sehr wenig sinnvoll ist. Oftmals sucht man ja entlang des Anfangsbuchstabens des Nachnamens, da der Vorname ja nicht immer auch geläufig ist. Oder hat das bei Euch einen tieferen Sinn. Sowas kann ein Bot übrigens auch ganz gut beheben. Grüße, -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 15:04, 11 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Doc Taxon, danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit und die Rückfrage. Ja, das hat einen tieferen Sinn: z.B: gälische Dichter/Sänger etc sind oft unter "Spitznamen" berühmt geworden, also ist Màiri Mhòr nan Òran (übersetzt "die große Maria der Lieder") kaum unter ihrem Familiennamen bekannt. Also wurde nach langer Diskussion vor einiger Zeit die Kategorie Roinn-seòrsa:Bàird air a bheil ainm air nòs Gàidhealach (Kategorie: Dichter mit Namen nach gälischer Tradition/Weise) + Oberkategorie Roinn-seòrsa:Daoine air a bheil ainm air nòs Gàidhealach (Kategorie:Leute mit Namen nach gälischer Tradition/Weise) eingeführt. Das entspricht auch eher der gälischen Kultur und deren Vergabe der Namen. Unter Familiennamen tauchen sie dann in Roinn-seòrsa:Bàird Ghàidhlig (Kategorie:gälische Dichter) auf. Dabei kann es allerdings noch zu einigen Ungereimtheiten kommen. Sollte das allerdings verstärkt außerhalb der beiden obengenannten Kategorien auftreten, müßte man das noch mal genauer prüfen. Viel Grüße --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 21:33, 11 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Oh schwierig. / Also im Artikelnamensraum sollten jetzt keinerlei "Category", "File" oder "Image" mehr vorkommen. -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 05:05, 12 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]


[deasaich an tùs]

Hallo Sionnach! Die richtige Schreibweise ist doch Bith-Ceimigear und nicht Bith-Cheimigeir, wie Du es zwei Absätze weiter oben andeutetest - meine ich zumindest. Und aus [[ceimeagair|cheimeagair]] sollten wir [[ceimigear]] machen, nicht wahr? Am besten wäre es, kurz mal eine Liste über alle hier verwendeten Schreibungen von "chemisch", "Chemiker" und "Chemie" und die korrekte Schreibung aufzuführen.

  • c(h)eimeagairean → ceimigearan
  • c(h)eimeadair → ceimigear
  • c(h)eimeagair → ceimigear
  • c(h)eimeagachd → ceimigeachd
  • [[ceimeagair|cheimeagair]] → [[ceimigear]]

Und worin besteht der Unterschied zwischen ceimig und ceimigeachd? -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 06:36, 12 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Okay, ich versuch mal eine Antwort:


  • c(h)eimeagachd → ceimigeachd
    • Ich habe alle "cheimeagachd" von Hand auf cheimigeachd geändert. Es müsse also nur noch ceimeagachd → ceimigeachd geändert werden

"chemisch": ceimig


  • c(h)eimeagairean → ceimigearan (Plural)
    • "cheimeagairean" kommt nicht mehr vor, es müsse also nur noch "ceimeagairean"-> ceimigearan geändert werden.
  • c(h)eimeadair → ceimigear
    • c(h)eimeadair: Kann raus, kommt nicht mehr vor.

Und hier habe ich ein Verständnisproblem betr. Botprogrammierung:

  • c(h)eimeagair → ceimigear (Einzahl)
  • [[ceimeagair|cheimeagair]] → [[ceimigear]]. Das ist leider nicht so einfach:-(

Es gibt Situationen im Gälischen, wo im Dativ oder anderen Situationen das Wort vorne am Wortanfang geändert wird. Wir lösen das über ...na [[ceimigear|cheimeagair]]... ( Beispiel:Carl Remigius Fresenius). Das erste Wort ist hier schon korrekt, aber im 2 Wort müsste es noch verändert werden auf cheimigear. Es müsste nachher also wie folgt aussehen ...na [[ceimigear|cheimigear]].... Der Buchstabe h muß dabei erhalten bleiben. Kann man so etwas programmieren? Viele Grüße --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 17:03, 12 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

PS: ..Bith-Ceimigear und nicht Bith-Cheimigeir..., ->Bith-cheimigear , gut aufgepaßt, aber mit "h" im zweiten Wort. Was macht der Bot eigentlich in Bezug auf Groß/Kleinschreibung? --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 17:42, 12 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Da ist aber jetzt auch viel durcheinander, mal h dazw., mal nicht. Aber ja, das lässt sich programmieren, man muss halt aufpassen dabei. Groß- und Kleinschreibung lässt sich explizit auseinander halten. Was vorher groß geschrieben war, kann hinterher wieder groß sein, man kann aber auch eine Änderung programmieren. Bei Bith-cheimigear ist wohl das zweite Wort immer klein, oder? Also je nachdem, wie sauber bzw. umfangreich man alles programmiert, kann der Bot mit allem umgehen. Schöne Grüße, -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 20:25, 12 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Tja, gälische Sprache, schwere Sprache:-). Mit den "h" s ist das halt so in den keltischen Sprachen (siehe auch de:Lenisierung) Ansonsten noch mal nachfragen.
...Bei Bith-cheimigear ist wohl das zweite Wort immer klein... ja. Ansonsten würde ich die Groß/Kleinschreibung so lassen wie sie bereits im Artikel/ in der Infobox ist. Viele Grüße --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 20:36, 12 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
"Bith" wird aber immer groß geschrieben? Wie funktioniert das im Gälischen mit der Groß- und Kleinschreibung? -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 07:05, 13 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Großgeschrieben: alle Länder, Orts- und Eigennamen sowie die Sprachen + die dazugehörigen Adjektive; der Rest wird klein geschrieben. Für Überschriften habe ich noch keine einheitliche Regel gefunden, das reicht von "alles groß" bis "Hauptwörter groß" (ähnlich wie im Deutschen) bis "alles klein" außer s.o. .
Ich war gestern nochmal kurz durch die Artikel mit "Bith-cheimigear" gegangen, und auf die Schnelle sah es so aus, als könnte man es in den Vorlagen als auch in Aufzählungen ruhig groß geschrieben lassen, im Fließtext wäre kleingeschrieben schöner. Wichtig war mir erst mal eine einheitliche + richtige Schreibweise. Bei einer Stichprobe der Arbeit vom TaxonBot von heute sind mir keine Fehler aufgefallen, sehr gut! Viele Grüße --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 20:28, 13 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Ich nehm's als Lob, vielen Dank! Die Chemiker-Sache war schon kompliziert. Das nächste Komplizierte ist es, die überstehenden Interwikilinks nach wikidata einzuordnen, zumal auch wikidata noch einen anderen Dialekt spricht. Ein Zwischenschritt ist auf user:TaxonBot/IWL zu lesen. Schöne Grüße, -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 21:26, 13 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Das war auch als Lob gemeint! Ich war selbst sehr gespannt, ob das mit den Chemikern + dem Bot funktioniert, denn da habe ich selbst mal wieder gemerkt, wie schwierig die Sprache doch eigentlich ist.
Betr.user:TaxonBot/IWL: da müsste warscheinlich vorher noch mal ausgemistet werden, in Roinn-seòrsa:Aistidhean neo-chrìochnaichte (Kategorie:unfertige Artikel) sind noch einige Artikel nach dem Muster Acadia Parish, Louisiana
Text: Tha cuideigin ag obair air an duilleig seo. Na deasaich an duilleag an-dràsta agus na cuiribh às an teamplaid, gus am bi ùine gu leòr a' falbh. "Jemand arbeitet an dieser Seite. Bearbeite sie nicht und entferne nicht die Vorlage, bis genügend Zeit verstrichen ist." Tha X Parish ann an Louisiana. Se X am prìomh-bhaile. (X ist eine Gemeinde in Louisiana. X ist die Hauptstadt). Letzte Bearbeitung im Mai 2014
Alle Artikel mit dem "X" geben keinen Sinn. Ich werde sonst den Benutzer noch mal ansprechen, aber nicht mehr heute Abend, daß wird mir zu spät. Viele Grüße--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 21:53, 13 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Bidh mi ag obair air Louisiana am maireach. Rinn mi Washington agus Wyoming an diugh. Mit sparsame Grüße für ihre Hilfe... -MacRusgail (an deasbaireachd) 18:45, 19 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Mòran taing.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 18:17, 20 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Nun, Bearbeitungskategorien kann der Bot natürlich beachten, wenn man es programmiert. Dann würde die Seite übersprungen werden. Artikel die keinen Sinn ergeben, sind Artikel, die evtl. später mal ausgebaut werden von anderen Benutzern. Ich würde sie vorerst nicht löschen. Es gibt auch Interwikilinks (LL), die falsch verweisen. Mit wikidata wäre das behoben. Wie ich schon sagte, ist hier die Programmierung wieder kompliziert. Ich werde das sicher auch in mehreren Schritten machen, nicht in einem Durchlauf. Aber um so komplizierter, desto spannender *freu* -- auf weiterhin gute Zusammenarbeit, Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 10:51, 14 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Ach, wunderbar, was der Bot so alles kann, und daß dir so komplizierte Sachen Spaß machen. Ja, nimm die Bearbeitungskategorie erstmal raus, ich habe den Benutzer gerade angesprochen. Es war mir auch schon aufgefallen, daß es teilweise falsche IW Links gibt oder solche, die ins Leere laufen, aber es ist eine Heidenarbeit, daß alles von Hand zu richten. Ja, mach mal, es ist einfacher, wenn alles über Wikidata läuft. Viele Grüße --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 11:04, 14 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]


[deasaich an tùs]

Hallò, a Shionnaich,

mòran taing airson na roinn-seòrsa ùir, bha mi ga h-iarraidh agus tha mi glè thoilichte gu bheil i ann. Tha mi ag ionndrainn Ratharsair gu mòr, is seach nach urrainn dhomh dol ann an-dràsta, tha mi a' sgrìobhagh mu dheidhinn an eilein air a' chuid as lugha.--Eimhir (an deasbaireachd) 06:20, 14 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

'S e do bheatha. Tha e math na leasachaidhean agad fhaicinn mu bhàird Ghàidhealach is Eilean Ratharsair! Le deagh dhùrachdan --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 10:48, 14 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Vorlage:Antwort oder ping

[deasaich an tùs]

Hallo Fuchs! Gibt es hier eine Vorlage wie im Deutschen die Vorlage:Antwort oder Vorlage:ping ? Grüße, Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 11:33, 14 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Nö, natürlich nicht. Viele von den netten Sachen, die in der Zwischenzeit entwickelt wurden, kommen in kleinen Wikis nicht an, da weder genügend Zeit, um alles auf dem neusten Stand zu halten noch User mit entsprechenden technischen oder Vorlagenkenntnissen vorhanden sind. Die Vorlage wäre wirklich sinnvoll, also wenn Du magst, mach mal. Mögliche Namen wären: Teamplaid:Aire (Vorlage:Aufmerksamkeit) oder Teamplaid:Freagairt (Vorlage:Antwort), wobei ich das erste bevorzugen würde, ist schön kurz. Ich bin mir jetzt nicht sicher, ob die de-Version (müsste übersetzt werden) oder die en-Version (könnte man erstmal auf englisch stehen lassen) besser sind. Viele Grüße --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 18:11, 14 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
PS:Ist Dein neues Wörterbuch da?:-)
Nee, hab's in der Unibibliothek bestellt, nicht neu. -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 21:09, 14 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Neòinean-grèine des Monats

[deasaich an tùs]

Hallo Sionnach.

Für Deinen spannenden Beitrag auf der WikiCon überreiche ich Dir hiermit den Neòinean-grèine des Monats.

Liebe Grüße, --Holder (an deasbaireachd) 08:31, 17 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hallo Holder, kaum ist man mal einen Tag nicht da und dann finde ich so eine schöne Überraschung vor! Ganz, ganz herzlichen Dank für die schönen Neòinean-grèine, sie gehören zu meinen Lieblingsblumen:-). Der Vortrag hat mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht, aber noch viel interessanter war für mich der anschließende Austausch mit anderen User aus anderen Minderheitensprachen Wikis, die mich nach dem Vortrag angesprochen haben und von ihren Erfahrungen berichtet haben. Liebe Grüße --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 05:45, 18 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Latha math! Nee, also das Wörterbuch von Maier ist leider nix. Wenn man keine Grund-Grammatikkenntnisse hat, kriegt man damit keinen Satz gebaut. Leider ist es zudem sehr unvollständig. Schade, dass Langenscheidt da nix hat. Weißt Du Bücher, mit denen man das besser lernen kann? Lehrbücher, Rechtschreibung, Grammatik, Satzbau ... Vielen Dank (nicht mal "danke" steht drin) ... -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 11:46, 28 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Feasgar math. Ja klar, ich kenne einige:
  • Michael Klevenhaus: Lehrbuch der schottisch-gälischen Sprache. Buske, Hamburg 2009, ISBN 978-3-87548-520-2. Sehr ausführliches Buch, mit umfassender Gramatik, eher für Studenten gedacht, aber auch für nicht Linguisten gut verständlich. .
  • Für den schnellen Einstieg: Michael Klevenhaus: Reise Know-How Kauderwelsch Schottisch-Gälisch - Wort für Wort: Kauderwelsch-Sprachführer Band 172, gibt einen ersten guten Überblick.
Mehr gibt es nicht auf deutsch. Auch empfehlenswert zum stöbern (allerdings auf englisch/gälisch): Gaelic Resources on the web von Akerbeltz.
Und wenn Du es mal hören willst: Speaking our language, eine alte Fernsehserie zum Gälisch lernen, mittlerweile auf youtube, aber ohne Grammatik.
Viel Spaß damit. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 21:05, 28 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC) PS: Vielen Dank: Mòran taing, oder auch: Tapadh leat.[reply]
ja, "Vielen Dank" in 2facher Ausführung, und dann aber so sehr unterschiedlich - da ist ja nix gemeinsames, als wenn Du in 2 Sprachen schreibst. Das Lehrbuch von Klevenhaus, kann man da auch etwas zur Aussprache lernen? Über IPA-Lautschrift zum Beispiel, oder was Alternatives? -- Doc Taxon (an deasbaireachd) 09:10, 29 dhen Dàmhair 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry für die späte Antwort, ich war gerade auf einem Kurztrip in Edinburgh. Im Lehrbuch von Klevenhaus gibt es vorne eine gute Übersicht mit passenden deutschen Beispielen, aber kein IPA. Das problem bei IPA ist, daß sich die Aussprache von Insel zu Insel verändern kann, und es keine Standartvariante gibt. IPA (und ev. Sprachproben) findest Du teilweise im Faclair Beag. Insgesamt ist das Gälische von der Aussprache dem Deutschen sehr ähnlich, es auf keinem Fall mit englischer Aussprache versuchen.Viele Grüße --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 19:45, 3 dhen t-Samhain 2014 (UTC)[reply]


[deasaich an tùs]

Mòran taing! Thanks for your kind words about editing bird articles. I understand your points, I believe.

Sorry, my Gàidhlig is not yet good enough to converse in, please forgive me for writing in English.

I would like to contribute to Uikipeid in order to help myself to learn to write in Gàidhlig. At this point, my main sources are Dwelly, Malcolm MacLennan, and Am Faclair Beag; there are a number of smaller Gàidhlig dictionaries I may use. I am learning grammar from a variety of self-help books. I am mostly interested in flora and fauna, and would like to create stubs, if that is agreeable. I would like to use both Teamplaid:Beathach and Teamplaid:Lus in the stubs. Is it acceptable to use en:Wiki for the taxonomic information in these stubs? I am also finding photos in WikiCommons, which I hope are acceptable.

One last point. In both en:Wiki and sco:Wiki, many botanical articles are written under the "scientific" binomial, rather than under the common name. I notice in the gd:wiki, all of the botanical articles (that I found under Roinn-seòrsa:Lus-Eòlas) are written under the common name. Is this the preferred practice, or shall I write stubs under the binomials? It's a bit tricky to use common names, please see Calman for an example.

-- Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 20:39, 15 dhen Dùbhlachd 2014 (UTC) -- Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 06:50, 16 dhen Dùbhlachd 2014 (UTC)[reply]

A Shionnaich, mòran taing!

- Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 18:13, 16 dhen Dùbhlachd 2014 (UTC)[reply]

'S e do bheatha:-)--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 06:22, 17 dhen Dùbhlachd 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Verskillende tale?

[deasaich an tùs]

Hallo Sionnach,

Ich frage mich was ich am besten mit Croatais mache. Aber ich wundre mich auch über die grosse Ubereinkunft zwissen Afrikaans und Gàidhlig. Is hulle rêrig verskillende tale? :-) Gunmhoine (an deasbaireachd) 04:52, 25 dhen Dùbhlachd 2014 (UTC)[reply]

(Es steht schon 5 Jahre so auf jener Seite.)

Mòran taing, cheartaich mi e. Habe es korrigiert. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 09:36, 26 dhen Dùbhlachd 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Tapadh leat Gunmhoine (an deasbaireachd) 16:34, 26 dhen Dùbhlachd 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Ma 's ur toil e, cinntich obair agam ann an teamplaid template:Eileamaid (Seall: gualan, Naitridean). Ich musste manchmal ziemlich 'kreativ' sein und das ist natürlich gefährlich.. Chemiker bin ich schon, aber die Sprache... Es muss noch viel zugefügt aber bei der beschränkten Tekstmenge ist es wohl besser es nicht viel weiter aus zu breiten. An-dràsta.

Gunmhoine (an deasbaireachd) 03:04, 27 dhen Dùbhlachd 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Kibi78704: Taing a-rithist

[deasaich an tùs]

A Shionnaich, mòran taing! I will use that template for disambigualtions. Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 10:46, 27 dhen Dùbhlachd 2014 (UTC)[reply]

'S e do bheatha!--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 10:49, 27 dhen Dùbhlachd 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Redirect page needs deletion

[deasaich an tùs]

Hi a Shionnaich, I accidentally created two redirection pages: one incorrect one for Tyto Alba, and one correct one for Tyto alba. Could you please delete the one with the capitalized "Alba"? Thanks in advance. Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 22:26, 28 dhen Dùbhlachd 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Done.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 20:16, 30 dhen Dùbhlachd 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Kibi78704 - Taing

[deasaich an tùs]

Hi Sionnach,
Writing these articles is the best way I have found to expand my vocabulary and reinforce grammar. Please feel free to correct me on anything. I am doing this to learn, afterall, and I wish to do a good job.

  • Connochaetes taurinus - I like your changes. Taing.
  • Headlines. OK; I understand. I was using them in a hierarchical way -- I'll just use two on Uicipeid. (I am a programmer, and think in terms of hierarchies.)
The first one in the hierarchy is the page name:-)
Ahh, I see. OK. Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd)
  • Linking other language terms. For everything except Latin, I have been linking just once to the original article, almost always as a redirect (I cannot remember doing otherwise, but may have done by accident).
    • For Latin, if there were not a unique Gaelic name associated with the article, I was linking to the category in addition to the redirect. I did this because the Scientific/Latin term is the default name for scientists (as well as amateurs like me) in any country, and wanted something to show up in the category page. As clarification of what you were syaing, this is not desirable, correct? You only want the Latin name redirected to the original article, correct? I can easily fix this since the "aliased" terms appear in italics in category pages (Roinn-seòrsa:).
Laideann <-> Beurla<->Gàidhlig: always do it. What I meant was: Gazella arabica (Beurla: Arabian gazelle)(Fionnlannais: Arabiangaselli)(Fraingis: Gazelle d'Arabie)-> no need for the other languages as redirects, otherwise we might have bunches of redirects from every language here.
Ahhh! Now I undertand! Tapadh leat! Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd)
  • No problem about no longer redirecting the Fo-seòrsa back to the parent article. I was trying to eliminate red links, but was not completely happy doing so.
    • Is "fo-seòrsa" the correct equivalent to "subspecies"? I more or less made it up because I could not find a translation of the word in any Gaelic-English dictionaries. I found a description of the prefix "fo-", and "coined" the term. (Is this an Akerbeltz question?)
I would say: Fo-sheòrsa, fo causes lenition.
Perfect. Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd)
Yes, of course you can try. Would be great to have them.
I will try. No promises, but I think they would be helpful. Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd)

Thank you for your help, Sionnach. I have spoken witrh Akerbeltz many times over the years since shortly after he published Dwelly online; I will not hesitate to ask questions of either of you, but I don't want to be a bother, though!
Mar sin leat an-dràsta. Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 01:42, 12 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I put my answers between your questions. To elimiate the not needed redirects we have to delete them. Just put {{delete}} on the pages that are not longer needed and I'll do it.
You are not bothering at all. I would prefer that you ask questions and we get some nice articles rather than having a bunch of one sentence stubs with no information. Dùrachdan --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 08:13, 12 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]
I am very excited and grateful for these suggestions. This is a very fun project for me, and I would like my work to be useful. Iomadh taing. Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 09:57, 12 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, again

[deasaich an tùs]

A Shionnach, would you mind looking at Gazella dorcas? I created it with your suggestions. I ran into a few issues:

  • I cannot get multiple authors to work in the citation for EOL. I.e., in "<"ref name = EOL>Campbell, Dana; Shaipro, Leo. "Gazella dorcas : Dorcas Gazelle". EOL Encyclopedia of Life. Retrieved 10 Faoi. 2015. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)</ref">", no authors are appearing. I am thinking that authorn or lastn is not enabled in Uicipeid. How do I specify multiple authors?
  • Please see my wording under the new section "Coltas". I may have gotten too fancy for myself. (I have problems with prepositions in many languages.)

I really appreciate your helpful suggestions. Tapadh leat! Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 07:51, 12 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Of course I'll have a look at Gazella dorcas.
I will see if I can convert the newer template. Again, no promises, but it would be great to have the functionality.

Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 09:59, 12 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Kibi78704 - Àitichean-fuirich

[deasaich an tùs]

The new section is good. I have been hoping to learn words and phrases concerning the IUCN threat status about each species. I haven't been able to find translations yet. Do you know where I can find a list of these? I think that would be good information to include in the articles along with habitation locations and populations. The information is readily available in EOL; I just don't yet know how to say it. I have looked on the SNH site, and can find some terms, but I would dearly love to see a list; I just have not found it yet. It is like a puzzle - wanting to express so many concepts for which I haven't yet the vocabulary! Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 19:42, 12 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]

...with habitation locations and populations... yes, would be great.
...IUCN threat status: I’m afraid there is no such list. I would suggest that we create your own list like the terms I started on your discussion page, maybe on the discussion page for mamal?
I would recommend to start working on species from Scottland, maybe something from this list(have a look at page 20/21). I think it would be much easier to find words and special terms needed to create those articles, as these species belong to the Gaelic heritage.
Here are some more links that might be helpful [12] or [13], just have a look at the different pages on those links.
Be patient with yourself, I' m sure your vocabulary will grow by working around here!--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 22:21, 13 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Loch a' Bhàna

[deasaich an tùs]

Tha aiste Loch a' Bhàna air mo dhuilleag a' chleachdaiche. An cinntinn tu i? Mòran taing.--Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 08:12, 14 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Hello :-) Raymond (an deasbaireachd) 17:03, 15 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Sin cus. -MacRusgail (an deasbaireachd) 15:57, 16 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Uill, 's e sin a rèir bhòtadh na coimhearsnachd mar a tha e ri fhaicinn fo Uicipeid:Doras na coimhearsnachd#Checkuser Creachadair/MacRusgail-Roghainn a bharrachd. 'S urrainn dhut fhathast na duilleagan agad (me.: Cleachdaiche:MacRusgail/Ashville, Carolina a Tuath leasachadh gu ìre nas fheàrr agus thèid an gluasad air ais don Mainspace an uair sin. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 08:11, 17 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Importing the latest version of en:template:cite web

[deasaich an tùs]

Hi Sionnach,
A few days ago, I asked for help and information on en.wiki about importing the latest en.template:cite web here. I'm copying my question and the admin' response below.


I want to export the latest version of en:template:cite web to the Scottish Gaelic Wikipedia/Uicipeid na Gàidhlig. The reason I want to do this is because the version of gd:template:cite web that is currently on gd.wikipedia.org/wiki does not seem to support multiple authors. That is, author1..n, first1..n, and last1..n do not seem to be recognized by the existing template.
I have spoken to one of the site admins, (Sionnach) on :gd:wikipedia.org/wiki, who is supportive of this upgrade.
I read in en:Template:Convert/Transwiki guide that exporting en:template:convert to another wiki is a non-trivial, multi-step process, so I thought it better to ask about exporting en:template:cite web before leaping.
First, though, I want to know what is involved with exporting these templates to a different wiki. That is, I need to have a clear set of instructions. Is there a help page that talks about generic transwiki templates or exporting templates to other language wikis?
  • There is an older version of gd:template:cite web already on gd.wikipedia.org, so any changes must be backward compatible.
    • I am not sure what version exists on gd.wikipedia.org/wiki.
    • The parameters in the existing gd:template:cite web seem to retain the English parameter names. I.e., I don't believe any translations have been performed on the existing template.
  • So far, I have not made any notifications to the group of 36 active users on gd.wikipedia.org/wiki about this potential upgrade.
    • I am not really sure how to go about doing so, or whether it is even necessary.
If this export goes well, there are other templates, including en:template:cite web, that I want to export to gd.wikipedia.org/wiki.


Template:Cite web on the English Wikipedia is an empty shell that does nothing but invoke a Lua module:
That's all (excepting the documentation). In contrast, the Scottish Gaelic Wikipedia still uses a non-Lua version of the template. So you'll want to import en:Module:Citation/CS1 (and the various associated modules and documentation pages). I'd suggest you then set up some dummy template such as gd:Teamplaid:Cite web test to invoke the imported module and fiddle around with that until you're sure it's appropriately translated and is backward compatible, for example by copy-pasting a couple of somewhat intricate uses of gd:Teamplaid:Cite web and changing them to "Cite web test" with the same parameters to see if something breaks. Once you're reasonably comfortable the test template works well, swap the code of the live template for an invocation of the Lua module (or ask an admin to do it for you, if the live template is protected). Huon (talk) 19:36, 13 January 2015 (UTC)

Since porting the template requires importing LUA capabilities, I don't want to do anything without consulting you first. Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 02:33, 17 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Kibi78704, I just imported the two templates. Here they are: Teamplaid:Cite web test and Module:Citation/CS1. With the old template I had a brief idea, where to fix/translate , but with LUA I have no idea what to do with them. You are very welcome to try them out, as Huon suggested and see if they work and if they are backward compatible. It was a good idea to ask in WP:en for help, maybe they can give you further advive as nobody around here knows anything about Lua. Take your time, if they don't work , we can always delete them later on.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 07:47, 17 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Hallo a Shionnaich. I have a little experience with LUA. It is a scripting language, and fairly easy to pick up. See About LUA. It has been in use for several years, and has literally millions of users. It's used in online games like World of Warcraft.
Huon mentioned that there were several modules that support Module:Citation/CS1; will I need to port them over?
I'll start testing in Teamplaid:Cite web test to see if it is backward compatible with the existing Teamplaid:Cite web. I'd rather go slowly on testing to be safe rather than sorry. If you have any complicated samples of Teamplaid:Cite web use, that would be handy - I can search for them, but that will slow down testing. I don't suppose there's any rush, though. If things go well, this could be an exciting enhancement to Uicipeid. Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 15:11, 17 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Looks to me that I have to import some more stuff, that is connected with Module:Citation/CS1. The problem with the englisch wikipedia is that sometimes you have to import up to a couple dozen pages just to get one Template working correctly. I' ll give it a try in the next couple days, when I can find the time, but, as you said, there is no rush.
...If you have any complicated samples of Teamplaid:Cite web use, that would be handy..., no, I don't know of any one except the one where you wanted to add two authors. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd)
In the meantime, if you want to expant the articles on Antalop (or some other mamal), by using the example of Gazella dorcas, that would fine.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 22:22, 18 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Iomadh taing. (For all of your help.)
  • I have expanded Aepyceros melampus and Alcelaphus buselaphus. Other responsibilities have intruded, but I am not stopping!
  • I'm going to keep going with antalopan for now, but I will also go back over all of the existing mammals, and then back to eòin‎, OK? (The only reason I stopped working on eòin‎ was because I thought Gunmhoine was working there, and I did not want to step on her toes.)
He does not have such long toes. :-). Besides: I cannot really write more than a sentence at the time, mostly by copycat methods. Gunmhoine (an deasbaireachd) 03:36, 21 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]
@Gunmhoine:So far the sentences you added look okay!:-)--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 19:01, 21 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, we programmers can generate an annoying number of files because we like to make things modular and reusable. I apologize for all of us!
Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 22:44, 20 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Looks like 62+ templates that need do be imported, and that is just way too much. Then they all need to be updated from time to time, and so on, that is just too time consuming for me at the moment. If you want to work on the test template, that is fine, and if you get any results, just let me know and we discuss the next steps.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 19:01, 21 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]
No worries. It isn't worth the trouble. I think I got that template from ThisIsSusanBell. Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 03:16, 22 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Just moving this part down: Aepyceros melampus and Alcelaphus buselaphus:

  • Although it was a great idea to add some books etc, I removed the book list because of copyright issues. By reading through eol copyrights their license is not compatible with Wikipedia. For the beginning I would recommend never ever to cut and paste from other websites, unless you are really sure that they use the same license as Wikipedia. (If you have your own books, of course you can add them)
  • Aepyceros melampus: I removed some of the languages. I would recommend to leave Beurla, and maybe some interesting connetions like in this case Afrikaans and Zulu, so the reader is getting some information where the name of the animal comes from.
  • Alcelaphus buselaphus: I didn't do much work on that one so far. Try to improve it yourself, and I'll have a look at it later on. I would suggest to move those fo-sheòrsa to individual articles and then take the pictures out of there and just leave a list of fò-sheòrsaichean like in Aepyceros melampus.

Now that was quite a lot, but don't let that discourage you! Looking at Aepyceros melampus now, that's a lot more than the average article we have around here, it looks nice and tidy and contains some usefull information and links to further good websites, so you don' t have to add {{bun}} anymore! Le deagh dhùrachdan--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 20:56, 21 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]

BTW - those books were the references for the articles I referenced.
It is now taking me roughly 3-6 hours per article, as skimpy as they are. Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 08:16, 22 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, I really didn't want to disencourage you! But looking at your questions I got the impression that you wanted to know some more phrases in Gàidhlig to expand your articles. And I know, that writing a nice article is taking quite some time, but after a while it gets much faster as your Gàidhlig improves and when you get used to writing in Uicipeid. But still 3-6 hours seems to be a lot of time. What is the most time consuming thing that you have to do, maybe there are some shortcuts after all?
With the books: Maybe just add one or two of them, (the most important ones)? Le deagh dhùrachdan --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 21:24, 23 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]
You have not discouraged me; far, far from it. I do want to learn more. I mentioned the length of time only as a point of information as an explanation of why I am not writing much on Uicipeid at the moment. I should have been more explicit about that. Apologies. Ironically, in college, I earned excellent marks for research papers; I don't seem to be doing quite so well on Uicipeid, but I think I am learning. It is a different type of "paper", I suppose. I believe it may involve a question of balance, apparently a challenge for me in all spheres.
The things that are taking the longest are:
  • Finding respectable, scholarly information for the articles. It does not help that a revolution in taxonomy has occurred since DNA mapping has become affordable; divergent opinions on the proper classification of any given species makes research challenging. That was a big problem with writing an article about Alcelaphus caama because many sources consider it to be a subspecies, and do not give much information, while other sources consider it a species, but still don't give much information. :)
  • Composing proper references, always a challenge. That was the impetus for using the teamplaid:cite web; I thought it might save time. Deciding it is time to be more professional, I have pulled out my college Writer's Reference text book to help with formatting references; it documents reference formats in MLA and APA/CMS styles.
  • Finding country names and their gender so that I might use the proper definite article. Neither Uicipeid nor AFB consistently documents the gender of a place name; AFB and Uicipeid often use different names. I believe I believe have found a good list of country names with their genders, though, amongst my many books on learning Gaelic. There is an appendix of place names in Teach Yourself Gaelic by Boyd Robertson and Iain Taylor.
    • This led me to realize that I need a refresher in grammar, so I have working on that the last few days while trying to expand my vocabulary. I need to go back to basics to improve my writing skills. I'm having problems with the definite article and with prepositions, so that is what I am concentrating on at the moment. (I have difficulty with prepositions in all languages, even in English.) I have created a spreadsheet similar to my high school Latin notebooks with various parts of speech, declensions and conjugations. See Scottish Gaelic grammar: Articles; I just added the large table at the bottom of the section to help myself (and others) with the proper form.
All that aside, my Gaelic is improving exponentially by working on Uicipeid. I can read much, much more now without looking up every word, so I want to keep going. I am even trying to write my shopping lists in Gaelic now, as much as possible.
I will go back and clean up Alcelaphus buselaphus, probably next week. I am the secretary for the regional beekeepers' association, and am working on a mentorship program as well as writing up meeting minutes. House guest are coming in a couple of weeks, and things are a bit hectic, but good. I am not quitting the work on Uicipeid, just stepping back for a moment while I work on grammar, vocabulary and other things. :)
Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 23:02, 23 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Great, I like your attitude! I was getting afraid that I was putting to much preasure on you. No hurry, good articles take a while and if we ever want Uicipeid to be serious we need something better then Florence County, Carolina a Deas!
  • So this might help you: Liosta dùthchannan. By clicking on them you get to the Gàidhlig article. As there are many differnt spelling for the country names we choose for Uicipeid the most common ones (with references), but this still means that there will be changes from time to time, when a special spelling gets adoped more and more. For the article: If the name of the country is without an article, it would be: Tha iad a' fuireach ann an Afraga, ann an Camarun, ann am Maroco (bpfm), but with an article: anns a' Cheinia. (By the way... those countries were my first articles, it took me over a year to create all of them..., but they got longer everytime I added a new one:-))
I will have a look at your other points tomorrow. Tìoraidh an-dràsta --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 23:46, 23 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Here are some more answers:
  • ...a different type of "paper": Yes, in Uicipeid we are only collecting facts, we don't have to discuss them.
  • ...Finding respectable, scholarly information for the articles: I totally agree with you! So in case of Alcelaphus caama being a subspecies or a species you could add both to the article: Tha x ag ràdh gur e seòrsa a th' ann an.. , ach tha y dhen bheachd gur e fo-sheòrsa a th' ann. + refs ( X is considering ... to be a species, but Y is considering it to be a subspecies)
  • Composing proper references: two nice links Gàidhlig and the same in Beurla. There used to be a longer version in Gàidhlig as well, wonder what happend to it.
Nice work you did in Uici Beurla! Agus tha mi toilichte cluinntinn gu bheil do chuid Ghàidhlig a' fàs nas fheàrr cuideachd. No problem if you have to step back for a while, we all have a real live besides Uicipeid.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 08:49, 25 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Iomadh taing! (For all of your help.) I'll follow the links next week. Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 07:01, 26 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Còig lochan

[deasaich an tùs]

Tha aistean mu 5 lochan air mo dhuilleag a' chleachdaiche. Beir sùil annta. Chan eil deiseil na h-aistean Canaich agus Gleann Canaich, ach leugh co-dhiù! Tapadh leat! --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 17:08, 18 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Nì mi sin gu dearbh, ma bhios mionad agam--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 22:03, 18 dhen Fhaoilleach 2015 (UTC)[reply]

teamplaid luchd-ciùil

[deasaich an tùs]

Tha an teamplaid ùr ag obair. Chan eil mi cinnteach "Ainm breithe". Bheir sùil air. --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 22:19, 1 dhen Ghearrain 2015 (UTC)

Tha Gunmhoine agus Kibi78704 air Uiclair (gd:Wiktionary)

[deasaich an tùs]

Hi Sionnach. Somehow, I find myself working with Gunmhoine on Uiclair, gd:Wiktionary. We are spring-cleaning the site: healing some (possible) vandalism, tidying up, writing articles, but seem to be the only active users o the site.
Much of the site is still in English. I found an {{All system messages}}, which looks like externalised program strings that might be translated/localised. However, some of the user interface (UI) is still in embedded, hard-coded strings, as in MediaWiki:Common.js that Gunmhoine found.
Would you tell us please 1) tell us who is our admin (or how to determine who that is) so that we may either request credentials for fixing some of these problems OR to fix some of the problems for us, and 2) how to (or where to find documentation on how to) localize (translate) this site so that the system and object labels are in Gaelic? (I know that is a great deal to ask.) Thanks in advance! Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 04:53, 9 dhen Ghearrain 2015 (UTC)

Just a very quick answer: The {{All system messages}} can be translated here or contact Cleachdaiche:GunChleoc, he/she did most of the translation on the interface for Uicipeid. So far there is no admin in Uiclair. In case you need admin help (for deletion or so) you could ask on Meta for help of a steward. Sorry, I'm quite busy in real life at the moment, but I'll still keep an eye on this site. Le deagh dùrachdan --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 23:23, 9 dhen Ghearrain 2015 (UTC)
Taing! I have given a link to this discussion to Gunmhoine. Kibi78704 (an deasbaireachd) 17:21, 11 dhen Ghearrain 2015 (UTC)

Bheir sùil air Cleachdaiche:Comhachag-bheag/Canaich. Tapadh leat. --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 09:42, 14 dhen Ghearrain 2015 (UTC)

Teamplaid Loch ann an Alba

[deasaich an tùs]

Bheir sùil air Cleachdaiche:Comhachag-bheag/Teamplaid:Loch ann an Alba. Cha do lorg mi facal eile ro "sruth a-steach". "Srath aibhne" = River basin (Am Faclair Beag). A bheil sin ceart ro "Beauly basin", "Tay basin" etc.? --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 10:10, 20 dhen Ghearrain 2015 (UTC)

Tha mi duilich

[deasaich an tùs]

I am sorry I was trying to use his template but I guess I used it wrong I am just trying to fix what I already did wrong on certain pages (I only want to read pages for the next little while I guess my grammar is still off), thank for notifying me. I will fix that rite away.

Translating the interface in your language, we need your help

[deasaich an tùs]
Hello Sionnach, thanks for working on this wiki in your language. We updated the list of priority translations and I write you to let you know. The language used by this wiki (or by you in your preferences) needs about 100 translations or less in the priority list. You're almost done!
Gus eadar-theangachadh atharrachadh no a chur ris airson gach uicidh, cleachd translatewiki.net, am pròiseact eadar-theangachaidh aig MediaWiki.

Please register on translatewiki.net if you didn't yet and then help complete priority translations (make sure to select your language in the language selector). With a couple hours' work or less, you can make sure that nearly all visitors see the wiki interface fully translated. Nemo 14:06, 26 dhen Ghiblean 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Deasbaireachd Druim Fada

[deasaich an tùs]

Hi Sionnach. Am faca tu an deasbad a thòisich mi mu na beanntan aig Deasbaireachd:Druim Fada? Duilich dragh a chur ort, ach tha mi a' faireachdainn gum biodh e math bruidhinn ma dheidhinn.--Each-uisge (an deasbaireachd) 09:18, 3 dhen Lùnastal 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Eugene, Oregon

[deasaich an tùs]

Làn dì do bheatha! Jhendin (an deasbaireachd) 01:06, 14 dhen Lùnastal 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Tha dealbh A' Mheall an seo: Faidhle:Abandoned village at Eorasdail on Vatersay - geograph.org.uk - 49003.jpg--Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 07:58, 14 dhen t-Sultain 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Am beir tu sùil air Cleachdaiche:Comhachag-bheag/Srath Ghlais. Mòran taing. --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 10:10, 14 dhen t-Sultain 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Thug mi sùil air Srath Ghlais, agus dh'atharraich mi an seantans mu dheireadh rud beag, gum bi e nas soilleire. Tha an aiste a' coimhead ceart gu leòr dhomh a-nis. Agus mòran taing airson na dealbhan agus an sgioblachadh a rinn thu air Commons! --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 18:55, 14 dhen t-Sultain 2015 (UTC)[reply]

An Gearran

[deasaich an tùs]

Tha an Gearran deiseil. Am beir thu sùil air an gràmair, gu h-àraid 27 an Gearran, 28 an Gearran agus 29 an Gearran? --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 07:12, 24 dhen t-Sultain 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Dèanta. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 20:52, 24 dhen Fhaoilleach 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Tha an Gearran air "san latha an-diugh" deiseil cuideachd. Dè am mìos a nì mi an-dràsda? An Cèitean no an t-Ògmhios? --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 14:34, 24 dhen Fhaoilleach 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Mholainnsa an Cèitean. Taing mhòr airson do leasachaidhean!--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 20:52, 24 dhen Fhaoilleach 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Bheir sùil air Cleachdaiche:Comhachag-bheag/Billiard. Tapadh leat! --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 11:12, 22 dhen Fhaoilleach 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Rinn mi sin agus saoilidh mi gur e deagh toiseach tòiseachaidh a th' ann. Air an làimh eile chan eil mi cinnteach mu na h-ainmean "Billiard pool" agus "Billiard carom". --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 07:05, 23 dhen Fhaoilleach 2016 (UTC)[reply]

List of Welsh people

[deasaich an tùs]

Hi Sionnach!!! Hope you're well?

I wonder if you could help me do a few translations / changes to the List of Welsh people I've just created? First of all it is based on Wikidata, so please don't change the Wikipedia list. We do however need to translate one or two sentences which generate the list (below) and the categories, please: [[Teamplaid:Wikidata list end]] and [[Teamplaid:Wikidata list]].

Lastly, can you please translate these words:

image - dealbh
name - ainm
description - tuairisgeul
date of birth - Rugadh (en: born)
date of death - Bàs (en: death)
birth place - àite breith

and -

This list is generated from data in Wikidata and is periodically updated by a bot - Chaidh an liosta seo a chruthachadh le dàta bho Wikidata agus thèid ùrachadh bho àm gu àm le bot.
Edits made within the list area will be removed on the next update! - Thèid muthaichean a rinn thu am broinn an liosta a thoirt air falbh leis an ath-ùraich
Manually update - ath-ùraich de làimh
Find images - lorg dealbhan

I'm sure there will be a bit of tweeking, but in general, once we've got this one done and on mainspace, nothing stops you from creating other lists based on Wikidata. Many thanks, and please leave a message if I can help further. Llywelyn2000 (an deasbaireachd) 23:55, 10 dhen Ghearrain 2016 (UTC)

Hi Llywelyn2000, da iawn diolch. Sut dach chi? Great to see you again around here!! I just added a few translations to your little list. I'll ask user:Akerbeltz to check if they are okay, he is the expert for translations. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 22:47, 13 dhen Ghearrain 2016 (UTC)
Oooh! Sionnach! How are you my fine friend! Thanks for the translations! Please move the title from en -> gd! PS If you would like me to produce List of people born in Scotland' or whatever, I could do that, but it does take a bit of time from your side, getting data on Wikidata. Let me know. Llywelyn2000 (an deasbaireachd) 12:35, 24 dhen Ghearran 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Hi! Two things, if possible: fistly what's the Gaelic for 'List of Welsh people'? Secondly, I can create a list of Scottish people, if you like. I'll then need 'List of Scottish people'. Thanks and best regards! Llywelyn2000 (an deasbaireachd) 13:06, 23 dhen Mhàrt 2016 (UTC)[reply]

2 lists created, if they're useful: a list of people born in Scotland who have a wiki article, and a List of people with/without, which could be handy. I suggest the first one be moved to wiki-space, but the other, longer can stay, as it's not finished. That's up to you. I hope this helps - if not - delete! Best regards, Robin aka Llywelyn2000 (an deasbaireachd) 13:58, 24 dhen Mhàrt 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Robin, my dear friend, what a nice surprise! I really like the short list, I think it can be moved to the main-space, the longer one would be handy as a working list. Here are the translations:'List of Scottish people': Liosta dhaoine à Alba; 'List of Welsh people': Liosta dhaoine às a' Chuimrigh. Also : 'The list on a map': An liosta seo air mapa; 'See also': Faic cuideachd. Best regards --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 07:06, 25 dhen Mhàrt 2016 (UTC)[reply]
:-) Thanks Sionnach! I've now moved the short list to mainspace and will leave the other where it is. It contains all people born in Scotland, and may be useful to use to create new articles. Let me know if you would like similar lists! Thanks and take care! Llywelyn2000 (an deasbaireachd) 09:48, 19 dhen Ghiblean 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Prìomh dhuilleag

[deasaich an tùs]

Honoré de Balzac - Is dòcha "Artagail taghta" A' Chèitein airson Prìomh dhuilleag? --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 09:05, 17 dhen Mhàrt 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Can you delete some of these? Nemo bis (an deasbaireachd) 12:54, 19 dhen Mhàrt 2016 (UTC)[reply]

TemplateData / Citation Tool

[deasaich an tùs]

VisualEditor/Citation_tool :-) --Elya (an deasbaireachd) 15:40, 26 dhen Chèitean 2016 (UTC)[reply]

zur Korrektur MediaWiki:Visualeditor-cite-tool-definition.json

Teàrlach Mòr

[deasaich an tùs]

Chuir mi ris an aiste Teàrlach Mòr. An toir thu sùil air "T. M. agus Aachen" etc.? --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 10:53, 28 dhen Chèitean 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Glè mhath. Thug mi sùil air agus dh'atharraich mi rud no dhà. Chì thu sin ann an eachdraidh na duilleige. Ach bha a-uile rud glè thuigsinneach. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 19:57, 28 dhen Chèitean 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Removal of bureaucrat and administrator status from Derek Ross

[deasaich an tùs]

Hi, Sionnach. Just want to let you know that I have been informed on my talk page that my privileges will likely be removed some time in the next month because of my inactivity on gd. It saddens me a little but I can't complain as it is quite a sensible policy. So you will be the only bureaucrat on the wiki, I guess. I think it is good to have two though, so you may want to consider finding someone to take my place. I'd be quite happy to carry on as the sort of inactive backup that I've been for the last while but that would need gd community approval -- and of course it would be better for someone trustworthy among the active users to take my place. I hope that you can think of someone. If you want to discuss this further let me know. Best Wishes -- Derek Ross | deasbair

Toilichte gu bheil thu air dùsgadh, Derek! Agus bidh mise toilichte ma tha thu ag iarraidh cumail a’ dol. --Caoimhin (an deasbaireachd) 21:03, 10 dhen Iuchar 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Heh, heh. Even I wake up occasionally! -- Derek Ross | deasbair 13:54, 11 dhen Iuchar 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Derek, thanks a lot for the information. But as far as I know it just needs one edit in two years, and by writing this information to me, you will keep your privileges for another 2 years. Besides that, as you can see here we have a third bureaucrat by now. But is fine with me to have you as a sort of inactive backup, just in case anything awkward happens.

It is really nice to see how this little Uicipeid that you started is steadily growing. Le deagh dhùrachdan --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 21:18, 10 dhen Iuchar 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Great news! Akerbeltz was a good guy on English Wikipedia and I'm glad to see him as a bureaucrat here. Well, in that case I'm happy. They can take away my status or leave it be. As long as you continue your excellent work here, Uicipeid will be okay. In fact it will continue to grow! Thank you for your work over all these years! -- Derek Ross | deasbair 13:54, 11 dhen Iuchar 2016 (UTC)[reply]
'S e do bheatha :-) --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 21:44, 11 dhen Iuchar 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I am new here so I don't really know you, but having 3 people with all powers is better than 2 IMO. So, if you're happy to stay on, stay on :)
--GunChleoc (an deasbaireachd) 09:19, 11 dhen Lùnastal 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Lope de Vega

[deasaich an tùs]

Chan eil Lope de Vega a' coimhead Gàidhlig. Is dòcha Gaeilge? --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 06:38, 21 dhen Iuchar 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Tha sin ceart, 's e Gaeilge a bh' ann. Rinn mi eadar-theangachadh beag. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 15:41, 22 dhen Iuchar 2016 (UTC)[reply]

San latha an-diugh

[deasaich an tùs]

Tha rudeigin cearr air a' phrògram Uicipeid:San latha an-diugh/4 dhen Dùbhlachd agus Uicipeid:San latha an-diugh/5 dhen Dùbhlachd. Nochdaidh an aon rud air 5 an D. a sgrìobhas mi air 4 an D. --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 13:42, 23 dhen Lùnastal 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Feuch a-rithist e, bha mearachd ann agus bu chòir sin ag obrachadh a-nis; tha mi an dòchas co-dhiù:-) --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 20:59, 23 dhen Lùnastal 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Tapadh leat --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 13:44, 25 dhen Lùnastal 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Bu toigh leam “Both Cheit” a ghluasad gu “Bathgate”, nam biodh tu cho math. Tha mi air sgrìobhadh san duilleig deasbaireachd. --Caoimhin (an deasbaireachd) 16:45, 9 dhen t-Sultain 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Dèanta.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 20:53, 10 dhen t-Sultain 2016 (UTC)[reply]


[deasaich an tùs]

Hi Sionnach,
wie versprochen der Link zu 100wikidays (auf meta). Dort tragen sich die Teilnehmer ein und listen ihre Artikel (natürlich nicht zwingend. Zusätzlich gibt es die Gruppe 100wikidays auf facebook, wo man sich international mit andreen Teilnehmern austauschen kann. Falls du dich für eine Teilnahme entscheiden solltest: Viel Spaß. Gruß -- Achim Raschka (an deasbaireachd) 22:26, 7 dhen Dàmhair 2016 (UTC)[reply]


[deasaich an tùs]

8 files at Special:Whatlinkshere/Template:NowCommons 23:02, 29 dhen t-Samhain 2016 (UTC)[reply]

On the talk page of Holder you wrote "Would be great if you could do a review on them as well... categories need to be checked, etc.."
I can do little reviews, but for categories, I can mostly only give c:Category:Files moved to Commons from gd.wikipedia and "United Kingdom" or "Scotland". Maybe you are better for this task, as you know the language better and can better transform gd-names into en-names and then find the categories, or create them. Special:Whatlinkshere/Template:NowCommons shows 6 files. It would help if you can delete the local copies, because then users in Commons can see on which pages in gd.wikipedia a file is used. 14:43, 1 dhen Dùbhlachd 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, no time for that at the moment.
There are more than 100,000 files in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Move_to_Commons_Priority_Candidates to move to Commons or adding categories to https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Images_from_the_Geograph_British_Isles_project_needing_categories_as_of_14_March_2011 so that they can be found. They are in a language you speak, so maybe start there.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 13:19, 2 dhen Dùbhlachd 2016 (UTC)[reply]
When you clean up https://gd.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:UnusedFiles?uselang=en&limit=5000 then I will start working as you suggested. Among the small Wikipedias gd.wikipedia is one of the worst when it comes to the ratio unused files/total files. 18:16, 2 dhen Dùbhlachd 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Machine Translation

[deasaich an tùs]

A Shionnach, Nollaig chridheil! Tha cleachdaiche eile, פארוק, air duilleagan a chruthachadh le Google no machine translation eile. Dh'fhàg mi teachdaireachd ag iarradh orra stad air an uici seo agus air meta-wiki. Tha mi a' cur fios thugad air eagal 's gun cùm iad a' dol is nach fhaic mi iad. Agus 's fhiach na duilleagan a rinn iad a chur às, chanainn. Emain Macha (an deasbaireachd) 20:25, 27 dhen Dùbhlachd 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Tha mi ag aontachadh gu mór. Is fhearr iad a’ sguabadh às. Ged a rinn mi sgioblachadh air dà dhiubh, Taigh-tasgaidh Tìoran a' Bhìobaill agus Taigh-tasgaidh Iosrael, oir cha robh san teagsa ach treamsgal, b’fheudar dhomh obair mhór a dhèanamh agus chan eil mi am beachd sin a dhèanamh a-rithist. --Caoimhin (an deasbaireachd) 23:36, 27 dhen Dùbhlachd 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Mòran taing airson sùil gheur a chumail air droch eadar-theangachaidhean agus air na leasachaidhean a rinn sibh. Sguab mi às an fheadhainn na deach a sgioblachadh. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 23:17, 28 dhen Dùbhlachd 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Oklahoma City

[deasaich an tùs]

A Shionnach, tha rudeigin neònach a' dol le Oklahoma City, Oklahoma a-rithist is an dearbh seòladh IP a' cur a-steach agus a' toirt air falbh "2018" - chan eil fhios an e 'bot' a bhiodh ann? Co-dhiù, am b'fhiach e an duilleag a dhìon? Emain Macha (an deasbaireachd) 21:45, 5 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Dèanta, dhìon mi an duilleag airson chleachdaichean le cunntas a-mhàin. Chan e "bot" ach amadan a th' ann. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 06:18, 6 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]

A charaid,

Thathas a' beachdachadh air 'sandbox' a chur an gnìomh air an Uici. Chì thu an seo am fear a th' agam air Uici na Beurla.

Ma tha thu toilichte gun tèid 'sandbox' a chur an gnìomh, nach cuir thu d' ainm sìos air a' bhòt an seo.

Cuideachd, an dèan thu bhòt airson ainm Gàidhlig a chur air 'sandbox' as dèidh an deasbaid an seo.

Airson d' ainm a chur sìos, cuir rionnag (*) agus ceithir tilde (Emain Macha (an deasbaireachd) 15:12, 18 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)) a-steach agus chithear d' ainm agus stampa-tìde 'na àite an uairsin. Dùinidh am bhòtadh Dihaoine.[reply]

Mòran taing, Emain Macha (an deasbaireachd) 15:12, 18 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Gaelic Wikipedian

[deasaich an tùs]

Hi Sionnach I’m Gill, the Digital Access Manager at National Library of Scotland and I have overall responsible for the Gaelic Wikipedian post including securing its funding, recruitment, appointment and line-management. As you know from your correspondence with her, Susan is now in post, having started on Monday.

Susan has drawn my attention to your concerns regarding the advertisement of the role. In our recruitment drive for the position we used our usual channel of S1 Jobs and the Library’s website and also announced the role at the National Mod, via a bilingual press release and on social media. I also had discussion with our colleagues at Wikimedia UK and we agreed that a banner would be placed on Uicipeid to advertise the role. Now, on reflection, I realise that the banner on Uicipeid should have been marked as available to global users and that we should have considered advertising on Doras na Coimhearsnachd. I’d like to apologise for my oversight and my unintended insensitivity toward the Uicipeid community and assure you that I meant no disrespect. Susan is already advising and helping me, the Library and Wikimedia UK understand how we might better engage with Uicipeid editors and volunteers.

Apologies again for getting the project off on the wrong footing with the Uicipeid community, and thank you for speaking up on their behalf and bringing these issues to our attention.

Please feel free to contact me via my email address.

With best wishes from Edinburgh Gill PS Apologies too for not being able to write to you in Gaelic (or German), I am, regrettably mono-lingual.

Gill Hamilton Digital Access Manager National Library of Scotland George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EW Email: gill.hamilton AT nls.uk

Hi Gill, thanks a lot for your apologies, I appreciate that. To me it was just very important that everyone here gets a chance to get involved in that project; if they want to. Le deagh dhùrachdan ---Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 11:24, 20 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Bu toigh leam Uicipeid a cuideachadh

[deasaich an tùs]

A Shionnaich a charaid,

Bu toigh leam Uicipeid a cuideachadh. Tha mi air an artaigil seo a sgrìobadh, ach tha mi ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig. Air an adhbart sin, chan eil mi cinnteach gur e Gàidhlig mhath a tha ann. Ma tha dòigh eile ann gum b’ urrainn dhomh a bhith nas cuideachail (’s urrainn dhomh infoboxes agus iormaidh a dhèanamh, no bàrdachd a chur dhan Uicitobar) innis mi.

Le meas, Alázhlis (an deasbaireachd) 07:18, 21 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Alázhlis, glè mhath! Bheir mi sùil air feasgar, bidh barrachd ùine agam an uair sin. Anns an eadar-àm bhiodh e math an aiste a ghluasad (le copy is paste bho Uici Beurla) gu Cleachdaiche:Alázhlis/Nimíipuu, seòrsa sandbox agad fhèin an seo. Le deagh dhùrachdan --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 07:44, 21 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Tapadh leat! Ghluais mi an artaigil. Alázhlis (an deasbaireachd) 09:46, 21 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Thug mise sùil aithghearr air an artaigil agus tha mi aʼ smaoineachadh gu bheil e glé mhath. Ged a tha mearachdan ann, chan eil e ro dhoirbh aʼ Ghàidhlig a thuigsinn. Tha mi aʼ smaoineachadh gu bheil e math gu leòr airson a chur sa Uicipeid, agus bhithinn-se (agus daoine eile, tha mi an dùil) deònach sgioblachadh a dhèanamh air. --Caoimhin (an deasbaireachd) 18:21, 21 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Thug mi sùil air agus cheartaich mi cuid de na mearachdan beaga. Tha mi an dòchas gun robh sin ceart gu leòr dhut. Cha eil mi cinnteach mu "air an talamh torramh". A bheil thu airson a ràdh "air an talamh torrach (fertile)"? Agus bhiodh e math tùs no dhà a chur ris an aiste, no is dòcha dealbh.
Ach uile gu lèir tha mi dhen bheachd gu bheil e math gu leòr airson cur ann an Uicipeid. Le sin bidh cothrom aig Caoimhin agus daoine eile sgioblachadh a dhèanamh cuideachd. Bha mi a' tuigsinn na sgrìobh thu, agus tha mi dhen bheachd gu bheil a' Ghàidhlig agad math gu leòr airson sgrìobhadh ann an Uicipeid. A bheil ùidh agad air cuspairean sònraichte? Neo tha daonnan obair ann leis na infoboxes, ma tha thu ag iarraidh sin a dhèanamh. Sgrìobhaidh mi barrachd a dh'aithghearr. Ma bhios ceist sam bith agad, leig fios dhomh.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 19:43, 21 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Alázhlis, chunnaic mi gun do rinn thu obair mhath air an aiste Gath ann an Uici Beurla. Bhiodh e cuideachail na h-iomraidhean a chur ri Gath (iris) cuideachd agus is dòcha an aiste seo a leasachadh rud beag. Mura bheil thu cinnteach mun teacsa, feuch e ann an Cleachdaiche:Alázhlis/dreuchd an toiseach, agus, ma bhios tu deiseil, faighnich do Caoimhin no mi fhìn airson sgioblachadh.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 06:30, 22 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Tapadh leibh airson nan ceartachaidhean. Bu toigh leam aon chuspair a shoilleireachadh: tha poileasaidh agaibh ainmean pearsanta nan cànanan eile a shèimheachadh. Am bu choir dhomh iad a chaolachadh cuideachd?
Tha thu ceart, bha mi a' ciallachadh "torrach." B' e mearachd litreachaidh a bh' ann.
Tha ùidh agam a bhith feumail; 's urrainn dhomh eadar-theangachadh "Gath (magazine)" a dhèanamh. A barrachd air sin, bha mi a' dol a sgrìobadh mu dhèidhinn "Highland Potato Famine" agus An Gort Mòr ann an Èirinn; chan eil artaigil sa Ghàidhlig ann orra an-dràsta. (B' e "An Gort Mòr" a bhiodh anns an ainm ann an Alba cuideachd? Cha chreid mi nach eil foghnaidh aon artaigil airson nan dhà dhuilleagan.) Alázhlis (an deasbaireachd) 16:29, 22 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Potatoe famine - “Gaiseadh a' bhuntàta” is dòcha? - http://www.tobarandualchais.co.uk/gd/fullrecord/61066/4 - http://www.tobarandualchais.co.uk/en/fullrecord/61066/4 --Caoimhin (an deasbaireachd) 20:14, 22 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Tapadh leibh a Chaoimhin. Cha chreid mi nach do lorg mi "An Gort Mòr" san Faclair Beag, ach chan urrainn dhomh lorg a-rithist. Saoilidh mi rud coltach ri "Gaiseadh a' bhuntàta ann an Èirinn agus sa Ghàidhealtachd" ach tha sin glè fhada! Alázhlis (an deasbaireachd) 21:36, 22 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]
A' Ghort Mhór (Éirinn, 1845-1849) anns an Fhaclair Bhig.
Bidh e math mas urrainn dhut eadar-theangachadh "Gath (magazine)" a dhèanamh.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 22:22, 22 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Ùps! Am bu choir dhomh Nimíipuu a ghluas dhan "mainspace"? Alázhlis (an deasbaireachd) 23:19, 22 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Bu choir, gu dearbh! Mòran taing airson na h-aiste ùidheachaile mu na Nimíipuu.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 05:32, 23 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Halò a Shionnaich, tha mi air eadar-theangachaidh an artaigil, ach chan eil fhios a'm ciamar a "merge" e ris an artaigil sa "mainspace". An cuidich thu? Alázhlis (an deasbaireachd) 22:31, 25 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Alázhlis, rinn mi sin. Air sgàth 's gun robh artaigil ann roimhe sin, chan urrainn ach rianadairean a ghluasad, gus nach bi eachdraidh na duilleige air a mhilleadh. Tha an artaigil a' coimhead fada nas fheàrr a-nis! A Chaoimhin, saoil, ma bhios mionad agad, an toir thu sùil air Gath (iris)? --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 06:47, 26 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]
PS:@Alázhlis, tha Teamplaid:Oilthigh nas fheàrr na an seann bogsa-fiosrachaidh Teamplaid:Bogsa-fiosrachaidh Oilthigh(chan e teamplaid ceart a th' ann). --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 06:58, 26 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Tapadh leat. Nì mi obair air an fhear eile, ma-thà! Alázhlis (an deasbaireachd) 08:26, 26 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)[reply]

A' Bhaidhearn

[deasaich an tùs]

A dh'innse na firinn cha tug mi for dhan teachdaireachd a dh'fhag an duine sin air mo dhuilleig mu copy agus paste - nach math gun robh thu a' cumail caithris air m' eachdraidh air a' wiki eile. Taing.--Sologoal (an deasbaireachd) 12:59, 1 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Sologoal Tha mi duilich gun do chuir mi an ceangal bho uicidh eil air an duilleig deasbaireachd agad. Agus chuir mi air falbh e. Co-dhiù 's e pròiseact fosgailte a th' ann an Uicipeid agus bha mi den bheachd gun do thuig thu na bha an teachdaireachd ud a' ciallachadh.
Ach an rud as cudromaiche a bheil fios agad ciamar a ghluaiseas tu aiste anns an dòigh ceart, leis an tapa "Gluais" a gheibh thu fon tapa "barrachd"? Duilich, ach tha sin riatanach a rèir ceadachas Wikipedia. No a bheil thu ag iarraidh barrachd fiosrachadh? --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 14:55, 1 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Tha e agam a-nis taing --Sologoal (an deasbaireachd) 15:05, 1 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Sgoinneil! --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 20:56, 2 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)[reply]

An toir thu sùil air Baile a' Chaisteil, Gallaibh? Chuir mi teamplaid agus seantansan ris --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 18:55, 1 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Tha sin a' coimhead ceart gu leòr, mòran taing. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 21:00, 2 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Cas Chaolais

[deasaich an tùs]

Chuir mi teacsa ri Cas Chaolais. Am beireadh tu sùil ai? --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 12:32, 5 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)[reply]


[deasaich an tùs]

Thòisich mi air liosta bhriathrachais a dhèanamh san raon-cluiche agam. Mus tèid mi air adhart - dè do bheachd air an cruth? A bheil clàr mar seo feumail (leis na dealbhan) no ro thoinnte? --Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 11:08, 8 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)[reply]

A Susan chòir, sin thu fhèin! Is toil leam an cruth seo. Tha briathrachas Uicipeid caran toinnte do dhaoine ùra co-dhiù, nam bheachd-sa tha na dealbhan glè fheumail gus sealltainn far an lorg iad me. an raon-cluiche.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 22:41, 8 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Glè mhath, cumaidh mi a' dol ma-tha. Nuair a tha e deiseil, càite an cuirear e? Cobhair:Briathrachas? Agus ceanglaichean bho dhuilleagan eile gu dearbh. --Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 09:08, 9 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)[reply]
A Susan chòir, saoilidh mi gum bi Cobhair:Briathrachas glè mhath. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 09:02, 10 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)[reply]
PS.: Chan eil mi cinnteach a bheil fios agad gum b' urrainn dhut a bhith ag obair air barrachd na aon raon-cluiche aig an dearbh àm? Dìreach cleachd rudeigin mar Cleachdaiche:Susan.nls/raon-cluiche eile.
Math fhéin a Shiùsaidh! Rinn mi ceartachaidhean beaga air an stuth san raon-cluiche agad. Tha mi an dòchas gun robh sin ceart gu leòr. Atharraich air ais iad ma tha thu a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil mise ceàrr. --Caoimhin (an deasbaireachd) 23:26, 17 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Taing mhòr!

[deasaich an tùs]

Haidh a Shionnaich. Taing mhòr airson fàilte a chur orm agus airson an duilleag a chruthaich mi mu Eilean na Deasgabhalach a leasachadh! Tha mi fada nad chomain. Ceist bheag - ciamar a chuireas mi clàr a-steach le fiosrachadh mun dùthaich mar a chithear air an làimh dheas air: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascension_Island. Taing!

Haidh Am broc, cha mhise Sionnach ach faodaidh tu Teamplaid:Eilean a lorg. Tha teamplaidean airson bhailtean agus dhaoine ainmeil cuideachd; tha a h-uile fear ann an Roinn-seòrsa:Teamplaid. Agus b' urrainn dhut signature a chur ris na posts agad le ceithir tildes. Catrìona (an deasbaireachd) 22:13, 15 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Alasdair mac Colla

[deasaich an tùs]

Sgrìobh mi aiste mu a dheidhinn an seo. Am faod thu sùil a thoirt air? Mòran taing! Agus, a bheil templaid ann airson aistean air a bheil mòran mearachdan gràmair a chomarrachadh? Catrìona (an deasbaireachd) 22:17, 15 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Chan eil ach mionad agam, ach chì thu freagairt goirid an seo: Deasbaireachd a' chleachdaiche:Catrìona/Alasdair mac Colla
Carson a tha thu ag iarraidh teamplaid airson aistean le mòran mhearachdan gràmair?--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 06:13, 16 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Shaoil mi gun tig mòran daoine a dh'Uicipeid airson Gàidhlig ionnsachadh, agus ann am Prìomh Dhuilleag chìthear: "Is urrainn do na h-aistidhean seo cuideachadh a thoirt do dhaoine gus a' Ghàidhlig ionnsachadh." 'S dòcha gum biodh feumail dhaibh gun do leig sinn fios dhaibh mur eil duilleag cheart a thaobh gràmair. Chan eil seothach airson aistean ùra. Cheartaichinn-sa iad, ach cha chreid mi gu bheil Gàidhlig gu leòr agam an-dràsta airson sineach. Nì mise sin mur eil objections agad.
Bha mi 'smaointean cuideachd 's dòcha bhiodh feumail dhutsa gun nì mi liosta eile de bailtean an an Alba gu bheil nam bunan? A bheil sgìre sònraichte airson sin? Catrìona (an deasbaireachd) 20:25, 16 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)[reply]
A thaobh teamplaidean airson mearachdan gràmair:
Tha teamplaid „sgioblaich“ againn fad 13 blliadhna, chaidh a chleachdadh airson droch aistean/droch Ghàidhlig, ged-tà cha do rinn daoine sam bith sgioblachadh air na h-aistean seo fad 13 bliadhna! Ma chleachdas sinn an teamplaid agad, feumar sin a chur air ¾ de na duilleagan a th' againn. Ach cho fad‘ s nach eil duine gu leòr ann le deagh Gàidhlig a tha deònach ceartachadh a dhèanamh, 's e dìreach droch sanasachd a th‘ ann airson Uicipeid. Mar sin tha mi an aghaidh teamplaidean mar seo.
Ann am Prìomh Dhuilleag chìthear: "Is urrainn do na h-aistidhean seo cuideachadh a thoirt do dhaoine gus a' Ghàidhlig ionnsachadh." 'S e deagh phuing a th' agad!
Chunnaic mi gun do thòisich thu le liosta eile de bailtean an an Alba. Is math sin! Le a bhith a' beachdachadh air a' phuing agad, dè mu dheidhinn sin: Ma chuireas tu colbh eile ris "gràmar/litreachadh?", is dòcha gum faighear leasachadh cuideachd aig an aon àm a thaobh na Gàidhlig. Tha fios agam, nach eil ach toiseach tòiseachaidh a th' ann, ach is dòcha gum bi cuid de na h-aistean nas fheàrr an uair sin. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 06:45, 18 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Cleachdaiche Àrd-Ruadh

[deasaich an tùs]

Tha mi duilich airson do bhodraigeadh, ach sgrìobh an cleachdaiche seo an aiste Tsunami air a bheil droch Ghàidhlig. Rinn e/i beagan "ceartachaidh" nach robh ceart idir (edit: anns an aiste seo: Beinn-theine). Revert mi fhìn an "ceartachadh" agus dh'fhàg mi teachdaireachd dha/dhi ach chan eil mi cinnteach dè am bu chòir dhomh fhìn a dhèanamh air sàilleibh 's nach eil mi nam administrator. Le beannachdan, Catrìona (an deasbaireachd) 22:49, 12 dhen Ghiblean 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Rinn mi luaidh eile dha/dhi sa Bheurla ach tha uallach orm nach eil sineach iomchaidh is chan eil mi nam rianaiche. Catrìona (an deasbaireachd) 12:43, 17 dhen Ghiblean 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Gregor Mendel

[deasaich an tùs]

An toir sibh sùil air Mendel, Gregor? Chuir mi beagan ris an aiste agus is dòcha gu cuir mi barrachd ris. 'S e cuspair inntinneach a th' ann. Nach biodh e nas fhearr an aiste a ghluasad gu Gregor Mendel? --Comhachag-bheag (an deasbaireachd) 15:57, 19 dhen Chèitean 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Charlotte's Web

[deasaich an tùs]

Could you translate what I wrote at Deasbaireachd:Charlotte's Web (film 1973)? Also, there needs to be an article about the book. Kkjj (an deasbaireachd) 09:07, 16 dhen Ògmhios 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry, I have no time to do that, there are more important things I want to do first. Greetings --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 05:27, 17 dhen Ògmhios 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Missing you!

[deasaich an tùs]

We missed you at the Celtic Knot at Edinburgh! And I see that you have been away from gd for some time ;-( i hope you're well and in good spirit. Thinking of you... Llywelyn2000 (an deasbaireachd) 11:48, 2 dhen t-Samhain 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Your advanced permissions on gd.wikipedia

[deasaich an tùs]

Hello. A policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc.) was adopted by community consensus in 2013. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing activity on wikis with no inactivity policy.

You meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for 2 years) on this wiki. Since this wiki, to the best of our knowledge, does not have its own rights review process, the global one applies.

If you want to keep your advanced permissions, you should inform the community of the wiki about the fact that the stewards have sent you this information about your inactivity. A community notice about this process has been also posted on the local Village Pump of this wiki. If the community has a discussion about it and then wants you to keep your rights, please contact the stewards at the m:Stewards' noticeboard, and link to the discussion of the local community, where they express their wish to continue to maintain the rights.

If you wish to resign your rights, please request removal of your rights on Meta.

If there is no response at all after one month, stewards will proceed to remove your administrator and/or bureaucrat rights. In ambiguous cases, stewards will evaluate the responses and will refer a decision back to the local community for their comment and review. If you have any questions, please contact the stewards.

Yours faithfully.--علاء (an deasbaireachd) 19:57, 7 dhen Fhaoilleach 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for noticing. Allthough I have been very busy in RL, I'd be quite happy to carry on as a sort of backup that I've been for the last while. But if that would need gd community approval – there is hardly any community around here. So far I didn’t notice anyone being against keeping my privileges, ( see for example this discussion here), but if you have to remove them, then it will be so.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 07:42, 6 dhen Ghearran 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Today I removed your permissions. Thanks for your work, Einsbor (an deasbaireachd) 10:26, 12 dhen Ghearran 2020 (UTC)[reply]