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Poblachd Dheamocratach na Congo

O Uicipeid
Poblachd Dheamocrach na Congo
stàit neo-eisimeileach, dùthaich
Pàirt deMeadhan Afraga Deasaich
Cur air cois30 dhen Ògmhios 1960 Deasaich
Ainm oifigeilRépublique démocratique du Congo Deasaich
Ainm dùthchasachRépublique démocratique du Congo Deasaich
Tar-sgrìobhadh IPAdən dɛmu'kɾɑːtɪskə rɛpʉ'blɪkən 'kɔŋgu Deasaich
CinnidheachdMongo, Luba people, Kongo people, Mangbetu people, Zande people Deasaich
Participant inKivu conflict Deasaich
Ainmichte às dèidhCongo Deasaich
Cànan oifigeilFraingis Deasaich
Cultureculture of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Deasaich
MottoJustice – Paix – Travail, Justice – Peace – Work, Справедливост - мир - труд, Cyfiawnder - Heddwch - Gwaith Deasaich
Mòr-roinnAfraga Deasaich
DùthaichPoblachd Dheamocrach na Congo Deasaich
Prìomh-bhaileKinshasa Deasaich
Roinn-tìdeUTC+01:00, UTC+02:00 Deasaich
Faisg air an uisgeCuan Siar Deasaich
Domhan-leud is -fhad2°52′48″S 23°39′22″E Deasaich
Coordinates of easternmost point2°7′37″N 31°18′47″E Deasaich
Coordinates of northernmost point5°24′0″N 25°31′48″E Deasaich
Coordinates of southernmost point13°27′32″S 29°43′34″E Deasaich
Coordinates of westernmost point5°46′44″S 12°12′25″E Deasaich
Puing as àirdeMount Stanley Deasaich
Lowest pointCuan Siar Deasaich
Basic form of governmentPoblachd Deasaich
Oifis aig ceann-stàitePresident of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Deasaich
Ceannard na stàiteFélix Tshisekedi Deasaich
Oifis aig ceann an riaghaltaisPrime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Deasaich
Ceannard an riaghaltaisIlunga Ilunkamba Sylvestre Deasaich
Executive bodyGovernment of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Deasaich
Legislative bodyParliament of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Deasaich
Central bankCentral Bank of Congo Deasaich
CurrencyCongolese franc Deasaich
Driving sideright Deasaich
Electrical plug typeEuroplug, AC power plugs and sockets: British and related types, Type E Deasaich
Na bh’ann roimheZaire Deasaich
Cuspair eòlaisCongolese studies (Democratic Republic of Congo) Deasaich
HashtagDemocraticRepublicoftheCongo Deasaich
Top-level Internet domain.cd Deasaich
Bratachflag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Deasaich
Gearradh-armArms of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Deasaich
Official symbolOkapia johnstoni Deasaich
Geography of topicgeography of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Deasaich
Feartnot-free country Deasaich
History of topichistory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Deasaich
Economy of topiceconomy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Deasaich
Demographics of topicdemographics of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Deasaich
Mobile country code630 Deasaich
Country calling code+243 Deasaich
Emergency phone number113, 114, 118 Deasaich
Licence plate codeCGO Deasaich
Maritime identification digits676 Deasaich
Caractar Unicode🇨🇩 Deasaich
Category for mapsCategory:Maps of the Democratic Republic of the Congo Deasaich

'S e dùthaich ann an Afraga a tha ann an Poblachd Dheamocrach na Congo[1]; Poblachd Dheamocrach a' Chongo[2]neo Poblachd Dheamocratach a' Chongo[3] (Democratic Republic of the Congo neo DRC sa Bheurla). B' e Zaire an t-ainm a bha roimhe oirre. Tha crìochan aice le Poblachd Meadhan Afraga agus le Sudan-a-Deas anns an taobh tuath, le Uganda, Rubhanda, Burundaidh, Saimbia, Angòla san taobh a deas agus le Poblachd na Congo san taobh an iar. Tha an Lake Tanganyika anns an ear dhith. 'S e a' phoblachd seo an treasamh dùthaich as motha ann an Afraga a thaobh farsaingeachd. Tha an t-ainm Congo a’ ciallachadh sealgair. Thàinig e bho threubhan Bakongo, muinntir bho thùs a tha a’ fuireach faisg air Abhainn Congo.

Daoine ainmeil

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  1. Faclair Akerbeltz
  2. Map-balla an t-Saoghail, Stòrlann Nàiseanta (2003), ISBN 0007692714
  3. Atlas Sgoile Oxford le Stòrlann Nàiseanta, Oxford University Press (2010)
Cairt: Poblachd Dheamocrach na Congo
Sealladh-tìre Bas-Congo
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