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Rainse tìmeil:
121–0 Ma
Aptian chun an latha an-diugh
Red-crested turacoSteller's sea eagleRock doveSouthern cassowaryGentoo penguinBar-throated minlashoebillgrey crowned craneAnna's hummingbirdrainbow lorikeetgrey heronEurasian eagle-owlwhite-tailed tropicbirdIndian peafowlAtlantic puffinAmerican flamingoblue-footed boobykeel-billed toucan
Seòrsachadh saidheansail e
Rìoghachd: Animalia
Fine: Chordata
Clade: Sauropsida
Clade: Avemetatarsalia
Clade: Ornithurae
Clas: Aves
(Linnaeus, 1758[1])
Bun-clas, Mòr-òrdugh ⁊ Òrdugh
  • Neornithes Gadow, 1883



Chan eil freumh-fhaclachd aig an duilleag seo. An urrainn dhuibh i cur ris?

This page has no etymology. Can you add it?


AEF: /ian/[2]
Feumaidh an inntrigeadh seo co-dhiù aon fhaidhle-fuaime. Ma tha microfòn agad, clàraich fear agus luchdaich suas e.

This entry needs at least one audio file. If you have a microphone, please record one and upload it.
(For audio required quickly, please visit commons:Commons:Pronunciation_files_requests.)


eun fireann (ginideach iolra: eòin)

  1. Druim-altachan air a chomharrachadh le seilbh blàth fhuil, breith uighean, itean, sgiathan, gob, agus (mar as trice) le bhith comasach air itealaich: clas Aves.

Ceanglaichean-lìn leth a-mach

Uicleir Beurla: eun
Uicipeid Gàidhlig: eun


Iomraidhean - References

  • Lee, Michael SY; Cau, Andrea; Naish, Darren; Dyke, Gareth J. (May 2014). "Morphological Clocks in Paleontology, and a Mid-Cretaceous Origin of Crown Aves" (PDF). Systematic Biology. Oxford Journals. 63 (1): 442–449. DOI:10.1093/sysbio/syt110. PMID 24449041.
  1. Brands, Sheila (14 August 2008). "Systema Naturae 2000 / Classification, Class Aves". Project: The Taxonomicon. Retrieved 11 June 2012.
  2. Am Faclair Beag Bauer, Mìcheal. Faclair Gàidhlig is Beurla le Dwelly 'na bhroinn. An English - Scottish Gaelic dictionary incorporating Dwelly.. Dàta air inntrigeadh air 17mh Am Faoilleach 2020.