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Php Formula Calculate Class is a library for parsing and evaluating mathematical formulas given as strings.
- Operators: +, -, *, /, ^
- Variables: Any letter or word.
- Numbers with decimal point '.'
- Functions: all php math finctions,such as sin,sqrt...
- Unlimited nested parentheses
Requires PHP 5.4 or higher.
To install with Composer:
composer require BaroQi/Php-Formula-Calculate-Class
use Bulo\Library\Std\MathUtil;
$expression = 'x+(sqrt(5)-1)/2';
$varibles = (['x' => 1]);
try {
$ret = MathUtil::parseExpression($expression,$varibles);
echo $ret; //2.6180339
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage(), "\n";
It is very simple! Please to read the comment.
Fixed the bug: Only could running in php5. Now it could running in php7. Enhance support for php7.2 .
Fixed the bug: Return false when division by zero. Now throw a new Exception.