π· πΊ README in russian available here
Feature | Supported |
Multithreading | β |
Proxy binding to session | β |
Support for pyrogram .session | β |
Auto-farming | β |
Auto-tasks (except KYC) | β |
Auto-boost | β |
Auto-daily | β |
Settings | Description |
API_ID / API_HASH | Platform data from which to run the Telegram session (by default - android) |
SLEEP_TIME | Sleep time between cycles (by default - [300, 500]) |
FUEL_TANK_BOOST | Buying Fuel tank boost (by default - True) |
RELOAD_TANK_BOOST | Buying Reload tank boost (by default - True) |
TURBO_CHARGER_BOOST | Buying Turbo charger boost (by default - True) |
AUTO_TASK | Auto tasks (except KYC task) (default - True) |
REF_ID | Referral link |
RANDOM_PREDICTION | Using random for prediction (default - True) |
MAX_COMBO_COUNT | Max combo count (default - 28) |
USE_PROXY_FROM_FILE | Whether to use a proxy from the bot/config/proxies.txt file (True / False) |
To fast install libraries and run bot - open run.bat on Windows or run.sh on Linux
Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:
- Python version 3.10
- Go to my.telegram.org and log in using your phone number.
- Select "API development tools" and fill out the form to register a new application.
- Record the API_ID and API_HASH provided after registering your application in the .env file.
You can download the repository by cloning it to your system and installing the necessary dependencies:
git https://github.com/Desamod/OkxRacerBot
cd OkxRacerBot
Then you can do automatic installation by typing:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cp .env-example .env
nano .env # Here you must specify your API_ID and API_HASH, the rest is taken by default
python3 main.py
You can also use arguments for quick start, for example:
~/OkxRacerBot >>> python3 main.py --action (1/2)
# Or
~/OkxRacerBot >>> python3 main.py -a (1/2)
# 1 - Run clicker
# 2 - Creates a session
python -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt
copy .env-example .env
# Here you must specify your API_ID and API_HASH, the rest is taken by default
python main.py
You can also use arguments for quick start, for example:
~/OkxRacerBot >>> python main.py --action (1/2)
# Or
~/OkxRacerBot >>> python main.py -a (1/2)
# 1 - Run clicker
# 2 - Creates a session
For support or questions, you can contact me