Automatic backup helper for 'borg backup'. Support lvm cron snapshot & multiple soure. Can send notice email as your wish. Writte by emeric (
一个BorgBackup的自动备份辅助脚本,支持虚拟卷(LVM)、快照(Snapshot)、多源配置、定时运行,可以向指定邮箱发送备份完成情况。如果需要一个包含集中式备份服务器的完整解决方案,可以阅读这篇文章:基于Borg的Linux 整机备份的单点集群解决方案
git clone #Clone source to some where
cd borg-em
chmod 700 borg-em.install && ./borg-em.install #Install service and timer
vim borg-em.conf #Edit the conf file before do anything.
vim borg-em.timer #(optional) edit timer, reinstall atfer edit.
borg-em #(optional) Run backup manully first
borg-em list #(optional) show list of achive & check repo
systemctl stop|start borg-em.timer #stop or start timer
./borg-em.install #reinstall service and timer, update timer conf
./borg-em.install uninstall #undo install
borg-em #run backup manully
borg-em list #show list of achive
vim borg-em.conf #edit config anytime
vim borg-em.timer #config timer
Service name: borg-em.service
Timer name: borg-em.timer
conf file: /etc/borg-em.conf