Simple role to provision Kibana >= 4.5.x
Ansible >= 1.9
- vars:
kibana_version: "4.5" # kibana version to install
# debian / ubuntu apt variables
apt_key_url: # url for the apt repo key
apt_repo: "deb{{ kibana_version }}/debian stable main" # apt repo to install kibana from
node_options: "--max-old-space-size=250" # NodeJS options, by default limiting the memory node will consume
# kibana config
kibana_port: 5601 # The port kibana listens to
kibana_host: "" # The host to bind the server to.
elasticsearch_url: "http://localhost:9200" # Elasticsearch host that will be used by Kibana
kibana_index: ".kibana" # Elasticsearch index where kibana will store its config
- hosts: servers
- FriendsOfAnsible.kibana