three.ez is a TypeScript library designed to streamline and enhance the development of three.js
It provides a comprehensive suite of user-friendly tools and high-performance features, making it accessible even to beginners.
With three.ez, you'll discover an efficient and robust toolkit for your 3D projects.
This library has only one dependency: three.js r151+
Feature | Description |
Automatic Resize Handling | Automatically resizes the Renderer , Camera , and EffectComposer . |
Using the rendererResize event, you can easily set the resolution for custom shaders. |
Smart Rendering | Optimize performance by rendering frames only when necessary, reducing computational overhead. |
Simplified Multiple Rendering | Effortlessly manage rendering for multiple scenes or viewports within a single canvas. |
Object3D Property Binding | Streamline the management of Object3D properties. |
Event Programming | Add interactions to Object3D through programmable events, similar to DOM events . |
You can bind events for changes in position, scale, rotation, visibility, and enabled state. | |
Focus and Blur | Enhance interactivity with focus and blur events. |
Drag and Drop | Seamlessly integrate drag-and-drop functionality. |
Hitbox Functionality | Leverage hitboxes for customized intersections or simplified calculations. |
Raycasting Options | Choose between continuous or mouse movement-based raycasting, optimizing intersection operations. |
Tweening | Create smooth animations effortlessly with built-in tweening. |
Simplified InstancedMesh | Manage InstancedMesh instances with the ease of working with Object3D , simplifying creation and manipulation. |
You can install three.ez via npm using the following command:
npm install @three.ez/main
import { Scene, Mesh, BoxGeometry, MeshNormalMaterial } from 'three';
import { Main, PerspectiveCameraAuto } from '@three.ez/main';
const box = new Mesh(new BoxGeometry(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), new MeshNormalMaterial());
box.draggable = true;
box.on('animate', (e) => box.rotateX( * 2));
box.on(['pointerover', 'pointerout'], function (e) {
this.tween('id').to(500, { scale: e.type === 'pointerover' ? 1.5 : 1 }, { easing: 'easeOutElastic' }).start();
const scene = new Scene().add(box);
const main = new Main();
main.createView({ scene, camera: new PerspectiveCameraAuto(70).translateZ(1) });
These examples use vite
, and some mobile devices may run out of memory. However, there is one example without it.
- Template — Template Small — Template No Vite
- Smart Rendering
- Multiple Views — Multiple Views Wireframe
- Binding — Binding Collisions
- Events — Click On Scene To Add Box
- Focus — Focus Outline (post-processing)
- Drag & Drop — LOD Draggable — Drag Limits
- Continuous Raycasting
- Hitbox
- Tweening — Tweening Custom Progress
- InstancedMeshEntity — InstancedMeshEntity Performance
- Draggable Box OrbitControls
- Textbox (troika-three-text)
- Bubble Refraction
The tutorial is available here (work in progress).
The API documentation is available here.
Any help is highly appreciated. If you would like to contribute to this package or report problems, feel free to open a bug or pull request.
If you have questions or need assistance, you can create a discussion in the appropriate section.