Personally I would not recomend just copying others Dotfiles. Read them and pick stuff you want. My workflow with this repo is using ''stow'' to "install" the packages I want on my new system.
In this repo I do have full blown "working enviroments" for sway and hyprland wich come with everything needed to get starting working. Besides of that I have the configurations for different tools I use like alacritty, nvim, sc-im or taskwarrior. Those wont be in the workenviroment but a package them self.
stow -d {workenviroment or package} {package name} -T $HOME/
If you want to install my nvim config you would cd into the folder of this repo (You can clone it where ever you want) and execute the following:
stow -d packages neovim -t $HOME
- Script to select wanted packages or enviroments