Download the Current Version (2.3.1)
Windows Users
This is a Python application using the PySide6 GUI API, but you do not need to have either Python nor PySide6 installed on your machine to run this program. The Windows distribution of this program is as a single stand-alone executable file, AcademicScheduler.exe. The software has been tested on both Windows 10 and 11.
- Download the AcademicScheduler.exe file.
- From Windows Explorer double-click the AcademicScheduler.exe file.
Linux and MacOS Users
This is a Python application using the PySide6 GUI API. To run this program from the source code you will need both Python3 and the python package PySide6 installed on your system.
To run this program from the source code:
- Download and extract the file.
- Make sure that Python3 and the python package PySide6 are installed on your system.
- Run the following command from your terminal:
or possiblypython3
- For Linux and MacOS users, depending on how your system is set up, you may be able to simply double-click the file from your file browser instead of running this from the terminal.
- A png file of a program icon ProgramIcon.png is included if you wish to use it for a shortcut to the program.
- The ExampleSchedule.ash file is an example schedule that will help you get started with the program.
Program Description
The Academic Scheduler is an application that allows the user to create, save, and export a semester schedule for an academic department. It uses multiple subwindow viewers of information of the schedule and a drag-and-drop interface to make course scheduling quicker and easier. There is certainly no possible way that this or any other program will be able to encompass all the intricacies in scheduling for every department at every university, but it is hoped that it will be sufficient and ease a significantly difficult task for the departmental leadership.